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The Evolving Humans - The Group

beacons of light1

Time to Re-member~

Greetings dear ones, I am Merlia.

I have come to Earth this day to help you balance energy. There is so much moving on your planet and so many things taking place simultaneously, it is very Magical for us to watch from this side of the veil. We have told you about the 22 different waves that are coming through in 2018 and they are starting in earnest now. The bulk of them will be coming over three months: August, September and October. The energy will arrive steadily, so it will not feel as it did before with the waves hitting you so intensely, but more like a constant rise. Of course, the idea here is to get comfortable with change, because that is truly what is taking place. You have seen this affect many of your attributes on Earth in a variety of the different areas. It also has a lot to do with balancing the feminine/masculine on your planet, and we are so proud to watch. Dear ones, we realize that it is so scary and uncomfortable for humans to change. Humans resist change at every turn, and if they can slow it down or  stop it in some way, they will try.

Rebooting Your Past, Letting Go of Belief Systems

Quite literally the ground work is being laid for you in a new way. The ground is being cleared, because you have a new base energy in the fifth dimension. You are starting to see new things, although some you have been working on over and over again. Often these were seeds that were planted 30 or even 50 years ago, which are finally starting to bloom into reality. You have hidden some of these from yourself, perhaps even intentionally to motivate or control you in some way. Humans are starting to see things from a much higher perspective, making impossible to hide them any longer. We welcome that, dear ones, because now you are starting to see both yourselves and your game from our perspective.

Belief Systems

As we have mentioned before, the main challenge here is belief systems. Many people were raised with belief systems, and they are so deeply ingrained because many of them have been handed down from generation to generation to generation. Often, even relationships are built on belief systems. We have no difficulty with human beliefs; we believe that faith is very important. The challenge arises when you take one belief then build an entire system around it.  You are starting to evolve more quickly as these 22 waves arrive on Earth at an astounding pace. Dear ones, that is the part that we wish you to look at. Some of you have already examined your belief systems. Many have open belief systems which are not necessarily in touch with those around you, which can result in difficulties with your parents, siblings, and friends. That is because you built a relationship on one level, then you moved so suddenly that the relationship was not the same anymore.  You may even tend to break up relationships because of that evolution of thought. But do not fear if that is the case. The Family of E is now here en masse; you are here at a critical time. Although you may feel as if you are alone, as if there is no one who truly understands or who you can talk freely to, trust that you are never truly alone. Know that if you feel that way you are in the perfect place, because you are grounding the light in a very dark area.

Harbingers of Light

We are not telling you that one is right or another is wrong, but the evolution is well underway and taking everything with it. You have already seen a huge backlash to this, and will continue to as many people go into fear they move backwards in their evolution. They may try the old things or think they have simply been reaching too far with too much positivity. So, then they go backwards and try the things that have been handed down from generation to generation, because it worked in the past. However, now that you have moved out of the third dimension the fifth dimensional reality is here for you to ground in a new way.  We look forward to that tremendously, because you are the Harbingers of Light. You are those who have chosen to be here on this planet during these incredible times of change. We can hardly wait to see what you actually do with this, because you see it is up to you. Although many of you have traveled back from the future to be here at this moment, carrying something important to Earth and into the collective of humanity.  You might think that that means that the future is secure, but re-member every time you make a change it ripples forward in the timeline.

Time Travel

You are learning this now, because in the fifth dimensional reality you actually have the energy to time travel yourselves. This is new to all of you, although you have been dreaming about it for years. Yes, it has been in your science fiction for a very long time, planting seeds of hope. You are actually going to see time travel become a reality. We are not talking about going back eons of time, but rather going back in your own history and clearing something that was restricting you. Perhaps it has been a belief, event or some trauma that has occurred and you have carried forward in your cellular memories. That allows you to move through these changes very easily, because those are the things that will restrict you from moving and taking full advantage of these 22 waves arriving on Earth this year. To do that you must be unattached to your past, which is very difficult for everyone because you have built all your beliefs, energies and relationships in a linear fashion. Now that you are in the fifth dimension you do not have to stay in line anymore. Instead, with a little practice you can move to every aspect of it and we’ll be sharing more of that with you as we go forward.

Dear ones, you are in a new world and you are adapting into new physical bodies. Understand that your spirit moves first, for your spirit is the ethereal part of you that does not have density. Yet you blended with this physical body, creating this bubble of magic—we call it a bubble of biology–that houses your spirit for a short duration. It is that part of you which is finite, which has a beginning and an end. That bubble will house you for the timeframe that you are here, provided you take care of, nurture, and work with it. As such we now have to tell you that the bubble itself can be changing allowing new energies and attributed to come in, anchoring some of the reality of the fifth dimension for you. It does take time and practice, but all of you are in the perfect position to move forward in the most incredible timeframes and changes on your planet.

