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Your Own Sacred Space


What is a 'Sacred Space'?

A sacred space can be many things – a tree, stone, lake, mountain, temple, historical or ancestral site, sacrosanct land, building or structure (whether natural or man-made). But it can also be a place or ‘space’ where you can be at one with yourself – where you can connect with the inner sacred world within you, and commune with the divinity that unites and surrounds us all.

Sacred spaces have naturally been in existence or created with intent since ancient times as powerful places of contemplation, celebration, dedication, worship, reverence, respect, sacrifice or offering to the divine. It was a way of honoring or interacting with the greater etheric realms or Gods and deities in a profoundly mystical or ritualistic way. They are an integral part of many religions and spiritual pathways.

I recall a time I popped into a non-denominational chapel at a hospital which acted as a sanctuary, a room of faith for those caring or praying over those in medical despair. It was filled with the most intense energy that I could almost physically touch - of accumulated prayer, hope and faith.

On a personal level, a sacred space can just be a physical ‘space’ in or outside your home; or a thoughtful display / altar that you create either with a specific purpose or intention, or for general aesthetic pleasure. It can be as big or small, simple or elaborate as you like.

Any way you look at it, it is a way to bring sacredness into your home and spirit, and a way to honor and reclaim your inner world and sacred power.

"I looked in churches, temples and mosques, but I found the Divine within my heart." ~ Rumi
"Your sacred space is where you can find yourself again and again." - Joseph Campbell


Why Create a ‘Space’?

Your soul craves a sanctuary from the noise, bustle and over-stimulation of the outside world. Whether it is a private oasis in a corner of your house, a section of your bookshelf, bedside table, garden, or a whole room dedicated to it; your sacred space is your own personal, intimate dominion where you can re-connect and re-gather all of those deeply buried, fragmented inner parts of yourself; a warm, welcoming refuge where you can sit in stillness and physically express the inner workings of your mind, heart and spirit – while creatively communing with the Divine.

It does not matter what religion or spiritual beliefs you have, or whether you have any at all; a sacred space is something personal and meaningful to you. It can be a visual reminder for your soul’s thirst for ‘me time’ or to partake in spiritual thinking, work or practice. It is a platform for focus, where you can pray, meditate, dream, admire the beauty and sacredness of, or just ‘be.’ It is a living, breathing, organic expression symbolizing your spirituality, life cycles and your personal journey. It can act as a statement to Spirit, saying:               

“Here I am, I acknowledge your presence and my connection with you, and I offer you this space in order to connect with you and my Higher Self in oneness and harmony, and seeking refuge, truth and wisdom.”

The mere act of creating a sacred space aligns us with God / Source / life force energy, for it is a creative process much like Creation itself.

It is the genesis of creating something new and meaningful for yourself that paints a colorful spiritual thread of intention and purpose through your life, a simple, sacred way to invite spiritual energies into your home and bring you closer to yourself and God on a daily level as you evolve your personal spirituality, rebirth your authentic callings and amplify your manifestation power.


Steps to Create an Altar

Here are some tips and steps for creating your own altar. 

  1. Find the Ideal Spot / Location

Try to find a space where you feel relaxed and that won’t be disturbed too much. If you don’t have a whole room or corner, here are some other ideas:

  • Bookshelf
  • Table, desk
  • Bedside table, dresser
  • Display cabinet
  • Bath ledge
  • Window sill
  • Entrance way
  1. Protect

Generally speaking, if you have pure intention and heart and are creating a basic altar or space, spiritual protection is not necessary. However, if you are taking a further step, creating ritual or calling in beings from the spiritual realms, protection is vital.

As you are preparing your space to be clean, clear and high vibrational, remember to stay in the light. Always make sure you are clear, centered, grounded and protected before commencing such spiritual work.  There are many visualization tools you can use, as well as protective crystals such as black obsidian and tourmaline.

You can call upon Archangel Michael for the highest protection.

  1. Consecrate (cleanse)

 It is important as you set yourself up, to ensure that the energy of your sacred space, as well as your objects, have been cleared. You can do this by first cleaning and de-cluttering the area, and then using sage, incense, a singing bowl or bell. This not only clears the energy, but also energizes it and provides a platform upon which to usher the desired energy and intentions you wish to manifest. It also creates a clear space in which to enact your spiritual communication and work.

You can call upon Archangel Jophiel to assist you in setting up, clearing and beautifying your space.

  1. Set your Intention

What are you using this space for?

Is it general, or specific?

You can set a specific intention by simply telling Spirit what it is you are intending, with meaning and purpose in your heart.

A great time to begin new intentions with a fresh slate is on the new moon, though this is not necessary. Keep in mind that you can change your intent and objects as often as you like.

Creating an Altar for a Particular Purpose

You can create an altar for any reason you like.

Here are some ideas:

  • Self-development and spirituality
  • honor and connect with Divine energies
  • invite in specific beings such as angels, archangels, ascended masters, goddesses, fairies etc
  • connect with and pay respect to your ancestors or loved ones in spirit
  • give offerings or express gratitude
  • ask for blessings and protection
  • change and transformation
  • endings and beginnings
  • manifestation
  • prosperity
  • creativity
  • love, romance
  • harmony, peace, calm
  • positive energy
  • family unity
  • health, healing, well-being, vitality
  • success
  • open up your heart, compassion
  • develop your intuition and spiritual wisdom
  • clarity in making decisions
  • seek guidance and answers
  • learning and study
  • help with writing and inspiration
  • forgiveness
  • release negativity, struggles, situations and concerns
  • celebrate seasons, planetary movements
  • personal victories, achievements,
  • special occasions, family events, anniversaries
  1. Choose Your Objects

You can use things you have in your home, or gather some found objects from nature or your walks out and about. When selecting items for your altar, trust your intuition – go with what appeals to you personally or that suits your specific purpose. Also keep in mind the vibrational potency of color and the power of symbol and metaphor.

