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Time Is Of The Essence - Mary Magdalene

Time Is Of The Essence - Mary Magdalene

Greetings my beloveds yes it is I, Yeshua. Mary Magdalene is here as well. We say to your Dear Sons and Daughters of the Light that this is a time of reflection and this is a time of introspection. It is of grave importance Dearest Children for you to stand in the truth of who you are, which is love. We know that we have spoken of this many many times before, and will continue to repeat the same message for you to return to love. Allowing the essence of you to shine forth through your beautiful incarnational presence. Know at this time that the spirit of love is now surrounding this planet. What we call the spirit of love is surrounding this planet, and the essence of joy is now being infused into the hearts, minds and souls of all life forms. Love and joy, love and joy, you see Dearest Children, this is the essence of my teachings, of my book the 12 Master Teachings of Christ, the first lesson is love. The last lesson is joy.

Bridging and bringing the vibrational frequencies of love and joy into the hearts of all life forms. Today as you begin to understand that the pristine frequency of Mother Earth is now returning back home to herself, as if she is no beginning to shed all of the darkness, all of the fear, all of the energies from the collective consciousness of humanity, from the surface of her back. And you, individually, are now clearing your individual karmic frequencies if you so choose. So Dearest Children, the collective karma of this planet, and the collective karma that each of you have embodied and have been shrouded with fear, negativity, and distortion, within your own energy field is now being cleared as well. This is a time for all souls to return to love. What does this mean? Can you begin to feel this energy as you place your hand over your heart, and if you so imagine, the beautiful energy of Mother Earth as you see in your mind’s eye the beauty of this planet and all lifeforms, in their pure, pristine, crystalline light form. So I ask you to take a deep, inhaling breath and simply begin to breathe in the vibration of love, returning to love, returning to love, returning to love, allowing this frequency to enter into your essence and into your presence. And feel the joy. As if you are inhaling a powerful frequency of love and joy, breathing in the vibration of love and joy, love and joy.

Know at this time, Dearest Children, that as you enter into this light, and in this form of consciousness, that is now being infused upon the planet, that this inception of light is entering into every cell, every particle, every pore of your being, and any darkness, any energy of distortion that is held within your essence is, too being cleared. It is why each of you are called to be silent, to be quiet, to rest, and to keep your energies free from other energies and other distortions. This is a time for you to clear your own energetic field and return to love in your own pristine essence. Each of you are powerful, powerful, powerful spirits of light and you shall return to light and return to love in your purest form, in your purest essence. And today as you allow this energy to enter into your consciousness and you begin to feel this energy beginning to absorb and to clear all energies, all karma, all distortions that are not of love, you will begin to feel lighter and lighter and lighter, and as we have said in our previous transmissions, you will begin to access your divine wisdom, your spiritual truths, and stand in the love and the light as a way shower of God’s pure frequency. Some of you perhaps are already feeling this and sensing this, that your own intuitive and psychic abilities are being enhanced and that your energies are not absorbed into fear, only love. That you are holding this vibration of love, for this strength for yourself, for all those you love, for all those you come in contact with, that you are holding this vibration of strength, and in the light and the love, this forcefield of energy will protect you and keep you from harm.

And so as you allow these frequencies to be cleared within your essence, of all distortions, begin to breathe, relax and know that all is in order and all is as it should be. This is a time of inner reflection, this is a time of contemplation, but it is a time to receive. So Dearest Children, as you begin to feel the energy of Mother Earth returning to her original state of perfection, can you feel the energy of your own essence returning back to its original state of perfection? We say to you Dear One that you are already perfect, but your human distortions, the soul incarnations that are held inside of you, that are not of love, are to be cleared. For you see, as we have spoken of many times before, you are ascending as new earth beings, and this purging and this clearing is necessary and needed for each of you to step forward into your spiritual, physical remembrance of who you truly are. As you are living from your spirit essence as a beautiful child of God, as a beautiful earth being, you are living on this planet just as the Telosians in Lemuria, just as the Telosians underground in the city of Shamballa. You are living in a perfected state of consciousness in your physical form. Perhaps some of you are feeling this transmission of energy transmuting frequencies inside of you, perhaps you are having physical symptoms, and for those who are transforming their frequencies, you can do this we say with grace and ease, without suffering, it is as if in a twinkling of an eye your own energetic field is being lifted from the collective distortions and the collective karma and the individual karma that has affected you since the inception of the origination of your beautiful spirit upon this earth plane. So I will step back and allow my Mary to bring the message and the healing to you as you return to love.

