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Master Guide Kirael: The Nine Levels of Channeling, Part 2

Opening to ChannelingOpening to ChannelingThe Nine Levels of Channeling

Part 2: Love, Mastery and Transition

Master Guide Kirael through the loving mediumship of Kahu Fred Sterling

KIRAEL: Good evening. Today we will talk about mediumship and the world of energies who reside outside your plane of consciousness. I’m not talking about dimensions; just something outside of what you suggest is your world. In your world, the people around you are the illusion of the soul. They are what you have created. Most of what you create is about your personal journey. In today’s endeavor, you will meet energies that are beyond your world of illusion.

Mediumship is a process in which you have no input, because all the input comes from the guide. In order to connect with your guide, you must start with your breath. Breathing is a superb way to honor your physical presence and to let your guidance come through to you.

Start by breathing deeply, pulling the breath in through your crown chakra. That breath is your spirit light entering you, traveling down through your crown, your pineal, and into your thymus. Your spirit light will ultimately come into your heart, which one day will be your base chakra.

On the exhale, let the breath form around you. Inhale again, but take your time and sense this light coming into you. Feel it coming into your presence, into your crown, down your throat, and into your chest, and then feel it go out until you build a bubble of light around you. After about four or five breaths, the bubble of light will be about a foot from your body. This ball of protective light is your spirit-self connected through your body and your heart light.

You should be able to feel where your body enters into this new light and where that light ends. When you can see this ball of energy or light surrounding you, you will know that you’re ready to channel. The reason you do this breathing exercise, my friends, is to let your physical body, which will be safely encased in this light, know that it is not needed in this channeling process.

For this exercise today I ask you not to go into channel mode. I want you to concentrate on learning the process. Today we will move into three new levels of channeling—five, six and seven. Five, six and seven are just numbers until you relate them to the Lemurian numerology. You know that number 5 is love. If you understand love, you’ll understand this whole journey. You have to take this energy of love and enter it into your beingness so that any energy coming through you will come through that love energy. That is how you will deal with the energy you channel.

Love is truth. If you understand this level of love, every other level will make sense to you. Everything that I taught you in the first part of this series and everything I teach you thereafter is based on this level of love. When your guides speak through you in love, you’ll know that what you’re doing is in the highest light. In that space of love, you will bring forth information that is of the highest vibration. If you’re angry or you feel anger, you will not bring in your guide. Instead, you will bring in your ego, and, believe me, your ego will try to hold that space whenever it can. Your ego is inside of you, enjoying everything you do.

So, when you channel and say things like, “You damn people,” you will know that’s not the channeled energy. That’s the ego. The ego will always feel like anger or disharmony, something that you can’t control. Here’s the rub: It will feel good to you, because it’s your ego and it’s very convincing. Hence, recognizing the ego is perhaps the most important part of this channeling process.

Only after you’ve learned how to come from love can you enter level six, the mastery level, the most important part of the journey. The masters will not come through you unless you are in the energy of love, unless everything about you is love. The success of your channeling is about your journey into love. Once you’ve mastered love, you can talk to any one of the masters, Jesus, Buddha, Quan Yin, any of them.

At the same hour each night, I want you to practice by calling in Master Jesus. You say, “Well, wait a minute. There are hundreds of us out here. How can we all get Master Jesus at the same time? You can do it because Jesus is a master. He can come into everyone who is able to speak for him. Maybe you’ll want to bring Master Buddha into this journey. Bring in any master you desire.

These master guides are profound. They know everything. They know what you can do and what you need to learn. Open yourselves to channel. Do the prana breathing I spoke of earlier and understand love, and the masters will come through you. Be ready to expand your light. Your vocabulary may change. You may use words you don’t normally use.

If you want to get to still another level of consciousness, if you want to get to the level of understanding the journey, you will have to go beyond the mastery level to the seventh, or transition, level. When you’re ready to go past the mastery level into the transition level, you’ll know it. When you get into this transition level, you’ll have the right to become a medium. Mediumship is not better or worse than channeling. It is simply a new level of commitment. You will be astounded by the number of guides who are available to you at this level.

The transition level is also the gateway to all other mastery. You use time to measure your growth. So, after being in the transition level awhile, you will have a sense that someone is waiting for you there. You will go outside what I consider the outer ring, the arena where you understand everything about guides, guidance, and mediums.

If you already channel Mother Mary or Mary Magdalene or any other energy, and you want to get to the next level of consciousness, you’ve got to go out beyond the outer ring. Now that doesn’t mean I want you to abandon Mother Mary or Mary Magdalene or any other guide. If you’ve got a good grip on one of the masters at whatever level you’re comfortable with, don’t abandon that energy. Stay with it. Talk to it. Let it talk through you. Every time Master Jesus gets a chance to come into this realm, he takes it. He loved being in the third dimension.

