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Starseed Ascension Symptoms: Why Am I Here? What is My purpose Now?


Number sequences that appear embedded in this channel are given to Shekina Rose by Spirit to activate this transmission.

Beloved Blue Ray, Angelic Human, Light Bearer, Way Shower and Gatekeeper YOU,

This year the culmination of recent shifts of cosmic and stellar events has created energetic upgrades from the higher dimensions which have put you in a new dimensional frequency. This spiritual light coming from the higher planes contains codes of your soul infusion presence, higher will, liberation, and that one part of the mission is accomplished. 333

These new energetics can hit you suddenly from a greater sense of the disconnecting of the 3D life that has created more endings and beginnings. Those interpretations of the old matrix of how things should be and how they need to show up in your life are being interceded by your true soul’s destiny without attachments and dogma from the past. The higher dimensional light portals are creating a breakthrough soul purpose initiation which enables release of old belief systems and healing of deep, ancient wounds in the power of Supreme Divine Love. 33

As a Blue Ray, New Forerunner, Starseed, Light Bearer, your sense of belonging can come from the frequency resonances of home that you continue to align with in your soul’s purpose. As the landscape keeps shifting and old contracts ending, you may find your purpose is changing, shifting and evolving. You may find yourself saying, “What is my purpose and where is my place on the Earth now?” 444

Why do the Starseeds, Light Bearers not feel at home on the planet?

There was a time on Gaia when there was a greater harmonic resonance field within the source of Light that extended to the other planets, through the central sun and human template. In this harmonic resonance field was a collective unity consciousness that you could experience with the earth, trees, rocks, animals, devas, nature kingdoms, other realms, planets, stars, sun and Cosmos. As you can see from ancient architecture, the sacred sites were designed with this alignment to the stars, planets and within the harmonic resonances energy field of Gaia. Your bodily energy fields were more attuned with the harmonic resonances of Creation in alignment to Source, and many of you have ancient memories of such, as in the times of Lemuria, golden periods of Atlantis, ancient Egypt, and with indigenous cultures. 11:11

Because you are from these planes of light, and that is your true resonance field, residence on Earth can feel like separation and a longing for home. The actual longing is for those missing harmonic frequencies and is your soul driving force intuitively guiding you to find and make those reconnections in your life and with Gaia. For many, this has been the purpose playing out in your life, relationships and locations on the planet.

Starseed light worker has a job to do here on the planet.

The starseed light workers, more than others on the planet, have an inherent soul purpose to be of service in love, light and truth for the ascension and evolution of the New Earth. Although everyone on the planet has a soul purpose in serving the greater whole, you, starseed, blue ray, have always had a sense you are not from here, have a longing for home, but you have a job to do and it’s not in normal 3D life as it involves awakening and service to the Light. And you may have a career, marriage and children though your focus will be on raising your personal consciousness and frequency to awaken your higher self to your spiritual gifts and cosmic lineage, what you came here to do.

The Star Being Galactic Light Ambassador awakening encoding 12:12

As a star being, you came in with a specific encoding that is activated from the particular origins of the planets, Creation rays and interdimensional planes, and soul groups you are from and came through. This has created your unique resonances that align you with your purpose and path of connections, awakenings and places you live and visit on the planet.

You are also very much activated by an agreement in the unity field of souls that  determines your path and purpose collectively as a star being ambassador, liaison of higher fields of dimensions and Galactic councils. You are collectively assisting one another to reach a higher resonance field on the planet. Know that you have created a vibrational frequency shift on Gaia. Through your unified collective consciousness, there is a grander Light Source resonance on the planet! 333

Starseed, Blue Ray Ascension Symptoms

Ascension symptoms variables depend on where you are after the celestial events and shifts; some may have passed and others are still to come and will continue throughout the year.

It is suggested to consult a healthcare professional for symptoms as not every symptom is from ascension. And though it may be an ascension symptom, you still may need assistance with the process.

  • Experiencing something is gone, missing and is also finished
  • Feeling loss
  • Sensing a new beginning, new opportunities as gateways are opening to you
  • Seeing the vibration sequence number Gateways of 11:11, 12:12 and 10:10

10:10 New Earth stargate means a full cycle is complete and you are ready to step into a new life frequency. Once you reach this level you may experience a higher vibration and choose your next course of activation. It is living many lifetimes in one life, as if stepping into a new life though not going through the veil of unconsciousness (of forgetting) and taking with you all that will serve your highest path and service. When this gateway comes, you cannot take what is not in alignment with your new resonances. As you are in a cycle of accelerated karmic clearing and multidimensional time, you do not need to cross over and come back to heal, evolve and clear lifetimes and karma and to access multidimensional consciousnesses and wisdom.

  • Activation through the sacred ascension number sequence of 13, 33, 333 and 444
  • Intensification and expansion of your soul’s purpose
  • Letting go of certain activities and the way you once did things
  • Expanded interest in knowing where you are from and why you are here
  • Feeling you have been in a spiritually accelerated evolution precipitated by cosmic celestial events that increased your soul growth, wisdom and divine power
  • Feeling a settling after receiving huge spiritual downloads and insights

Release of deep, ancient anger which you may not have known existed. This is assisting the body in release for the crystalline structure and repair. As the higher energies are moving through you, this can stem from the times when separation occurred from Source/God, your tribe, soul groups and lineages so that these lines and energetics can be restored.

  • The ascended masters and higher light beings coming to you
  • Feeling empowered to be in greater service
  • Expanded heart consciousness and higher heart awareness
  • Wanting to connect with your soul, star and galactic family
  • Letting go of people and activities that are not serving your true essence and vibration
  • New people entering your life

Physical ascension symptoms

Most are due to the rewiring of new energetic systems and multidimensional sensory awareness of your Divine Original Blueprint coming online

  • Times of brain fog
  • Not being able to remember events and forgetfulness
  • 3rd eye pineal awakening and activation
  • Digestion issues, bloating and weight gain
  • Changing your diet for your frequency, and even though your diet may be good, more shifts in what you eat
  • Periods of needing to sleep and rest
  • Wanting to cleanse and feeling spiritual and cellular release and purification

Your higher configurations of light are integrating and adjusting; please allow for this. Be gentle, loving, kinder and more forgiving towards yourself and others. Many of you have been through ancient wound healing and release of soul contracts on many levels. Know there will be and have already begun new sacred soul partnerships and support for New Earth technologies, Peace, ancient knowledge, alliances of light and reunion of souls. This is cause for celebration, joy and renewal of your new status of your purpose to serve in a higher capacity of your true essence and expression, to serve and experience the multidimensional support through the Light alliances of the Galactic Councils, Earth, Angelic Realms, and other ascended groups as Ambassadors of Light, the New Earth Architects.


The Blue Ray channeled by Shekina Rose / Blue Ray

The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra-sensitive, empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia. They are the lost ray of the Light Worker.

“Shekinah”, a Hebrew word in the "Language of Light", is a mentor of the Blue Ray. Shekinah is the lost aspect of the sacred Divine Feminine of Creation that is the embodiment of God, the ascension process. Blue Ray is the soul group consciousness of the highest aspect of all Blue Rays. Together we give you these transmissions.

Copyright © Language of Light vocal sound transmissions by Shekina Rose of www.shekinaspeaks.com - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article and videos on the condition that the URL www.shekinaspeaks.com is included as the resource and that it is distributed freely and on a non-commercial basis. E-mail:

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