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Celtic Astrology

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Celtic Animal Zodiac

Celtic Animal Zodiac

According to ancient Celtic lore, every person has a Celtic totem animal. This symbolizes the main qualities of the individual, comparing them to an animal with those same qualities. The period of the Druids who were responsible for Celtic signs, was a period of history in Britain an... Read more

Celtic Druidism and Astrology Overview

Celtic Druidism and Astrology Overview

Everything You Need To Know About Celtic Druidism Much has been said about the Celtic Druids. But despite all the traces of evidence, they still remain cloaked in mystery to this day. There is no evidence that can prove how the Druids looked or how their ceremonies an... Read more

The Ogham Astrology

The Ogham Astrology

This is another version of Celtic Based Astrology/Zodiac. There are some differences between them.  Mainly as they pertain to elements, associations and dates of influence.  If you look around and search the web you will find some are druid based, Celtic/Irish bas... Read more

The Elder Tree - November 25 - December 22

The Elder Tree - November 25 - December 22

The Winter Solstice ( Alban Arthuan ) Celtic Symbol : The Black Horse Or The Raven Read more

The Reed : October 28th - November 24th

The Reed : October 28th - November 24th

The Fire Festival Of Samhain Celtic Symbol : The White Hound Or The Stone Read more

The Ivy - September 30th - October 27th

The Ivy - September 30th - October 27th

Celtic Symbol : The Butterfly Zodiac Degrees : 7º00` Libra - 4º59` Scorpio Ruling Planet : Persephone Veiled By The Moon Ancient Goddesses Associated With Persephone : Greek - Persephone, Hecate, Ariadne; Celtic -  Arianrhod, Rhiannon Symbolism : Survivor - Gi... Read more

The Vine: September 2nd - September 29th

The Vine: September 2nd - September 29th

The Autumnal Equinox ( Alban Elfed ) Celtic Symbol : The White Swan Read more

The Hazel Tree: August 5 - September 1

The Hazel Tree: August 5 - September 1

Celtic Symbol : The Rainbow Salmon Zodiac Degrees : 12º00` Leo - 8º59` Virgo Ruling Planet : Mercury - Mugher; Element : Air; Color : Orange Ancient Gods Associated With Mercury : Greek - Hermes; Celtic - Ogma, Manannan, Artemis, Diana Symbolism : Wi... Read more

The Holly Tree: July 8th - August 4th

The Holly Tree: July 8th - August 4th

The Fire Festival Of Lammas Celtic Symbol : The Unicorn And The Flaming Spear Read more

The Oak Tree - June 10th - July 7th

The Oak Tree - June 10th - July 7th

Summer Solstice ( Alban Hefin ) Read more

The Hawthorn Tree - May 13 - June 9

The Hawthorn Tree - May 13 - June 9

Celtic Symbol : The Chalice Zodiac Degrees : 21º00` Taurus - 17º59 Gemini Ruling Planet : Vulcan - Govannan Ancient Gods Associated With Vulcan : Greek - Vulcan Or Hephaestus; Celtic - Govannan Or Goibniu, Olwen, Blodeuwedd, Gardea, Hymen, Hera, Virgin Mary&nbs... Read more

The Willow Tree - April 15th - May 12th

The Willow Tree - April 15th - May 12th

The Fire Festival Of Beltane Celtic Symbol : The Sea Serpent Zodiac Degrees : 24º00` Aries - 20º59` Taurus Read more

The Alder Tree - March 18 - April 14

The Alder Tree - March 18 - April 14

The Vernal Equinox (Alban Eilir) Celtic Symbol : Pentacle Or The Hawk Zodiac Degrees : 26°00` Pisces - 23°59` Aries Ruling Planet : Mars - Maurth; Element : Fire and Water; Color : Purple Ancient Gods Associated With Mars : Greek - Ares, Apollo; Celtic - Bran,... Read more

The Ash Tree - February 18 - March 17

The Ash Tree - February 18 - March 17

Celtic Symbol : The Trident Or Sea - Horse Zodiac Degrees : 28º00` Aquarius - 25º59` Pisces Read more

