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Triality Focus - Rise of the Feminine Power


Greetings Dear Ones.

I join you this day with a full and open heart, for I am Merlia. I have come to help balance your energies by returning to a centered state between the masculine and feminine. The Earth is screaming for feminine energy at this moment because the planet has been out of balance for far too long. Now there are many circumstances, opportunities and chances for you to change everything. It is very clear that you have been in a recessional wave and many of you have been quite concerned about this. You have seen things going the opposite way of what you considered to be advancement. This has occurred globally, not just in one place. Quite simply, this is happening out of fear. When humans become afraid, they step backwards in their own evolution and that is what you have witnessed on a global basis. Be assured, dear ones, we are not worried at all. Why? Because we have placed some of the most powerful people in the most critical positions at exact junctions of time and space where they can change this wave. Yes, they can shift every part of it around and turn this into an evolution.

 Feminine Power, the Base Creative Power on Your Planet

First of all, do not think there is a right or wrong about a wave. Quite simply a wave is how things travel back and forth through your reality, to make eventual progress in one direction. You are making huge progress—much more than you understand—even if it does not feel that way to you right now. Dear ones, we will help you to balance this energy with a better understanding of the feminine power, the base creative power on your planet. Whether you carry a masculine body or a feminine one, all of you have that aspect of yourself. It is the piece that is now becoming your greatest strength. The challenge for many of you is that although you have always known of your powers and abilities in these areas, you have not always known how to use or trust them in the ways that you wish. Now you have that opportunity because this is happening globally, which all of you will feel at some level. You will become aware of an energy within that allows you to step out of your daily doldrums and dramas, beyond all the challenges that take up your time and energy. You have challenges but also advancements, so be sure to look for those. Seek out those opportunities that empower you to step forward, especially during the next month when we are going to be sending you energy. All of us from this side of the veil will be sharing with you some beautiful energy. We are not doing so to move you one way or another, because we never interfere with your ongoing planet of free choice. Our intention, dear ones, is to send you the highest energy so that you can awaken from the dream while you are still in the physical body. It is then that you will start to understand your position, along with the dreams and hopes that you brought in from the other side of the veil.  That is why you could be here, right now, to ground and land that beautiful energy. Lightworkers are everywhere in all stages of life, in all belief systems and in all geographical locations. In truth, dear ones, you hold the energy of planet Earth as it is shifting.

Unique Flavors of Light

You have always held the energy from planet Earth.  The cetaceans, whales and dolphins, that entire group of beings, have held the base energy of planet Earth for a very long time. Some years ago the responsibility was passed along to humanity, but now you are wrestling with it because the tension of planet Earth is becoming quite unbearable at times. This is what you are being called to do. You did not sign up to go to planet Earth, dear ones, just to have a good time now, did you? You brought something from Home that every person can start anchoring in his or her own way, with your unique “flavor” of light. Some of you may think of light as a color rather than a flavor, but your colors are very limited in their range. You, dear ones, are not. So, you have these beautiful little flavors of light that you can put on everything. You do not consciously think about that but when you see darkness, you simply shine light upon it. When you see ignorance, you shine wisdom upon it; light is more powerful than darkness. Now you are seeing that you are shining your light the best way that you can. It is almost as if your light will filter out certain things, yet let you detect things that maybe other people cannot quite see. That is how it works, even in physics. When you look at something, everything jumps into place just as soon as you open your eyes. Even though there is chaos almost everywhere, as soon as you set the intention to look at it, sharing your flavor of light, it takes on another form. Over here you have one person looking at something and saying, “Oh, this is a real problem.” Then you have another person over there focusing on the same thing with a different flavor, and he or she comes up with an entirely different solution for the same problem.

Four Energy Shifts in 2017

These are the times of the balanced energy of planet Earth, but you are not balanced at this moment. In truth, you are very far out of balance, which is what is calling me here to help. It is not my job to balance Earth; it is my job to help all of you re-member. You are the ones who took off your wings and decided to put on the veil, which would keep you from remembering who you are and where you have truly been. We applaud you, dear ones, in ways you cannot even imagine. We applaud the next steps you are about to take, for they are great indeed. Yes, this will be a year of massive change. Welcome aboard!

