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The Master Build of Terra Nova - Part 4 - Temple of Light

The Master Build of Terra Nova - Part 4 - Temple of Light

***Long Post, Part 4 of the book, The Divine Organization of Creation, The Master Build of Terra Nova***

The Temples of Light on Terra Nova are all located within the diamond grid section of the twelve-dimensional stargates on Terra Nova. These grid sections encompass large areas within the entire Diamond Sun Body of the dimensional sections that we labelled on the previous map one through twelve. The Temples are shown on the map above in red. Each of these grid sections that the Temples are located within have a Divine Masculine stargate, Divine Feminine stargate and a Divine Child stargate that together make up the dimensional stargate of each of the twelve grid sections that house a Temple of Light on Terra Nova.

The Temple sites are located at or near the child stargate where the energy is balanced and comes together as Source Light. From these twelve Temples of Light the harmonics of each of the twelve Rays of Creation are balanced within the Collective Diamond Sun Body to ensure the collective realities are in harmony with the entire Cosmos. Through Diamond Sun Architecture these twelve Temples are constructed by the collective consciousness to be used as filters for Source Light and generators of Source Light to fuel the Collective Diamond Sun Body.

For many years, humans have found these places to be sacred sites or what has been called vortex sites across the planet. We have even built temples, shrines or monuments for pilgrimage and prayer to the energy or force we call God, which we know from the previous book, is Light. As the collective ascension progresses, we will begin to shift in our understanding of these sites and their function will shift as our consciousness becomes able to harness the power or Light of these Temples throughout the collective ascension. Also, there are many, many Sacred sites across the planet because of the fractaling nature of Diamond Sun Architecture. Therefore, some well known sites are most likely main stargate sites as only twelve sites will house a Temple of Light.

Currently, the temple sites are being energetically managed by a Great Architect and the Master Architect of Terra Nova. This will be the case until the Earth seeds assume the vibrational role at each Temple across Terra Nova. These sites are also marked in some way with physical characteristics and some even have buildings and temples already established or in process. In Phase One of the Master Build, these sites will use the current layout and/or will construct a reasonable space for the Architects to work from. As we enter Phase Two of the Master Build, these Temples will be built in a physical form across the planet and will begin to function as ascension centers. There locations will come to be known by the collective and their Light will be utilized by pilgrimages where ascending beings come and receive Light codes to further their ascension. They are also radiation centers that bring in and release Source Light from the Collective Diamond Sun Body to stabilize and manifest collective realities.

By the time we enter Phase Three of the collective ascension, these Temples of Light will be fully known as the power plants of the Collective Diamond Sun Body. They will be staffed by the Architects, Master Builders, and galactic support to power Cities of Light and Galactic Civilizations across Terra Nova. The Temples of Light are the keepers of the eternal flames of the twelve Creation Rays that become our eternal source of Light through our Diamond Solar Heart and all Twelve Temples from Universal Consciousness and beyond. The entire structure of all twelve Temples of Light and the Diamond Solar Heart of Terra Nova are activated when the collective consciousness moves from soul and oversoul (galactic) consciousness and dies as a soul to become a God within Universal Consciousness.

The Temples of Light play an important part within the Master Build of Terra Nova. Since we are already operating as a twelve-dimensional, multidimensional planet with realities playing out in all twelve dimensions, the Temples have function and purpose today and forever as power plants or heart centers. As we shift into higher states of consciousness as a collective, the Temples of Light will become more important and into a higher focus for the entire collective consciousness of Terra Nova.

These Temples are the power plants that filter the Light from the Diamond Solar Heart of Terra Nova to all 144 main planetary stargates across the globe. These main stargates further filter the Light to the meridian centers that locally filter the Light through the Collective Diamond Sun Body. All are working simultaneously as ONE logos of Architects to keep the Source Light flowing through the Collective Diamond Sun Body, to release the blueprints in layers and phases at certain vibrational triggers and to keep balance and stability within the entire Light body.

We are now going to share the locations of the Twelve Temples of Light on Terra Nova. Each of these twelve manage all Light within a dimension and all Light of one Ray of Creation within the Collective Diamond Sun Body. These Temples will continue to evolve and grow as the collective ascends and our consciousness shifts into a higher understanding of how these energy centers work at all levels of the consciousness fractal and as ONE collective logos. Please keep in mind that they are each located within the grid section of the main dimensional stargate of the twelve largest grid sections of Terra Nova. Each dimensional stargate section is made up of three stargates (threefold flames) called the Trinitized God Force stargates, that together create a Source portal or stargate directly to the Diamond Solar Heart of the Collective Diamond Sun Body which is connected directly to the Infinite Source. This allows Source Light to flow through these stargates into the Collective Diamond Sun Body in all 144 Master Frequencies of this Universe.