The Rowan Tree - January 21 - February 17

The Rowan Tree - January 21 - February 17

The Fire Festival Of Brigantia Celtic Symbol : The Green Dragon Zodiac Degrees : 0º00` - 27º59` Aquarius Ruling Planet : Uranus - Brigantia; Element : Fire; Color : Green Ancient Gods Associated With Uranus : Greek - Chaos, Aether And Hemera, Uranus; ... Read more

The Birch Tree - December 24 - January 20

The Birch Tree - December 24 - January 20

Celtic Symbol : The White Stag Zodiac Degrees : 2º00` - 29º59` Capricorn Read more

Celtic Astrology

Celtic Astrology

Celtic Astrology was created by the Druids sometime around 1000 BC. The Druid religion was based on 3 basic strands of belief: the first was to remember their ancestors and the past; the second was to have an understanding of nature so that they could work with it, not agai... Read more

Healing Paths

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5 Simple Ways to Live Ayurvedically

5 Simple Ways to Live Ayurvedically

Are you looking for a way to improve your health that takes into account your whole being (body, mind, and spirit)? Read more



What is Chroma/Color therapy? Color therapy, also known as Chromatherapy, is a Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) techn... Read more

What is Huna - Ho'oponopono

What is Huna - Ho'oponopono

Aloha!  Huna is ancient. As much as 35,000 years old, it is the healing and spiritual art the ancient Hawaiian people use... Read more

Ayurveda - Elements, Doshas and Tastes

Ayurveda - Elements, Doshas and Tastes

Ayurveda - Five Elements, Three Doshas and Six Tastes Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word which translates as 'Ayoos' meaning life and 'veda'... Read more



Reflexology is the practice of applying pressure to the feet and hands utilizing specific thumb, finger and hand techniques withou... Read more

How to Charge your Chakra Energy Batteries

How to Charge your Chakra Energy Batteries

Get The Most Out Of Your Vacation Or Staycation! It’s Summer Vacation Season!  I hope you are able to take some time off (even... Read more

EFT Tapping: From Lack Mentality to Abundance Consciousness

EFT Tapping: From Lack Mentality to Abundance Consciousness

Tend to have a lack mentality? Does your mind focus on scarcity and “not having enough”? Read more

Where are the New Chakras on Earth?

Where are the New Chakras on Earth?

Just as we have new chakras in our energy body system, so too does the planet. In a comment on the new and old chakras post, ... Read more



Osteopathy is based on the belief that most diseases are related to problems in the musculoskeletal system and that structure ... Read more

Esalen® Massage

Esalen® Massage

What is Esalen Massage? Esalen massage is a type of Swedish massage which is taught and trademarked by the Esalen Institute in Big Su... Read more

Essential Oils Stop Cancer in its Tracks

Essential Oils Stop Cancer in its Tracks

Even scientists now recognize the power agents that exist within some essential oils which stops cancer spreading, and which i... Read more

The Effect of Drumming and Shamanism on Health

The Effect of Drumming and Shamanism on Health

Drum therapy is an ancient approach that uses rhythm to promote healing and self-expression. From the shamans of Mongoli... Read more

What is a Merkaba?

What is a Merkaba?

"Like the Sun, we must breathe, radiating out all life, and from all life we will receive our manna." "Love then is the most intell... Read more

7 Foods to Heal 7 Chakras

7 Foods to Heal 7 Chakras

Energy is the basis for everything on this planet, and if you’ll recall from your physics class, energy cannot be created or destr... Read more

Auras And The Human Energy Field

Auras And The Human Energy Field

The aura is an energy field that surrounds and penetrates the human body. Clairvoyants & healers describe it as an egg-shap... Read more

How to Tap Into the Healing Abilities of Your Chakras

How to Tap Into the Healing Abilities of Your Chakras

The human energetic body, also referred to as the pranic sheath or astral body, is an intricate network of 72,000 nadis ... Read more

