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Let Us Talk Shift

Let Us Talk Shift

Before the physical level Ascension Process started (1998–1999) I had above average abilities to mentally focus and hold that focus while still being aware of my surroundings physically, energetically and psychically. I could read a book in a day or two and retain memory of all of it and even where certain information was located in the book(s). In other words, before the Ascension Process started I was very good at intentionally focusing on something and holding that focus with little effort. Evidently I had developed this ability to mentally focus to a high degree, which I wasn’t aware of really until the Ascension Process started and this and other abilities were decimated overnight.

I went from loving to read books to suddenly not being able to read much of anything because my well developed abilities to hold mental focus and retain what I’d read was seemingly unplugged, disconnected, severed by the very Process I was going through. I know many of you can related because you’ve lived this Alchemical evolutionary Ascension Process over these many years too and have gone through the mandatory dismantling of your 3D ego-based, left-brained linear intellect.

Left-brained intellect was a match with the old lower frequency 3D patriarchal Earth world we incarnated into but it’s an impediment and hazard to your expansion and evolution into more complex higher levels of personal integration — inner Triality unity. Because of this, the people living the Ascension Process first have been going through the steady dismantling of their old familiar linear 3D intellect and matching tools of perception. The days of being able to pick up only one channel are over for those living and energetically leading (Pathpaving) the evolutionary Ascension Process. Because of your current accelerated evolution and implementation of more and more NEW codes and more complex DNA, you are increasingly capable of picking up multiple channels simultaneously and on multiple dimensions now.

All this sounds fine and dare I say easy until your old familiar linear mental abilities and focus are unplugged due to compressed evolution. Then it’s (1) a scramble to learn how to function with those old 3D tools suddenly no longer working and (2) quickly perceive in higher NEW and different Spherical ways that are completely nonlinear, minus that old beloved high horse-powered muscle car straight down the linear consciousness runway level of mental focus you once had.

Suddenly, gone are the old patriarchal glory days of parading your overly developed left-brain intellect around, getting paid well for having it, and being looked upon by society as an intellectual superior because you couldn’t do anything other than that one thing, albeit very well at that old lower level of reality and consciousness.

Our transition out of the old 3D consciousness and perceptual tools and energies have meant we’ve been continually losing our old ability to mentally focus in our left-brains to function in that matching lower frequency reality, which has been changing right along with us too of course. This has been happening since 1998–1999 for the First Everythingers but it’s reached a NEW level now in 2019 where everyone else is now having to begin making this and may other inner evolutionary shifts to exist in the NEW.

One aspect of this was aided and anchored energetically by all the NEW Trinity codes—energetic templates or blueprints—that have been pouring down on us physically since December 2018, in the form of extreme amounts of rain and flooding most everywhere. The rainwater had, has the NEW Crystalline unified Trinity codes in it and has saturated everything, literally embedding them into this physical dimension, us, Earth and all else. You already know about the conductivity of water and the amplification of crystals and Crystalline energies and what the two can do. This has been, since late last year, one main way how the NEW codes and energies have been physically embedding into ascending Earth and those people capable of embodying and Embodying them in their physical bodies and their unifying Selves.

I’ve been living through this constant Ascension Process business of having my old linear left brain intellect dismantled while simultaneously having that replaced, upgraded, evolved into greater and greater higher whole brain unity but this doesn’t end in our heads. This reunification of our two old Dualized brain halves has been evolving us into our HighHearts because that is humanities NEW tool of perception, seat of awareness, consciousness and reality, realities.

As many of you already know from reading the Comments at HighHeartLife, my mom’s health condition has worsened and she’s been in  the hospital (two different ones so far) since June 7, 2019. On June 1 and 2 she suddenly started complaining that her ankle was hurting her, and every time I had to get her up to go to the toilet, she’d limp trying to keep her weight off of that one painful ankle. I’m including the dates of these events because they’re indicators of this current MASSIVE ascension related Shift that many of the First Everythingers, Forerunners, Pathpavers have been experiencing in profoundly amplified and accelerated ways since June 1, 2019. So bear with me please as I go through these explanations about what’s happened and continues happening to her, and me, because they are all entirely related to this MASSIVE 2019 Shift happening now.

June 1–2, 2019 is the first my mom had this new ankle pain. I checked it carefully and found nothing wrong with the ankle or bone etc. No discoloration, swelling or anything. The only thing I did find was that the ankle was cool to the touch, which I interpreted as some problem with blood circulation. As some of you may remember, she required an emergency triple bypass surgery in 2014, and had a stroke two weeks later. Stupidly, I didn’t make the connection that her “heart disease” could possibly be manifesting in other parts of her body besides just her heart.

