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Welcome To The Evolutionary Ascension Process World

stair step

Recently Courtland asked me why so many teachers and channels within the Spiritual Ascension Communities have said that the current president of the USA — the T creature as I refer to him — is so great, so positive, is “the one” whose causing so much positive change in this country. Here’s where I point out the top main image I chose for this article. It’s to remind everyone that each of us is standing on different energetic Stair-steps of development, consciousness, awareness, focus, abilities, growth, Ascension Process and so on. This has always been the case, but each year since the end of 2012, the gap between different people’s levels of awareness and consciousness has widened tremendously. Hence the Separation of Worlds or as it’s also called, the ‘Bifurcation’ of Worlds. And this great gap between the awake and aware and learning constantly, the awake and less aware, the awake and just starting to learn, the currently awakening, and the still asleep unaware people is NOT going to suddenly go from these many different Stair-step levels to everyone suddenly having the same awareness, development, focus, consciousness, Higher Awareness, and living the Ascension Process in the same way. It has not and still does not work this way even though the Ascension Process is evolving everyone at every different Stair-step level finally now that we’ve reached 2018.

There isn’t anything or anyone within the old lower 3D patriarchal world that was or is or will be “the one” that will magically fix everything or make things right or equal in this country or any other. That is old lower frequency Duality consciousness; disempowered consciousness that constantly projected outside of itself most everything. The T creature is unknowingly doing a very good job of forcing people worldwide to see how Duality functioned in our country’s government and consciousness, and how corrupt it all was and still is. Elephants and donkeys, donkeys and elephants, red and blue, Republicans and Democrats, it was all Duality but it was Duality within an illusion of vast differences and great choices for the people, the voters, but there never really was any. It was all an illusion of choice for the people of this country and was just Duality playing out at that old lower patriarchal level. This is the “end times” of all that, not the beginning of correcting those old systems at that lowly level but of evolving far beyond them all.

People who still believe in and are only capable of perceiving of power and answers, salvation and justice etc. as something outside of themselves and in someone else like a politician(s), ruler, religious leader(s), groups, set of beliefs or whatever are still functioning within the old and very low frequency of the global patriarchal Duality consciousness. Problem with this is that entire system has Expired and has no energies sustaining it or them any longer, and beating that dead horse won’t bring it back to life and power again. That energy, time, consciousness, life and reality has energetically ended and humanity is currently evolving beyond all of it now, hence all the chaos, insanity and high drama.

There’s about 7.5 billion people alive on Earth now which means there’s 7.5 billion individual belief systems and personal takes on “reality” all happening now. Since December 2012, the old global patriarchal frequency, codes and templates fully Expired even though there’s still billions of people worldwide that continue to live their daily lives from that old consciousness and beliefs. The big and really great news about this is that with the start of 2018, 7.5 billion people worldwide are, like it or not, know it consciously or not and most do not know about the Ascension Process at all, 7.5 billion people are now under the NEW energetic influences of the evolutionary Ascension Process and NEW Light, NEW energies, NEW codes, templates, blueprints, emotions and evolving global consciousness.

All 7.5 billion people on Earth now are living in the time of planetary, solar system, galactic and universal evolutionary Ascension whether they’re consciously aware of this fact or not. 2018 activated the NEW for 7.5 billion, so even though the majority of people around the world are still living and functioning in and from the past old lower frequency patriarchal consciousness and beliefs about everything, they are now ALL living the Ascension Process and subject to the ever-increasing NEW Light energies, Codes and rapidly evolving consciousness worldwide. They and their consciousness and physical bodies and all else are, as of 2018, living within the compressed evolutionary Ascension Process and are being positively changed because of it and the majority of them don’t even know this. It’s not mandatory that they do, but it is mandatory for ALL to be living it in 2018 and beyond. If that’s not something they want to do, then they will exit via physical death.

