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Daily Angel Message: Don’t Over Analyze
Written by Cat

Cat’s Angel Message for February 4, 2024
February’s Theme: Trusting in the “unseen” and believing in yourself takes you to the next step in your personal evolution. Our keywords are “I CAN”.
Overthinking and overanalyzing create barriers to accessing our power. Cat
Today’s Message:
24: “If you can dream it you can become it and create it”. When life has you down then it’s time to make some changes, find a new direction and change your perspective.
We are being reminded today that our power is at its greatest level when we meet life with an adventurous attitude. To do this we must have faith in ourselves and believe with every fiber of our being that our dreams are within reach if we just keep trying. Sometimes things happen quickly and other times we wait. However, behind the scenes wheels are turning, things are happening, and pieces of the puzzle are falling into place. For those who aren’t quite ready to take the complete plunge, take baby steps and one thing at a time. Don’t waste time over analyzing, find one thing that you can start building from and meet your adventure. Our spiritual helpers are with us all the time offering guidance and protection and their loving energy surrounds you and supports you in every way.
Today’s Spirit Helpers include:
Archangel Raguel sets us on the path to personal empowerment. He helps us to find our strength and promotes clarity when we feel conflicted about what to do next by providing a boost of energy and by bringing order to your thoughts. He empowers the underdog and also acts as a motivational coach when we feel down on ourselves and can help you to reach your full potential.
The Ascended Master Melchizedek helps keep our energy balanced and flowing. This is essential for using our gifts and understanding the information we receive. He sends us information through color so pay attention to the ones that draw you or feel relevant.
The Greek Goddess Athena embodies change and transformation through experience and learning. She tells us ” You are a warrior in your own right. Every day you choose the battles that will fight so make the wisest choices you can, each choice will help lead you to victory.
Today’s Sacred Stones include:
Black Banded Agate which helps us start new things, embrace new beginnings and projects. It promotes the creativity needed to make things happen. The patterns in this stone invite inspiration and creative flow!
Jade can provide aid in problem-solving and shows us the path to reaching our goals and actualizing our dreams. It also promotes emotional balance and self-confidence as it gently dissipates negativity and brings peace on all levels. Jade which attracts both prosperity and good luck. Jade helps us to understand that we are spiritual beings on this very human journey we call life. It stimulates knowledge and ideas.
Sunstone brings personal empowerment and fights procrastination. It brings out our natural optimism, self-confidence and promotes our natural flow of abundance as it soothes our fear of change and the accompanying stress that change can bring. Sunstone has a strong connection to light and helps to harness the reenergizing power of the sun during meditation and everyday life. It is linked to all benevolent deities and brings good fortune and luck.
Bright blessings for a magickal day!
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