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Pleiadian Message: True Power

Pleiadian Message: True Power

Yesterday day I received this simple message:

“True power doesn’t need money.”

This came from the familiar voice of one of my lead and highly trusted Pleiadian Mentors who my soul family affectionately refers to as “Grandpa James,” a name from our WWII era life we lived together on Earth. Recently he told me that his Pleiadian name is Pontius, but, with me, he prefers Grandpa James. So, refer to him however you wish: Pontius or Grandpa James. Either way, he is one of my personal most trusted advisers from The Pleiadian Ring of 500.

When I hear his voice, I know he is about to lay down some truth. My personal favorite quote from him is simple and true:

“Hearts don’t change. Only MINDS change. Hearts stay true. Forever.”

I love that. Simple. Pure. Yet profound, if you truly dig in and think about it.

Anyway, yesterday’s message from him was similar in tone. I wish I could describe his voice to you, but I don’t even know how to begin. Is it distinct? Maybe. It is for me, anyway, because, even though it’s a male voice, it’s gentle, but still masculine. Divine Masculine is my best attempt here. And it’s pure in pitch and tone. Full of honesty and love.

“True power doesn’t need money.”

It may seem like a super simple statement. And for the 3D-minded, it, of course, sounds like a bunch of horse hockey. But for those on their spiritual path – the true seekers who know they are here to do much more than just work and pay bills – this statement is an invitation to dig deeper and self-trust harder than ever before.

Now, when I’m talking about self-trust, I’m not talking about what you THINK you know in your ego mind. I’m talking about that stuff you knew about yourself when you were a kid that everyone told you was nonsense. That stuff that you still fantasize about today or catch glimpses of in dreamscape. Invincibility. Yep. That’s it!

True. Raw. Power. Flying power. Healing power. Teleportation power. The kind of power that, if you had it, you would never need money. Oh yeah. Here we go! Now we’re talking, right?

So yesterday, when I heard the message, THOSE were the things that came immediately to mind for me with that simple statement. That’s the stuff I KNOW about. In my heart. And, yes, in my mind, too. I see it in my dreams: I’ve healed people by merely touching them or shaking their hands; I’ve taught people how to fly and teleport using their Merkaba vehicles. I’ve traveled to other dimensions via wormholes that operated like fully-enclosed water slides. This is the REAL stuff. The FUN stuff. The stuff that actually matters SO much more than this mundane 3D Matrix we seem to be stuck in during our “waking” (hahaha) hours. Oh my god, it’s so opposite, isn’t it? It’s like the nightmare we can’t wake up from, and our dreamscape is the real world we all want to be in (when the dreams are good, I mean; I know some are still experiencing sad and horrifying dreams, and for that, I am truly, deeply sorry).

Let’s get back to “True power doesn’t need money.”

When I heard it, I knew a Pleiadian Message was coming… that something was brewing. But, you see, I made a deal with my peeps before I agreed to share messages from them on my blog site. The deal was that it HAD to be something different than all of the other channelers were sharing. Or, if it was different, it at least had to be more detailed or more specific than the others in some way. AND, it had to be ACCURATE. No more of this “soon” crap. Who knew their “soon” would be 10, 15 or 20 Earth years, right? (Don’t get me started! Hahaha!) But, ultimately, the “when” really IS up to us – our consciousness, our vibration, and our ability and willingness to activate and USE our powers. And to trust ourselves: our claircognizance, clairaudience, clairvoyance and clairsentience. AND our TRUE POWER.

So, when I heard “True power doesn’t need money,” I waited, but I didn’t hear anything else.

“That’s it?” I asked. That’s it, I felt. Yep. That’s all. I need to write that down. So I posted it as a blog. A very simple, profound statement that is packed with SO much unpacking for the human collective that it needed to stand alone for 24 hours. I even realized after the fact that I wrote the wrong damn date on it! It was December 18, and I wrote 12.19.2019 in the title. When I realized it, I heard my higher-self say, “It’s from the future.” So I left it alone.

I laid down to rest, and, as I settled my head, I heard a BELL bong. It was like a church bell sound, but only one bong that vibrated a bit before it faded.

Now I’ve heard a LOT of things as far as tones and frequencies. High pitched. Low pitched. Varying pitches, like the old FAX machine sounds. Static. High-pitched white noise. Low-pitched white noise. Bee hive humming. Metallic clinking. Whirring. Popping. Crackling. Brief complete and total deafness, even. But never have I ever heard a BELL bong like that. Something NEW! So there was my confirmation that the short simple message I posted was what they wanted me to do. For the time being, anyway.