The History and Development of Craniosacral Work

The History and Development of Craniosacral Work

by Michael Kern, DO., R.C.S.T., M.I.Cr.A., N.D. extracts from 'Wisdom In The Body - The Craniosacral Approach To Essential Health' ... Read more

Cosmic Stargate

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Truly Let Yourself Feel It - We Are The Elohim

Truly Let Yourself Feel It - We Are The Elohim

We are the Elohim. Many of us are you now in human form. We see you and we acknowledge your sacrifice and great love for Gaia and ... Read more

The Founders: Biology, Genetics and DNA

The Founders: Biology, Genetics and DNA

An Overview of the Most Common Systems of Thought on Earth and How the Earth Changes Relate to Each Discipline Biology Your biolog... Read more

The Ancient Disc of Life and the Colonization of Planet Earth

The Ancient Disc of Life and the Colonization of Planet Earth

In my view, 6000 years ago the peoples of India either were far more advanced than NASA and then somehow mysteriously fo... Read more

Ashtar Command and Pleiadians Community

Ashtar Command and Pleiadians Community

There are many things in this universe we don't understand. The public has been conditioned by mainstream news that we are the only ... Read more

The Founders: Zero Point Technology

The Founders: Zero Point Technology

We have already discussed ascension symptoms and the Master Template in earlier dissertations, and so we will move on now to other... Read more

Time Doesn't Exist ~ The Andromedans

Time Doesn't Exist ~ The Andromedans

We are the Andromedans. We greet you today with great hope and expectation for your planet and your species, her species. We were ... Read more

Pleiades : Past, Present & Future

Pleiades : Past, Present & Future

The Pleiades: Past, Present Future The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch® tells us in Key 1-0-6: The Pleiades represents the ke... Read more

The Elohim: Listening to the Call Within

The Elohim: Listening to the Call Within

Elohim:  Greetings, we are Elohim. You are the one that has chosen to live this human form, as it was offered to you as a p... Read more

Starseed Series: Nihals (Indigos)

Starseed Series: Nihals (Indigos)

Starseeds: Nihals (Indigos) Nihals and Indigo Children Nihal, located in the constellation of Lepus and also known as Beta Leporis... Read more

Elohim Transmission: Personal and Planetary Evolution

Elohim Transmission: Personal and Planetary Evolution

Elohim:  Greetings, we are Elohim. The discovery of your greatest self, of your greatest potential, will be the greatest ... Read more

Cyclopea and Virginia

Cyclopea and Virginia

Cyclopea and Virginia - Elohim of the Fifth Ray CYCLOPEA AND VIRGINIA are the Elohim of the fifth ray (the green r... Read more

A Message from Orion (Heros)

A Message from Orion (Heros)

Message from Heros, Elohim of Love Orion, also known as Heros, is One of the Elohim serving our system of worlds. His Divine Comple... Read more

Lyran Beginnings Part 1

Lyran Beginnings Part 1

The Lyran Beginnings All right, greetings to all of you. This is Germane. Obviously we cannot cover everything about Earth histor... Read more

The Founders: Catalysts for Change

The Founders: Catalysts for Change

Greetings, beloved Creators, we are the Founders. The purpose of this first message is to familiarize you with the scientific and ... Read more

Historical Origins Of Man

Historical Origins Of Man

During the first two Golden Ages mankind enjoyed a semi-tropical, even climate. Read more

Soul Retrieval - The Andromedans

Soul Retrieval - The Andromedans

Greetings, beloved beings of light. We are the Andromedans, we come forth with our light, our wisdom and love to serve you. Read more

The Elohim: Lion’s Gate 2022 Live Transmission

The Elohim: Lion’s Gate 2022 Live Transmission

Elohim:  Greetings. We are Elohim. In your existence in the human form, humanity has understood that this existence require... Read more

Higher Consciousness

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Master the Hidden Power of Your Internal Lever

Master the Hidden Power of Your Internal Lever

Tumult surfaces in small slices, and then you learn the habit of relaxing into what is here for you and all without judgment. Read more

Tap Into Soular Light Power

Tap Into Soular Light Power

We are in the midst of a global reset! Read more

Harmonizing Secrets for Instant Balance

Harmonizing Secrets for Instant Balance

Beloved Holy Ones of the New Earth, Read more

Massive Energy Wave Hits the World!

