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Surging Energy Waves Approach!
Written by Jenny Schiltz

How are you doing in these Energy waves. I am told that it is a precursor to the Lion’s Gate Energy.
I found that I was and still am ALL OVER THE PLACE.
In one moment, I am receiving deep understandings and insights and the next I feel lost and overwhelmed. We went into the woods for a few days and that helped me to “unplug” and expel excess energy that was spinning and creating stories.
My physical body is changing so much. I am experiencing ear pain off and on, my adrenals are over-active, and I am feeling a resurgence of latent viruses. These are all signs that tell me my body is feeling very taxed and it will be a balancing act to do all that needs to be done and not become ill.
We are having to learn when to do and when to rest all over again. We are having to learn what the body can handle and what it can, for these too have changed.
While I am seeing an increase in sensitivities, I am also seeing an increase in core strength and balance. Something is really changing.
My team tells me that we are being made new, bit by bit. They tell me it is helpful to keep a journal, noting what is working and what is not. They said to pay attention to the tiny changes, write them down. We will look back in a few years and surprise ourselves with the changes, yet we need to be seeing the progress now.
We need to celebrate the gains, and the changes in our thinking and reactions. By making an effort to notice the small things, we will help ourselves through this incredible transition with greater ease.
I received an email today from someone who was very worried that she had “missed” the 7/7 gateway because she was struggling to stay high vibrational. Below is my video response.
The next Shamanic Distance Healing is tomorrow. If you would like to receive some energetic assistance, please sign up. That link is below as well.
Take care of you and let me know how you are doing in the comments of the video.
Sending you lots of love.
Received via email
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