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Weekly Forecast: September 3 - 9, 2023
Written by Kelly M. Beard
9/3 :: Venus Direct in LEO (until Oct 8th):
I remind you here to … Process, Integrate & Prepare: LEO is all about what you love & care about and that has evolved over the last 18-months to 8-years and adjustments to your personal creativity, self-expression & what inspires you from within, should reflect the upgrade.
Taking a time-out to review your own ways of being your Self, expressing your Self and sharing your Self – that is what this Retrograde has likely brought to the foreground. LEO energy always reveals where you are or are not shining or sharing your Light with the world. This energy teaches you to stay true to your own heart and to stand in the truth of your own journey. Periodically, we need to rededicate energy & resources to some self-care & refreshing the Inner Light. LEO also gets us present to the kind of friends, lovers & communities that we choose and they too should reflect a major upgrade this year. Aśe OOO!!
We are now entering Post-Shadow Period (Sept 3 – Oct 8) when these various *Inner Upgrades* will begin to become more & more obvious and your new values & priorities will start to emerge, renewed! As you reflect on the last 8-years, you may be able to find where you lost your Authentic Self along the way and now you are reconnecting with your Heart and remembering your Mission, thanks to Venus. You recognize that your own magnetics were attracting the wrong things, situations & people and now you are being given time to do a conscious course-correction around your relationships & finances in particular, so that you can magnetize a better vibrational match to this Higher Self-Expression & Brighter Light through you!
9/4 :: Mercury Rx (learning & mind) ~trine~ Jupiter (education & consciousness):
(2 of 3: 8/9 :: 9/4 :: 9/25)
This energy is great for expanding your mind, learning something new or taking a class. It’s time to plan for the future and start getting organized. However, you may feel less disciplined and more creative, which is fine in the beginning, but eventually focus & discipline will have to be engaged to ground your new ideas, thoughts or concepts. You have to ask your Self, ‘How bad do you want it?’ If you are self-aware, awake & alert, you will be able to see (and seize) the opportunities as they present themselves. It may ‘appear’ to be luck, but it’s really more that you were in alignment with the Cosmos, present & positive, and ultimately, able to trust & follow your own instincts. Practice, there is no perfection with that. Being optimistic & looking for opportunity in every experience will magnetize the positive and naturally repel the negative, leading right where you want to be! Take advantage of this good energy to connect to whatever it is you are trying to create in your life at this time.
9/4 :: Jupiter Retro in TAURUS (until Dec 30th):
Jupiter Retrogrades every year giving us a chance to focus on what has expanded and reevaluate what in your life needs to increase and what in your life needs to decrease. We have all been through a lot on the social/collective levels over the last 1-3 years and many of us have awakened to our non-negotiables, those things that make it possible for you to feel individual comfort & personal security. Life is way too short to be living someone else’s values or priorities.
This energy is going to encourage us to improve our environment, beautify ourselves and create something tangible, valuable & long-lasting. It is time to fully embody and truly express your new values by making new choices & different decisions. You can use this Retro period to review your relationships & assess your resources and see where you can improve all of it. Jupiter expands the focus on your own magnetics – what you naturally attract and what you naturally repel with your own energy field, something else we can consciously improve with Jupiter here for a whole year. Determination, patience & consistency is going to be needed to bring your renewed & expanded vision to life. Whatever you’re creating – inside or out – must be sustainable, practical, valuable and, ultimately, beauty-full – full of beauty and your own essence.
During the Retrograde, you should also be mindful of the Shadow of Jupiter in Taurus – which is extremes, indulgence, stubbornness or impatience and you have to particularly watch any extremes around eating, drinking, sexing or spending. If things are going well for you, Jupiter will bring blessings & improvements to your Taurus Dept, however, if things are NOT going well for you at this time, be mindful because Jupiter’s influence makes everything bigger – good, bad or indifferent. And the biggest Shadow of this energy is what we call a *Hungry Ghost* – when no matter what you manifest, it does not satisfy that inner hunger. If you are co-creating with these energies, and especially if you have any Taurus/Scorpio and/or Leo/Aquarius activated in your chart, then the next 3-years are vital to anchoring much larger cycles that will fortify, nurture and protect you going forward.
Years to Reflect On When Jupiter was in:
Taurus = 2023-24 :: akin to … 2011-12
Aquarius = 2020-21 :: akin to … 2009
Scorpio = 2017-18 :: akin to … 2005-06
Leo = 2014-15 :: akin to … 2002-03
9/6 :: Mercury Rx (communication & self-expression) ~conjunct~ Sun (core essential Self & Source energy):
This energy will compel you to express yourself on many levels. Communication will be a focus, just make sure that it is reciprocated. What I mean is two-way communication and exchange of ideas. As you initiate this new cycle of self-expression, you will have access to some powerful energy that can (and probably will) help you make a difference or an impression on others (if you need to). This is a good time to travel if possible. However, if not physically, then mentally (through visualization) or within your own area (locally), because if you explore a new direction, you are much more likely to discover something new. This energy opens you up to a download of more information than usual so pay attention! If you are solid and organized, you may even gain some much-deserved recognition from others that you have earned through your individual efforts.
9/8 :: Sun (source & essential Self) ~trine~ Jupiter (expansion):
This is a blessing of Source energy fueling your biggest dreams & visions for your life, this lifetime. You are encouraged to take advantage of the good *vibe* available when these two get together to expand your life’s direction in a big way. This activation is often blessings from previous dedication. You’ve been moving in a certain direction, and it’s like the Path is wider & deeper now, allowing you to connect some huge pieces of your personal Story *together* in a whole new way. It’s a great for learning & exploring anything that will support your forward movement and make you more valuable to the team. Some may use the good vibe to veg-out and relax, which for some, may be best. However, if you are stepping up to new levels of your own consciousness, this energy totally supports you as you integrate it all. It is an enthusiastic, optimistic energy that will open doors for you, depending on your attitude. It will allow you to see the big picture and the next necessary step toward your goals at this time.
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