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Weekly Planetary Energy Guide: January 13 to 19, 2025

Weekly Planetary Energy Guide: January 13 to 19, 2025

NEW EVOLUTIONARY IMPERATIVE: The North and South Nodes of the Moon have just entered new signs, beginning their 18-month activation of the Pisces/Virgo axis on January 11.

The Moon's nodes are important factors in astrology, showing us the qualities that humanity must develop and those we must leave behind if we are to evolve. 

The positive traits of the zodiac sign of the North Node show the direction of our progress, while the shadow qualities of the sign of the South Node reveal behaviors that interfere with our growth. With the North Node now in Pisces, and the South Node in Virgo, the cosmos are instructing us — and requiring us — to move from:

  • Overanalyzing, focusing too much on details ... To seeing the bigger picture
  • Fault-finding, blaming ... To nonjudgment, compassion, and forgiveness
  • Nervousness and fear ... To surrendering anxiety to our higher self
  • Obsessive worry ... To freeing the mind through meditation and
  • Basing our well-being on our ability to control situations and knowing what to expect ... To trusting in positive outcomes, prioritizing spiritual growth, and surrendering to the flow
  • Inflexibility, staying too long in unpleasant situations ... To being adaptable, accepting, and allowing of change

The location of the Moon's nodes determines the signs in which eclipses occur, so these cosmic imperatives will be reinforced by the eclipses that occur over the next year and a half. That being said, we are now in a somewhat "in between" phase between the old evolutionary directives and the new, since we still have one eclipse remaining from the "old" series, a partial Solar Eclipse in Aries on March 29.

FULL MOON: The current lunar cycle reaches its climax this week with a Full Moon at 2:26 p.m. PST on January 13. At the time of the lunation, the Moon will be at 23°59' Cancer, with the Sun at the same degree of Capricorn.

While emotions tend to be heightened whenever we have a Full Moon, we are likely to feel them even more strongly as we work with the energies of this particular lunation. This is partly because Cancer is a water sign, very in tune with its own feelings, and also very sensitive to the moods of other people and to the energies of the collective. 

The Full Moon is in a very close sextile to Uranus (at 23°23' Taurus), so will enhance our intuition and our awareness of that which lies beyond our usual level of consciousness. And, with Luna trine Neptune, this Full Moon also supports a greater capacity for empathy, compassion, and understanding.

FULL MOON T-SQUARE: While Monday's Full Moon clearly has many positive potentials, it will also present us with some challenges. At the time of the lunation, Luna will be forming a T-square as she conjoins Mars, opposes the Sun and Pluto, and squares both Eris and Chiron.

To visualize this T-square configuration, imagine a giant letter "T" in the sky, with the Moon and Mars at one end of the crossbar, the Sun and Pluto at the other end, with Eris and Chiron at the base of the stem.

A T-square represents great tension that is looking for a release point. Under its influence, people can be especially impatient, impulsive, confrontational, and excitable. Since the energies of the recent Mars-Pluto opposition are being reactivated, we could experience events that trigger deep, primal emotions.

Chiron and Eris are located at the "apex" (the base of the stem) of the T-square, placing them in a position of power. Chiron's involvement means that fears and insecurities could arise, and some might deal with feelings of victimization. For her part, Eris likes to reveal truths we'd rather not see, and her disclosures usually stir controversy.

Reverberations from this Full Moon T-square will likely extend at least through Wednesday, January 15, the date when the Sun is precisely opposite Mars. Events this week might also relate in some way to January 21, when the Sun-Pluto conjunction is exact. 

To successfully navigate these powerful Full Moon energies, we must cultivate patience, endurance, self-control, and emotional mastery. Thankfully, the harmonious lunar aspects that are also in effect — Luna's sextile to Uranus and her trine to Neptune — should help us in that regard. 

ASPECTS THIS WEEK: Here are my brief interpretations of this week's most important planetary aspects, day by day: 


Sun trine Uranus: We are eager for new experiences and open to innovative and progressive ideas with this aspect. We may feel restless with the status quo and ready for change.