Each day of the first week of June 2019, this sudden new pain in her one “ankle” increased until she couldn’t even stand up for me to take her to the toilet. She’s been rapidly declining in general since February 2019, but that amplified and accelerated greatly on June 1st that by June 6th I knew I HAD to call 911 to get her help. I also knew that the minute I made that call I would be intentionally reentering a much lower frequency, lower consciousness, lower everything old patriarchal run Earth world reality and that my re-entrance into it would instantly not be appreciated by many of its negative human inhabitants. I also knew that the day I called 911 and they removed my mom from my house that I’d become unemployed that day. So, knowing what was coming and that most of it would be negative for me and for my mom but for different reasons, I called 911 the morning of June 7, 2019. Two paramedics came, one sane, honest and helpful and the other the complete opposite as he was very negative and fixated on me in those Team Dark manipulated Portal People sorts of ways. I’ve experienced this so many times throughout my lifetime and can See and feel it, them before it, them and I even come into physical contact with each other in the physical world. This is the past old lower Earth world reality.

Because my mom had bumped her forehead against the bathroom sink on June 2nd because she hasn’t been able to stand upright since the 2014 stroke, plus because her ankle was hurting severely when I made her stand up to go to the toilet, she had a bruise on her forehead. The negative paramedic focused on that only and reported to the head ER nurse that I had “abused” my mom. She attacked me in the ER room and reported this abuse to the police. Welcome back to the very low levels of the old negative patriarchal world with its totally unaware human population. Let the attacks instantly begin on anyone with Light in them who dares to reenter that old lower world and frequency!

Long story short, after many tests done on her in that local ER hospital, they discovered that the artery in that leg with the painful “ankle” was due to it being totally blocked. So it wasn’t her ankle after all, it was a blocked artery in that leg. Three days later she was transferred to a better hospital in another city where they did further tests and discovered that both legs had completely blocked arteries in them, and according to the doctor I talked with, this like her heart has been increasing over the years and didn’t happen last week or last month etc. Big insight for me here; heart disease happens in other body parts too, not only the heart. Who knew, certainly not me.

Need to backtrack briefly for the first part of this article about linear left brain thinking to make better sense. Since the Ascension Process began for me at the start of 1999, I’ve been going through the dismantling of my linear left brain intellect and simultaneous activation of what I’ve called nonlinear quantum Spherical Consciousness which begins from having had one’s left and right brain halves Rewired into an integrated, unified state physically and energetically. That in turn automatically activates the start-up of one’s HighHeart as their NEW evolved much higher frequency seat of focus, awareness and very reality. I’ve Worked very hard since 1999 going through this natural evolutionary shift from left brained patriarchal intellect up into my fifth dimensional and higher unified Crystalline Christ frequency HighHeart as my primary perceptual tool and seat of ascending, merging Self Selves, just as many of you reading this have.

For me to suddenly have to go back down into an old lower dying level of the negative patriarchal world to get “help” for my mom who I know is dying, and have to tap into my linear intellect to give linear dates and related information to those particular people attacking and accusing me of abusing my mom was more difficult than I ever would have guessed. When you’ve moved to a higher more complex level of frequency, consciousness, awareness and being, it’s very difficult to compress yourself back down into a lower state and perceive in a linear frequency only. It’s been hard evolving out of that and it was hard having to go back into it while under pressure from people who only want to harm you for reasons they’re not even fully aware of.

After some work on my part I was able to access the linear dates clearly in my awareness in that limited linear fashion those people needed and expected. What none of us would know for days, a week in fact, was the real cause of her “ankle” pain and growing week-long inability to stand was due to the arteries in BOTH legs being completely blocked and for many years. June 1–2, 2019 was the tipping trigger point with this which is so much more than what it first appears. I’m deliberately describing what I’ve been going through this month in this linear way to help you when you find yourself suddenly having to deal with someone or something from the old lower negative patriarchal world because the First Everythingers have fully entered the NEW on June 1–2, 2019 and we’re having to make massive changes due to this Shift and intentionally disconnect ourselves in all ways from the, from those old lower patriarchal Earth worlds.

As usual, what makes describing any of this difficult for me is that it’s NOT linear at all nor is it a singular, disconnected from everything else event, quite the opposite in fact.