Millions of energies are beyond the outer ring and they will be more than happy to accommodate someone who wishes to represent them as a channel or medium. Outside the outer ring of the transition level, you will encounter patterns of energies beyond your comprehension. It is such a thrill for these energies to get into this level of consciousness without the body.

Everyone has at least one guide in this outer realm. When you meet this being, you will hear a tone. That tone will contain a statement by this being who’s trying to communicate to you. Talk back to that energy in your mind. Say, “That’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard. It doesn’t make any sense to me, but I can tell it’s beautiful because it’s from you.” Keep talking to it in your mind. In that talking, all the words that it ever wanted to hear will get into its system. Its system will be aware of what you say, regardless of what language you speak, English, Dutch, or whatever. Speak in the language that is most comfortable, most proficient, for you. If you speak Spanish and you switch it over to English, but English is not your best language, you will throw off this whole segment of the journey.

When you get this guide to hear you and talk to you, you will be astounded at how quickly it learns the language you speak. Once you’ve made contact and you hear the toning, practice speaking with your guide, but don’t press it for its name. When I came in here for the medium, I said, “My name’s Kirael,” and he said, “K-k-k-k-k-Karl? Karl? Is it Karl?” So, I said, “Sure, go ahead, call me Karl. Karl will work.” When I went back up to the realms where all my friends live, I said, “They call me Karl.” They said, “Why?” I said, “I don’t know. They asked me my name. I gave it to them and they said Karl. I said, ‘All right,’ so Karl it was.” A few years later I said, “Enough. I can’t do it. I can’t come here as Karl.” It took some time, but the medium finally got it right. We made the transition.

Don’t push the energy for its name. It will tell you its name when the time is right. It may not be a name like Robert or Brenda, or whatever. If the guide is in the mastery level, like Jesus and Mary Magdalene, it will use the names that you have assigned it. Mary Magdalene was the name you assigned that energy in this dimension, but her real name is Marciria. If you want to know your guide’s name, you’ve got to listen to what it’s saying.

I will recount the levels we’ve covered so far. The first three levels of channeling are duality, the trinity of Truth, Trust and Passion, and the four-body weave. The first level of channeling, duality, relates to the number two. In this process, the number two represents two energies in the purpose of Oneness, meaning that you have the ability to bring another energy into this light. Now, the second level of channeling is the trinity of Truth, Trust and Passion, a 3 in Lemurian numerology. At this level, your job is to let this energy that you will channel know that you are safe. The energy wants you to know that it is safe as well. After that, you weave the energy into all four bodies.

In this class we have learned about love, which is the most beautiful part of it, the part that runs through all the levels. The next level is mastery and then transition.

Q: Master Guide Kirael, would you elaborate more on our guides and our journey to mediumship with this guide?

KIRAEL: Everybody has a special entity, one that you have been a part of for a long time. All of you think that I’m special, but I’m not, lads and lasses. I’m Master Guide Kirael. I come from another dimension unrelated to your journey. This is where my medium comes from as well. He comes from a birth of energies that is well beyond anything that you can comprehend at this particular time, not because you don’t have the intellect to understand it, but because you don’t know of it. A long time ago, we made a deal that one of us would be incarnate here and the other one would remain spirit out there. Guess which one I am? I’m out there. I love it out there, but I don’t mind coming in here to talk with you. We made an agreement, just as each of you probably has done with your guide. If you want to get beyond this realm to become a medium, you will find this energy and you will experience all the things I’ve discussed, but you’ll have to be patient.

You have to be patient in pursuing your mediumship because the guide will need to learn your language. You’ve got to take your time and let the guide find its way into this journey. When you hear that tone I discussed and demonstrated earlier, you can present yourself into the new realm. That realm will then honor itself by reflecting you back to you.

Everyone who chooses to be a medium can be one. That is the most important thing for you to understand. It’s not an easy task. If you want to be a medium and bring your guide into this realm, you must celebrate the process with passion. You will allow this new part of you to come into this realm to be so aligned that you can hear it. It will be the most dynamic part of your journey.

Q: One of my guides is a blue whale. It told me how to rid myself of pain. I followed the direction I received and it worked. I didn’t hear the whale in English, but I understood the tones I heard and somehow translated them into English for myself. Would you explain what happened?