Greetings Dear Sons and Daughters of Light, yes it is I, Mary Magdalene. I ask each of you to settle into your heart and simply begin to breathe in both the pink and violet rays, calling in the energy of Paul the Venetian and St. Germaine, calling in the Cosmic Flame of Love, and the violet flame of transmutation of St. Germaine, calling in this energy to bring love and to transmute any distortions that no longer serve you, into love. You see, Dearest Ones, the energies are you know it are very heavy upon this planet. And even know as they say, more so, with what you understand is this virus causing great fear and havoc and destruction in the collective human psyche. We ask you to not allow yourself to be affected by these distortions, for you know the truth, that you are love and you are light, and nothing can harm you. Know that as you hold this frequency within the essence of your being, that the distortions of human distortions from your own thought forms can now be cleared simply by snapping a finger. Return to love, return to love, return to love, as if by magic you are able to return to the frequency in which you were created. This time upon your earth plane is most auspicious, it is unprecedented as they say. And yet as many of you have looked forward to this year with excitement, with anticipation, with joy, what would happen in this year? You would not expect this to be, some see it as the end of the world, as if the sky is falling. And yes, Dearest Children, it is the end of an old era, it is the end of the collective consciousness of humanity’s fear to now be healed. And so it is your choice, do you choose love as the guiding force that guides or life, or do you choose to live in a state of fear, anger, negativity? Do you wish to be a part of the problem or do you wish to be a part of the solution? Do you choose to be the change you wish to see? So if you choose to be the change, then allow yourself to call this frequency into your heart and accept the love that is being gifted to you today, return to love, return to love, return to love.

May the love of God surround you, the power of God protects you, the presence of God watches over you wherever you are God is and all is well. May you return to love. In the softness of the pink ray and the power of the violet ray, St. Germaine and Paul the Venetian coming forth, transmuting all again, that is not of love. Heal all distortions and be free. Heal all distortions and be free. It is why so many are interested in the Telosians, the Lemurians and what Adama speaks of, of balance and harmony. For they live in a state of grace in the inner earth under Mt. Shasta California, the beautiful mountain. Can you live this way on the outer earth, are you waiting for your physical transition into another dimension? Or can you choose to bring this into your existence, into your physical form at this time? This is what we are asking. This is what we are sharing. That you may embody this frequency, just as Adama, just as the Lemurians, just as the Telosians can. Here on the surface of planet earth. To the greatest of your ability please ask for harmony and balance, with grace and ease, so that you move forward into your light body with ease and grace, with love within your heart. As you let go of all the distortions that no longer serve you. And you say, how can this be? And we say, with grace and ease. With grace and ease, as if like a magic wand you snap your fingers and your energy is transformed. You snap your fingers and your energy is transformed.

We make no false promises, we only share with you, Dearest One, that this is truth, and it is up to you to receive if you so choose. We offer this to you as a gift so that you can return to love and be the change you wish to see, living on this earth plane with ease and grace, letting go and letting God. Allowing your beautiful light to shine with ease and grace, letting go and letting God, allowing your light to shine with ease and grace, you are the change you wish to see. You are the healers, you are the transformers, you are the light bearers holding the sacred knowledge within your own physical DNA, and now within your consciousness, sharing it with the world. Transforming these frequencies, of the lower frequencies of fear, negativity, hatred, violence, warring and poverty into divine grace. So allow this now to enter into your physicality and feel the joy, feel the joy, feel the joy. Allow this energy to enter in to your physicality and feel the joy, allowing the shifting of the lower frequencies to now heal your heart from all pain, mental, emotional, physical and throughout the course of your soul incarnation today if you so choose, your karma will be cleared, and the collective consciousness of the karma of humanity is being cleared as well, as if a clean slate is being brought forward over Mother Earth, and all of humanity. And the fear that permeated this planet is now being healed. Even the fear from the world wars and the Holocaust are being cleared, this is a broad and powerful statement but it is true. That fear of humanity being extinguished, the human spirit being extinguished, is now being cleared. Now you see, Dearest Ones, people are afraid of a virus they cannot see. Feeling as if they have no power or control, this is not true. Return to love, call in the pink ray and the violet ray, and Yeshua and I stand with you to help assist you so that you may strengthen your energy field and return to your pristine light body, in your physical form.