The First Wave

As we have mentioned before, there are four major energy shifts taking place in 2017. The first took place in early March. Although there was quite a movement of energy, it did not seem like a wave. Waves usually tend to come in forcefully at first, so they change everything in the beginning and then smooth out after that. These waves are different, because they come in very slowly. Especially at the beginning, that energy will be adapted and anchored by the animal kingdom on the planet. We ask you, dear ones, be sure to pay special attention to any animals that live with you, or that you spend time with. We find it fascinating that you think you can “own” animals. In truth, they are holding that base energy of change so that humanity can absorb it in a different way. You work together with the animal kingdom because you are a part of it. After all, you are classified as an animal yourself with spirit. That connection is going to take you a long way. Watch closely, so that you can help your animal friends make the adjustments that they need to stay on track. Yes, they are definitely holding part of the energy and are a part of the puzzle that you depend upon.

As you become aware of major changes taking place, re-member it is not necessary to pay attention to all the dramas you see playing out in the media. Know that you are right on target. You have been placed exactly where you are right now so that you can ground that light in a very critical place. Some of you have been trying to move for eons, yet you seem to be blocked at points. You want to go over here to follow your dreams, but you cannot seem to move from where you are. We tell you, dear ones, you feel stuck because you are not finished. So, look for those changes to complete something. Maybe the opportunities even are with people that you have not been in contact with for a long time. It is possible that one single communication will start the process that releases you on your path. You are going to find a lot of changes taking place, as these four waves of energy come in and start to anchor.

The Second and Third Wave

A second wave will arrive on May 10th and the third begins on July 28th which will actually take you all the way through August. You will have quite a lot to deal with even after that. The fourth wave will probably arrive between mid-October and mid-November this year. Right now this timing is still in flux, because it is dependent on many of the other waves that are coming in and how they are anchored by humanity. Typically, when waves of this nature come in, people retreat; they hide from the waves and energy they see as an encroachment on their space. Their instinct is to protect themselves, so please help them to understand. Stand in the energy of the wave and take it in. Show others how empowering this can be by your own actions, then watch. Although there is more than enough negativity for every person on Earth to buy into at every moment, we ask you not to. Instead, dare to hold your light. Re-member, you are the being who came from Home with all that energy in the very first place. You came in and felt the energy, but you did not quite know what to do with it. As you aged and began to mature, you started to awaken from the dream. Now here you are, standing strong as the Earth is in flux. Everything is in motion, yet you are an anchor point of light. We applaud you, dear ones, for it is not something that you have done easily. It is not a decision that you made easily; some of you have wrestled with that for several lifetimes, before making that decision. You are the greatest angels who have ever lived anywhere. You have dared to take off your wings and pretend to be human, putting on a bubble of biology and playing the game. If we can do nothing more than share with you a reflection of your greatness and your incredible effect on this planet, then we have done our job.

The Fourth Wave is Still in Flux

I will be working with many of you, to help lead you through the process of riding these waves and preparing for the last one. This year of change can be easy; it does not have to be difficult.

It is with the greatest of honor that I greet you in this way after waiting for such a long time. Know that we—all of us from Home–love you dearly. You have carried the light from Home. You are searching for places on Earth to reflect it and dare to be the light.

It is with the greatest of honor that I ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another and play well together. I am Merlia. Come up and see me sometime.



Greetings Dear ones.

I am Em. With your game well in progress, I join you in a balanced energy, an energy you are all moving toward very rapidly. Dear ones, we know that you are experiencing challenges on Earth … re-member, we have your back. However, for now we are going to focus on the good for one simple reason:  you have the opportunity to focus wherever you wish to. When you stare at something you actually change it, because you are creator beings. You brought these images and memories from Home You have a deep re-membering that echoes in your soul. That is the focus you are all looking for, as you try to replicate what you know from Home in what you see here on Earth. What you do not realize is that when you look at something you absolutely help to create it. So, by all means place your intent on the positive. Watch for everything that you can to change your perspective intentionally. Does that mean that there is no negativity? No, dear ones, it does not work that way. You are living in a field where you perceive duality; you still see a lot of things as light or dark, rather than gray. You continue to need that contrast as you are evolving, though not for long because you are moving at the speed of love which is substantially faster than the speed of light.