Re-membering Lightbody

Now, it is going to require a few things to happen. What does that mean? Do you have to move into light body tomorrow? No, dear ones, it will happen with each and every one of you in your own timeline, in the energy which serves you best when you are ready and not before. You are on the planet of free choice for a reason and we honor that with you. You are more magical than you understand and yet, you must find that out for yourself. You must move through all of these energies to collect all of your experiences on Earth all by yourself. Know that we are with you. Spirit is with you. Your higher self has a new connection to the physical you. By releasing your past history, changing and clearing it, you have opportunities to move into a higher vibrational status in the same physical body that you hold now. Eventually, everyone will move into light body. People will not have the density over a few short years and that is because once the process starts and people move into light body on a regular basis, within about 15 years everyone on Earth will have an opportunity to step into that more easily. You are here to hold the door open and take that first step forward. We wish your path was easy, but sometimes it will not be. Often your experience will be more difficult than those who follow, because you are the ones that have to pry that door open.  You are the ones that have to experience the most change. However, you are also the Family of E and you have done this before. In reality, when your memory fully returns and you begin to shed that body, you will start to understand who you really are. We will be there with big smiles on our faces, watching as that memory returns to you.

Many of you have done this through different games in places throughout the universe, more than you can count. What happens is when one of these games rises to a critical mass where these changes start to take place, the Family of E comes in and helps everyone reach a critical mass. The Family of E is now making a huge difference on your planet. Although they have been here for years, it is the collective of humanity that is now ready for those changes. So the critical mass has been reached and you are seeing things shift. Yes, things that had been stuck or maybe never worked before, they are suddenly working in new ways and changing all around you. It is astounding to watch and interesting. Be a part of it dear ones. Know that you have many more gifts than most of you are aware and you are well prepared for what is about to happen. We are here to help you hold those doors open, to hold the mirror up before you so that you can re-member and see who you really are.  Know that you have it all deep within you and everything that you need is here. You need nothing from the outside, dear ones.

As these next energies start to come in, you will experience different ways of thinking.  You have always held one thought in a linear fashion, much the same way that you experience time. Well, we have told you time travel is now possible in the fifth dimension. Many of you think that is wonderful so you can go back and live in an easier, softer time. But what happens is that your time is limited in those excursions, for the very simple reason that it ripples forward very quickly on the timeline.  Imagine it as a spiral in the fifth dimension. Although you can make a difference in your own life right now, as you go back you also clear things and set up opportunities for yourself. You go back and place little reminders or crystals in your path, so as you walk through it you suddenly re-member Home. You re-member the things that you wanted to:  your path, your contracts, and a little bit of who you are in these times. These are beautiful times to be here and the magic is just beginning. This is going to be a massive year of change dear ones, and you are ready for it.  The Family of E is well in place. We celebrate you and help you re-member who you truly are.

It is with the greatest of honor that I bring this message to you—a message of hope, a message of dreams realized. You do not quite understand your purpose yet. As the evolution of this planet and humanity start to take a new form, it is a beautiful time to be here. Your seat has been reserved and we are happy to see you in it. It is with the greatest of honor that we greet you in this way and ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another at every opportunity and play this new game well together.

I am Merlia. Come up and see me some time.


~The Evolving Human~

Greetings, dear ones.

We join you this day as a collective, for we have a little story to tell you about events that are taking place on your planet. You are reaching beautiful levels of evolution. The Earth herself is changing as well; you have seen so much beauty here. Let us first tell you that you are becoming new humans, and that is incredibly exciting. Last time we talked about the multidimensional you and how you have hidden some of your perfection in 11 different experiences of your life, making different choices and each one selecting different routes.  Over here when you make a decision that is equally weighted. Although you may go this direction in one dimension, in another you take that other choice. So, really nothing is lost to your experience as a spirit pretending to be human.

Changes in DNA of the Physical Body

What we are talking about today is your own physical being, for it is starting to change as well. It starts on the very smallest level–the level of your DNA, which has many more strands than you have been aware of. There are a total of 12 strands with a very weak magnetic field that basically outlines the other strands. What is happening is that these strands are starting to be reactivated. As this happens and as the dimensional walls between your other dimensions start to thin, the physical body starts to change. Now it has been quite some time that we’ve been telling you about emotions bleeding over from one of your lifetimes into another. Sometimes you may suddenly find yourself feeling very happy, sad or even depressed for seemingly no reason, only to find out that you are tapping in to one of the experiences that is happening in another dimension that you never had to deal with before. Well, now you are also starting to receive thoughts and feelings through those walls. Not only are the magnetic portions of the wave going through the wall, but now parts of the electrical portions are traveling through as well. Let us explain what that means.

