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How The Inner Shaman Works With Your DNA

shamanismby José Luis Stevens

As we approach 2012, information in almost every field imaginable is exploding, growing and expanding at an unprecedented speed. It has been calculated by scientists that our knowledge base is growing so fast that what once took one thousand years to learn subsequently took only the next five hundred years, then two hundred and fifty years, then one hundred and twenty five years until the present when what formerly took a thousand years to collect only takes a few days to become available. Calculations show that by the time we reach December 2012, the amount of information that becomes available keeps doubling in half the time. Soon it will reach one second and then no one knows what will happen after that as it continues to half to some infinitesimal amount of time and the amount of information becomes infinite.

The linear mind or left hemisphere of the brain cannot grasp the implications of this so, understanding what this might mean is left to the right hemisphere of our brains capable of multidimensional thought. If we realize that there is no real vacuum in space, that it is filled with infinite information, we can see that we are already surrounded and interpenetrated by information. Through the process of induction, infinitely overlapping magnetic fields instantly inform our own small biological magnetic field and we become privy to all information everywhere in the universe. So this condition already exists and has always been so, we just didn’t realize it. This is the knowledge that all the great and enlightened masters discovered, that they had access to all knowledge in the universe at the tip of their fingers or more accurately in the middle of their chests where the Inner Shaman resides. Certainly Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, and Lao Tzu knew to name just a few.

Now granted, the explanation I just gave was a little cryptic, so let us examine how this works so that you can clearly understand what you have available to you, the incredible truth of the power and good fortune you hold, spoken of in sacred books and by great teachers throughout the ages.

When you work on a puzzle it is often easiest to begin with the frame or edges and then to gradually fill in the pieces in the middle until you have a complete picture. So let us begin like this, at the edges and travel toward the center, bringing the picture all together.

It was not until the last fifteen years that we were able to map the human genome and decode it to some extent. Scientists were horrified to discover that human beings had fewer genes than some plants and vegetables. They thought since humans were so complex they would have many more. Humans have only about twenty three thousand pairs of genes, very similar in fact to a cousin of ours, the chimpanzee. In fact if you look at the early embryos of a turtle, a snake, a chicken, a monkey and a human being it is hard to tell them apart. So what is it that happens over time that causes them to turn out so differently?

When scientists decoded the human genome they could only find 10% of them that seemed to be in sequence. The other ninety percent they classified as junk genes because they could see no use for them. Only recently have they begun to discover that these junk genes are rather like switches that turn the other genes on and off as needed. The human being has a gene for a tail but it is switched off by what were thought to be junk genes. The other animals have genes that are switched on in humans but switched off for them. Thus those embryos that look so similar grow into entirely different creatures with totally different capacities. Conclusion: there is no junk in the gene pool, only that which we didn’t understand at first.

So why have we switched to talking about genes all of a sudden? Because genes are the carriers of information biologically speaking and give us access to an infinite amount of information right within our very skin. The entire history of the human race is to be found in our gene pool, all the information about how our bodies are built including whether we have blue or brown eyes, red or black hair, dark or light skin, a mercury body type or a mars body and so on. Unknown to scientists is the fact that the genes also convey all the information about every past life, every lesson learned, agreement kept, and where we think we are now and who we think we are at this moment. It is in fact a library of personal, global, and spiritual identity. The genes also carry complete information about where human life was seeded from in a specific place in the universe. Scientists are at the threshold and eventually will know this, but who wants to wait for the scientists when the stakes are so high for personal mastery!

The genes have a biological aspect that scientists are now studying and this is all they know about so far. This is akin to believing the world is flat and thinking the sun goes around the earth. They are not aware that the genes are hooked into the quantum field and have a multidimensional quality that allows them to be plugged into the knowledge of the universe. They carry vastly more information than any scientist suspects. Perhaps some current scientists do suspect this but they have to keep their mouths shut in order to avoid being a laughing stock as Galileo once was. But I digress.

Your genes, imbedded in every cell of your body, are your library card to the universe. Each gene has a tiny magnetic field and all together they have a larger magnetic field. They are currently receiving information from the universe via the fact that all magnetic fields in the universe overlap each other and instantly and totally share their information. Therefore you have access to all information in the universe via your genes. In addition your genes are not just about you, they are closer to the real you than you can imagine. While your genes are totally unique to you, at the same time they are hooked into all the same information that all people’s genes are hooked into. So are you really separate from others at all? No! All information is ultimately shared. The difference in people beyond their own selected unique physical traits is that some people are more aware of the information they have access to than others and that is all. It is still operating in everyone.

