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Everything To Know About Treating Uterine Fibroids
Written by Lauren Perry Views: 1593

Uterine fibroids are ͏a common concern among ͏many ͏women, especially those of reproductive age.͏
These benign uterine͏ growth can produce a ͏range of symptoms, from mild discomfort to serious conditions such as heavy bleeding or strong pain. There͏ are various ways through which uterine fibroids can be treated͏, and options depend on͏ the size͏, location, and number of͏ fibroids, as well as general ͏health and͏ ͏future fertility plans.
Understanding Uterine Fibroids
While the exact cause is unknown, everything from genetic to hormone levels and even environmental factors can have an impact on fibroid growth. Many women who develop fibroids have absolutely no symptoms at all, while others may face heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain, or urination more often. These fibroids may range in size from small seedlings, which are difficult to detect, to large masses capable of distorting uterine contours. Though it is rare, life-threatening complications may arise due to these fibroids, resulting in interference with a woman's quality of life. Also, complications of infertility or problems associated with pregnancy may be caused by fibroids. That's why timely treatment is so important.
When to Seek Treatment for Uterine Fibroids
Not all fibroids need immediate attention. In fact, most women with fibroids will never need treatment. However, if your symptoms complicate life or the growth of your fibroids is rapid, then that is the time to seek a healthcare professional's opinion. The common signs that you need treatment include heavy menstrual bleeding, severe pelvic pain, prolonged periods, and constipation or painful urination as fibroids press on adjacent organs. It usually receives treatment from doctors, depending on the severity of your symptoms and if you will have babies in the future.
Nonsurgical Treatment Options
Various methods of nonsurgical treatment may alleviate or reduce the size of fibroids for women who avoid surgery. Medication can be provided that will reduce fibroids by decreasing the levels of estrogen and progesterone within the body. Examples include GnRH agonists. This is usually a temporary option, as fibroids can return when the medication is ended. Another widely performed nonsurgical procedure is the embolization of the uterine arteries, where the blood supply to the fibroids is blocked, with the effect that these shrink after some time. UAE has a minimal invasion ability and provides faster recovery compared to conventional surgery. For those in search of a focused approach, MRI-guided focused ultrasound destroys fibroids by using high-intensity sound waves and leaves surrounding tissues unharmed. If you live in Tennessee and are looking for a nonsurgical option, you can search online for uterine fibroid treatment in Memphis, TN to find the best doctor for your needs.
Post-Treatment Care and Recovery
After uterine fibroid treatment, your recovery depends on the kind of treatment you are going to undergo. Nonsurgical treatments, like UAE or focused ultrasound, generally result in a shorter recovery time, and you will return to your normal activities in days. Surgical treatments may need some extra time in recovery, especially if you have myomectomy or hysterectomy surgery. Your doctor's post-treatment instructions will help you recover seamlessly. Delay in consulting a doctor in case of complications such as excessive bleeding or infection will escalate the situation. Follow-ups with your doctor will, therefore, track your recovery and ensure that the fibroids grow no more.
The treatment of uterine fibroids need not be an insurmountable task. Depending on the situation, you can choose a treatment option that is non-invasive or go as far as one can to conduct surgical procedures. It is always advisable to consult with your health provider on what option would be best for an individual need or future fertility. Once treated with the right kind of care and attention, uterine fibroids are far easier to handle.
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