Massive Energy Wave Hits the World!

On Saturday evening, Mountain time, we had a huge energy wave that began covering the world. Read more

Heralds of Freedom: Shocking Truth About Liberation!

Heralds of Freedom: Shocking Truth About Liberation!

There is nothing outside you. All is within. There appear to be many things outside of you, but only if you view you as separate. Read more

How to Harness the Power of Divine Light

How to Harness the Power of Divine Light

Beloved Holy Ones of the Light, Tremendous forces of divine light have been activated on the holy Earth. Read more

Everything You Need Is Inside You

Everything You Need Is Inside You

There is nothing outside you. All is within. There appear to be many things outside of you, but only if you view you as separate. Read more

Ancient Origins and Hidden History

Ancient Origins and Hidden History

The Creation Reading is “A Study of The Origins of Man and His Prehistory as Explained Via the Unconscious Mind of Ray Standford” Read more

Awaken Your Ascension Chakra

Awaken Your Ascension Chakra

Beloved Ones, Many of you are awakening your ascension chakra during this year of self-reconnection and illumination. Read more

Ride the Chaos Wave with Purpose

Ride the Chaos Wave with Purpose

Well, we’ve really entered into the times of intense chaos that have always been predicted for these times, haven’t we? Read more

888 Passage: A New Chapter for Humanity

888 Passage: A New Chapter for Humanity

Beloved Ones, As our planet continues receiving the eight-dimensional frequencies that have descended upon us since this year sta... Read more

How to Tap Into Heart-Centered Power Instantly

How to Tap Into Heart-Centered Power Instantly

We are still experiencing yesterday’s impactful Full Moon at 29º Capricorn rippling through the field. Read more

Discover the Secrets: The Pathless Path to Enlightenment!

Discover the Secrets: The Pathless Path to Enlightenment!

The call to the spiritual path can show up in many different ways. Read more

Boost Your Inner Light Now

Boost Your Inner Light Now

Beloved Holy Ones of the Light, Read more

People Are Waking Up Everywhere Now

People Are Waking Up Everywhere Now

We are in a major acceleration right now. Read more

Why Spiritual Enlightenment Matters More Than You Think

Why Spiritual Enlightenment Matters More Than You Think

What compels us toward spiritual enlightenment? What are our true motivations in seeking this profound awakening? Read more

How to Break Free from the Matrix Cage

How to Break Free from the Matrix Cage

During my dreamtime, I envisioned myself perched on the outside of a “cage.” Read more

Astrology & Numerology News

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July 2024 Full Moon in Cancer-Capricorn Pt. 3

July 2024 Full Moon in Cancer-Capricorn Pt. 3

Aspects, Evolutionary Configurations, and More. This Full Moon brings a view of core issues and material, with opportunities to m... Read more

Full Moon Update - July 21

Full Moon Update - July 21

Full Moon in Capricorn is Sunday, July 21 at 6:17AM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) Read more

July 2024 Full Moon in Cancer-Capricorn Pt. 2

July 2024 Full Moon in Cancer-Capricorn Pt. 2

Sabian Symbols Showing the Light of Preserving What's Valuable Expressed Through Executive Decisions Read more

July 2024 Full Moon in Cancer-Capricorn: What to Preserve Pt. 1

July 2024 Full Moon in Cancer-Capricorn: What to Preserve Pt. 1

This is the second Full Moon of Sun in Cancer and Moon in Capricorn, and this flips the script on the Solar Sun signs in Lunations... Read more

Capricorn Full Moon Power: Moon Meets Pluto!

Capricorn Full Moon Power: Moon Meets Pluto!