Having this powerhouse inside your skin does not necessarily mean that you use all its features however, just as many of you don’t know how to use all the fancy features in your computer or other complex electronic device. You could. It’s available. But you haven’t yet and there is no question that at some point, you will, because that is where evolution is rapidly taking you and all of us.

In order to use more powerful programs or aspects of your computer you would have to give it the proper commands and then a whole new dimension would open up to you. If you don’t know the programs are there and never give it the commands, it remains quietly dormant and you may never suspect anything is there other than the most simple of programs you habitually use every day.

Right now, 95% of human beings do not actively or consciously use their genes to capacity and in a way this is a shame because everyone has within them the tools to solve most of their problems, especially their health problems. In fact most people use less than one third of their gene potential letting the rest just sit there. Some few have activated all of it and have become masters. However, on another note, for the most part humans have not been mature enough to use all these features until now. Now is the great turning point and it means that we are currently shifting from young soul to mature soul awareness on the planet at this time. Puberty is all about learning to use a much greater set of tools, isn’t it?

Now for the moment, let us leave the discussion of genes and turn toward another part of the puzzle. In several of the most sacred books in the world there is a reference to the “Word.” “In the beginning was the word” is right there at the beginning of Genesis in the bible. All the great shamanic traditions refer to this concept, the power of utterance, of sound, of vibration, of creation. The word refers to the action aspect of God. The void is the feminine face of God. It has everything but specifies nothing. It is utter peace or chaos. It takes the masculine face of God to be specific, to differentiate one aspect of the void from another. This is thought, intention, creation, and action. Sound is vibration, a specific vibration that with intention causes something to rise up out of the quantum field and manifest. We also know that sound or vibration exists everywhere we look in this universe.

Now it has also been said many ways that human beings are made in the image and likeness of their creator. Let’s see. Human beings are capable of creating intention through concentration and focus, able to voice their intentions, and have access to the knowledge base of the universe through their gene pool. We are again back to the topic of genes and the full capacity of genes to manifest through the proper commands.

The genes need communication in order to come to life. There is a biological layer to the genes that acts out of instinct and plays out without our conscious awareness because the program is already imbedded and activated at our birth. We sit back and watch it unfold. We grow into a man or a woman with such and such physical characteristics.

Now those of you familiar with the centers know that one of the seven centers is the instinctive center. This is the level of gene activation that most people are using. It is very basic and is just like a primitive set of software programs that may be bundled into an inexpensive computer when you buy it. Yet there are other more complex programs that you can buy or download from the internet into your computer if you want it to do more.

Downloading more software requires you knowing that you can do so and having a desire to do so. To be motivated you usually have to be both curious and have a need. If your life has no meaning then you have no curiosity and no need. If you feel worthless or martyred then you won’t follow up. If you are afraid of change you will not follow through. If you are arrogant and judgmental than you will be led astray with distractions. If you are greedy or impatient you will not be efficient and won’t get the job done. But if you have a desire to evolve and grow and discover the secrets of the universe, feel worthy enough to do so, and you have a burning need, you will be motivated to do so. In the past these were the people who became the great masters. This could be you as well or we should say, this will be you, perhaps this is you now. It is only a matter of time. Certainly the window of opportunity to do this rapidly is now open.


So now let us put this all together to build the whole picture. You come fully equipped from birth to go way beyond your instincts. You have the power of the word, the action component of Spirit or God. The word is the command you need to activate the programs in your gene pool. You have free will so that you can decide to proceed any time you want. You have the capacity for vast and rapid change unlike any of the other plants and animals who are more hooked into instinct. They are here to serve and evolve rather slowly. You are here to evolve rapidly as in sudden transformation. You are here to work with both ends of the spectrum, the sheer infinity of the quantum field through your genes, and your fleshy biological base firmly grounded in your body. You are here to exercise choice and go where no wo/man has gone before.

