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7 Choices You Can Make TODAY to Honor Your Intuition and Yourself!


My husband is a Life Coach so whenever I go into the "I can't do this because..." mode, he corrects me and tells me that I have a choice. It's annoying, but when I really look at my life I do have a choice even when it doesn't look like it on the surface. He is right, we make choices every day. Some are based on knowledge, experience, instinct, and intellect, but some are purely intuitive. My intuition is my SUPERPOWER, it guides me in everything I do and it comes straight from my heart. Do you choose to listen to your intuition or do you choose to ignore it? There are times when I have gone kicking and screaming while ignoring my intuition, solely because something I wanted something to manifest MY way. But, the universe had other ideas - thankfully!

Seven Intuitive Guidelines 

I have just completed my Intuition Playshop at the Omega Institute. I know many of you couldn't make it so I wanted to share some guidelines to help you to make decisions that can help you stay connected with your intuition - that still, small voice within you.

Choose to be guided by your intuition every day.

I listen to my intuition, but occasionally I deny its guidance and do my own thing. I’ve noticed that when guidance is right, it will keep coming back often stronger than before. This is usually my cue to follow its lead. For instance, I had a very strong feeling that I had to visit the USA, specifically New York. I put the feeling off for what seemed like years. Eventually, I got on a plane and as soon as it landed in New York I felt like I had come home. The rest is history – or herstory!

Choose only the thoughts that help you believe in yourself and in your intuitive abilities.

Positive words and thoughts invoke positive actions and manifestations in your life. It's the Law of Resonance or as most people know it the Law of Attraction. If you think you're not intuitive then you'll be right. If you think your life stinks then you'll be right about that too. If you believe you'll never have that wonderful job, home or relationship, then guess what? You'll be right. Your intuition guided you here. I have some wonderful 108 Affirmation audios in my store, positive words that create positive outcomes. Try them, they will get you off to a good start.

Choose to find your deepest truth in every situation and relationship in your life.

You know sometimes in relationships when you have a conversation and the other person says something that really gets you all hot under the collar. When this happens to me I stop myself, take a breath and then "feel" into the reaction I am having to see if it is coming from me or if its coming from what I think the reaction should be. More often than not it's not coming from me, it's coming from the energy of the situation. Realizing this helps me to let go. I think this happens also when we stay in relationships that no longer serve us. There is some kind of thought that we "should" be emotionally attached to this person, but if we "feel" into it, we access our intuitive truth and this truth will lead us where we need to go. 


Choose to honor your truth by doing only what honors and respects you.

If you do something that does not resonate with your truth then the energy in your aura and energy body will go waaaaaay down. You know that feeling, right? When this happens its harder for you to connect with your intuition. Sometimes saying "yes" to the demands of others means that you're saying "no" to your own desires and truth. Ever do that? How about this week making an intention to only saying "YES" to the things that honor and respect you and see how that changes your energy. Invite your intuition to guide you to use the right words to say and actions to take. 

Choose to let go of the activities, people, places and thoughts that are toxic, heavy and dark.

This stands to reason doesn't it. Everything is energy, so if you're intuitive and you surround yourself with toxicity and negativity, well you'll suck that energy up like a hoover and it's going to make you feel nasty, lackluster and in some cases physically ill. Yes, it's a choice, you are choosing to be around these people even if they're family. Realize that saying you have "no choice" in the matter takes away your power. You have a choice, if you need to be around family members that are negative then choose to be with them and choose to protect yourself. Choose to change the energy. Choose to be in the relationship on your terms.  

Choose the activity, ideas, people and places that make your heart sing.


This follows on from the previous choice. A great choice is to choose to eat healthily, meditate, spend time in nature, connect with light-minded souls, find your tribe, be in an area of the planet where you feel at your most radiant, etc. If it doesn't happen today - for instance, if you want to live somewhere else but you think you haven't a choice to be where you want to be, well, how powerless is that thought? Let's look at it from a place of choice. If you are choosing to live where you live right now because....... (fill in the space here) then that choice takes back your power. You can begin now to say "I choose to create the right circumstances for me to move to......" Invite your intuition to guide you to where you need to be, who you need to be with, which ideas will work for you and what will make your heart sing.

Choose your spirit in every moment of every day.

Whether you are making a movie, writing a book, being a president or cleaning the gutters, know that whatever you are doing at the core of your being you are spirit having a human experience. As spirit notice where your energy is flowing. Are you consciously present in everything you do or are you ten jumps ahead of yourself? If someone cuts you off in traffic do you get angry? If someone takes too long in the check out counter at the supermarket, or if your Internet goes down for the millionth time, remember that you have chosen this experience and every experience in order for your spirit to learn and grow. There are no coincidences. Notice the lessons, is there a theme? If there is then this is a biggie for your spirit. Invite your intuition to guide you to stay connected with your spirit as you embrace every experience.


Choose to be who you have been forever!

I remember watching Marianne Williamson speak at a live event and thinking that I could never do what she does. She was so powerful, she remembered everything she wanted to say, she was charismatic and a great teacher. But then I started to think, hang on a minute, we're all different, I am who I am and I need to honor that. Thinking I am not as good as someone else puts me in that "I don't love myself" place. My heart tells me every day that I am worthy. I love myself and my life. Do you love yourself? Do you love your life? If you don't do you know how much energy you're draining from every level of your being by not loving who you are? Try loving yourself, it makes a HUGE difference to everything in your life. It will also improve your intuition - yes really!

For Today!

Stop making excuses for not having the life you want and for living a life denying your truth. To choose the life you want, back it up with action. You have the choice to act on your own behalf! It is your choice. It is always - in every single moment of every single day - your choice. Like it or lump it, life is full of choices. When you "choose" you take back your power, and when you live powerfully you also have a stronger connection to your heart. Your heart is where your truth lives, it's also your direct link to your intuition. Need I say more!

Let me know in the comments below if any of these ideas and thoughts hit home. Are you following your intuition? Are you honoring your truth? I would love to know. Please share your thoughts with me below and if it resonates please share this article with those who would benefit. Thank you!



Elizabeth Harper is an internationally acclaimed metaphysical artist, psychic medium, healer and teacher. She has been featured in popular national magazines including Woman’s World, Redbook, and Health, is a magazine columnist and regular contributor to radio and television in the US and Australia, and is the award-winning author of Wishing: How to Fulfill Your Heart’s Desires. She is also a contributing author in two anthologies - Women Will Save the World, and The Gratitude Book Project.

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