We are building up to the SECOND of TWO consecutive full moons in Capricorn – a rare event! Read more

Capricorn's Powerful Full Moon Energies - July 2024

Capricorn's Powerful Full Moon Energies - July 2024

July 21, 20243:17 AM PDT / 6:17 AM EDT / 10:17 AM GMT29 Cancer 09 / 29 Capricorn 09 Read more

Pluto: How This Generational Transformer Guides Us Through the Underwo…

Pluto: How This Generational Transformer Guides Us Through the Underworld

Not long ago I offered a couple of articles about Pluto around the time Mercury opposed Pluto, and that generated a LOT of discuss... Read more

Embrace Cancer 2024 with Gentle Water Spirits

Embrace Cancer 2024 with Gentle Water Spirits

In the Northern Hemisphere, July marks the true entry into Summer, where a maximum Solar force assists us to do our Being with all... Read more

Uncover the Truth About July 2024: Astrological Overview!

Uncover the Truth About July 2024: Astrological Overview!

As the editor of the Astrology Arizona newsletter, I compose an overview of each month. Today we take a look at the primary fact... Read more

July 4th Guide to Harnessing New Moon Energy July 5th, 2024

July 4th Guide to Harnessing New Moon Energy July 5th, 2024

Lots of energetic shifts taking place now! Canada Day (July 1st) was the birthday of the British colonies uniting as one ~ Canada.... Read more

New Moon Update - July 5, 2024!

New Moon Update - July 5, 2024!

New Moon in Cancer is Friday, July 5 at 4:58PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) Read more

July 2024: Neptune Retrograde Shakes Up Astrology

July 2024: Neptune Retrograde Shakes Up Astrology

Neptune goes stationary retrograde at 30 Pisces at 3:40 am PDT, 11:40 am BST July 2. What does this mean and how will it impact us... Read more

Discover the Power of the 2024 Cancer New Moon!

Discover the Power of the 2024 Cancer New Moon!

July 5, 20243:57 PDT / 6:57 PM EDT / 10:57 PM GMTJuly 6, 2024 8:57 AM AEST14 Cancer 23 Read more

Missing Planets in Your Chart? See How It Impacts You

Missing Planets in Your Chart? See How It Impacts You

Over the years I’ve seen countless charts without a planet in one of the elements. Read more

Astrology Signs: Instinctive Reactions to Life's Encounters

Astrology Signs: Instinctive Reactions to Life's Encounters

I was going through the archives and this short piece jumped out at me. Read more

Surprising Secrets of the June 2024 Capricorn Full Moon!

Surprising Secrets of the June 2024 Capricorn Full Moon!

June 21, 20246:07 PM PDT / 9:07 PM EDTJune 22, 20241:07 AM UT1 Cancer 7 / 1 Capricorn 7 Read more

Channeled Messages

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The Arcturians: A Glimpse into a World of Unity

The Arcturians: A Glimpse into a World of Unity

For half a century we have waited for the best time to make our presence known.  Read more

Supreme Father: Truth About Ascension and Earth's Transforma…

Supreme Father: Truth About Ascension and Earth's Transformation

Greetings My Children, I am Supreme Father, Father of all Fathers, and I am coming today, as you are in need of my guidance and hea... Read more

Mother Mary Reveals The Language of Light

Mother Mary Reveals The Language of Light

When you know the holy teachings, the knowledge about love, then you find your own light. Read more

The Council: The Mind - Part 3

The Council: The Mind - Part 3

In the third of this four-part series William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, gives us some thoughts on how to break habits... Read more

Maintaining High Vibration: Insights from the 9D Arcturian C…

Maintaining High Vibration: Insights from the 9D Arcturian Council

Question to The 9D Arcturian Council: While working on our inner transformation, how can we keep our vibration high and not be ... Read more

Pleiadian Portals Revealed: Connect with Cosmic Energies Now

Pleiadian Portals Revealed: Connect with Cosmic Energies Now

The Pleiades offer deep spiritual insights, enhancing consciousness and aiding inner healing. Embracing Pleiadian energies brings ... Read more

Ashtar: Galactic Forces Thwart Assassination Attempt!