KIRAEL: Understand that blue whales are not of this magnitude of energy that you call Earth. They have representatives over here who swim in the ocean and play the part, but the blue whale is the archetype, the senior energy of all whale energies. That doesn’t mean that if you channel a whale other than a blue whale, you’re conversing with a lesser energy. The hierarchy of the guidance realm cannot be described in human terms.

You said you had pain and you let it come out the other side and you found what you were looking for—to be pain-free. Now, why can’t you do that and get it over with once and for all and never have pain again? It’s not that you can’t do it. There is no such thing as “can’t.” As a rule, you won’t do it until you understand what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. You’ve learned how to rid yourself of the pain. You know it can be done, and that knowingness is the key. You, everyone, can be pain-free. Don’t be mad with yourself if you don’t succeed right away. Just keep trying until you are pain-free.

People would pay anything for the information that you now have. It’s in your brain, lass. Now all you have to do is remember the process and do it repeatedly until you no longer live with pain. You’ll be the envy of all. Once you can act without pain, you will recognize what you’re doing here on this dimension and what you will do when the Shift happens.

Q: Master Guide Kirael, my greatest fear of being a medium is that I will not walk the talk of the entity I bring forth.

KIRAEL: Let me interrupt you. You can come back and finish your statement. You are one of those people who has wanted to be a medium for so long. Yet you know that walking the talk is the most important part of your whole journey of being on this Earth.

Yours is not to be the medium until you can really walk that talk. I will answer this because it’s important for me to help you help someone else. When a medium does not walk the talk of the energy who speaks through him or her, that means the medium is in and out of the mediumship. See, I don’t have a problem with my medium, because he’s not here. In his case, his journey is true mediumship. That’s why you can appreciate it. In his human capacity, you only appreciate him for what you think he should be.

You’ve got to be okay with being a medium whether it’s on a part-time basis or a full-time basis. It really doesn’t matter to us. You’ve got to recognize what your truths are. Nobody else’s truth makes a bit of difference. It’s about your truth and your truth alone. The key to this whole journey is about correcting yourself. You’ve been through so much this lifetime. You’ve done all that you’ve come to do and now you’re going into the next realm. Now you have to hear everything in love, lass. You have so much love inside of you. People don’t want to see it, because they don’t want to be in love with you right now. Just be in love and they’ll have no option but to come into that love. Now ask your question.

Q: Since I consciously accepted my purpose as a medium with gusto, my journey on Earth has become so joyful and so clear. Everyone around me seems to be changing. Is that correct?

KIRAEL: You have defined what you wanted to learn and you are doing it in love. Yet, you believe the people around you are changing. Are they really? No, they are not. You will not change those around you. You will change, and when you do, you will hear only love. You’re finding love; therefore, you will hear the love in what other people say. When you perceive people saying anything other than love, you have gone outside of them and are involved with their egos.

Listen to someone whom you have a hard time with. Of the 150 words spoken, three of them will be in love, and you will hear only those three words. Those are the words that will make your life that much better. Focus your love on that person and you’ll find that your love is what it’s all about.

Q: I have not been able to get into a very deep meditation because I have a little judge who sits up in my head and criticizes everything. It gets so out of control that it brings my vibration down. Once, while this was happening, I suddenly stopped breathing for a nanosecond. I felt the breath go and then a nanosecond later I felt there was an involuntary moan or sigh, and the breath came back. Then when I pictured something that I always criticize, the criticism was gone. What happened to me? Should I put myself in the orb 24/7?

KIRAEL: As for the judge in your head, to keep your vibration high, instead of criticizing, look at the person who’s acting out and say, “Oh, that wasn’t very nice, but I think it was well done.” That way, you will take your journey to a higher level. You see, it’s the other person’s journey, not yours. So there’s no need to criticize him or her. That’s the key.

As for the time you spend in the orb, if you could spend four minutes in the orb, we’d be amazed. If you could spend an hour, we’d be thrilled. If you spent 24 hours there or even seven hours, oh my Goddess, we’d be so thrilled for you. However, you wouldn’t want to spend that much time in the orb. You’ve got an ego and the ego needs to breathe. It cannot breathe inside this orb. Your ego wants to play and you want to play with it. If you entered that orb for 24 hours, seven days a week, 365 days a year, you would not last very long at this level of consciousness. You’ve also got a body that you need to manipulate and you can’t do it in the orb.

As for this nanosecond that you think you stopped breathing, it was probably about four minutes and 32 seconds. You went into another realm, a no-time zone. No-time zones are reality, not this measured time that you have over here. You were trying to find out something from your guide and it was trying to get something across to you. Your guide knows that you can do what is necessary, but you’re not quite ready yet. So, it had to give you instruction in those four minutes and 32 seconds that it had. In human time, six hours would have had to have elapsed for it to pass on the information it passed on in those four minutes and 32 seconds. If you meditate and listen, you’ll hear all of what was said in that time.

