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Message From The Angels: Moments of Contentment

Message From The Angels: Moments of Contentment

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

If you were to watch a kitty sitting in a sunny spot in the house, a dog taking a nap near a family gathering, or a child playing with something that has captured their full attention, you would witness moments of complete and utter contentment. 

You would see souls entirely centered in the here and now, appreciating where they are and who is around them. Watching them, you too might sink into a delicious state of contentment, where – if for only a few moments – all is right with your world.

This sort of contentment is within your reach at any time. It does not rely on anything external. You can create it whether the chores are done, the bills are paid, the bank account is full, or the lover is present. It does not rely on having a perfect family, job, home, or even a decent one. It requires only a willingness to pause, look around and appreciate the moment. It is available to those living in peace, and to those who live in areas of conflict and turmoil. It requires only a pause for presence, and a moment of silent appreciation.

Creating such moments of contentment helps you learn to look at "the glass half full" and to notice what is available to appreciate in the here and now. These moments of contentment will help you see the beauty in things right in front of you and enjoy what you would otherwise overlook. They pull you out of your head and plug you back into the present moment. They remind you that life is good in the here and now.

Moments of contentment, especially when created by choice, immediately raise your vibration. They are like waking meditations that open the heart. They remind you that no matter what you want, what you already have can be pleasing. As you experience this sense of completion here and now, you open the door to more – even before taking a single action. In those moments of contentment, impulses for inspired action arise.

We know the holidays can be emotionally charged. Some of you love them. Some of you dread them. For some of you, they are times of deep connection, while for others, the disconnect seems starker than usual. No matter where you find yourself on the emotional spectrum, you can create these moments of contentment, and in so doing, you will feel more loved and connected to yourselves, life, and the Divine.

No matter how busy you are, taking time for contentment creates a peaceful heart, and a peaceful heart allows your life to flow with greater ease. You accomplish more in less time when your energy is at peace. In these quiet moments of contentment, you can hear us more easily.

Don't wait to find contentment in your lives, dear ones. If you wait for everything to feel perfect, you are chasing a moving target. You will always want more than what you have right now. However, if you can take the time to enjoy, appreciate, and be with what you have now, who you have now, and yourself as you are now, then, in that contentment, you allow more to come.

The holidays you celebrate began in quiet, humble atmospheres, in situations far less than perfect. And yet a single lamp stayed lit, and a baby emanated love in a manger. A star shone in a darkened sky over an earth with many turmoils. Nonetheless, those who took the time to behold the light felt peace, a stillness, and quiet contentment. You, too, can create such moments and, in so doing, know that all is right in your world even as it expands into more.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

Messages by Ann and the AngelsMessage from Ann...

Hi Everyone,

I awakened on Saturday, did my breathing exercises, and hopped in the cold pool for the first time this year. For those who don't know, I practice the Wim Hof Method – a combination of mindset, breathing, and time in cold water. As I walked into the pool, my breath left for a second until I gained control. Soon I was in the meditative space I had trained my body to enjoy. The capillaries on the skin's surface shut down, creating the sensation of being a warm watermelon in a cold rind. Strange as it sounds, it felt delicious.

I watched the grey clouds scudding overhead, heard the plink of rain on the water's surface, and watched the enormous yellow mulberry leaves falling from my tree into a wet pile on the green winter grass. Lemons were ripening on the tree, roses were blooming, and the silence was like a blanket all around me. Totally immersed in the present moment, I felt utterly content. All was at peace in my world.

Later that day, I returned to the chores, the bills, and the challenges. I slipped back into the awareness of those I love who are having tough times. I remembered the world around me, but that touchstone of peace, contentment, and bliss in the moment, stayed with me throughout the day.

Over the years, the angels have reminded me to make time for contentment. It takes only a few seconds to stop, look around, and appreciate something about life as it is. The simple things we overlook become a point of focus for pure joy, feelings of abundance, and simple, pleasure.

It is easy to get caught up in all we wish to do or be, especially this time of year. It is easy to feel so many emotions, especially at this time on earth. It is easy in our present-day society to get caught up in swirling mental chaos as so much information bombards us. It is also easy to pause for a few seconds, be with our surroundings, look at the people around us, and experience a moment of quiet contentment. Sprinkling these moments throughout the day can easily recalibrate you in a way that feels absolutely wonderful.