Today, while driving home after dropping my son off at school this morning, I received a LOT more information about it. So, I’ll be writing when I get home, I thought as I sat at a traffic light, and the light turned green. GO. I felt a sudden urgency to get home and begin writing. Once home, I hung up my coat and walked to the stove to heat the tea kettle. I had a feeling this would be a long one. As I crossed over the highest traffic area of our home, I noticed a tiny piece of paper on the floor. Now I had crossed this spot several times this morning and never once saw that piece of paper until this very moment. And, it’s a black floor, so the white paper was quite an eye catcher.

“What the heck?” I said, as I picked it up. It was from a Yogi Tea Bag, and it said:

“Develop the power of listening.”

At first I was like, “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” and I threw it in the trash. I went to my office to turn on my laptop, and all of the sudden I was like… wait… I need to take a photo of that for this blog. It’s important somehow. So, here it is…


SIDE NOTE: This is ironic because last night I was watching the episode of Shut Eye where Charlie keeps seeing this crow with a sign that says “Are you listening?” and then follows the trail to a spiritual seminar with the same title that was presented to him by a spiritual teacher in an earlier episode.

Most of you who follow my blog know that when I “channel” Pleiadian messages, I ALWAYS open my Akashic Records first in order to create a clear, secure line of communication between me, my higher-self and my Pleiadian soul family, but for those of you who are new to my site (welcome!) I want you to know that I am not communicating with just any voice that comes through claiming to be Pleiadian. That’s not how I roll. I have very high, strict standards, and I ONLY communicate with those on my Akashic Team who I am familiar with; I ask them to identify themselves so that YOU know who they are, as well.

For those of you who are not aware, the Akashic Records are kept in the sixth dimension, the dimension of innocence and truth, and this is the vibration we shift into when we access our personal records. I keep mine open almost all of the time now, but, when I am about to work on a message for the collective, I always say the formal pathway prayer to open them before I begin.

Now that I have done this, I will begin asking Pontius (Grandpa James) some pointed questions about yesterday’s short message. My questions will appear in bold, and his answers will appear in regular text.

Grandpa James, yesterday you said: “True power doesn’t need money.” Can you tell me who this message was for?

This message was for humanity. Those who get it, and those who don’t quite yet (but they will).

For me, this simple statement says a LOT of things, but, at the same time, it also makes me go: “Yeah, right.” (Eye roll.) As you know, the mindset in the 3D Matrix is “Money IS Power.” So how can you help us better accept your message that true power doesn’t need money?

Money IS power? That is a chuckle. The problem here is that you, as a collective, GIVE the power to those who wield control over humanity. Your thought process is that those with the money have the power, and, because they have the money, they must somehow be smarter and better than you, so you must look up to them and obey them.

Have you stopped to think about how they GOT their money? Not by wielding POWER, but by generating FEAR in a system that THEY created to work ONLY for them. They created this fake value (money) and told you that you have to work for it in order to pay for goods and services and food and shelter. Then they tax you on the money you make, and you fear the fees and/or imprisonment if you don’t pay the taxes. They are not powerful. They are bullies. And this is not the kind of power we are talking about. No, TRUE power is not accessible to them because they are full of fear; fear of losing their fake money and fake power.

So, tell us more about TRUE power. What is it? What do you mean by that?

TRUE power is the stuff you are made of. It comes from the heart; your soul. It is all you are – all you have ever been – and everything you have ever learned and experienced in all lifetimes, across all dimensions and star systems. You are only now just beginning to remember who you TRULY are at soul level; it has taken some time, yes, and it will continue to unravel for you as you take in more energetic downloads that activate those dormant strands of DNA. As those continue to fire up, more and more information and gifts and talents will become available to you. The more you are aware of this, the faster you will access all of it. We understand that many of you are still sleepy. Awakening is not always easy, but it is happening for all of you in much grander ways than you ever realized.

This is what we want to talk to you about today. Realization. And we’re talking about more than the “ah ha!” moments of realizing in your mind that you have these gifts and talents available to you that occasionally present themselves. We’re talking about actually putting your gifts and talents to use on a regular basis. Instead of being amazed by them, start USING them. These are not collector’s items that sit on shelves, dear ones. (You know why they’re called “collector’s” items, right? Because they collect DUST.) Look, we understand that your dormant gifts and talents, which we will herein refer to as powers, have been collecting proverbial dust for lifetimes within the 3D Earth Matrix, but that is no longer an excuse to not exercise them.

