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The Quantum Awakening Newsletter - October 2012 Issue 164


Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

October and November 2012 at a glance

We enter the month of Libra on our way to the trials and tribulations of Scorpio in an interesting political and energetic year. The coin is flipped but it is magic of nature filled with illusion. Who, what, when, where, are the questions asked. Libra is always the moth of balancing the SHE within as we celebrate the divine female anchoring her light into the Smokey Mountains of Tennessee.

The flickers of light and power surges have already begun as we get ready for the shift before the shift. The Orionid meteors rush towards earth with hot little breaths of starry information dropping like Easter eggs all over the planet earth. Meteors especially from the, hunter, this year bring greetings from the 3 stars in Orion’s belt, Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka as well as Bellatrix. The belt of Orion leads to the Pleiades and to Sirius it is a starry portal.Bellatrix, is the third brightest star in the constellation Orion. The Warrior star-Woman is found at Orion's left shoulder. She is also known as the Amazon Star, and associated with Sirius C.

Orion is always about the lords of karma, karmic debt of planet, person, place matters not. It is about clearing the way making a new line of defense. Dust storms from the past are coming our way via volcanic debris, stellar remains and cosmic dust, all putting themselves within the direct path of earth.

Everything for the next 77 days points us onto a path that glimmers with anticipation and dreams. Finding out who we really are in truth will be the most magical of experiences as when one finally sees the truth within their matter, all is set free and clear, and no rules are necessary.

No more staying inside the lines of defined space and time. Loving self is truly the key to the kingdom of all that is. The quantum field as defined by the energy signature of self-love seeks a mirror image assuring itself a pleasant outcome. These fields of energy are called Elysian Fields. One can only visit the fields of light for short times for a taste of favorable outcomes, a reminder of what real peace feel like.Real peace comes when one believes so strongly that nothing can erase that truth. The eclipses that end 2012 give to us a telescopic point of internal view, as we see all of our unfinished business reflected around the thanksgiving table. Mercury retro drags us back into memories that need healed from a new perspective. Let go of perceptions that were fogged by the timelines of the past. All injustices are self imposed on some level as a tool for learning.

Eclipses 2012

  • Mercury turns retrograde on 6 Nov 2012
  • Mercury turns direct on26 Nov 2012
  • Solar Eclipse: November 13, 2012
  • Lunar Eclipse November 28, 2012
  • Neptuneturns direct on11 Nov 2012
  • Uranus turns direct on13 Dec 2012

Eclipses mean change, good and bad and everything in-between. Eclipses always escort in significant events-- marriage, divorce, death, birth, career change, etc. They intensely magnify and are living parenthesis forcing us to look at what we have turned our pretty heads away from. The old restraints in words and thoughts fall away like rusty shackles exposing new and tender skin. Within each word of the alphabet are hidden texts, challenging your mind to open to the vastness of what lies within them.

Solar eclipses mean new beginnings and lunar eclipses represent finishing things. These are very powerful Eclipses each with there own gifts and own set of rules.

As we rush forth in our challenging lives the energies sweep by us like the hot passionate kiss of a forest fire, burning our perception of ‘'what should be'. The solar radiation storms touch every cell in our body, reaching deep into the earths crust. Our very daystar screams at us to pay attention to every thought that strays to far from the farm. The body is restless and prances internally as it feels the presence of a new wave of energy demanding its attention. The heart reaches back into itself as it pronounces and announces vows of what did and did not come to past. Confessions spill over from emotional storms splashing all within reach. Feeling ‘oh so deeply' seems to toy with us for sport as the energies clear the pathways of our heart and mucous membranes. The body shouts enough is enough but the solar saturation continues.

The universe demands that all life gain control of itself creating a solar synchronicity. The energies demand we increase in increments without limit, creating endless possibility in a see without end. We are changing from the inside out as the rays from the sun and all it’s experiencing is reflected upon the faces of humanity. Every droplet of light finds a home enhancing the very DNA of what seeks awakening. Coincidence I think not, as the promise of ‘shifts to come’ shout from every cell in our body. The Presence of the I AM seeks a physical outlet, tag you are it! Enjoy the ride we have waited a long time for this event. Laws of Physics twist and turn along with time coming undone as we come round the corner to the end of 2012.

The Eclipses give to us the time to reflect on all that has passed before us, as the ghosts of the past dance thru our hearts. Regrets are felt deeper than ever before but a great healing occurs allowing room for the future. Mercury retro asks us to remember when we were children and got excited about life and holidays, looking forward to each celebration. It is time for all of us to wish upon the shooting Stars of the Orionid meteor showers, with a deep knowing of inner peace, letting go of worries, learning to create in a field of plenty.

