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The Nodes Of The Moon Enter Aries And Libra

The Nodes Of The Moon Enter Aries And Libra

July 7th ~ 14th

If you shut up the truth and bury it under the ground, it will but grow, and gather to itself such explosive power that the day it bursts through it will blow up everything in its way. ~ Emile Zola

The Nodes of the Moon are the points where the Sun, Moon and Earth intersect in such a way that they will be in perfect alignment. And if a New Moon or Full Moon occur at the same time as that perfect alignment, either the Moon or the Sun will be occulted during our bi-annual eclipse seasons. We can follow those points as they move their way backwards through the zodiac. These are the North and South Nodes of the Moon. The points where the eclipses are likely to occur. 

There is something magical and karmic about the Nodes of the Moon, where the world of Matter (the Earth), our Soul’s evolutionary journey (the Moon), and Spirit (the Sun) are all brought into alignment. And it would seem that the signs that the Nodes are traveling through can tell us a story about the evolutionary progress of humankind. 

There are two ways to calculate the Nodes of the Moon. Due to the variations of the wobbles and vagaries of the orbits of the earth and the moon, a general average of the Nodes were historically used. This is the Mean Node. But with the recent advances of computer technology, we are now able to calculate the True Node with all of its wobbles. The averaged out movement of the Mean Nodes are always retrograde. Not so, the True Nodes. But ultimately, both will move back through the zodiac retroactively. 

Depending on which Node calculation is being used, the Mean Nodes will change signs on July 12th, while the true Nodes will change signs on the 17th, moving back from 0º of Taurus/Scorpio into the last (29th) degree of Aries and Libra. 

The Nodes change signs every 18.5 months, shifting the flavor of the sorts of evolutionary ‘lessons’ being required of us. Planetary transits to these points can also have an impact on these life lessons of the soul. And even as the Nodes are changing signs over the next few weeks, Pluto, that powerful dwarf planet at the fringe of our solar system is at the bindings of these Nodes. An exact square between Pluto and the Nodes occurs on July 23rd (with the True Nodes), while Mercury, just entering Leo on July 10th/11th will set off a dynamic Grand Cross with Pluto and the Nodes. 

Mercury opposite Pluto square Nodes

Fact check what you hear. There will be conflicting information. Aim to spread truth, not dissension and disharmony. When we use our voices in a concerted effort to make a difference, we can change hearts & minds. Issues about speech, freedom of speech, and the attempts to control speech in general. We are led to consider how we use our own voices to make a difference in the world, while realizing that not everyone is going to agree with our point of view. Avoid getting reined into un-winnable and regrettable confrontations with others. Deep and profound truths can be revealed. Investigation. Analysis. Wanting to get to the bottom of a situation, or wanting to unravel a mystery. Introspection and reflection. Good for research, deep meaningful conversations, and activities that require focus and depth.

Pluto has been and continues to be square the Nodes since April and thru to the end of the Summer. It will be exactly square the True Node on July 23rd just days after an exact Sun/Pluto opposition. We will speak more to this at the end of the month, but know that when Pluto is at the bending of the Nodes that we are saying goodbye to one era or phase of life, even as we are giving birth to another. This is a turning point in our lives, made all the more intense by the recent Solar Eclipse on April 19th-20th at 29º of Aries. 

What is unresolved or needing to be released with the South Node in Libra:

  • A greater awareness of unfairness, inequality and injustice.

  • Not wanting to rock the boat or get involved. 

  • Looking the other way, or pretending that everything is okay in order to avoid taking any action.

  • Maintaining the status quo, no matter what. 

  • The willingness to compromise one’s individuality in order to preserve certain alliances, and to be accepted. Caring too much about what other people think. 

  • The fear of being ostracized, or overly concerned about other’s judgments or expectations. 

  • Using manipulation or passive aggressive techniques to coerce others or get what you want. 

  • Could eventually feel like you are trapped by promises and commitments made to others. Or feeling like you need to ask permission before making your own choices. 

What we are needing to cultivate with the North Node in Aries:

  • The courage to stand up and take action, when and as it is needed. 

  • Being willing to make a new beginning, a new start, and go off in a new direction in order to follow your own true path.

  • The willingness to go it alone if necessary, especially if you have been compromising yourself or your beliefs in order to just fit in. 

  • Knowing when you need to say “No” and set appropriate boundaries with others. Knowing where you need to draw the line.

  • The feeling of having to stand out and be separate in order to find yourself again. Even if this requires ending certain associations. 

  • This is about us all coming to recognize our own unique individuality, and cultivating a more independent life and lifestyle in accordance with what we believe to be right and true. 

Although Aries is what we are needing to cultivate, and the North Node usually emphasizes the positive traits, there are some Aries traps we can still fall into. Aries is still Aries. The North Node in Aries can still be associated with things like Anger, Aggression, Heat, Fires, Explosions and even War. Libra’s emphasis on Fairness and Justice, looks for remedies through the Aries paradigm. Anger can be a great motivator. And sometimes the boat does need some rocking. The North Node in Aries brings a strong urge to take Action, even if it means diving into the fire (or the line of fire), rather than running away, or pretending that there isn’t any fire at all. 

The True Nodes will be in Aries/Libra: July 17th, 2023 thru January 11, 2025

Previous years when the Nodes were in Aries/Libra:

Aug 20, 1967- April 19, 1969: North Vietnam and Viet Cong launch the Tet offensive. My Lai: US soldiers massacre men, women and children; The Poor People’s March in Washington DC; Martin Luther King, Jr. assassinated. Senator Robert Kennedy is assassinated. Anti-Vietnam War Protests become violent in the United Kingdom, and students take over Columbia University in New York City. President Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1968 and orders an end to the bombing of North Vietnam.  

Apr 7, 1986 - Dec 2, 1987: Soviet Nuclear reactor at Chernobyl explodes; The Space Shuttle Challenger blows up after launch; Iran-Contra Affair reveals President Reagan’s administration involved in arms sales to Iran; Orangeman Parades in Northern Ireland escalates violence; TWA Jet Bombing. US bombs Libya. 1987: Black Dragon Fire in China and Russia burns 2.5 million acres, one of the largest wild fires in history.

Dec 27, 2004 - Jun 22, 2006: Hurricane Katrina devastates New Orleans, exposing failing infrastructures and the vulnerability of underserved populations. Kyoto Protocol established (without support from US or Australia) in response to climate change. A series of Major Earthquakes occurred this year in Iran, Pakistan and Indonesia. IRA announces end to armed conflict. London bombings occur in underground and aboard a bus. After a period of intense heat in Europe, Portugal ignites in uncontrollable Wild Fires. 

For this week’s horoscopes, click below: 



Astrology By Lauren
A Level IV Certified Consulting Astrologer, in New York City. 


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