Remember, your genes respond to your intentions and your commands, your word. You need to talk to your genes. In many articles thus far I have mentioned the need to talk to your body and tell it what you want of it. Your body is an elemental and designed to take instructions. When you talk to your body talk to your complete gene pool, in particular those aspects of your genes that are hooked into all that is. This gives you access to Spirit or as the shamans call it, the spirit world where all power resides. You have heard me speak of the inner shaman that resides in your heart space. This inner shaman is that part of you that is in complete communication with your gene pool at all times. However your inner shaman will not act on your gene pool without your permission. That is why having a relationship with the beloved inner shaman is so important. This is the primary way you speak to your genes and the cells of your body. You speak via the catalyst that is your true inner shaman. Everyone has one, no exceptions. It is what makes you unique among all the creatures on this planet, not better, just unique. It is your pipeline to the universe.

The information about the inner shaman is poised to be revealed to vast numbers of people at this time because the time is ripe. This information about communicating with your genes is poised to become common knowledge in the near future because the time is ripe. The information about using your word with intention to create through choice is ripe. These age-old ideas are now the next phase of development and growth for humanity. It is the species destiny. It is your destiny sooner or later.

All biological experiments are ultimately doomed to failure without this knowledge. They are simply too primitive and lack the essential essence of where we are going and what we are capable of. If they fail to take into consideration the spiritual element, they will produce unfortunate results as they have already begun to do. Where experiments have produced some good results, this has only happened because there was some element of conscious awareness and cooperation or resonance with Spirit.

To give you a more concrete sense of what you can do to harness these awesome powers, here is a very simple example.

You may address your inner shaman or you may address your genes directly, whatever you prefer. It has to feel right. In the end it is all the same.

“Inner shaman. I know you are connected to all aspects of my genes that are actively interfacing with the quantum field at this very moment. I am so grateful and thankful for all you have done for me throughout my life, for providing for me even when I was ignorant of your presence and for keeping me going even when I was foolish.

Activating my capacity through my word I am now giving you permission to fully activate all levels of my genes capacities for my optimum health, for fully completing my life task work, and for the highest level of happiness and satisfaction that I can manifest in this life.”

You may end here or you may wish to go on further with more specifics. Here are some options:

“I give you full permission to activate those aspects of my genes that will rapidly heal this injury, condition, symptom, or disease. May I learn whatever lesson precipitated it quickly through my dreams or directly through my perception and direct knowing of the truth. I am in my knowing”.


“At this time I call forth the mastery of X I have attained in any past life that I can put to use now for Y project or Z situation. Thank you for transferring this immediately and fully. I am in my knowing”.


“Activate and access all knowledge that will help me know at this time what is the best course of action for me about X”.


“Activate the perfect template, the original blueprint for my optimum health, the healing of my body completely at this time. I thank all my helpers and projected aspects of my essence for all the powerful support and help in healing, nourishing and replenishing my cells, renewing my body, and restoring every detail to optimal fitness, flexibility, and energy level. Raise my amplitude, my vibration, and my consciousness to the highest level that is right for me at this time. Support me to discover quickly my optimum service to the world at this time”.

Hopefully you get the idea by now about how to address your Inner Shaman and your DNA.

Now, there is one more thing you should know. Because it is time, various new technologies are being downloaded by inventors that are capable of communicating with your body’s gene pool at the quantum level, that work with your body at the highest level frequencies, that speak the language of the Inner Shaman. So this is another way that the Inner Shaman and your genes can become activated to provide a much larger service. Such technologies as the Voz, the quantum stiluses, and various computer programs that work with the quantum field are part of this new set of technologies that some of you have experimented with already. Other new technologies do not require any physical products at all. They are simply techniques that involve using your hands, your voice, and your intentions to manipulate the quantum field. There will be many more of these approaches coming. What you need to know is that these technologies are vastly more effective if they are paired with direct communication with your inner shaman or directly with your genes. Then you will have a real powerhouse set of technologies on your hands. If you use these technologies without awakening your inner shaman, without communicating with your genes, and without using the power of your words, the effects may be minimal and you might decide that they don’t work. That would be a shame. This is like not understanding how to use your new software for your computer and dumping a perfectly good program in the trash.

Of course, you don’t have to use these powerful new but in some ways ancient software bundles. You can do things the same habitual instinctive way and struggle. That is of course up to you. Ultimately there is no right way, but there are easier ways to live, way easier through using all the higher centers. Have fun and talk to your genes often, every day and then expect results but give it a little time to awaken. Once it starts it won’t stop and you will be in for a great ride. Then share with others.

Many Blessings,


If you found this article helpful then look for the upcoming e-book called Awakening the Inner Shaman. It should be available within the next two months after two years of preparation and writing.

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