Q: I’m new at channeling and I want some clarity to expand this experience. I’ve practiced a few times and last night I actually heard that tone you just spoke about. Would you expound upon the tone, please?

KIRAEL: That tone was a conversation from the guidance realm. The guidance realm uses its tones like you use your language over here. The tone is how the guidance realm talks to you over here. As a Goddess Light, you will learn to tone. A guide will come in on this tone, which will be aligned to your spirit. You will hear the tone and break it down into English by transferring it from one level of consciousness to the next.

When you want to know what your guide has to say and you hear a tone, you will recognize that it’s what’s inside of the tone that counts. That one tone will contain about six hundred pages of information. That’s the glory of this whole process. All of you who just heard that tone, thought, “What was that? What did I hear right there?” That tone will be miraculous only to the one who can receive it.

Q: You’re basically talking more of channeling on the mental side for information. How does one become a healing channel or medium? How does the medium transfer healing energy? Is it the same method that you’re using to transfer information?

KIRAEL: There is almost no difference between channeling healing energy and channeling mental energy. The only difference between the two is that you don’t have to use verbiage to bring the healing energy through you. You will think that energy into your light, because this is the Earth dimension where everything needs to be thought into being.

For example, put your hands palms up. Concentrate and bring enough energy through your body, through your crown, down through your shoulders, and through your arms until you create this ball of light in your palm. This is how you channel healing energy. If you concentrate, you might actually see this energy in your palm for a minute or two.You need only think your power into your hands. Everything you want to heal will have to be thought into this dimension. So, if you want to be a healer, you’ve got to think your energies into alignment with the body that you want to heal.

Now, that’s thought, not spoken words. You must bring your thoughts into this realm and then down through your body. You will see your thought energy come out of your hands into the body that you want to heal. If you’re smart, you will follow the energy as it goes through. It will go where you want it to go. If you want it to go into the healee and touch his heart, take it right through the skin, through the bone, and envelop his heart.This is as powerful a journey as you could ever experience. You will heal everything you ever wanted to heal right then and there.

Q: So Jesus was a healing channel rather than a vocal channel?

KIRAEL: There you go. Very good.

Q: I’ve learned so much from you, Master Guide Kirael. I work with far infrared, the mind of the sun. Lately, I’ve gotten the message that I will channel the mind of the sun. Is that correct?

KIRAEL: You said that you’ve learned from the teachings that I’ve shared with you. These are not teachings that are shared with you. These are teachings that you shared with me. That’s right. I take the concept by its vibration and put the two of them together so that they become one. Then I can hear into you and you can hear into me. In this journey of everything you’ve studied, from Reiki to far infrared, you’ve only begun to understand that healing will be the major focus for you.

You already know that you will channel the sun. You’re just looking for confirmation. You have already felt this energy coming in and you have aligned with it. You’ve been assigned to be the sun’s channel, but you must get through certain third-dimensional journeys first. Your journey is just about to open up to a new level of consciousness in this seventh level of channeling. It was most important for you to hear me say this to you.

Q: Master Guide Kirael, I heard my guide say its name is Eli Mu or Eamu. A couple of days later, it said, “Call me the Honorable Eli Mu.” I feel that this entity is somebody who was in Lemuria and the message that will come through will be directly from the Lemurian aspect of this energy. Am I correct in thinking this?

KIRAEL: Well, lass, I was not present for this, but you have a mark of energy in your voice that says you had something happen that you’re not totally sure of. So, I will assume that it was this guide who visited you. I suggest that you are probably more than accurate. This guide wants to tell you something that will be said over and over again. He will speak in such a fashion that you will have to sit and listen and write the message down. This is where the automatic writing will come in handy for you.

Q: There are times when I channel and the information comes through clearly. Then there are times when the information coming through is nothing that I can relate to on this Earth plane. At those times, I feel as if a lid has been placed on my head and I can’t understand what’s being related to me. What is the lid and the how do I get rid of it so that this information can come through clearly?

KIRAEL: You are having an experience and that’s what the journey is all about. In your particular case, my friend, you are a medium from the word go. You’re not blocking this energy that you don’t quite understand. You’re just not receiving it.

Now, you get the impression of a lid on your head because you have a vivid imagination. Your higher self placed this so-called lid on your head, not because it doesn’t want to let the information out, but because it wants to get it out when you’re ready for it. I’ve taken a look and it is most assuredly Shift information.

