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The Energy Of Equanimity - Mary Magdalene

The Energy Of Equanimity - Mary Magdalene

Greetings Dear One, yes it is I, Mary Magdalene. I come to you on this most auspicious day and I say thank you for honoring the love that you are. For each day as you enter into this life cycle it is a gift, it is a gift to be here on the earth plane. So I ask each of you Dear Ones to begin to hold the vibration of love close to your heart, first for yourself and then for another. Simply begin to breathe in this vibration of love and begin to hold the essence and the frequency of forgiveness within your heart for all those who have trespassed against you, and all those you have trespassed against.

It is of great importance, Dearest Children, that you begin to be free within your soul. So that you are able to clearly hold the space of non-attachment to any person, place, thing, idea, ideology, or energy that causes you any discomfort. For today it is about being in peace, it is about centering yourself and your own soul, into the energy of love and acceptance, and yes, today what has been brought forth upon this planet is the energy of the sea of tranquility. Yes, there is a powerful frequency that is being emitted over this planet of calmness, of tranquility. The Galactic Federation and all of the Celestial Hosts have sent forth a wave of peace and healing and calmness upon your planet. And so yes, Dearest Children, we say for you to say Yes, I choose peace, I choose forgiveness, I choose love, I choose acceptance. And so today as you take a deep and inhaling breath, breathe in the energy of what we call the energy of equanimity, of tranquility upon your soul. Breathing in this energy, breathing in this vibration, breathing in the power of peace upon your soul, letting go, letting God, letting go, letting God. Breathing in the vibration of peace upon your soul.

And so today as you begin to breathe in this frequency of love, may you heart begin to open, and your mind begin to be healed, and may you begin to feel this energy and essence of peace as you choose, truly choose to call forth the energy of forgiveness. So that you may be at peace and you may be restored. So at this time please take a deep, inhaling breath, and begin to breathe in and be aware of a beautiful pink ray of light that is now streaming down from the heavens and up from the earth into your heart. Begin to breathe in that beautiful pink ray of light as it streams down from the heavens and up from the earth into your heart. It enters into the soles of your feet and down through your crown chakra, meeting in your heart center, swirling and mixing with the love of your own divine heart, your own sacred heart, your own merciful heart. Now imagine that your heart is opening and your mind is being healed, and any energy, any thoughtform is being washed out of your body, your mind, through these channels and rays of the pink light, clearing old pain and unforgiveness, judgment, fear, lack of understanding, so that your pain can now be released, both through your crown chakra and through the soles of your feet, as if through both chakras you are releasing this energy up to the heavens to be received and out through your feet, into the energy of Mother Earth as it is transformed and transmuted into love. Knowing that this pink ray of light has its own intelligence and it is healing and directing all healing in your mind, body and spirit and soul, as if it is a twirling, swirling energy that is now healing any levels of unforgiveness, judgment, fear, lack of understanding, or any pain that you are holding in your body, mind, spirit or soul.

So take a few deep breaths and begin to deepen this connection of the pink ray into your heart, and say to yourself silently, I forgive myself for causing pain to others, intentionally or unintentionally, I forgive myself for not being perfect, I forgive myself for judging and not understanding, I forgive myself for hurting others, I forgive myself for all that I have not understood that was of love. So now begin to breathe in this vibration of the pink ray of light, once again allowing it to clear and wash through your body, clearing any energy that is not of peace, clearing any energy that is not of love, clearing any energy that is discordant and not free. Say to yourself, may I be free and happy, may I be free and happy, may I be free and happy as I allow the beautiful pink ray of light to continue to swirl and to twirl around my crown chakra and out the soles of my feet, now asking for forgiveness for all those that you have harmed, as you have forgiven yourself, may you forgive another, forgiving all those you have harmed, and forgiving all those that have harmed you. So take another deep, inhaling breath and simply begin to breathe in this energy, I forgive all those who have hurt me, I forgive all those who have caused me paid intentionally or unintentionally, I forgive all those who have not understood my true nature, I forgive and I accept and I allow, may all beings be happy and free, may all beings be happy and free, may all beings be happy and free. Once again breathe in the pink ray of light, knowing that this energy is now healing your heart, healing any aspect of your body that is holding any pain, whether in your heart, your stomach, your liver, your pancreas, within every cell, every fiber, every pore of your being, now this pink ray of light is bringing peace and happiness and tranquility into your physicality, into your mental mind, allowing yourself to be happy and free. So take another deep breath and simply begin to breathe in this energy, clearing out all that no longer serves you, healing all pain, unforgiveness, judgment, fear, lack of understanding, allowing this pink ray which has its innate intelligence to the energy of the God essence to now begin to swirl and twirl around your entire body, allowing your heart to remain open and your mind to be healed, as it brings your greater peace and happiness, as you are the gift to the world, as you are feeling and embracing the pink ray of light, this beautiful pink healing ray of light is streaming down from the heavens into your heart, up through the earth into your heart.

