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Message from The Angels - So Many Want Your Attention

Message from The Angels - So Many Want Your Attention

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

There are so many in the world that want your attention. There are movements and ideologies that want you to fuel them.

There are television stations and radio broadcasts that want you to watch. Family members, friends, and so-called foes want your agreement, approval, and validation. There are and always will be countless people desiring that you shine your light upon them. You get to pick and choose where you place your focus. You get to choose what to "light up" in your life and what you will look at. In so doing, you focus on a vibration and attract more.

You can look for the beauty in human hearts, and you will begin to notice it more and more. You can look at the chaos and see more and more. You can think of the crazy person yelling in traffic, and you'll see more of them, or you can think of the hundreds of kind drivers and see plenty of them. You can look at the people doing horrible deeds and feel as if the world is falling apart, or you can look at the billions of quiet, good souls and know they're holding your world together with their love.

Be careful not to jump to conclusions based only on what you see and know. In a given lifetime, you can see only a small fraction of what is occurring on your earth. You will know only a small percentage of its population. You will only experience a few of the countless things you can experience. You can't draw conclusions about "the way the world is" or "the way people are" based on the news, the internet, or even the people you see around you. It is a vast and beautiful world. It is a buffet unlike any other in the cosmos! There is more diversity in your body's cells than in some of the other realities in which you could incarnate.

So what to believe? Believe in love. Believe in the goodness in the majority of human hearts. Have compassion for the souls trying to find their way back to the light. Believe in what you feel and know is right for you in your own heart. Believe that if you focus your attention on anything long enough, you will see more and more of it. Believe, dear ones, that you get to choose what kind of experience you will have on earth. You don't get to control the behaviors or actions of others, but by your vibration, you attract the company you keep and how you feel and deal with the energies of the present moment.

Coming from love with a focus on what is good and beautiful, you can choose where your attention will go and, thus, where your energy and soul will flow.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels


Message from Ann

Hi Everyone,

Over the years, many dear souls have asked the angels how to feel about horrific situations on earth, such as child trafficking and the like. Rightly so, people want to know how we can turn to the good when such dark things happen on this earth.

I used to drive myself nuts trying to figure out how to feel good about things that felt bad until the angels said to me quite plainly, "Ann! Bad food will never taste good! Bad behavior will never feel good. Turn away! Turn toward what is love." I laughed but felt the relief of not having to force myself to like the unlikable. Interestingly, in giving myself permission not to like something and to simply turn away, I found a freedom unlike anything I'd known before.

"Not liking" something is similar to when water runs into a canyon wall. It must change direction to continue its flow. It must set its sights downstream rather than attempt to move the wall. Funny enough, as the flow increases and the water ignores the walls and takes the path of least resistance, it carves out the once immovable walls.

So, too, if we beat our heads against the proverbial wall of trying to like what we cannot like, fix what we cannot fix, and change what is not within our power to change, we waste our precious time and energy and allow the denser frequencies to get our attention. If, instead, we focus on the goodness ahead and listen to our hearts, we, like that river, find the kindest and easiest path.

This sounds like nice rhetoric until you have an opportunity to "beat your head against a canyon wall" or flow downstream! For example, we can't fix the huge problem of child trafficking alone, but many are helping the children. Many love justice so much that they don't waste their energy on hate but rather focus on action. Some are holding a peaceful and loving frequency which elevates all. There is always something loving we are drawn to do despite the world's many tugs and pulls to pay attention to the darkness and to fight the "canyon walls."

Just last week, I had a blissfully peaceful day when a deeply agitated individual that I didn't even know barged into my reality. I was so happy and in such a loving vibration that I felt only a bit of confusion, a desire to stand strong in the light, and a lot of compassion because this person wasn't making much sense. I won't begin to guess what was going on within them, and it isn't even my business, but I do know that I made it a priority in the middle of that messy interaction to tune into God's love and flow it through me. They left in an agitated state of frustration after telling me they didn't give a you know what, and I went to dinner and had a beautiful time with people I love. We shared only one 3D space, time, and sequence of events, but there were two completely different focuses and, therefore, two completely different realities experienced.

This is why the angels urge us to practice looking for things to feel good about. When the proverbial "rubber meets the road," and you're in an unpleasant situation, if you've practiced finding good feelings, you can dredge them up from within. You can focus on the ever-present love flowing through the universe no matter the circumstances.

This is not "putting your head in the sand." It is putting your head in the light. We all know darkness exists. We all know painful and hurtful people are hurting others. We don't like that at all, but we don't need to give them the time of day other than to create good boundaries and stay in a better space where we'll hear the guidance that helps us contribute to solutions in ways that feel natural, organic, and kind to your own soul.

I saw 555's the entire week before the little incident mentioned above. Those numbers are a sign of impending change. I didn't expect it to come this way, but I'm weirdly happy that despite the nonsense aimed at me, I only felt love, compassion, and a wish for all to find peace. As we gear up for another election year here in the US, I am working diligently to focus on love, goodness, beauty, and eternal truth, for all other things come and go, but these remain constant.

Here are a few ideas to help you stand in the light even when the world or someone in your personal reality is unknowingly tugging at you to join them in the dark.

1.  Give yourself permission to tune out

You don't have to listen to someone trying to get you to agree with their complaints or anger. Even if you're stuck in the presence of someone vehemently complaining or being hateful, distract yourself. Think about the beach, a beautiful sunset, the light and spark trying so hard to flicker in the upset soul before you. Think about the flowing river of love you can imagine opening to as a flower in your heart would open to the sun. Breathe in the goodness that is present in the energy around you. Pray for the upset individual and, if you can, focus on that spark of light in their heart, no matter how hidden.

It is not rude to tune out the dark. It is a gift to yourself and those around you to focus on the light.

2. Flow love

We get disturbed when we feel helpless, but when you open to the flow of love from the Divine, you become a force of love. You can imagine light flowing into you, perhaps through the heart, the top of the head, or up from the earth. Let it fill you, then imagine it flowing through your heart to the soul or situation you find upsetting.

We sometimes withhold love, thinking if we flow it to those lost in darkness we're saying their bad behaviors are OK. In reality, the light coming through us speaks to their field in a way beyond words. It says energetically, "I remember who you are even though you forget. I remember the light within you even if you are lost in darkness. It is very much like the love in the heart of a parent who, no matter how exasperating their child may be, remembers the child's goodness.

3. Give yourself grace

The more you take care of yourself and tend to your own heart, the more you can stay balanced in a world where so many competing energies, people, and situations vie for our attention. The more kindly you speak to yourself, the less the unkindness of others will matter. Give yourself grace. It is OK to be human, and so much easier to return to a Divine perspective when you love and accept yourself as you are.

There are critters living under rocks in nature, parasitic energies in our bodies, and people who would gladly suck the life out of you too. That said, this world has so much more life, beauty, and grace. There are flowers and plants, healthy cells, and plenty of beautiful, healthy souls to behold. You don't have to give the naysayers and dooms-dayers the time of day. You can be part of the field of love, holding space for a new and better world to emerge from these turbulent years on the planet. I'm with you :)

Have a blessed week,

Ann Albers and The Angels
Please feel free to share any of my messages or posts. The only thing I ask is a small note: ©Ann Albers, www.VisionsofHeaven.com
Reprinted with permission from Ann Albers on crystalwind.ca. All rights reserved.
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