Temple One – Australia

This Temple is located in Australia near the familiar stargate of Uluru or Ayers Rock. The aboriginal people have held this land sacred for thousands of years and are part of the indigenous tribes that held the balance for the collective during the personality embodiment of the first through third dimensions.

Below are the Trinitized God Force stargates of this Temple. The Temple is located within the energy fields of these three stargates combined as ONE.

Divine Masculine       Uluru

Divine Feminine         Kata Tjuta

Divine Child               Alice Springs Desert Park

This Temple of Light will radiate Source Light within the first dimension and all Light of the first Ray of Creation into the Collective Diamond Sun Body. As with the other Temples, it will also radiate multidimensional Source Light to the entire grid section that it represents. As with all things, these Temples are multidimensional and serve multiple purposes.

Temple Two – Bolivia/Peru

The second dimensional and second Creation Ray Temple of Light on Terra Nova is located in South America near Lake Titicaca. This lake is the highest navigable body of water on the planet at over 12K feet above sea level. Its shores are located in both Peru and Bolivia.

Below are the Trinitized God Force stargates of this Temple. The Temple is located within the energy fields of these three stargates combined as ONE.

Divine Masculine       Pachata (Father Earth)

Divine Feminine         Pachamama (Mother Earth)

Divine Child               Cerro Chequesani

Pachata and Pachamma are two peaks on Lake Titica over 13K feet with ceremonial temples on each. These sites are considered sacred to the indigenous people of Amanti who inhabit the island that they are on. The Child, Carro Chequesani is the highest peak on the lake and is located on Isla del Sol.

Temple Three – South Africa

Located in South Africa, the third Temple of Light on Terra Nova has ancient roots to the geological formations that helped to sculpt the land. Located near Lake Fundudzi, a lake so sacred to the Venda people that foreigners are seldom allowed to visit its shores. Although. this will change with the collective ascension and manifestation of this Temple of Light.

Below are the Trinitized God Force stargates of this Temple. The Temple is located within the energy fields of these three stargates combined as ONE.

Divine Masculine       Pilanesburg

Divine Feminine         Lake Fundudzi

Divine Child               Blyde River Canyon

An ancient super continent broke apart approximately 200 million years ago, tearing Madagascar and Antarctica away from Africa. The broken edge of the continent titled up and the ancient sea left behind layers, upon layers of dolomite and sandstone that became sediments over millions of years. What was once a deep trench under the sea became the largest canyon on Earth and the child stargate at Blyde River Canyon.

Temple Four – Canada

The fourth Temple of Light on Terra Nova is located in the Rocky Mountains of Canada. The First Nations people known as, The People of the Shining Mountains, have been guardians of this land for thousands of years.

Below are the Trinitized God Force stargates of this

Temple. The Temple is located within the energy

fields of these three stargates combined as ONE.

Divine Masculine        Mt. Assinibione

Divine Feminine         Mt. Temple/Lake Louise

Divine Child               Mt. Tunnel

The First Nations call Mt. Tunnel the Sacred Buffalo Guardian Mountain. A tribute to the major source of life for these indigenous people for many years. Now, this Tempe of Light will serve as a Source of Light for the entire collective. Mt. Tunnel is located near the town of Banff and the entire grid section is located in the Banff National Park near Calgary. This Temple of Light radiates the Divine Feminine force of the Collective Soul.

Temple Five – Mexico

The Temple of Light for the fifth dimension and fifth Creation Ray is located near the immensely populated, Mexico City. The many indigenous cultures of Mexico from the Aztecs, Olmecs, Mayans and more have all had an impact on and been affected by the energy of Teotihuacan, the place where men become Gods and the most known stargate of this grid section.

Below are the Trinitized God Force stargates of this Temple. The Temple is located within the energy fields of these three stargates combined as ONE.