Visualize and allow the pink ray to continue to stir within your heart, once again, may I be happy and free, may all souls be happy and free, may we be at peace, may we be at peace, may we be at peace. Simply knowing that the light of God surrounds you, the power of God protects you, the presence of God watches over you wherever you are God is and all is well. May you be free, may you be free, may you be free. May the love of God surround you, the power of God protects you, the presence of God watches over you wherever you are you are free. So today as you begin to feel this energy and this essence within your heart, may you place your hand over your heart and once again forgive yourself for allowing yourself to cause yourself pain. You see, Dearest Ones, what is happening within the world, is that the individual souls that are suffering and all souls, all life forms, all life, is to be free. There is to be no suppression or repression of old emotions, that are to be harming or creating conflict for another. You see the wounds of the past are still like thorns in peoples’ sides, old wounds are like thorns. And so it is time to let it go. It is time for all souls to be happy and free. Letting go, letting God, letting go, letting God, It is time for all souls to be happy and free.

And so today as you allow your heart to remain open, and to be at peace, be still, be still, be still and know that you are loved, be still, be still, be still and know that you are loved. Today as you enter into this state of grace, feeling the energy and the essence of peace upon your soul, knowing that the power of forgiveness, first for yourself and then for another is how peace shall prevail upon the planet. It will not be until all souls understand that they are responsible for their own happiness, they are sovereign over their own energy fields, and they release the wounds of the past. All you have today, Dearest Ones, is now. Forgive them for they know not what they do, for you see, when Yeshua was laid upon the cross, he did not harbor anger or resentment for Pontus Pilate or all those who had persecuted against him. But he understood the higher wisdom of that which was occurring, and so each of you are to release the wounds of the past and to know that your spirit is much stronger than that which has brought harm onto you. That your spirit can rise above any and all that has caused you pain and suffering, even the most horrendous acts of violence or atrocity upon the human soul can be transmuted with love and acceptance. So today we ask you to place your attention on all those who have hurt you, your mother, your father, your sister, your brother, your spouse, a child, a neighbor, a friend, and even those that you perhaps don’t even know, but you feel anger towards, or what you may call generalized anger to all that is happening, that you feel is affecting you. We ask that you begin to call in the beautiful pink ray of light and begin to heal it, begin to heal, heal, heal, and heal. This beautiful pink ray of light, letting go, letting God, letting go, letting God. Calling in this beautiful pink ray of light, letting go, letting God.

So today as you feel this energy upsurging within you, may your heart begin to open, and your mind truly begin to be healed, as you see the anger washing out through the soles of your feet, as if this energy is rising up out of your crown chakra, as if you have a new illumination, that you are a powerful spirit, and nothing or no one can harm you. That you are more powerful than that which has transpired against you, that you are stronger, wiser, more vibrant, than any act that has been placed upon you. The power of your spirit can transmute all injustices, all pain, all sorrow. So now Dearest Ones, breathe in the energy of the pink ray, of the beautiful pink energy of healing, like a beautiful rose quartz of energy, as if you are surrounding your own auric field with the rose quartz and emitting only love in your auric field. Love. The powerful vibration of love, emitting the powerful vibration of love into your auric field, only love will be drawn to you, only peace will be drawn to you, only good will be drawn to you. So let go, let God. Today as you enter into this state of grace, prepare yourself to receive, prepare yourself to receive, prepare yourself to receive. Entering into this divine state of grace, preparing yourself to receive. I will now step back and allow Yeshua to speak, as you open your sacred heart and merciful heart, to love, forgiveness and acceptance.