Many years ago I wondered how in the universe this Ascension Process was going to impact, change and evolve the unaware human masses globally. I wondered this and many other related things because 1) Free Will still exists and 2) humanity has always existed on 3D Earth from a wide range of different consciousness levels and development. The personal developmental, focus and awareness gaps have always existed on Earth but it’s been extreme for the past many thousands of years. Because of these two main things, I wondered how the Ascension Process would affect the unaware people without abusing their personal Divine Free Will. The primary answer to that question is that all 7.5 billion souls alive on Earth now during the Ascension Process, Age change, great Galactic Alignment, the “end times” of the global patriarchy, and exit out of the many years of Galactic Alignment and entrance into the NEW Ascending Earth world with its NEW Light and Codes are incarnate now because they wanted to be here for all this. They wanted to live it, witness it, help with it or resist it. These 7.5 billion souls are here now because they’ve earned a rare and special incarnation during these difficult, tumultuous, painful and chaotic times of powerful compressed Ascension Process evolution. Do they consciously remember this? Most do not but that doesn’t change anything for each of them. They’re here to individually live and take part in the universal Ascension Process knowingly and/or unknowingly.

With the start of 2018, the NEW evolutionary Ascension Process Light and NEW Codes and NEW energies and so forth are here on the physical fully finally. The NEW is here and it’s the new normal on secondary ascending Earth world with it’s 7.5 or thereabout inhabitants, all with their 7.5 billion different levels of consciousness, beliefs, expectations, fears, intentions and so on. They ALL now exist on the secondary ascending Earth world meaning they ALL are living under the NEW Codes, NEW Light energies, NEW rules and so forth even though they don’t consciously know any of this.

Since the 1970s I’ve been an etheric “Guide” to many people while I (and they) were asleep and out of our physical bodies. This isn’t something I decided I’d do in my twenties, but was another of my many Soul Contracts I’ve had in this Ascension Process lifetime. Many Forerunners/Starseeds/First Embodiers/Pathpavers have had this particular Soul Contract in these lives and have been “Guides” to certain other people during the sleep state that were ready for that type of one-on-one spiritual, energetic and consciousness educations from us. Stair-steps, even with this because most people in the early stages of their awakening couldn’t psychologically cope with say an ET showing up to teach them certain things. Others wouldn’t benefit from or feel comfortable around a Guide looking like say an Angel or Lightbeing, so many people need their Guides to look human so they can more easily focus on what they’re being taught and not fixate on or be shocked or frightened by nonhuman other-dimensional beings showing up in their lives as personal Guides.

From my early childhood until the start of my first Saturn Return at age 29, my primary etheric Guide was a male being who always appeared in a brown hooded monks robe, but where his face should have been was intentionally blacked-out for this very reason. By him deliberately not allowing himself to present a face to me, he prevented me from becoming fixated on him, possibly becoming infatuated with him, being sidetracked by his appearance, or making our temporary relationship emotionally dependent and so on and wasting our precious and limited years together.

There are numerous different levels to being an etheric Guide to certain people, just like the first image at the top of this article; all Guides—human and nonhuman—evolve and move on to new students over time, especially so during the Ascension Process because everyone constantly learns more, grows more and needs to change and move on to higher, more complex Stair-step levels. This directly ties into the two topics above; 2018 is entrance into the secondary ascending Earth world for about 7.5 billion people and that means they have entered a NEW-to-them phase of spiritual, energetic, consciousness and reality evolutionary growth. This also means that NEW Guides have been and will continue to be added, changing, changed, swapped out, leaving, entering and changing again for these people to help them learn about these evolutionary Ascension Process changes affecting consciousness and external reality and so forth from the sleep state. Why the sleep state? Because so much more can be accomplished very quickly and with less trauma and drama that way for all parties. Because of all this some Forerunners/First Embodiers/Starseeds will most likely experience more changes with this and related Mission Work in their lives now. Just a hearts up co-workers. ❤

Because of the 2018 activation’s of these many NEW changes to mass humanity, the Forerunners/First Embodiers/Wayshowers etc. are going to suddenly be finding ourselves in NEW territory too with NEW etheric jobs be that higher level “Guidance” to certain other humans or any number of other NEW-to-us Mission Work jobs. In other words First Embodiers/Forerunners etc., expect new etheric level clientele if you are to continue being a Guide and counsel certain living humans about the Ascension Process.