Thoughts Passing Through the Dimensional Walls

In the third dimension you typically experienced life as linear, one moment after the next. In the fourth dimension, you have learned that time is actually circular. Now that you are in the fifth dimension you are finding it is actually a spiral, which is a combination of moving forward through both time and space. Yet it is always repeating itself, over and over again, allowing for perfection. With these changes, you are starting to think differently because of being grounded firmly in the fifth dimension. Although all of humanity has stepped into this energy, there are many still grasping onto the old third dimensional ideas. That explains why there is so much incredible separation taking place on your planet right now. So, what are the thoughts that you are starting to become of aware of through the dimensional walls? How do you deal with that? Well, we tell you in some ways it means you are going to get new ideas. In other ways you will stop linear thinking, because that is your process as well. You have always had one thought after another, leading to another and so forth. It can branch out in different ways, of course, but you only take one path at a time. What if it were possible to start experiencing nonlinear thinking? You are now starting to experience the capabilities that we have here at Home. Just like with time, we are in the now every moment. Everything is accessible, no matter which way we point. You sometimes talk about time travel on your planet, and we have no problem with that. We always pick up whatever we want, at any time that we want.

Nonlinear Thinking: Taking Shortcuts in the Thought Process

What if you could do the same with your thoughts? Well, that is beginning to happen with all of humanity. The human animal is starting to evolve very quickly in order to carry more light. You are eventually moving into light body, which you have done before. You have done it in the days of Lemuria, as the Anasazi and Mayans. Before you have done it in small segments of the Earth, but this time it is going to be a rather large move. You are starting to move in these directions now, and one of the interim steps is to release the habit of linear thinking. What this will provide is shortcuts everywhere, although it will be very frustrating for your systems. Your math teachers want to know how you arrived at a solution. But what if you could just go to the right answer every time, and not worry about all the steps that you had to take? That would be very frustrating for the teachers and school administrators, but it could advance humanity quite rapidly. Basically, that is what lies ahead, learning how to stop thinking in a linear fashion. So, what exercises can you do and how can you work with this? How can you start to practice this right now?

Well, it is actually nonlinear thinking. Dear ones, much of what you consider sometimes to be intuition is truly channeling. When you get those answers very rapidly, you do not quite know where they came from. Most of the time on Earth, people do not trust an answer that is received in that way. They want to be able to go back and follow the rules of how you got there, when in reality it was simply a movement. We find it really interesting, because many of the great discoveries on your planet were made from people who simply knew this was the truth. Then they go through their entire lives trying to figure out whatever was necessary to put one foot in front of the other, building a linear path and proving that truth. If they did not know it in the first place, they would not have discovered it. We are speaking of Copernicus, Fibonacci, Socrates, Einstein and even Tesla himself; they knew something first and then went about proving it.  That sense of knowing is channeling and non-linear thinking. After receiving this message, they would then have to figure out the linear path backwards in order to prove it.

What if you were able to just take the shortcut? Would you not be able to speed things up rather rapidly on your planet? We tell you, dear ones, that is exactly what is ahead. All that is needed is to become aware of your thought processes to start with.  You can always come up with a great idea, but when you do come up with it go backwards to discover what led you to that idea.  What were you thinking just before that, and even before that? Follow the path backwards, so that you become aware of your linear thinking habits. That is the beginning of the process, then pretty soon you will be able to make these jumps. Because you are human, you are not going to trust it. Very few people do in the beginning, because it takes practice to start understanding that it is no longer necessary to go through all these paths. You can come up with the right answer every single time, and especially to the big questions. Why? Because there are so many beings on the other side of the veil that want you to succeed, they are dropping these ideas into your form of consciousness. If you can step out of linear thinking, you can interpret and trust them. You have this stream of consciousness that extends right above your heads; you tap in and grab one of these thoughts to bring it in. Are you responsible for all of these thoughts? No, some are what you would call negative thoughts. When you receive one do not try to release or ignore it just say, “Oh, there is a negative thought. I think I will just let that one go by. But here’s a really bright thought over here, so I am going to grab this one and discover it. Dear ones, choose your thoughts carefully. You are not responsible for what goes into your head, but you are responsible for what stays there.

Grasp those ideas and start dreaming, learning to channel in both your mind and hear. Your entire reality will start changing very quickly, because you will gain a new perception of everything around you. And the more open you are to that perception, the more you will begin to see change. Change is ahead for every single one of you, dear ones. You have placed yourself here on this Earth at exactly this moment for a reason. There is no one here by accident, no one here that is just taking up space. Yes, you are here on purpose. We love to see you work with that and we can’t wait to see what happens next.  You have some very exciting times on your planet.  Although there are challenges we are not worried, because the best people are on the job.

It is with the greatest of honor that we reflect you in this way helped you remember who you are in these times of change. You have already won the game dear ones.  We leave you with three little reminders to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another at every opportunity for you are nurturing yourself. Do not forget to play well together.

Espavo, dear ones.

The group

The word Espavo is an early Lemurian greeting : “Thank You for Taking Your Power”

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