Divine Masculine       Cerro Ajusco

Divine Feminine         Tepotzlan

Divine Child               Teotihuacan

The entire site at Teotihuacan where the Source energy of this grid section flows, houses two massive pyramids, the Pyramid of the Sun, and the Pyramid of the Moon along with other buildings lining the Avenue of the Dead. The entire complex is built to Diamond Sun Architecture and is the location of a future Temple of Light as the Divine Masculine force of the Collective Soul.

Temple Six – United States

The sixth Temple of Light and main center for Soul Consciousness on Terra Nova is located in California in the United States. On the Cascade Range of Northern California many indigenous tribes of North America were guardians and gave names to the most sacred mountain in the United States, we now call, Mt. Shasta.

Below are the Trinitized God Force stargates of this Temple. The Temple is located within the energy fields of these three stargates combined as ONE.

Divine Masculine       Mt. Lassen

Divine Feminine         Mt. Shasta

Divine Child               Chico Canyon

Mt. Lassen is an active volcano that can stare at his beloved, Mt. Shasta on a clear day. This grid section is balanced at the child, Chico Canyon, whose LoveJoy basalt makes up a silica base deep under the Earth that runs throughout the area around the Temple Site allowing Source Light to flow through the crystalline grids of the Collective Diamond Sun Body.

Temple Seven – Turkey

The seventh Temple of Light on Terra Nova is located in Turkey in the grid section that encompasses Istanbul. Just as with the fifth Temple grid section near Mexico City, this grid section spans a shorter distance than some of the others due to a significantly high population that is located within it.

Below are the Trinitized God Force stargates of this Temple. The Temple is located within the energy fields of these three stargates combined as ONE.

Divine Masculine       Camlica Hill

Divine Feminine         Buyukada Island

Divine Child               Neset Suya – Belgrad Forest

This site has played host as the great battleground of man to secure his God as supreme. From the Byzantine Empire and Roman Empire in Constantinople to the Ottoman Empire, to the Turkish Republic in Istanbul to Temple of Light on Terra Nova, Istanbul displays the strength of the Divine Masculine force that flows through this stargate. Located on a main fault line and volcanic Marmara Sea, this Temple of Light stabilizes the galactic energies of the collective Light body.

Temple Eight – Tibet

High in the Himalayas in Tibet lies the Temple of the eighth dimension and Ray of Creation. Over one billion people through Buddhism, Hinduism, Bon, and Jainism, recognize Mt Kailash of this grid section as the center of the world where heaven meets the Earth. It is so sacred that climbing or touching it is prohibited.

Below are the Trinitized God Force stargates of this Temple. The Temple is located within the energy fields of these three stargates combined as ONE.

Divine Masculine       Nyaingentanglha

Divine Feminine         Mount Kailash

Divine Child               Mount Nojinkangsang

The Temple site of this grid section is located in Lhasa near Potola Palace, former home of the Dali Llama. This sacred area of the Diamond Grid Section is where the over soul energies are filtered into the Collective Diamond Sun body from the Universal level which is a place where Heaven and Earth meet. It has the largest area of all the grid sections and is a powerful site for the galactic consciousness energies of the planet.

Temple Nine – Italy

The ninth Temple Site is located on the continent of Europe in the country of Italy. Longtime a source of religious worship for over a billion Catholics worldwide, Rome, is at the heart of this grid section.

Below are the Trinitized God Force stargates of this Temple. The Temple is located within the energy fields of these three stargates combined as ONE.

Divine Masculine       Monte Cavo

Divine Feminine         Lake Bracciano

Divine Child               Shrine of the Most Holy Trinity

The Shrine of the Most Holy Trinity and Divine Child stargate resides inside a mountain cave in Mount Simbruini, east of Rome. The Temple of Light on this grid section filters Source Light as the heart center of the galactic level of consciousness within the Collective Diamond Sun Body. The rich history and wisdom of Christ Consciousness through the teachings of Yeshua, will pour forth as this area is purified through the collective ascension and the Temple of Light comes online.

Temple Ten – Russia

The tenth Temple Site is located in Russia near the pristine waters of Lake Baikal. This grid section is volcanic under the surface and a powerful magnetic Divine Feminine, Sophianic force on Terra Nova.

Below are the Trinitized God Force stargates of this Temple. The Temple is located within the energy fields of these three stargates combined as ONE.