Here’s a list of ideas to get you going:

  • mementos, souvenirs
  • cultural, ancestral, or spiritual / religious objects
  • feng shui objects
  • talismans
  • jewelry, rosary beads, worry beads
  • pillows, rugs
  • sacred tablecloths, special scarves, fabrics
  • candles
  • incense
  • aromatherapy
  • statues of angels, fairies, buddhas - whatever you are drawn to or feel aligned with)
  • crystals
  • objects from nature – feathers, stones, shells
  • Fresh flowers, plants
  • Divination tools such as oracle or tarot cards
  • inspirational books, sacred or meaningful text, journals, writing tools
  • quotes, affirmations, prayers
  • art, images, picture frames
  • mirrors (to reflect positive energy)
  • mini water fall or plaque (ahh, the zen feeling)

Extra Symbolic Altar Items

You can incorporate items that represent the elements (earth, fire, air, water, and ether) or the directions (north, south, east, west).  For instance, you could place a bowl or chalice of fresh water on your altar as a representation of the water element and symbol of the collective unconscious, your emotions, or as a deep cleansing element.

For those that really enjoy ritual or even white magic (this is taking it a step further, if you are so inclined), you can include items such as a pentacle, which is a five-pointed star in a circle. This is a powerful symbol which represents the five elements coming together as one.

Create a ‘Sacred Box’

A sacred box, angel box, or God box is a box or container that you can use for whatever purpose you like. It acts as a vessel for manifestation or intention, or a receptacle of sacred space, much like a bowl or chalice. Try decorating an old shoe box with picture cut outs, materials, sequins, ribbons and shells. Be creative and have fun. The very act of creation with the vibration of joy will put manifested energy into this object. 

You can keep any kind of personal treasures, affirmations, prayers, or positive dreams, desires and manifestation images for the future. Or, use the box for letters from others, or notes about your  innermost thoughts, worries and concerns. Set the intention that they will be safe and protected.

You can visualize the angels taking your worries away to heaven and imagine your prayers as already answered. Add and remove things from your God Box whenever you wish. Try burning notes of anything you wish to release during a full moon.

  1. Arrange

Arranging your altar can be a sacred act and ceremonial art in itself.

Here are some tips:

  • Be in a relaxed, peaceful state (you can do this by meditating or doing some gentle breathing first)
  • Put on some sacred, mystical, ethnic or nature sound music that inspires you and awakens your passions and sense of true self
  • Create with your heart, with feeling and focused intention.
  • Be mindful as you place and arrange your objects
  • Use your intuition
  • Put your own signature and vibration-energy into the process
  • Read up on feng shui, the 3000year old ancient Chinese art of energy balance and flow. You want there to be positive flow.

Using Your Sacred Space

Light a candle and connect in whatever way you wish. Remember to visit your sacred space and connect with the Divine often. There is no rule about what you have and do in your space, or how often and long you spend there. Keep the space clean, and the energy clear and building.

Remember that everything is energy and that intention is key. So by creating an area with energy and intent, you are in effect creating an energy space, or even a portal, for whatever it is you are focusing on or inviting into your life or space.  You are speaking out to the magnificent Universe. Energy is real and can be built up over time. It can be felt by those who are sensitive to it.

Here are some ideas on what you can do in your specially created space:

  • Meditate
  • Pray
  • Set intentions, manifest
  • Light a candle
  • Listen to music
  • Read soul-nurturing books
  • Write
  • Perform a soulful ritual
  • Just 'be’

"Finding objects can be a very sacred, or magical act. It's all about intention and purpose. By truly seeing the true beauty and natural magic of nature and thus experiencing the 'Divine' in everything, and with all your senses heightened, your awareness, connection and understanding of other realms of existence expands.

You can make an object or place sacred just by your thoughts and intention, through the input of energy and feeling combined. Praying, or adding some form of ritual or sacred act, and spending time and energy there, adds to the potency." - Natalia Kuna


Building Up the Energy

The energy of your space will increase as time goes by, and also in correlation to the energy and attention you put on it. Try to visit it daily if you can and incorporating it into a daily spiritual practice. This not only adds power to it, but also empowers you. So it is a delightfully reciprocating and expanding relationship.

To build up the energy of your space purposefully, you can use high vibrational natural herbs and products like lavendar and sage, essential oils like rose, cedarwood, frankincense and incense.

You can also use crystals, as they have powerful energy, and your sacred objects alone will also hold energy. Lighting candles not only acts as a symbol of your connection with God / Light source, but it also is light and fire, a symbol of the eternal flame.  Click here for more information about how to perform a candle ritual.

Tips for Travelling

Altars can be portable. You can take items with  you on your travels, if you so desire and if you can fit them in your suitcase.

All you need is a few small, unbreakable objects such as a candle, crystal and a pretty scarf that you can also wear. You can always add some inspiring trinkets or travel mementos as you go along.

A portable altar reminds you to check in with your spirit and travel with more peace and mindfulness.


Natalia Kuna is a Psychic Medium & energy healer. View her SERVICES
This article written by Natalia Kuna was published in the Personal Development magazine:
"Alive, So Make it Count."


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