Full Moon: The Full Moon shines its brightest at 2:26 p.m. PST, when the Moon is at 23°59' Cancer and the Sun is at the same degree of Capricorn.

Mars semisquare Jupiter: There is a tendency to go overboard with this excitable aspect, to act or speak in haste. Some may be reactive, responding defensively to minor affronts.

Mercury sesquiquadrate Uranus: Nervous energy is heightened, and the mind is impatient. There could be technology glitches or interruptions in communications or travel plans.

Sun square Eris: A restless and rebellious quality is heightened. Disruptions to "business as usual" may occur.


Venus sesquiquadrate Mars, Venus square Jupiter: We may be somewhat self-indulgent today, wishing to find pleasant distractions to keep our minds occupied. However, withdrawal or avoidance could exacerbate relationship troubles.


Sun opposite Mars: People may be especially angry, competitive, defensive, or impulsive with this aspect. However, this is also the midpoint of the Mars retrograde period (December 6 to February 24), so it marks a turning point, when we could get a sense of how issues might resolve going forward. 


Mercury quincunx Jupiter, Sun sesquiquadrate Jupiter: Moderation is key today. There could be a tendency to exaggerate the facts or to make broadscale judgments or moralizations.


Sun sextile Neptune: This aspect helps us be sensitive and compassionate to others. It may also help us use our intuition and creative imagination in practical ways.


Venus conjunct Saturn: We take a more objective and responsible approach to relationship and financial matters now. This conjunction provides a reality check, when we can get clarity on where we stand in these areas.

Mercury sextile Saturn: The mind is logical and dwells on practical matters today. This aspect can also assist with mental focus and supports serious conversations.


Venus semisquare Pluto, Mercury sextile Venus: We may be drawn into intense conversations today. We are eager to discover what is going on behind the scenes.

Sun enters Aquarius: The Sun enters progressive Aquarius at 11:59 a.m. PST today. The new solar month (January 19 to February 18) supports us in being authentic, original, and innovative. We may also feel restless and even rebellious when anything feels restrictive or seems to interfere with our independence.

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: You are emerging from a time of significant change in your life and in your sense of personal identity. There is now a feeling of restlessness, a need for your world to better reflect the new you. You may thus feel a bit combative or defensive when others expect you to be the person you once were. Fortunately, you have an increased capacity for forgiveness and understanding and will likely be drawn to spiritual or creative activities that feed your soul. These will help you find your true center and enable you to make the positive changes you seek. (Solar Return Sun opposite Mars, sesquiquadrate Jupiter, trine Uranus, sextile Neptune, conjunct Pluto, square Eris)

In peace, love, and gratitude,


Aspects of Note This Week:

All times listed are Pacific Daylight Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 7 hours.

  • MONDAY: Sun trine Uranus, Full Moon 2:26 p.m. PST, Mars semisquare Jupiter, Mercury sesquiquadrate Uranus, Sun square Eris
  • TUESDAY: Venus sesquiquadrate Mars, Venus square Jupiter
  • WEDNESDAY: Sun opposite Mars
  • THURSDAY: Mercury quincunx Jupiter, Sun sesquiquadrate Jupiter
  • FRIDAY: Sun sextile Neptune
  • SATURDAY: Venus conjunct Saturn, Mercury sextile Saturn
  • SUNDAY: Venus semisquare Pluto, Mercury sextile Venus, Sun enters Aquarius 11:59 a.m. PST

DAILY ASTROLOGY: For daily astrological insights, including lunar aspects not covered in this weekly Journal, please follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pamyounghans/ 

Astrologer Pam Younghans writes the NorthPoint Astrology Journal based on planetary influences and insights received. Her hope is to bring astrology "down to earth" in a way that will help readers navigate current energies, while also utilizing these energies for spiritual and personal growth.
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To learn more about Pam's work, please visit www.northpointastrology.com

NorthPoint Journal copyright 2024 Pam Younghans. All Rights Reserved.

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