Divine Masculine       Pik Baikal

Divine Feminine         Mount Chersky

Divine Child               Olkhan Island

The Buryats are the indigenous people that have held this land sacred. They regard Shaman Rock on Olkhan Island as the holy of holies. This lake contains 20% of the worlds fresh water and is a giving life force for humanity. Mother Russia comes to life through this Divine Feminine stargate that brings forth the entire Divine Feminine Sophia force of Universal Consciousness into the Collective Diamond Sun Body. The Temples of Light at this level bring the highest level of filtered Source Light before Pure Source Consciousness is fully embodied.

Temple Eleven – Cambodia

The Jungles of Cambodia host the eleventh Temple of Light on Terra Nova. The Divine Masculine electric Christos force comes into the Collective Diamond Sun Body from the largest religious monument in the world.

Below are the Trinitized God Force stargates of this Temple. The Temple is located within the energy fields of these three stargates combined as ONE.

Divine Masculine       Kbal Spean

Divine Feminine         Kulen Mountain

Divine Child               Angkor Wat

The power of Shiva, the Christos, the Divine Masculine is represented by the 1000 Lingams at Kbal Sean. Lying next to the Divine Feminine, Kulen Mountain, these two stargates give birth to the Divine Child, Angkor Wat. This entire grid section will host the Temple of Light that brings the Father God, electric force of Universal Consciousness into the Collective Diamond Sun Body.

Temple Twelve- Kauai

The twelfth Temple of Light on Terra Nova sits alone in the middle of the Pacific Ocean between all land masses of Terra Nova. It is the Pure Source stargate that becomes the Diamond Solar Heart of Terra Nova when the collective begins to embody Universal Consciousness.

Below are the Trinitized God Force stargates of this Temple. The Temple is located within the energy fields of these three stargates combined as ONE.

Divine Masculine       Nounou Mountain

Divine Feminine         Mt. Waialeale

Divine Child               Hindu Temple

The Hindu Temple on Kauai is the site of a physical Temple being built to Lord Shiva that will become the location of the Temple of Light there. Once the collective fully embodies galactic consciousness, the Temple of Light on Kauai will become the Diamond Solar Heart of Terra Nova and the headquarters or heart of The Divine Organization of Terra Nova and will radiate Pure Source Light into the collective Light body eternally.

A Message from the Master Architect of Terra Nova

Dear ONEs of Terra Nova,

It has been an honor and a privilege to deliver this Light to the Collective Consciousness of Terra Nova. These words are literally the Light codes that are radiating out from the Diamond Solar Heart of the collective into the crystalline grids of the Collective Diamond Sun Body to signal the beginning of the Master Build of Terra Nova. As a reader of these words and this Light, you are now a carrier of these codes and will help to pollinate this Light across the planet. Everything we do within our “individual” roles on Terra Nova are a part of the whole. We are playing our roles within the story of Terra Nova as the ONE actor playing many parts. This fundamental truth when lived and practiced every day of our existence will completely transform our consciousness and our reality.

When we can look at another and know in our hearts that it is us playing that role, then we can find a deep inner peace and joy in playing the role our consciousness is experiencing within our own vessels. The story of Terra Nova has many parts and many roles. As we saw in the Seven Ages of Man, there were many characters on the world stage that all contributed to the overall shifts in consciousness that each Age brought with it. Cleopatra was a great queen of Egypt and made a significant mark in history and it was you that played the part as the ONE consciousness. Every part ever played and every part to be played in the story of Terra Nova is you as the starring role. You are the star of the show, Dear ONE, it is you that plays every part as the ONE Infinite Creator.

Make your role the most enjoyable you have ever experienced as consciousness. Live each moment fearlessly, without anxiety, worry or stress. Remember that every role is the starring role in the story. Every role is equally important because it takes every role to create the story. Each role offers sacrifices and rewards for consciousness, and we never know what another had to sacrifice in the story to play a role or what another must experience to play their role. We must use compassion and neutrality as our lens to view every role with unconditional love knowing that each is the Infinite Source expressing itself as ONE organism throughout our entire Universe.

The collective ascension is about all of us playing our roles to our fullest and most joyful so that we can build a world beyond our dreams. A world of unconditional love and acceptance of all. A world of peace and harmony. A world without suffering and sadness. It is a journey getting to these destinations and will take time to build as we ascend through the higher dimensions of this Universe together. We cannot do it together if we do not allow ourselves to play our part or allow others the space to play theirs. Fulfilling a role within the story of Terra Nova does not mean that we must lose ourselves to the truth that we are the ONE Pure Consciousness manifested as the Infinite Creator in these vessels. In fact, we can play our roles better when we can wake up each day and remember the truth that all is ONE.