Disclosure Is Firstly Spiritual & Energetic

Most people think of “disclosure” as UFOs, ETs and governments covering up their knowledge of and dealings with certain ET groups and nothing beyond that. However, over just the past couple of months a massive and incredibly important issue was seemingly suddenly revealed to the masses; it was disclosure concerning females and the worldwide inequality and sexual abuses etc. they’ve lived with throughout the thousands of years of global patriarchal rule and consciousness on old 3D Earth. This, like all other old patriarchal issues accepted as “normal” worldwide, have become so “normal”, so accepted and believed to be normal that for many males but many females too, this absolutely necessary first disclosure issue has, is and will continue to happen because in 2017 the return of Divine Mother/Feminine began energetically across the NEW secondary ascending Earth world.

Let’s be honest. If most global males and many females too unfortunately, cannot as yet even think of or honestly consider the possibility that human females are equal to human males and that females worldwide have been used and abused in just about every way imaginable throughout the patriarchal reign on old 3D Earth, then most males are nowhere near ready to be openly dealing with ETs. First things first however, and in the Ascension Process the first thing is the Return of Divine Mother/Feminine energies and consciousness globally on the secondary ascending Earth world. What has been kept suppressed, limited and profoundly reduced on Earth and in mass human consciousness, life, creativity and reality has been the Divine Mother/Feminine, and because of this the first thing that’s being reintroduced back into global human consciousness and external reality for everyone from here on out is the Divine Mother/Feminine energies and consciousness.

Disclosure is happening, just not the way most people, most male people expected it to because it’s spiritual and energetic disclosure. If you want to know about ETs and other dimensional beings and issues etc., then FIRST you must integrate the other half of the freaking human population—females—into mass human consciousness, life, reality and all else on ascending Earth! Profoundly imbalanced humans will never be able to directly meet or interact with higher dimensional ET beings or anybody else while they haven’t evolved into integrated human beings themselves yet regardless of which sex physical body they currently have. Unity begins on ascending Earth and within each and every individual human. Once that’s been energetically accomplished via the evolutionary Ascension Process and NEW Codes and Light energies, then individuals will naturally and automatically be safe and sane enough for most ETs and other off-world beings and higher dimensionals to start being perceived directly by individual humans. Needing, demanding and endlessly expecting the corrupt old patriarchal governments and people to finally reveal that they sold the souls of humanity to negative aliens long ago so they’d have superior weaponry to use on anyone, even their own people and country, won’t matter one bit to individuals who have gained the ability to directly perceive, discern, and telepathically and etherically (for starters) interact with certain other ET beings on their own. You want disclosure about ETs and related information? Then first you’ve got some major evolving to do yourself and first up is integrating what’s been deliberately removed from human consciousness, life and reality on Earth by negative aliens a very long time ago.

‘Information is Stored in Stone & Bone’

Twenty-some years ago I read something channeled by Barbara Marciniak’s Pleiadian group that said, ‘Information is stored in stone and bone.’ That sentence instantly made deep sense to me as how the Codes, templates, blueprints and DNA levels of the time were embodied by the Earth through the stones (and other elements too) and by humans through their bones. My being a Capricorn, stones and bones have always been prominent in my life and consciousness. I’ve always felt the energies imprinted in them holding those old codes and other energy structures.