The Triality Focus

As you evolve and move into these pieces, we ask you to all take a step back. Oh, but we know that you are so anxious to move forward. Sometimes it is very difficult for you to slow down your momentum, but we are asking you to step out of your being. Let your spirit stand behind your body right now and observe what is happening. Look at yourself having those thoughts, receiving this information, experiencing these emotions. Simply observe with no judgment, for that is not allowed from this perspective. See yourself having these thoughts and become aware of how beautiful you are. Oh, we know that is difficult for many of you to accept. You have ideas of what beauty is, you have even categorized it in certain areas. We tell you, dear ones, you are not even close. Beauty dwells in the heart. That is why you often interchange those words “love” and “beauty.” Beauty is the magic that you brought from Home. You try to reflect it in your own visions, especially when you focus your energy on something.

Triality focus is what we wish to introduce to.  Consider that when you see something, you perceive it first in duality: light and dark. However, there is an entire aspect of it that you can only experience with your heart. That is what we ask you all to start working with. During times of massive change, which you are now in the midst of, you have stepped right into it and there is no easy way out. Yes, you will walk right through it. As you create this path despite all the difficulties, you not only create an opening for yourself to go through but also for all those that followed behind you. Exactly. That is what many of you had in mind when you came to Earth. You are carrying more of the answers than you understand. We ask you, quite simply, to be still long enough to hear your own heartbeat. Listen to that message coming from deep within, for something magical happens when it is finally is translated into your spoken expression. Speak it out loud, so the vibrations come out of your mouth and into the world. It is the completion of a massive energy cycle that all of you have been working with.

Focus on the Good

We have mentioned that Merlia is here and she has brought in the feminine energy to help balance a new world. Re-member, it is not that one is right or another is wrong. Certainly you can see that planet Earth has been out of balance for some time. Each of you has a choice in how you perceive that imbalance, and in the way you claim your own power. Whether you are carrying a masculine body or a feminine one does not make any difference, for you carry both energies. My expertise is a balance of masculine and feminine, for that is who I represent on Earth. You are beginning to see a blending together of that which was originally separated, so you could create this game of pretending to be human.

It is all in motion so you can decide where you wish to go, for you have more options than you could ever know. Yes, you live on a planet of free choice. However, that does not mean you have “free” choice in every moment. You have wrapped yourself in dramas, commitments, and the games that you are playing on the planet. Sometimes you become so wrapped up in it to the point that you actually take away your own free choice.  Focusing on the triality instead of the duality assists you in stepping from the third dimension cleanly into the fifth. You are starting to learn how that works. Now lean on each other, dear ones, and focus on the good. It will bring you Home; it will take your distractions away from all the crazy things that seem to be happening right now that you cannot always make sense of. Do not spend all your energy trying to figure it out, for you are already there. You are able to hold the light in one of the most beautiful ways possible for all, so now breathe it in. Take a deep breath, bringing in all that light through the top of your head. Let it circulate throughout your body, then slowly let it out. Can you feel that energy surge? Can you feel that excitement?

You are magical beings, dear ones. You are god incarnate and our job is only to help you re-member. When you are on a path of your own choosing, your contracts and everything you set up will lead you right down to what you wanted to experience. No one is here without purpose, ever. In effect, there is simply no space on planet Earth right now for anyone who does not play an active role. So the test is very simple, dear ones. Take your little mirror, hold it under your nose, and if it fogs up when you breathe then you are not finished. There is much more to do, and we promise you will recognize those opportunities very soon.

Full Circle

You hold the love that can bring everything back together. Walk hand in hand, dear ones, whenever you can. Understand that when humanity goes into fear it moves into separation, and that is what is happening now. Although there is a huge wave of separation on your planet, you hold the key to transform it into unity. You hold the love that can bring everything back together, if you will just focus your energy on it.

It is with the greatest of honor that I greet you this way. We ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another at every opportunity and play well together.


The word Espavo is an early Lemurian greeting : “Thank You for Taking Your Power”

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