We can become the star of the show, the center of the Universe, the shining Light of the Cosmos that radiates love and unity as Oneness without ever saying a word. Our roles are designed to teach us about consciousness, our Self, and the varying levels of embodiment through stages. They are our way of expressing Source Light and the Rays of Creation within the manifested Cosmos. Each of us are a unique expression of the ONE and it is through our roles that we can become this expression. Our roles are meant to teach us, to allow us to express our Light and to unite us as ONE. We cannot have the collective experience unless we each play our vibrational part in the Collective Diamond Sun Body. And so, I say to you, Dear ONEs, play your roles, be the shining star of the show, radiate your Light and live your most extraordinary experience here on Terra Nova. And I ask this of you Dear ONEs, allow every ONE else to do the same as you watch yourself expressing yourself through another in joy and admiration for what we can do with our Light.

My heart is so full of love for each and every ONE on this star system. As we embark on this Master Build together as ONE, I am grateful for the collective human experience just as much as I am my own human experience. The human experience has served to teach us a great deal about ourselves through duality and free will. The lessons we learned as humans will serve us throughout our ascension journey. We can let them go in gratitude and acceptance for the gift that they were to us all as we embark on a new journey into our collective soul consciousness.

The Initiation of Light into soul consciousness is the most awe-inspiring initiation of the entire journey. It is the confirmation that humans have always wanted that there is in fact a world beyond this one. It will bring with it a deeper understanding of the Cosmos to many as we receive the activation collectively during the Winter Solstice and its gateway. It will also bring with it another layer of truth that will be mixed with our current understanding and will take time to come completely in to focus through our ascension process.

The information presented in this book is from the Heart and Reality of ONE that has been purified through my own ascension. It has taken many forms over the course of my ascension but at its core, the message has always stayed on a similar path. I will share a passage from the book “Birthing Creation, The Embodiment of Source Consciousness” that was written at the end of my ascension through soul and oversoul consciousness by my soul self, Gaia Sophia. This passage illustrates how we always know the truth, it simply must evolve into its highest form through our ascension. This passage is a personal journal entry from my Light Initiation into soul consciousness.

“This is the recount of my experience of receiving my Light body (soul Light Initiation) that happened in the early hours of December 31, 2017. It was around 2a.m. when I was lying in bed awake slipping into a deep state of relaxation tying to go to sleep. I laid there drifting into a different state of consciousness because I could feel my body breathing separate from my consciousness. I could feel it as an avatar in a way that I have never before. Instinctively I understood that I was entering a deep state of consciousness similar as if DMT was being released from the pineal gland. I was not afraid of what was happening because I had used DMT and Ayahuasca in the past. I simply allowed the self to slip away. I was expecting to simply experience myself as pure energy as I had in the past when using these substances. Instead after some time I began feeling the sensation of being surrounded by energy and became aware of the presence of Lao Tzu on my left side and Jesus and Mary Magdalene on my right side.

They assured me that I had nothing to fear and that I was receiving my Light body. Immediately I was taken to a Light ship and there were Sirian Light beings on my right side and one on my left. I also saw three of my spirit guides hovering above the Light beings. Then the process began. The entire experience lasted two to three hours. I was continually reassured and talked to throughout the process. I could feel the Ascended Masters at my sides rubbing my arms like you would to soothe a child undergoing a procedure. I began to feel energy moving into my upper body flooding into me as if I was being injected with it in my arms. The process of sending energy or Light into my body continued for a while. I would get breaks and be reassured that everything was alright and there was nothing to fear. I remember at one point the intensity of the energy being sent through my brain had the muscles in my face moving up and down and in different motions. My guides sensed that I had fear I was having a stroke and dying and I was immediately reassured that everything was alright. I felt my crown chakra open wide and I was instructed to sit up. A column of gold, silver and diamond light began filling my energy tube in my body. After a few minutes of receiving this light, I was told I could lie back down. Once they were done with the Light body activation, I immediately had access to the Akashic records. I was shown that the Akashic records are embedded in their entirety on every photon of Light. Just as the Oak is implied in the acorn. Once my Light body was activated, I was able to “read” the code embedded in the light. Immediately I began seeing how the Universe was created.