In early 2017 when Saturn was hit with seven solar flares, I got very excited about those events because I knew the previous old Codes and negative distortions intentionally done to them by negative aliens and beings were being energetically obliterated and removed by very high evolutionary forces. The physical level global slate was being wiped clean energetically; the old Codes and distortions completely removed because the NEW Codes and energies where replacing them all throughout 2017. Now in 2018, they are the NEW everything for mass humanity which means there’s been and will continue to be some major evolutionary upgrade changes taking place in both physical Earth and stones, structures, physical reality etc., and in physical skeletal structures and bones of every human. Why? Because all the old information stored in them both—the old energetic Codes, templates, blueprints, level of DNA etc.—have been going through an intense and relatively fast process of dropping them while simultaneously Embodying more and more of the NEW higher frequency Codes, templates, blueprints, energies, higher DNA and so on. And right on higher frequency Ascension Process schedule, transiting Saturn crossed the Milky Way Galactic Center at 27° Sagittarius in late 2017 for the last time at that level of awareness, and in December entered its natural home of Capricorn where it will stay until December 2020.

This is another of many aspects of how the old Codes and energies are quickly disappearing and being replaced by NEW Codes and energies in both the physical structural systems on and in Earth and within humans and human bodies too. The Earth and your bones have been aching and hurting because of these tremendous evolutionary and DNA changes.

First Embodiers Learning Personal Energetic Sovereignty

Over the past few years I’ve often used the term of, our small daily allotment of Source fuel, and how many of the First Embodiers have learned how this works and doesn’t work for each of us. I’ve compared this higher NEW non-parasitic 5D way of being, consciousness, life and reality as having only an 1/8 of a tank of gas fuel each morning when you wake up and you’ve got to learn to conserve it just to get through each day. By the end of each day you’re running your body and life on fumes and are super exhausted. The next morning you get up and start your day again with just that allotted 1/8 of a tank of gas fuel for the entire day. After running out of your daily allotment of Self-Sovereign fuel before the day is over, you quickly realize you HAVE to change how you use your precious energy fuel each day.

In the early stages of this evolutionary Ascension Process change from parasitic feeding off everyone constantly and vice versa, to, learning how to be individually energetically sovereign each day and conserve your small beginner amount of daily Self-Source generated energy fuel supply, some running out of fuel before the day is out happens to us all. I used to watch people older than myself and be amazed at how full of energy they were and how pain-free and how they ran around doing things like it was nothing for them. Most of the time it was all I could do to physically carry out a few normal daily tasks each day and I was dragging around exhausted and in physical pain much of the time. I didn’t understand this painful new discrepancy at first but I eventually realized they were and still are functioning in the old lower frequencies and consciousness of parasitism and taking other people’s energy fuel for themselves left and right and vise versa. I was exhausted and running out of energy fuel late each day because I was not being parasitic and hadn’t yet learned how important it was to conserved my beginner amounts of sovereign energies/fuel.

You quickly learn what you can and cannot do when your daily energy fuel is generated by only you and Source and not parasitically taken from other people constantly. Because of this you also discover that wasting your small beginner amounts of daily fuel on stupid crap, parasitic people, BS, lies, manipulations and all other such negativity is something you can no longer afford to do, put yourself through, or are willing to endure at all. You don’t have the fuel to waste on any of this type of lower stuff so you cut it off and out of your life and reality and slowly continue increasing your daily allotment of Self-Source generated energy. Many of you reading this have lived this way for many years already, but with the entry into 2018, this has become very important for all of us to be conscious of constantly. Being Sovereign means being your own fuel source and Mastering that process and constantly increasing it over time. Parasitism has also Expired and a lot of people are going to have a hard time learning this important evolutionary change.

There’s much more but this is a decent start with many of the huge 2018 changes taking place constantly and finally in all of humanity, not just the Forerunners and Indigos and Pathpavers etc. More to come when Uranus enters Taurus in May 2018, much more, but I’ll save that for its own article because it’s so very important and will be a huge reality and consciousness changing event. Welcome to 2018 and the Ascension Process world!


January 20, 2018

Copyright © Denise Le Fay & HighHeartLife, 2017. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL https://highheartlife.wordpress.com and Copyright Notice is included.

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