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11~11 Gateway Meditation

11~11 Gateway Meditation

Welcome dear LoveLights  

Greetings to all joining in these LoveLight Circle Meditations for the first time, and love and gratitude as always to everyone bringing loving focus through these meditations together. Star Family and the Light Realms thank everyone continuing to ground the Ascension through our hearts and beings, in all ways and forms we feel inspired.

We have a massive high vibrational alignment coming through this year’s 11~11 Gateway, which flows and builds straight into the last of a Trinity of conjunctions during 2020 between Jupiter and Pluto and asteroid Pallas (see this post), which we’ll post a second meditation for very soon. It’s all go!

The Blue Ray of Divine Will has brought an Ascension trajectory adjustment through the deepening Blue Wave fluidic light frequencies of Neptune in October, that peaked with the Blue Moon on Hallowe’en, with this adjustment anchoring now through the 11~11 Gateway and Trinity conjunction, so that the 3-4D field can start to stabilize and flow with a more cohesive momentum into the December Gateways, culminating in the Solstice to New Year window of blessings. 

Once again, the timing of all these awesome paired alignments opens the way for a powerful Light Pulse to stabilize the most beneficial, optimal Ascension Timeline within the overall Ascension trajectory…with Star Family and the Light Realms continuing to maintain focus for a collective illumination catalyst through the December Solstice 2020.

For the 11~11 Gateway, we’re simply called to hold our loving focus with the Ascended Earth, with the intention for the optimal Ascension Timeline flowing from Divine Love&Will to be stabilized in the Earth field, the collective energy field, to flow naturally into full higher dimensional Convergence and planetary Ascension. For those who resonate with visualization, we’ll focus with the Silver Flame of Transcendence, opening the way for the Sacred Threefold Flame, in the form of the Blue Ray that aligns all energies with Divine Will, the Pink Rose of the Divine Mother embracing all life on Earth, and the Golden Flower of Rebirth into New Earth.

Please join in here, and/or with any of the collective meditations aligning Ascension through the 11~11 Gateway that you feel inner guided to connect with and bring your LoveLight through. 

Let’s relax now and breathe deeply, breathing in Love, breathing out Love, centering in our hearts, in the unity of this meditation circle, in Oneness with all people holding loving focus around the Earth, in whatever way calls to them. We are One Love, all the way, flowing in unity.

Knowing we are held constantly in Divine Light, as beings of Divine Light, aligning together in Love for Gaia and the Source of All Creation which lives within us All, as conduits and anchors for the clearest, optimal pathway of Planetary Ascension, we open our hearts to the heart of Gaia, in peaceful unity with all living beings on Earth, in oneness with all Beings of Love who are supporting and guiding this Ascension, and all assisting Light flowing into the Earth’s energy field, light-grids and collective consciousness.

As we connect with the Love constantly radiating from Gaia’s Heart for all humanity, all animals and plants, for her inner light realms, for the elementals and nature spirits, the crystal soul collectives and all aspects of her earth-body, we breathe Universal Love into our heart centres. The Source Light in our hearts and souls shines now like stars through our whole beings, radiating around the planet as we breathe out. As we focus pure Divine Light together, the sacred geometry of the Flower of Life constantly holding the Earth in a harmonic field of light is strengthened and supported.

We visualize the Twinned Pillars of the 11~11 Gateway, the 4 vibration of 1111, with Source Light pouring through to stabilize the Earth’s Ascension, firm on the Foundation of Love held in the 4 vibration, the Double Infinity, steady and secure. We call in the Silver Flame of Transcendence, flowing through the Gateway and all around the Earth, to open all dualized perceptions and beliefs to the vibration of Freedom, Unity and Oneness in Love, melding into the optimal Ascension Timeline for Earth and all Life here.

We call in the Blue Ray of Divine Will, streaming from the Source through the 11~11 Gateway, between the pillars of Love, enveloping the Earth and clearing the veil around human awareness, transforming all energies into clarity and peace, and protecting the optimal Ascension Pathway, the natural, graceful convergence with the already-Ascended Earth, to its maximum potential, into this Now. In deepest Love, we call on Archangel Michael of the Blue Ray, and all the Angels and Beings of Love assisting the Ascension to continue stabilizing the Earth’s vibrational field and uplifting the collective consciousness.

We call in the pure Rose Light of the Divine Feminine embrace around the Earth and all life here, softening the energies, bringing nurture and caring wherever there is division and disharmony…the deepest warmth flowing through the Eternal Mother, in myriad emanations, Mother Mary, Isis, Quan Yin, soothing and uniting all human hearts in Love.

We call in the Golden Light that resurrects and restores Divine-aligned light codes, through the Christed vibration of the twelve-petalled golden flower, the 12-pointed golden star, opening the way for the peak catalyst point of the Event, into the optimal Ascension Timeline for Earth and all life here.

Together, as love anchors on Earth, we fully see, align our beings with, and hold present, the beautiful Ascended Earth…and the most beneficial, compassionate unfolding for humanity, for all Life on Earth, secure and steady in its natural way, in pure Love energy, in this Now.

In unison with Gaia’s Heart, we call the Light flowing through this 11~11 Gateway to stream through the light-grids, chi lines and nodes all around the Earth, filling the consciousness field of humanity and all beings here, with the Light of Divine Oneness, Ascension, and deep Compassionate Connection to all Life.

We hold the vision of the Ascension Pathway upheld and clear, focused and amplified, held steady within the Flower of Life. We see the fully realized Ascended Earth as present in this Now, as Divine Love and Wisdom Awareness deepen around this planet, unfolding naturally in Unity with all Life. All humanity and all living beings are bathing now in the message of Oneness with the Infinite Divine Heart of Creation flowing through this loving Universe in every moment, as we wholly embrace and relax into the bliss of the Wise, Compassionate Connectedness that lives within us all. 

We call through our beings the highest convergence of Ascended Earth, the Ascension Pathway upheld, clarified and strengthened in the Light of the 11~11 Gateway…in the pure LoveLight flowing every moment, activating the natural impulse of Love, Compassion and Cherishment within all life on Earth, together as One in the network of Universal Love, radiating Unconditional Love through our beings in unity with Ascended Earth, the planetary light-grids, humanity and all life, in union with beloved Gaia. May the infinitely renewing Light of the Divinity Within unfold this Planetary Shift in ever deeper joy and peace. And So BE It.

Deepest thanks and love to everyone joining in here, or anchoring Ascension in any way that calls to you, and deepest thanks and love to the many beings of Love guiding, guarding, assisting and supporting this planetary Shift.

Wishing you all a most beautiful 11~11 Gateway!


Greetings All, and welcome to the LoveLight Meditation Circle. 

Everyone is very welcome to join in our Sunday Meditations, just come along with your loving heart and dedication to the ascension of this beautiful planet, and your innate ability to envision, dream, intend and anchor through your Being the New Earth and humanity’s transformation to higher love, unity consciousness, peace and joy. 
Love & Blessings,
Joanna & Ashura & Famil

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