For me this June 2019 event took some professional medical and social worker Portal People idiots accusing me of abusing my mom and having the police come to my house to check me and it out while searching for anything confirming that abuse did happen. None was found because none has ever happened. It took this level of actual bullshit abuse on me however to finally reveal what I now must do (and have done and am continuing to do) which is intentionally disconnecting myself completely from her and all she’s connected to that’s of and in the negative dying patriarchal Earth world. I have intentionally withdrawn all of my energies, energetic connection to and focus on all of it as of last week.

Whenever I’ve had to go back down into lower levels of old dying Earth reality, it’s an unpleasant ordeal for sure. Going to the grocery store and whatnot is one thing because those places and people are closer to the surface of the Light and the NEW. But, those well established dug-in massive old patriarchal systems, structures and places such as the entire medical system and everything connected to it—doctors, nurses, paramedics, hospitals, pharmacies, Big Pharma, social workers, social security for the disabled etc., police officers, insurance companies, nursing homes facilities and on and on—exist at a much lower more dense and dark location within the old dying patriarchal world. Going all the way down there is very different and far more dangerous and exhausting than a quick jaunt to one’s local grocery store that exists at a much higher level.

Since my mom had the stroke in September 2014, I’ve struggled with how in the world I could continue my Ascension Process and Embodiment Process while having to continue caring for her. Because she is not wealthy (we are not wealthy), she can’t afford to spend the rest of her life in a Nursing Home care facility, her insurance doesn’t cover it. And because I don’t have the money to pay for it we’ve both been stuck with each other through this entire Ascension Process. I’ve always known there would come a point with the Ascension Process where the two of us could not continue on together any further because it was hurting us both; me because I’ve never been able to give 1000% to my Ascension and then Embodiment Process because of her medical physical and mental conditions which keep her tied to that old patriarchal world, the one I’ve disliked my entire life. And, she’s been tied to me while she constantly diminished physically and mentally since the 1990’s making it harder for her to be around me. Talk about a rock and a hard place for both of us.

However, with negative unaware people with power over me, my life, my income and my freedom at that old lower level coming at me as some of them, not all but some, in June 2019, I was finally given the answer I’ve searched for since 2014. That answer is that I have, you have, we have, and Earth and all the rest of humanity including the majority of unaware humanity, have finally reached the Shift point where I, where you HAVE to intentionally and from our HighHearts release, let go of, disconnect from everything and everyone that’s connected to the old lower negative dying Earth world(s).  What I’ve been confused about with this has finally arrived for all of us June 1, 2019 and the answer is for me and many of you reading this, we’ve reached that place and time within the Separation of Worlds Shift point where WE have to consciously and intentionally release ourselves from them, from it, from all that it still is, and from all it has stood for and been in the old patriarchal world. Many of us have made this Shift at some point since June 1, 2019. Many more will do so every day from here on out. Do so when it’s YOUR perfect time to completely release yourself from the old lower levels and world(s), and trust me when I tell you that you’ll know exactly when that is because you’ll absolutely HAVE to do so.

I’ve endured a lot with my mom’s dementia and stroke; hallucinations, her being repeatedly “jumped” by negative entities for the purpose of tormenting and attacking me because I’m of the Light and doing what I am etc. I’ve endured a lot due to her needing to be constantly taken back down into the old lower world where her doctor and pharmacy and hospitals all else exists. And I’ve endured a lot because my income has come from her being elderly, disabled and poor and the incredible bunch of very negative and nearly insane social workers (not all of them but around 98% of them) that I’ve personally dealt with over the years are nothing but Portal People. But it was the accusations of my abusing my mom and being interrogated by a police officer and social worker and nurses etc. that was the last straw for me. Once that level of real “abuse” was reached last week, I knew it was time for ME to send her on her way to freedom from her broken body and mind and me to my freedom from her and her broken body and mind and all that’s connected to that. It’s been MY responsibility since June 7, 2019 to completely and in every way end this with her and the old negative world, and I’ve done just that and I’ll continue doing that energetically, intentionally. It’s now time for this for all of us no matter what your personal situation is. Just do it and do not feel bad or guilty for doing so because it is exactly what HAS to happen now.

Thanks for wading through this lengthy explanation about what it’s been like from my personal perspective intentionally and with great determination, focus and power releasing myself from the old. There’s much more to all this but I’ve probably prattled on enough about my personal first half of June 2019. Don’t you know that the second half of it will be even more interesting as we continue intentionally releasing ourselves from the past lower everything and Embodying more of the NEW everything.  My deepest Gratitude to each of you for your individual help, love, kindness, understanding, support, and financial donations during this Shift process. Thank You, thank you, thank you.


June 15, 2019

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