The angels suggested that I sit in silence before channeling this newsletter. So, I sat on the couch, quieted my mind, and silently gazed at my surroundings. I appreciated the wood in my cabinet and the pine trees that grew it. I felt the softness of a fleece blanket on the couch. I enjoyed an ever-so-slight chill in the air. I sank deeply into a space of quiet contentment.

In that moment, I knew the massive to-do list would get done – or not. I wasn't worried about getting to the emails in an inbox that fills faster than I can answer at times. I wasn't concerned about when I'd get back to exercising or when and how the things in my house that needed repair would get fixed. I wasn't even thinking about upsetting people or conditions in the world or how I'd find time to send cards and make presents. For just a few moments, there was nothing to do, nowhere to be, just the moment to be lived and appreciated fully. I breathed deeply and basked in utter contentment. In the midst of my reverie, the newsletter arrived.

Here are a few tips to help you create more moments of contentment...

1. Pause. Breathe. Look at Your Surroundings.

It is easy to live life in your head, worrying about what you must do next, going over what happened yesterday, or getting stuck in a focus on something that happened years prior. Some of this is a necessary part of life, but more often than not, in our scattered focus, we miss the moment.

Being in love is so delicious because you are fully present, staring at the beloved. Being in nature is so refreshing because it is compelling in its beauty and majesty and draws you out of your head and into your surroundings.

We need not wait for those "big" moments to be fully present and find contentment in a given moment. We can create such moments simply by pausing where we are, breathing deeply, and looking around with appreciation. There is always something to enjoy, to marvel at, or to see through new eyes.

Pausing and breathing, I see new patterns of light flickering through the leaves outside in a beautiful new way. For those brief moments, all is silent, calm, peaceful, and perfect. Problems are temporarily set aside. Right here, right now, this moment is good.

Indulge in the moment by simply pausing, breathing, and looking around. Notice the contentment that comes from putting all else on pause.

2. Take just one thing and love it

Pick up your pillow and be present with it. Feel its softness. Just enjoy it. Appreciate it. Feel a moment of contentment.

Be with your phone for a moment. Just look at it instead of using it. Enjoy the feel of it in your hand. Marvel how this tiny device connects you with the world, loved ones, faraway people, places, and ideas. Think about how many beautiful ways you've used it to enjoy your life. Feel the contentment.

Look at a random object in your room. Observe it. Appreciate it. Silently thank it for serving you. Love and appreciate anything without worrying about how silly you feel or how insignificant this action seems.

Anytime you take the time to love and appreciate the marvel or the miracle of everyday things, you connect to a deep sense of contentment.

3. Imagine a Place of Contentment

Sometimes, especially if you haven't practiced simple appreciation, it is hard to be so present and appreciate the small things. If that is the case, imagine a scenario in which you would feel content. Perhaps you imagine yourself on the beach listening to soothing ocean waves. Perhaps you imagine being in a cabin with a crackling fire. Maybe you imagine yourself with a love you've not met yet, or with people of like mind and heart. Perhaps you imagine snuggling up in bed and sleeping late.

Come up with some scenario that makes you feel as content as that kitty in the window the angels described. Make up your happy place and feel content in visiting it, even if only in your mind.

Years ago, when I first heard this quote, it struck a chord deep within me:

"For a long time, it had seemed to me that life was about to begin - real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last, it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life."
– Alfred D. Souza, writer & philosopher

II am not waiting for life to offer moments of contentment when I can choose to enjoy one right here and now. We can be willing to pause, breathe, and look around, so we don't miss life's magic. I know a lot is happening in the world and in many of our lives, but that doesn't prevent us from pausing to create these magical moments of contentment. Try it. You'll feel refreshed, rejuvenated, recalibrated, and happier on life's journey.

Have a blessed week :)


Ann Albers and The Angels
Please feel free to share any of my messages or posts. The only thing I ask is a small note: ©Ann Albers, www.VisionsofHeaven.com
Reprinted with permission from Ann Albers on crystalwind.ca. All rights reserved.
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