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How to Overcome Stress and Fears in Unpredictable Life Situations

How to Overcome Stress and Fears in Unpredictable Life Situations

Life happens. You end up in some kind of trouble, you get overwhelmed, trampled, you face too many obstacles, and you simply don’t know what to do. Fear and stress creep in, and you can’t face unpredictability as well as you could. This is all completely normal and human. However, if you want to move forward in life, if you want to achieve any kind of success, you need to learn how to overcome stress and fears. In this article we have taken the liberty of offering some advice and some insight into how you can achieve just that. Read on to find out.

Take care of your body

Take care of your body

First things first, the best way to overcome stress and fear in difficult situations is to simply being better prepared on a physiological level. The better shape you are in, the stronger you will be able to resist temptations and emotional upheavals.

So, first things first – start working out. Doesn’t matter what it is – cardio, boxing, weightlifting, yoga, just do it. Get your body in shape, and get some muscles, and you will be good to go.

Next, you want to watch your diet. Keeping your diet clean, eating healthy is a vital part of staying fit. A diet of lean meat, veggies and fruit will keep your mind sharp and ready for anything.

Perfect is the enemy of good

You will make mistakes. This is normal, its human, and it’s part of life. There is no shame in making mistakes, there is no reason to feel bad about making them. In fact, a need to be percent, the fear of making a mistake can freeze people, it can force us to procrastinate, to not act when and how we should.

So, don’t focus on doing everything perfectly. Understand that good is good enough, that sometimes you just can’t do more. If you gave your all, there is no reason to feel shame or guilt.

Visualize the worst and the best outcome

Imagine the worst possible outcome isn’t that smart because you will be scared even more. On the other hand, expecting everything to go right is a bit naïve, and will just get you into trouble. What you really want is to strike a balance between the two, to have the worst possible outcome scare you into action, and the best possible one to pull you forward.

On a practical level, simply think about what is required for you to avoid the first one, and what do you need to make the second on into reality.

Move forward, even if you are scared

Move forward, even if you are scared

There is no shame in being scared, feeling overwhelmed or exhausted. In fact, it’s quite human, is quite normal. What is true courage is facing your fear and still moving forward. Now, this may sound like a cheap hallmark card, so let’s get into some practical aspects.

Namely, the situation is what it is, what happened, happened. You should move forward anyway, because you’re still anxious. And part of moving forward is simply asking for help. Contacting your friends might be enough, or maybe you need some free legal representation in court or at some other bureaucratic situation. Point being, don’t stagnate just move.

Detach form the situation

This is a very specific piece of advice that is much easier to follow if you stick to a meditation practice. Still, know that the more you stick to it, the easier it gets. What we advise is for you to detach from the situation completely, to move away from it.

Namely, try to imagine yourself as a simple passenger within your body, an onlooker that is away from everything that’s happening. This type of detachment, the feeling of this happening to someone else, can give you vital objectivity in stressful and difficult situations.

A regular meditation practice can help you get better at this. Doing mindfulness exercises every other day, for 10 minutes, might just what you need. Get a book on this sort of things, maybe join a mediation troupe or seminar, or simply go online and see what kind of info you can gather.


In order to overcome stress and fears when we find ourselves in unpredictable life situations, the best course of action is being prepared, moving forward, and detaching. First, take care of yourself, of your body. This will allow you to simply be stronger, think faster, and to be less under the whims of your own impulses. Working out is also a fantastic stress release. Then, move forward, even if you are scared – courage isn’t lack of fear, but rather it’s taking action in spite of it. Finally, find a way to detach, to remove yourself from the situation, and then move on from there. Being an objective observer allows you to take control.

About the author:

Alexander Hunkin is an Australian based startup advisor with in-depth experience in growing business. His meaningful and strategic advices have helped in setting and growing many startup companies in Brisbane and Perth. Alexander is also a content creator for different niches. The top ones are business, career, finance and marketing. He aspires to share his experiences and is always on the lookout for the next opportunity to enhance his skills. When he isn’t busy working, you can find him cooking exotic meals, scuba diving and cycling.

Submitted  Exclusively to CrystalWind.ca by Alexander Hunkin © 2019 crystalwind.ca


Submitted  Exclusively to CrystalWind.ca by Alexander Hunkin © 2019 crystalwind.ca

About the author:

Alexander Hunkin is an Australian based startup advisor with in-depth experience in growing business. His meaningful and strategic advices have helped in setting and growing many startup companies in Brisbane and Perth. Alexander is also a content creator for different niches. The top ones are business, career, finance and marketing. He aspires to share his experiences and is always on the lookout for the next opportunity to enhance his skills. When he isn’t busy working, you can find him cooking exotic meals, scuba diving and cycling.

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