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10 Alternative Therapies You Need to Try to Heal Your Soul!

10 Alternative Therapies You Need to Try to Heal Your Soul!

It’s the secret that Big Pharma doesn't want us to know about.

Alternative therapies.

These are the healing modalities that exist beyond the realms of allopathic medicine. Or in other words, the kinds of health treatment that you don’t get from a regular doctor or hospital!

Despite often being thrown together under one umbrella (like I’ve just done) the range of alternative therapies that exist is vast. From acupuncture to energy healing to hypnotherapy, it’s really just a term used to describe anything that’s outside of the norm – and outside of the control of the big pharmaceutical companies.

Two recent studies from the National Institute of Health found that a whopping 38% of Americans now seek health treatments somewhere other than their usual health professional. The stats show that it’s becoming more normal to try things that are different, unusual, or even experimental when it comes to our health. And the figures are on the rise – indicating that people aren’t only trying alternative therapies once, they’re going back for more.

And why not?

It can be prohibitively expensive to seek treatment in regular hospitals, without any guarantees of renewed health once you’re discharged. Plus, the kind of doctor/patient paradigm that the regular healthcare system perpetuates rarely promotes self-awareness and empowered healing. Too often, we give our power away completely, and what’s “healing” about that?

For the most part, the people surveyed buy the NIH were seeking help with pain management, stress relief, and general health overall.

Yet the true benefits of many alternative therapies tend to be more holistic than regular medical treatment – they not only treat physical symptoms of disease, but aim to tackle underlying imbalance, including emotional trauma, and even spiritual connection.

If you’ve ever had to dig really deep personal illness, you’ll know that it reverberates through all levels of your being – not just the physical body. Most alternative therapies (and therapists) totally understand this too.

It’s important to do your homework when it comes to choosing an alternative therapy for your needs. What works for one individual may not work for another. And whether you’re seeking something to support a current medication, or a unique remedy to take in isolation will also count.

Be sure to consult an experienced practitioner, and ask to see qualifications, professional memberships and references. But realise too, that prevention is always better than cure. So if you have an instinct that something could be beneficial for you, then follow that hunch!

Here are 10 less well-known alternative therapies you need to try:

1 Aromatherapy

Often regarded as a supplementary therapy, aromatherapy can be used with profound results.

Oils are used either topically (always diluted first in a carrier oil) or used as a scent, to stimulate the body into a physical reaction. Certain scents send messages through the nervous system to the limbic system, the part of the brain that controls emotions.

Because so much disease in the body ultimately stems from emotional trauma, huge shifts can be created by tackling it on this level. Used in conjunction with targeted massage, or even mediation, can yield great effects.

2 Breathwork

Breathwork has been around for thousands of years, yet is currently undergoing a bit of a renaissance. Modern breathwork is based on very simple circular breathing techniques, and practiced correctly, it can surges in energy, pleasure, and happiness!

It’s also a highly effective technique for moving energetic blocks through the body, in order to release them. In spiritual traditions, the breath has long been understood to be a connection to the divine. So using it consciously is a powerful way to tap into the life-giving source of the Universe.

3 Sound Healing

Also known as “vibrational medicine” and “sonic massage” the field of sound healing is another growing area. This incorporates crystal bowls and gongs, tuning forks, and even the human voice.

Predominantly sound healing is used as a treatment for chronic pain, stress and anxiety.  Scientists are currently researching healing frequencies for targeting the physical body, specifically the frequency of 528 Hz. Genetic biochemists are currently using this in labs to repair damaged DNA with great effect – so who knows what extra micro-benefits that sound bath is bringing!?

4 Thalassotherapy

This alternative healing approach centers around the belief that seawater and shore climate can have a hugely beneficial effect on overall wellbeing. If you’ve ever spent a week on the beach, then you’ll know just where this therapy is coming from!

Closely related to thermalism, thalassotherapy can be traced back to antiquity when thermal spas were all the rage. Whole cities, like Bath in the UK, were built around thermal spas so maybe those Roman’s were onto something….!

As well harnessing as the trace minerals found in seawater – calcium, magnesium, and potassium, for example - thalassotherapy extends to using algae, mud and even inhaling sea fog as a means to heal and soothe the soul.

5 Biofeedback

Biofeedback is one of the fastest-growing areas of the alternative therapy field. And it’s no surprise – it’s totally tailored to the individual so gets great results.

Biofeedback works when the therapist hooks up the patient to a set of electrical sensors, which track how the body responds to certain stimuli. The idea is that ‘automatic’ functions such as heart rate, breathing, and even muscle tension can be observed, and then consciously controlled.

Biofeedback has proved to effectively manage pain, stress levels and even help with concentration. There are a number of wearable devices complete with apps which are currently being developed, so that  biofeedback can be practiced at home.

6 Western Herbal Medicine 

Exactly how it sounds – Western Herbal Medicine is the study and use of herbs and plants, to treat ailments. Crucially, these are prepared but not over-processed, as happens with pharmaceuticals. In this way, the active properties in the raw plant material tends to work with the body’s own natural healing impulses, rather than over-riding them.

It’s not true that herbal medicine is any less potent than pharmaceutical drugs through – be sure to work alongside a professional if taking targeted remedies.

7 Horticulture Therapy

In countries around the world, from the UK to Japan, doctors have started prescribing gardening as a non-medical treatment for anxiety and depression.

More than simply growing flowers and vegetables, scientific research has discovered that the more time spent in nature, the better an individual’s health and wellbeing tends to be.

From increasing appreciation and gratitude to facilitating social interaction and rehabilitation, this a fast-growing area of the alternative healing world. And it’s largely free, just find yourself a community garden and get growing!

8 Reiki  

Developed by the Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui in the 1920s, Reiki has since spread around the world as one of the foremost energy healing modalities. It works via the ‘laying on of hands’. The attuned practitioner channels universal life force through the palms into the energetic field of the patient.

Rather than ‘healing’ the patient, Reiki works by infusing the body with surges of pure energy so that it can heal itself.

9 Biodanza

Biodanza uses a combination of movement, song, and (crucially) community, to return the practitioner closer to their natural state of presence, connection, and peak biological function.

With so many modern humans living predominantly cerebral lives (how much time to YOU spend living inside your own head, rather than fully experiencing the rest of your body?!)  Biodanza offers an accessible and integrative approach to return to wholeness. This holistic approach to wellness doesn’t promise to target specific ailments, yet uplifts and enables better overall wellbeing.

10 Laughter Therapy

This one is for everybody!

Exactly what it sounds like, the benefits of laughter therapy include lowering stress, releasing endorphins (known to tackle pain and increase happiness), relaxing muscles and reducing wrinkles! Laughter groups are popping up all over the world, because, as we all know, laughter is contagious!

A Japanese study has even found that laughter reduces the incidence of dust-mite allergies and skin inflammation.

It’s easy to find a local group (search “laughter yoga”) to get giggling, or simply head over to YouTube and see what makes you chuckle!

Have YOU tried any of these therapies? Or have one of your own to share? Let us know in the comments below!

Katherine Anne LeeKatherine Anne Lee is a UK-based writer and ritualist.

She is an initiate into an ancient European lineage of Shamanism, whose practices engage deeply with the Spirit of the honeybee as a living symbol and ally. The central belief (and living embodiment) is in the womb as first-brain, and the axis of feminine wisdom and power.

Alongside this work, she is a long-time moon maven and has been apprenticing in the rhythms and Mysteries of la Luna for over 10 years.

Find her Moon School HERE

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