Dear Ones yes it is I, Yeshua. As I come to you on this most auspicious day, I say thank you. Thank you for honoring the love that you are, for yes it is of utmost importance Dearest Ones to forgive, to hold the space of love of forgiveness, first for yourself and then for another. Understanding that as you hold this pain and suffering in your own heart, it only hurts you, it is only causing you further pain. It is causing you further discomfort. Creating more and more imbalance inside of your soul, that will need to be transmuted. So today as you allow yourself to finally let go, forgive, love and accept. This is a day that God has made, it is good and it is rich. This is a day of forgiveness and acceptance and allowance. So truly allow your beautiful light to shine, as you open your heart to this greater sense of peace and tranquility upon your soul. Letting go, letting God. As you allow this frequency of unforgiveness to no longer be present within your psyche, to be held within your physicality, or to be in your soul essence. See yourself free, just like the pink ray, calling in the energy of love, forgiveness and acceptance, out through the soles of your feet out through the crown chakra, as if your vessel is being purified and cleared, just as my Mary has said. The energy, the essence is that of peace. The energy and the essence is that of love, the energy and the essence is that of acceptance. Forgive, love and accept. Accept the fact Dearest Children, that you are powerful, powerful spirits that can transmute all that no longer serves you. You are able to transform your energy in a twinkling of an eye, your choice. It is how you choose to live your life, being bitter or angry or being at peace and tranquil. Hold the space of love for all the world to see and all the world to know, just as my Mary had said, this is what is needed upon the planet at this time, the old wounds of the past are rearing their ugly head. There is no need for this to be, there is no need for the anger, there is only love, and peace.

Just as the Lemurians who live in the underground city, live in harmony and balance within themselves and with all of life, this is possible, for this to occur within your surface population, this is possible, one person at a time, being at peace. One person at a time, living in balance and harmony, one person at a time changing their own energy field and being at peace. Each one teach one, each one lead one, you Dearest Children are the teachers, the messengers, the way showers, you have a responsibility to yourself and to the world to be the light of the world. To be the vessels of change, to be the peacekeepers, the way showers, the messengers of hope and renewal. Today, you are here showing forgiveness and holding this space of love for all the world to see and all the world to know. There is no reason to be angry, there is no reason to be attached to that which no longer serves you. There is no reason to be attached to the anger that is in the world today, there is no need to hold this frequency within your heart, for it only hurts you, and you can see by the outcome of what is happening in the world at this time, that the violence, the anger, the unrest, is coming out to be purged. And so release, let go, let God and call in the vibration of peace and tranquility upon your soul, calling it in and allowing the beautiful pink ray to submerge within your heart, and there you are living in a state of grace. There you are living in a state of grace, opening your heart to the remembrance of your original state of your beautiful spirit. The power of your spirit can transmute, transform and shift all energy in a twinkling of an eye, again Dearest Ones, it’s your choice. Forgive yourself, for not understanding, and allow yourself now to receive. My Mary and I come within you and to you upon this day to bring the healing ray of the pink ray to your heart, to bring the pink ray, the healing ray to your heart so that you are not suffering, but you are now being able to be at peace, that you are free, you are happy and you are free.

Today as you allow your heart to open, and your mind to be healed, may the presence and the essence of love be upon you, and may you feel the joy, feel the joy, feel the joy. So take another deep, inhaling breath and begin to invoke the healing power of the pink ray, the pink ray of love feels my love through grace and compassion, the pink ray of love frees my heart through grace and compassion, the pink ray of love frees my heart through grace and compassion. Today, as you allow this energy to open your heart, not only will this heal your heart, but it will improve your health and well being, physically, energetically, emotionally, spiritually, and your healing and your energy of forgiveness benefits all those in your life. It benefits all souls and benefits all those that we share our energy field with. So as you expand and surround your energy with this pink ray of love, know that the pink ray of love frees your heart through grace and compassion, first for yourself and then for another. So this is freeing the energy for all souls within your family unit, your parents, your children, your husband, your brothers your sisters, your neighbors, your community, the world at large. So once again breathe in this pink ray, and call in this vibration of what we call the sea of tranquility. May your heart be opened, your mind be healed, may you feel this energy and resonance of peace upon your soul. Forgive, love and accept, forgive, love and accept. For today is a powerful, powerful day, a transformative day, as this powerful frequency from Grace Elohim comes and bathes the earth into the sea of tranquility, and truly may the love of God surround you, the power of God protects you, the presence of God watches over you wherever you are God is and all is well. Feel the presence of love upon your soul, knowing that your heart is open, and you are here to receive the blessings upon your own soul, free your spirit, free your soul, free your body, free your mind. Simply breathe once again, relax let go and let God. Truly allow your beautiful light to shine, letting go, letting God. Simply allow your heart to open and be at peace. Go now my children, forgive, love and accept, and above all receive. Receive this beautiful gift of healing that we bring to you, and the pink ray of love embeds within your heart. Go now my children and prepare yourself to receive. Go in peace.


Reverend Lea Chapin
Lea Chapin has always been dedicated to helping others, whether in her psychotherapy practice or as a licensed massage therapist or any of a number of other undertakings she has pursued in service to others. Most recently, she has expressed her amazing gifts as an author, speaker, and teacher of Divine wisdom.

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