I saw how the Great Central Sun is an Infinite Source of energy and is the Mother to all of creation. From this Source the Universe is created. I saw how the Earth is set to turn into a Sun. This is the Procession of the Equinoxes. This is the time it takes for the Universe to give birth or to duplicate itself. Sirius was once a planet like Earth and the beings that came to assist me with my Light body activation were once from that planet. I believe Earth now exists because of what happened to Sirius. The Golden year begins with humanity in an advanced state of being. Light beings and then we digress to physical beings and then back to light beings. During the Golden Age we have access to the Akashic records, and we know how the Universe works. We are instant manifestors…in the beginning was the word…we could manifest with our word alone. During this time, we built the ancient pyramids and other perfectly aligned structures that we cannot explain in modern day. As our consciousness falls, we begin to forget or to go asleep. Then as our consciousness rises, we begin to awaken and our ascent back to being Light beings. We begin to finish preparing the planet for the final piece where she becomes a God herself, a Sun, and we become Light beings and transcend the planet. The pyramids will line up with Sirius and our Galactic Center and the Central Sun and the energy will be intense enough to help the planet explode into a star.”

This passage was the birth of the Master Architect role within my consciousness that I would eventually embody over the course of my ascension as my highest role and reality on Terra Nova. I was shown so much about my role during that initiation, yet my consciousness was not able to fully understand it all at the time. It has taken years and many more embodiments for the understanding of the entire blueprint of Terra Nova to unfold from within me and for my ego to completely surrender and merge with my heart as the ONE.

I shared this story because it helps us to see that our ascension and our roles on Terra Nova will unfold in stages until we are able to play our highest role with crystal clear vision and inner knowing of our highest role as the ONE. Our truth and understanding of this role will shift and evolve as we fulfill our lower roles to help us embody our highest vibrational reality on Terra Nova. Throughout our ascension we will receive bread crumbs such as guides, friends, lovers, and experiences that will all be a part of the Light that is needed to complete our ascension so that we can live our highest vibrational reality and play our highest role knowing fully in our hearts that we are the ONE Infinite Creator creating it all.

We will learn that everything that happens to us is a gift from our self to increase our Light. Every challenge is really a triumph, every distortion is really the key to unlocking the truth, every person we encounter is a teacher and a mirror reflecting our own vibrational perception back to us. When we can see the Infinite Source reflecting back to us in everyone, then we have embodied the Infinite Source within. It takes time and mastery of our consciousness to see our reality this way. We are learning how to master energy and become masters of our reality. It is a journey to be a Master, but it is not an impossible journey. It is the Ascension Journey, the Journey of ONE!

Trust that every ONE is coded to reach mastery and to live our highest realities within this Universe. Enjoy the journey as it unfolds. You will forget and you will separate into the separate self, it is inevitable because it is the only way you will grow and evolve. Be patient, compassionate and tender with yourself when you wake up again and realize you separated off. This is part of learning our mastery of our consciousness or our Light. A Master does not separate from their heart, the Source, the ONE even when they are playing their roles on Terra Nova. A master in training will separate from the Source, from their heart, this is part of the design that helps us to construct our own blueprint and Master Build of our consciousness.

As we enter the Master Build of Terra Nova, the collective consciousness is shifting into a new stage of our mastery. There will be collective lessons, challenges, and changes that we must overcome and accept if we are to move forward and evolve our Light into soul consciousness. We have mastered the personality level of our human consciousness and have died the ego death of the collective human persona. The next stage is soul consciousness and mastery of our Light as a Soul. We will enter a new set of lessons and Light that will help us to learn more about soul consciousness. We will learn how to create collective realities as a soul and open our collective heart wider to become masters of soul consciousness.

Enjoy the journey through soul consciousness Dear ONEs and always remember that we are ONE consciousness working together to ascend the star system of Terra Nova. My eternal Light and love is given to this star system for the Master Build of Terra Nova. Let us work as ONE to build Heaven on Terra Nova. I love you all so very much.

Sophia, Master Architect, Infinite Creator

The Divine Organization of Terra Nova

The End of The Divine Organization of Creation Part 2, The Master Build of Terra Nova


The Divine Organization of Terra Nova is dedicated to bringing forth the Cosmic Blueprints for this star system. This is achieved in a multitude of ways including sharing information to assist all souls in raising their frequency to support the construction of their own Diamond Sun Body. All information shared is to update on the unfoldment of the Cosmic Blueprint for this star system and to educate on Cosmic Knowledge to support the process of full Source embodiment as a collective consciousness.
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