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The Importance of Teaching Your Family Wellness Through Organic Living

The Importance of Teaching Your Family Wellness Through Organic Living

When you think about organic living, the type of food you consume is probably the first thing that comes to mind. While choosing an organic diet is definitely a big part of it, there’s so much more to the lifestyle.

Organic living really refers to living in a way that’s healthy for you and the planet. It’s a way to take care of your overall wellbeing, which includes more than what you eat. In fact, the areas of wellness include physical, intellectual, occupational, social, emotional, and spiritual.

So, why is organic living so important to achieve wellness in those dimensions? How can you make sure your whole family is experiencing the benefits? Let’s first look at some of the benefits (even for children) before diving into a few ideas on how to make an organic lifestyle an easy transition for everyone.

What are the Benefits of Organic Living?

When you think about the benefits of an organic lifestyle, the easiest thing is to start with yourself and branch out. That’s because it benefits more than just you – it benefits the world around you.

You’ll experience benefits that range from fewer allergies to a more nutrient-dense diet that can boost your immune system. Eating organically can make you feel stronger, give you more energy, and may even help you to lose weight since you’ll be avoiding processed foods. When you eat a healthier diet, prioritize your sleep, and get enough exercise (all components of an organic lifestyle), you can even prevent the early signs of aging, and could increase your lifespan.

Branching out a bit further, you’ll see how organic living can help your family – including your kids. Some of the biggest benefits for children include:

  • Better heart health
  • Stronger brain function
  • Lower risk of illnesses from things like pesticides
  • Lower risk of diabetes

Finally, you can branch out even further to the benefits of organic living on the planet. Non-organic foods tend to use tons of chemicals and pesticides in their growth and production. When those chemicals get into the soil or our water systems, it can create big problems – especially with nearby wildlife. Organic farming doesn’t use any chemicals, so it’s much safer for the land and animals, preserving important ecosystems.

Most organic farmers who raise cattle, pigs, or other types of livestock also do so in a humane way. When you get your meat from a grocery store, chances are the animal it came from didn’t live a great life, and may never have seen the light of day. Organic farmers typically take very good care of their livestock, from cows to chickens. Not only does that cut down on things like greenhouse gases from overproduction, but you can feel good about knowing animals were raised humanely.

Your Physical Needs

Now that you know the benefits of organic living, let’s go beyond food and focus on how an organic lifestyle will meet your physical needs when it comes to overall wellness.

We’ve already talked about the different dimensions of wellness, but physical is probably the most prominent for people. Thankfully, it’s also the easiest to take care of, especially as a whole family. When it comes to your physical wellness, what you eat is only part of the equation. Organic living includes taking care of your body in other ways, including staying active. If you want to get the whole family involved, consider activities like:

  • Going on a nightly walk
  • Having a dance party on a rainy day
  • Signing up for swim lessons at the local pool
  • Taking a weekend away to go hiking

Keeping your kids active will help them from sitting all of the time, whether it’s for school, or they’re just overly-involved in video games or spending time on their phones. Even encouraging them to take little breaks to do some easy yoga stretches can get their blood flowing and help their bodies. It’s a good rule of thumb for you to practice, too, when you’re stuck behind a desk all day.

Physical needs include more than just exercise, as well. An organic lifestyle focuses on all aspects of the physical, including the rest your body needs. Develop a nighttime routine for yourself (and for your kids). It will help everyone wind down in a way that works for them, and get them into the mindset to get a good night’s sleep.

When you take care of your physical needs through organic living, you’ll undoubtedly start to feel better on an emotional level, but it’s still just as important to do whatever it takes to organically meet your mental needs, too. If you’re not sure what that looks like, keep reading.

Your Emotional Needs

Your emotional needs tend to tie into other dimensions of wellness, including mental, social, intellectual, and spiritual. It’s hard to work on some of those without first being more emotionally-sound.

In meeting your emotional needs, you can learn to love yourself and your mind and body. When you realize your own value and worth, you’ll be even more motivated to live a beneficial organic lifestyle that promotes wellness all around.

Meeting your emotional needs and helping your family to do the same can reduce harmful stress levels, and open up the doors for healthy communication. If you’re not sure where to get started, especially with your children, consider the following practices:

  • Validating their feelings when they are upset
  • Letting them know they can come to you with any problem
  • Maintaining boundaries
  • Reading books about feelings and talking through them with your kids

It’s also important to model healthy coping strategies for your kids. It’s normal for people to get angry or frustrated at times. But, when you show your children how to respond to those feelings healthily, they’re more likely to do the same.

To meet your own emotional needs, think about the things that cause you the most stress, and work on limiting them as much as possible. Choose to “unplug” for a few hours each day and avoid using your phone. Practice mindfulness and meditation. And, strike a healthy work-life balance. All of these are great ways to feed your emotional needs in a simple, organic way.

As you can see, organic living isn’t impossible. It simply involves a dedication to wellness and a few lifestyle changes you might need to make. But, because of the countless benefits, those changes are easier to apply than you might think.

About the author:

Frankie Wallace is a freelance writer from the Pacific Northwest. She writes about a variety of topics, and spends most of her free time in her garden. 

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Submitted Exclusively to CrystalWind.ca by Frankie Wallace © 2021 crystalwind.ca


About the author:

Frankie Wallace is a freelance writer from the Pacific Northwest. She writes about a variety of topics, and spends most of her free time in her garden. 

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All post and information provided within this blog is for educational and informational purposes only, and is not to be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action should be taken solely on the contents of this website.  Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any dietary or lifestyle changes or taking supplements that may interfere with medications. Any products or information discussed are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any illness, disease or lifestyle. Please consult your physician or a qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health and wellbeing or on any opinions expressed within this website.


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