You and I both know that a lot of people will suffer through this shifting process. That’s just what will happen. Get your energies aligned with that truth. You know that you will not suffer through this Shift, because you will be here for the people who want to stay around and learn what’s happening in this Great Shift.

“The Shift” is just a term that signifies a new level of consciousness. When you reach this new level, you will have to have healed everything that needs healing. The next time you feel that lid, let it slip back a bit. Let it open up just a little bit and take whatever you can receive. That’s when you will understand what this Shift is all about.

In this new shifting energy of Earth, after everybody’s gone through the three days of darkness, they will be so thrilled by everything until it dawns on them that they are now responsible for this Earth plane and what it will become. Then you and other lightworkers will have to get together and help others understand what their journeys are and what beautiful things they can do.

Q: I was in Vancouver over the past weekend, traveling in a car. I went through a park that just experienced some devastation from a major storm. Suddenly I heard thousands of loud Elven voices. It felt like a welcome. It entered my heart so powerfully that I was overcome. This experience has created a new dimension for me in bringing through my guide. In moving to a higher vibration, is there a balancing of any of the bodies or is it focused primarily on the mental body to create the opportunities?

KIRAEL: I will answer this in a different form. Let’s go back to the first class, when I talked about how to move the weave of energy into the mental body. That is the one part that you will do well. These thousands of voices you heard were all the world’s energies understanding that you said that the devastation had hurt the forest. These energies were trying to tell you that they are not hurt. They are not hurt in any shape or form. They want you to know that they have been given the opportunity to be released from the trees to go back into spirit. Every tree over here is an aspect of Elven energy. Trees anyplace on your Earth plane are aspects of Elven energy.

Now, those who were speaking to you heard you. They know of your Elven guide. What you heard was a form of in-lightenment. They were telling you not to be afraid for them. “Don’t be sad for us. Be anything you want to be, but be happy for us, because we have now been given the opportunity to get a new tree and we will make it better.”

All the new trees coming in are post-Shift trees. Some of them will not make it because they’re in here a little too soon, but they are here with a journey that you can only touch upon understanding. They will awaken and you will hear them speak. You will know what they want to do. Through the energies of their Elven spirit, they can go beyond this realm of the tree and bring you to the guidance realm in the seventh light, which will take you into the next level of spirit light, where you will find the true measure of what you are to tell the people on the Earth plane.

If you want to get true Elven energy, follow these trees back in your mind. You don’t have to physically go there. You know what they look like. If you can follow those trees into their journey, they’ll take you on to the eighth level. In that new level is a new understanding. This is what you will do to bring forth a new level of Elven energy.

Your journey will be influenced beyond your wildest expectations as you get to know what these energies want to teach. You’ll be willing to teach over here because what they will tell you collectively is in the Signature Cell Healing. Go back up there. Just go in your mind and follow them. Just say, “I want to go with you.” It may take a couple of times, but you’ll get there and you’ll know or understand what I’m saying when you get there.

Q: Could you please define the difference between the fine particles of trance-mediumship and the fine particles of channeling?

KIRAEL: I can define them, yes. Mediumship and channeling are defined and measured in a third-dimensional light of experience. The fine particles that you use to get to mediumship from channel are less than about one-millionth of that section of particles. A medium will bring forth less than one-millionth of that section of particles into this level of consciousness because that is the standard of energy for mediumship. You will find these energies, these guides, and get them through the fine particles into the physical system.

Q: Is the information that I don’t understand when trying to communicate with these guides lost, or are the guides just adjusting the energy until I can understand what is being said?

KIRAEL: First of all, the fact that you don’t always understand the tone does not mean the information is lost. Nor does it mean you are less than. You don’t understand the communication because the guides have learned to speak beyond your third dimension. It’s a long way back for them to speak English or whatever you speak. English is antiquated. German is antiquated. The guides already have these languages available to them, but they just don’t know how to make them work. It’s best for the guides to learn them again. We can speak these languages again with just a little bit of help from you. We look forward to that.

The two, three, four tones I demonstrated today contained information for everybody in my listening audience. My tone is your tone, but each person will have a little different version of it. Everybody received this tone and got the story that goes with it. So you haven’t lost the information. The story was toned from a being outside of the third dimension and it was toned for each of you individually. Everybody who heard the tone will receive something different, because you each will hear what is meant for you, and that will differ. That’s the beautiful part of this whole journey.

Closing Statement

I showed you everything I could show you in the little time that I’ve had to offer, but I want you to know this: Every one of you is already a medium.
Star Blue DreamerGod bless you and good evening.



Submitted by Starbluedreamer on 20 May 2009 - 1:41pm.

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