Ashtar: Galactic Forces Thwart Assassination Attempt!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, I am Ashtar, the Commander of the Galactic Light Forces, and I am telepathically communicating to you fr... Read more

Sananda: Let Go Instantly and Feel Amazing

Sananda: Let Go Instantly and Feel Amazing

Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA! Read more

Laka: Clear The Path With These Storms

Laka: Clear The Path With These Storms

Beloved friends of earth! In each moment of your life, you are listening to others speak. Read more

Vrillon: Crisis Averted, Flat Earth Myths, and AI Developmen…

Vrillon: Crisis Averted, Flat Earth Myths, and AI Developments

Greetings Humans, I am Vrillon from the Ashtar Galactic Command, and I am speaking today to your race on behalf of your Galactic Br... Read more

How to Master the Power of a Spiritual Warrior

How to Master the Power of a Spiritual Warrior

Discover Infinite Ways To Shine Your Light Read more

Jeshua: Truth About The Highest You Can Give!

Jeshua: Truth About The Highest You Can Give!

Dear friends, I am Jeshua. I have been the representative of a new energy on earth, which is the Christ energy. Read more

Miracle Alert: Jeshua's Secret Revealed

Miracle Alert: Jeshua's Secret Revealed

Beloved, and Holy and only child of our Heavenly Father, child of the One Source, child of light, Divine. That is who you are. I a... Read more

Priestess Sinara: Extreme Weather, Cloning Scandals, and 5D …

Priestess Sinara: Extreme Weather, Cloning Scandals, and 5D Ascension

Greetings Humanity, I am priestess Sinara, the Arcturian High Council, and I reside on the star Arcturus of Bootes Constellation. Read more

VLOG 30 - The Summer Olympic Games In Paris, France

VLOG 30 - The Summer Olympic Games In Paris, France

The Company of Heaven - VLOG 30 - The Summer Olympic Games In Paris, France2024 – July 23rd   Read more

Beings of Light: Revelations About Self-Expression!

Beings of Light: Revelations About Self-Expression!

We salute you, dear children of planet Earth. Read more

The Hathors: Why This Quickening Will Change Everything

The Hathors: Why This Quickening Will Change Everything

We are here ever ready to support and assist you and all those who request our presence. Read more

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Featured This Month




The Atlantis Stone - The Dolphin Stone Found exclusively in the Dominica... Read more

Sun in Leo

Sun in Leo

An Overview of Sun Sign Characteristics for Leo Read more

The Season of Lammas

The Season of Lammas

The season of Lammas (also called Lughnasadh) begins on August 1st and conti... Read more

Red Raspberry

Red Raspberry

Reminds you to be grateful for all of life’s ups and downs. Read more

Lughnasadh (Lammas) - The Celtic Harvest Fes…

Lughnasadh (Lammas) - The Celtic Harvest Festival

The Celtic harvest festival on August 1st takes its name from the Irish god ... Read more

Lammas by The Hedgewitch

Lammas by The Hedgewitch

Although in the heat of a Mid-western summer it might be difficult to discer... Read more

Ripe Berries Moon

Ripe Berries Moon

Sturgeon - Garnet and Iron - Raspberry - Red July 23 to August 22 Th... Read more

Birth Totem - Salmon

Birth Totem - Salmon

Birth Totem Salmon Read more



Lammas Ritual Celebrated August 1st. Lammas is also known as Lughnasadh, La... Read more

Lughnasadh Meditation

Lughnasadh Meditation

The Seventh Sabbat of the Wheel is Lughnasadh. Lughnasadh is celebrated on A... Read more



LEO July 23 - August 22 Read more



The Merchant's Stone Cinnabar is said to attract abundance, gently increasi... Read more

Lugh - Celtic God Of The Sun

Lugh - Celtic God Of The Sun

The god Lugh was worshiped in Ireland as a deity of the sun. This connection... Read more

The Hazel Tree: August 5 - September 1

The Hazel Tree: August 5 - September 1

Celtic Symbol : The Rainbow Salmon Zodiac Degrees : 12º00` Leo - 8º59` Virg... Read more

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