Seeing into the future is not a place for those weak of heart. As one walks thru the time doors many trap doors make themselves know. Mini black holes to other universes and places of parallel time loops can escort one back and forth creating a dizzying effect. Time doors open and close faster than the blink of an eye/I. Truth and time are individual, and do not present a singular view or outcome. All the ancient texts from time gone by and time to come are read from a personal perspective and digested as ones favorite meal. Each morsel is seen and felt individually thus creating a multitude of interpretations and outcomes.

The universe has collectively entered the stellar Mirror, a passageway thru time to a place that awaits your arrival. In the place of Mirrors, there is no good or bad, nor right or wrong, there is only reflection. Within the reflection, there dwells a blade of Light, lancing what has poisoned one, allowing the healing to begin, releasing the illusion of cause and effect. All the slight of hand that has presented itself over time will be seen naked and exposed in the blinding solar light, creating new time lines that will usher earth into a new place of being. This fork in the road leads humanity down a new road, a place where compasses no longer work and the hologram shifts accordingly. Do you change time or does time change you? the answer to that question is yet to be seen.

As planet earth simultaneously walks in and out of time, the cellular membrane of man changes as the gravitational fluctuation secedes its union with the earth. Places of crossover come to confuse the senses. Lines of all types of electrical and magnetic peck away at the natural protection of man and beast leaving all vulnerable and tender. Being light filled and soft of heart will not be enough to keep the wolves at bay.

Higher intelligences often use white holes as a power switch. They hold the coding for transmutation of the species and can rebuild cell by cell with a higher light spectrum. Black Holes are known to have an all or nothing nature to them they offer no reprieve, no in-between. They are very deep abysses of consciousness, places one enters and is changed forever. Black holes demand that you let go. The black hole in the center of the Milky Way galaxy represents a portal into a higher Universe which possesses a completely different reality. Black holes are points of singularity, they are penetration points in and out of this Universe.

The ultimate choice is to go without thought of loss. To jump without fear into the abyss with the knowing that in all darkness light seeks to be seen. To crawl underground thru self and earth DNA coming out into a new light that cannot be seen by your present location as light is held captive. Humanity now rides the Event Horizon of their lives, an all or nothing experience. As you stand at the edge of who you know yourselves to be you freeze and become jumbled in thoughts and deeds. New encodings are fired off in the brain just with the thought of this truth. Embrace the energy and Light you house and reach for the Event Horizon.There is a beginning and an end to all things. Remember the Promise of the Creator, to restart at the end of every Time Cycle.

This past year has been a year of clearing, of cleansing, of healing, and of letting go. It has been a year of coming full circle into your heart, into your truth, and into the hidden corridors of your mind and of your brain. It has been a year when finally many things have been exposed to you that have always been in front of your eyes, but that you have refused to look at.

You are on a playing field where every point of your virtual reality has now become instant reality. You must walk softly and slowly as one who walks through mine fields, because emotional explosions come forth at each entrance and exit of each thought that no longer serves you. You are being asked to walk through the mind field of the memory, of the brain, and of the understanding of human capabilities. Letting go of all that you have worshiped in the past, knocking the icons off their pedestals. Creation is amplified. Thought is amplified. Deeds are amplified. Desires are amplified. Dreams are amplified. as you walk thought these mine fields in your thoughts – walk carefully. Examine your thoughts. If you have a thought of anger at another, examine it – look for clues as to why such a thought exists. Ask that it be cleared thru all time and space and lifetimes and bring that clearing into the now. For every thought of poison by air, by plane, by water, by sea, by food gathers with itself. When it gets to a critical mass, it is set free. It then becomes real -- instead of just playing in the fields of the imagination.

Every single person gives you a part of yourself that you have forgotten about. Look at your world that shows you what you have learned and take your clues from it – your personal world, as well as the world that you view externally. All of the clues are there. You need not be Sherlock Holmes to understand what is being taught you, what you have created, and what you are responsible for. Sweep in front of your cosmic porch first. Line up your life. Bring peace into your life and then you will take that peace and will place in the mansion of peace and it will be propagated, it will be broadcast. Create turmoil and that is what is broadcast. Do your part by starting with you first.

Going Beyond Your Abilities to Manifest
As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

You are an intersection of all that you have ever been and all that you choose to be. Within the walls of your heart - you entertain the past, you entertain the now, and you entertain the future. Within the walls of your heart resides all hope and wants for the future. Within the walls of your heart, you hold all levels of the universe that have not come into physical manifestation, they still hold the embryo of possible creation.