So Dear Sons and Daughters of the Light, know that time is of the essence and there is no time to waste. Because as soon as you transform your own frequencies, you will be able to become a transmuter of other peoples’ frequencies, and you will leave the droplets of love and the droplets of joy into the hearts and minds, and into the earth. Wherever you walk, you leave your droplets of love and joy, spreading this frequency for others to embody and others to embrace. Yes, Dearest Children, you are the change you wish to see, you are the change you wish to see, you are the change you wish to see. You are more powerful than you can imagine, you are more beautiful than you can imagine, the essence of that which you hold within your being, is indeed a transformative energy of love. So all of your crown chakras are now shooting out into the atmosphere, all of your crown chakras are wide open, sending the love of the pink flame and the violet flame into the world, and yes all of you are now moving forward as if you are saying yes, I am a spiritual warrior of light, and I come into my own understanding of the power that I hold, and I choose to stand in the love and the light of the true remembrance of who I truly am. And so Yeshua and I stand with you and we stand beside you. I stand on your left and Yeshua on your right. Mother Mary stands behind you, St. Michael stands before you, and we all protect you and we seal you with divine grace so that you may move forward in this incarnation, completing the rest of your incarnation with love and joy within your heart, and a sense of peace and tranquility upon your soul. Truly may the love of God surround you, the power of God protect you, the presence of God watches over you wherever you are God is and indeed all is well. Go in peace, go in peace, go in peace. Know at this time that you heart is open to love, that the presence of Divine Love and Divine Grace are upon your soul. Can you begin to feel the peace as you settle into this moment of knowingness, of the truth of who you are, that your karma is now cleared, that the energy of the planet’s karma is now being cleared, and all is in order, for the ascension of this planet and all life forms to return to love and to live in balance. These times are accelerating rather quickly and so you will see shifts and changes quickly happening within yourself and within the world. And be not afraid, there is a reason for all, regardless of whether you understand or not, there is a reason for all things happening. Divine Grace, Divine Grace, Divine Grace. Be the change you wish to see, for you are powerful conduits of love. Return to love, return to love, return to love. Be the change you wish to see.

So Dear Sons and Daughters, as you allow your heart to open, begin to feel your magnificence and begin to feel your brilliance, as you begin to feel the love in which you are. It is that which you are created from, and that you shall remain, you are created in love, and in love you shall remain. So today as you feel your heart expanding, see your heart chakra opening, bringing love to all, to yourself, to those you love, to all of life, out into the world, to all life forms, and to Mother Earth herself, as you are one with her, you are one with all that is, and this is why you have come to this planet, so many eons and eons ago, this is why you have come to this planet. You are here to serve, you are here to love, you are free to be. Go now my children with the understanding, again, that all is in order and all is as it should be. As you prepare yourself to now strengthen your connection to your heart, to the heart of Mother Earth. Again, as we have repeated, it is why Lea is here in the heartland, to be able to bring this energy forward to the heartland, so that the radiation of the heart, of Mother Earth can receive, and be a transmuter and a transformer for you see, each of you have a role in the perspective places that you are living as transmuters, connecting to the heart of Mother Earth and changing the world, one person at a time, one thought form at a time, your energy fields are now connecting to the heart of the Mother, and you are all returning to love, and the planet shall remain a planet of peace and love, and all souls who choose to remain on this planet shall, too, return to love and peace. Yeshua and I hold you in the palms of our hands, sending you love from our heart to your heart, gracing you with peace, wisdom, joy and above all, acceptance of all that is, understanding that all is truly in divine order. Go now my children and be at peace, and be still and know that you are loved.


Reverend Lea Chapin
Lea Chapin has always been dedicated to helping others, whether in her psychotherapy practice or as a licensed massage therapist or any of a number of other undertakings she has pursued in service to others. Most recently, she has expressed her amazing gifts as an author, speaker, and teacher of Divine wisdom.

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