Trust us when we say: You are smarter, you are stronger, and you are more powerful than those who bully you into debt slavery over currency that isn’t even truly real, dear ones. Develop your powers and begin creating (together, as a collective) a more loving, caring and supportive human race that embraces peace, trust and harmony. Stop waiting for politicians and governments to give these things to you; they are not in the business of creating peace, trust, freedom or harmony because, if you have those things, then they can no longer control you and take your money. Think about this a little harder and a lot longer, dear ones.

We’re going to say it again:

Stop waiting for politicians and governments to create peace, trust, freedom and harmony.

Peace, trust, freedom and harmony can only come from the collective consciousness. You have to own the 5D vibration in order to collectively share it with one another. As you share it with one another, your collective vibration grows and overpowers those who manipulate you.

You cannot do this by raising your vibration for a 30-minute or 60-minute mass meditation (this would be comparative of trying to drive a car down a highway intermittently pressing the gas pedal in spurts to get to your destination). All of you need to consistently be in your highest vibration at all times, pedal to the metal, from here on out, in order to begin owning your TRUE power.

Yes, we know you are tired, but you are all getting a strong second wind now, and it will carry you through all of 2020, so buck up and power up. This is what you volunteered and incarnated to do as Ground Crew. You’re being called to duty.

Called to duty in what way? Can you clarify that for us?

 You’re being called to be in your highest potential power at all times. That means being alert, awake and aware, with love and compassion for your fellow human family. That means serving humanity before corporations, governments, churches, military complexes, etc. That means…

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait. Some of us work for the corporations, governments, etc. What are you saying, here?

 Look back in history. All the mightiest empires fall. Survival can’t happen within a debt slavery system. While it does for some time, all end up failing, and, as more and more of the human collective awakens, less and less will be able to function in debt slavery.

Remember: True power doesn’t need money.

What does true power need?

Trust/love, compassion… all those 5D capabilities.

So, is there going to be a ginormous financial collapse in 2020?

Oh, the crash has already happened. You’re just riding on fumes at this point. No one is going to announce it. That would be admission of failure and loss of control. This is why we’re urging you to step into your personal power. Those of you reading this missive, that is. There are many others who claim to be in their spiritual power or “awakened” who will never, ever see or read this, and that is, quite simply, because they aren’t.

Anyone can wave or shoot or gun or point and fire a missile. That doesn’t make them powerful.

Just like anyone can make a claim to be an intellectual genius, spiritual chosen one, or a “royal.” Those things don’t make anyone powerful, either.

Believe us, there ARE chosen ones, and they are not the type to go around announcing it on a grand scale. The REAL chosen ones are those reading this message now.

Remember, it takes real, TRUE power to be compassionate and to stand up in the midst of adversity to do the right thing. It takes TRUE power and courage to love yourself, trust yourself (your heart), and to allow yourself to be loved. It takes TRUE power to let go of a dying, crumbling matrix with the trust that something better can be created that is beneficial to all instead of only a select few. It takes TRUE power to know, without a doubt, that everything you could possibly ever need to survive is already within you, and that it will all unfold for you at the very moment that you need it.

Rely on your intuition now more than you ever have before. Have faith. Be smart. Stay strong.

You ARE invincible, even though you’ve been conditioned to believe you’re not.

Also, to those reading this, you ARE the leaders for the human collective consciousness within the Earth Matrix. Keep your thoughts positive and focused only on what humanity needs to survive at this time. You may choose words to meditate on such as: Health. Wealth. Abundance. Freedom. Peace. Love. Compassion. Sovereignty. Prosperity. Unity. Harmony. Purity.

You get the picture. Envision it. Feed it. Water it. Express gratitude for it. Watch it manifest.

Repeat, repeat, repeat.

Is there anything else you’d like to add before we close? How about the “develop the power of listening” message that I keep seeing. Is that just for me, or for the crew?

It is for all of you. clairaudience is strong for most of you now. Listen for prompts, instruction, and advice. We will be in communication with all of you, so please take the time to create sacred space for yourself to listen daily. Ask for clarification when you need it. We want to make certain everyone feels loved and supported as you carry out your missions.


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freerspirit.com Jen is a spiritualist and professional writer. She channels her Pleiadian higher-self Scarborough, who is most know to humanity as Master Sarah, the master of Collective Unity. © Jen Freer 2019| FreerSpirit.com | Pleiadian Message Series | All rights reserved by the author, Jen Freer, who gives permission for this blog to be shared far and wide as long as a citation is included that links back to the author’s website, FreerSpirit.com

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