You each stand at the gates of yourself, holding your breath, waiting for life to show you which direction to walk, in which direction you are to look. You all stand at these gates waiting for a signal from something of heaven, from something of earth, from something of life. Yet you still see not that all of the signs, the signals, the energies – reside within the compounds and confines of your own being.

You stand on the apex of who you knew yourself once to be and you are asked to leap to the next mountain top, to leap into a place of consciousness and understanding that you have not landed upon in eons. You are asked to go beyond your abilities to manifest, to go beyond your abilities to create, to go beyond your abilities to love. You are asked to surpass all that you have known yourself to be, to finally land within the sphere of knowledge that awaits you.

There are many levels of your light that you are about to embrace, as there are many new levels of your humanness that you have been afraid to embrace. Announce to yourself the receiving of all levels of love – whether it is love that has pained you in the past, love that is unrequited, love that turns its head and walks away from you. Announce love to yourself, for the next level of your awakening can only be accessed through the human heart.

In order for you to rise to this next level of ascension, of light, and enlightenment – you must do it through the loves of your past. Mercury retrograde from will escort you in this clearly defined thought process. You will be asked to go back To shuffle through time and to pick through the remnants to find the shininess of love that once was. It is through this doorway of past loves that you will then walk into the newest of love that you will wear as a golden garment of light.

For all of you that sit within this sphere will walk into a higher love, but you must take several steps backward to pick up what you have dropped by the wayside so knowingly and so easily. Caress it, shine it up, and place it in your heart. For in the time of the eclipses, there will be a total eclipse of your human heart as you remember how you have gotten to this place of thinking that you now reside. There will be a time that you walk into your human heart and you will want to stay there in all aloneness. You will want to back away from those who reach their hands out as a she crab upon a sandy beach. You will go deep within the shell of self and lick the wounds of the past, of the injustices, of the hurts. Like all species of animal on earth – the salvia that you lick your wounds with – will be healing for you. It will be your own love and your own nurturing that you give to what your heart and soul so desire.

You haveside-steppedin precision – what your heart yearns to be. You haveside-steppedin exactness – where your heart yearns to be. You haveside-steppedyour future and you have lain comfortable in the quagmire of the past. It is this frequency ofsidesteppingthat you must now walk straight into. In walking straight ahead – you will meet all levels of you. You will experience reflection after reflection after reflection as you go into the 'Hall of Mirrors'of who you have always been,who you are intending to be,andwho the universe has scribed for you to become.

Most people of earth are afraid of love. They are afraid of the very thing that will set them free from the limitations of their earthly sphere. love is the 'ladder of ascension' –it is a ladder of Light, a stairway to heaven. In order to access this ladder of ascension you must always through your own heart and not through the heart of another. The heart of another will only lead you back to your own heart. No other heart will fulfill you as you need fulfilled. They can nurture you, they can polish you, they can buff you, and they can love you – but first you must receive what you have been given. You all stand on the seashores of the past and you look out to sea to see what you may see. And what do you see? -- you see all the hurts, the wounds, the injustices. How many of the blessings have you forgotten? How easily the darkness arises to your memory and how easily your human memory forgets the blessings, the grace, the good tidings that you have received and given to so many.

You are on the very porch of your next level of light. You must open the door and go in. And in there you will see your past. You will see everything that once hurt. You will see everything that brought a smile to your face. You will see a panoramic life review as you look at it all and say -- thank you for allowing me to be who I am. For every individual that crossed your life has contributed to the recipe of your soul, the ingredients of love that you hold. Be open to this doorway. Ask to receive in fullness higher levels of love. Ask the universe to show you how to love more, to show you how to receive love, and to show you how to radiate love.

You each hold such a large sphere of light. Every place you enter into, you change the vibration Do this with a knowing. Do it with love. When you find yourself in anger – immediately shift to love. Practice this over and over again in your day. For everything that makes you angry, is asking for your love. Each level of love that you walk into as a warrior will take you closer to an Ascension level of your own heart and into your higher light. All truths that you seek are within your grasp. To access them you must 'believe with a knowing' and know it with a believing'.


The Quantum Awakeninghas been Serving the Global Light Community since 1986.This newsletter is Spirit Driven and has been in circulation since 1986.It reaches a core group of millions of dedicated Planetary LightWorkers.One to one, light to Light, it births itself into completion from that point forward.This newsletter is lovingly crafted by Spirit. Any imperfections in spelling and grammar only enhance its beauty and uniqueness.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
PO box 217
Dandridge, Tennessee



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