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The January 2021 New Moon at 24 Capricorn Pt. 2

The January 2021 New Moon at 24 Capricorn Pt. 2

- Signs, Sabian Symbols, and What It All Means -

This article covers significant aspects, degree symbols, and other important factors in this New Moon chart. We are now closing in for a huge planetary compression in Aquarius, which brings another Bundle Jones pattern. The next month puts the focus on understanding that what is disappearing would block our happiness, and to pay attention to the “seeds of transcendent security” being vitalized these next 4 weeks.

The last decan of Capricorn is the most practical of the three, as it refines the order and structure of Capricorn through understanding the numerous minor but necessary adjustments in the order and priority of things if they are to be brought to relative perfection. We now are at the beginning of the yearly renewal of the Great Light after the recent Solstice which accompanied the Grand Mutation at 1 Aquarius, setting a new 20 year Aquarian theme into motion for the entire world.

Many old structures and assumptions will be set aside in coming years, and a broader vision, a broader understanding, and a broader “atmosphere of synthesis” will help us all see the interrelationships to things. This begins many decades of ending the extreme sense of separateness bred by the Earth materialism of the past 200 years. This continues to be an intensely transformational period due to the Lunation conjunction with Pluto, and should shine a light on how we’ve found a “transcendent security” over the past year, if only in seed form.

The Capricorn Compressions Are Over and Aquarius Compressions Coming!

This time brings the fulfillment, renewal, and mutation of many things promised by the many conjunctions in Capricorn last January and March. As I explained in the main article on The Great Compressions of Early 2020, 2021, and 2022, in January through March 2020 we experienced the second of four consecutive compressions of planets. The first was In early 2019 when all the planets were bundled in about one third of the sky. Throughout 2019 they expanded into half and then two thirds of the sky, creating a Bowl and then Locomotive Jones pattern, with the Moon adjusting the pattern based in its position.

We again contracted into a Bowl in January 2020 while hitting maximum compression in March which created a Bundle chart, the rarest pattern of all! While the inner planets have all traveled outside the Bundle since May 2020, they now are getting closer and closer together, creating a Bundle pattern again, with maximum compression coming around January 19-21 when all of the planets will be within a 101 degree span, creating a very intense zone of activity wherever we have late Capricorn through early Taurus. This is a very crowded house, with 10 distinct energies occupying less than 1/3 of the total space!

Depending on the position of the Moon and the inner planets relative to the outer planets, different months bring us different Jones Patterns. These patterns operate their own independent influence, regardless of which planet is in which sign.

Currently, the outer planet occupied span begins with Pluto in late Capricorn, and proceeds through Jupiter and Saturn in early Aquarius, Neptune in Pisces, and ends with Uranus in Taurus. Now that the inner planets are in between early Capricorn through early Aquarius, they’ve begun to enter the outer planet occupied span, even as Mars prepares to exit (finally!) the span after its conjunction with Uranus.

So given the positions, the planets are spread out in 1/3 of the total 360 degree field in a somewhat asymmetrical distribution. With all the outer planets in a span of 102+ degrees, less than a third of the sky (excluding TransPluto, since Jones didn’t use it in defining his patterns), it means that since early May the Jones pattern in the sky is primarily influenced by the position of the inner planets, which has shifted the pattern continuously between June and now. In this chart, the Lunation and Venus are in a waning relationship to the remaining but powerful Pluto in Capricorn as well as the emergent Aquarian energies represented by Jupiter and Saturn. Because everything is in a narrow span, this is a classic “Bundle” Jones pattern.

The Bundle Pattern and how it works

This type of spread, with all the planets occupying approximately one third of the signs with two thirds unoccupied, creates “the least common of the seven basic differentiations,” and creates a “bunching of interests or the intensive self-gathering which is least responsive to any universal stimulus” and as Dr. Jones noted in a section on another pattern, a “special obsession with some particularly narrowed aspect of experience” which characterizes the Bundle people.

He continues that “the meaning of the concentration of the ten planets in one single third of the zodiac is that the course of the native’s life is held to certain narrow bounds of opportunism,” and they are “almost completely inhibited, in contrast with the outstanding lack of inhibition in the Splash pattern. He then goes on to say that “Characteristic of the Bundle type is an outstanding capacity for making much of little, or for building small beginnings into great and often unanticipated final results.” He also notes this type can mold their world “by some highly centralized force of self-concentration.” This type is not universal in the slightest, but rather “brings universe to center.”

With Venus in Capricorn leading the concentration of planets, and thus the entry to the entire pattern, it shows we need to be graciously disciplined and organized as we capture and value” what we’ve learned since last January. This allows us to go beyond our old limits once we’ve finished what needs finishing.

Those of us who learned “structured mobilization” when Jupiter was in Capricorn can now demonstrate a mature and compassionate mind being fearless in its experience of the NOW. This month puts the spotlight on the opportunities the “Inward Way” holds for us to find “transcendent security,” knowing the past year has been radically transformative.

With the revolutionizing Uranus in Taurus closing, everyone is finding ways to be their authentic individual self in unique ways. Whether its willful stubbornness or uniquely enjoyable, what we’re left with after our experience is a contact with our innermost Being, even as we cut loose for the long haul into “a new quality of Being rendering the old patterns obsolete.” Begin with the graciousness of Venus, and end with claiming something unique in your individuality. This leads with emotional-cultural Crystallization, and closes with emotional-cultural Substantiation.

The Outer Planets Anchor the Pattern of A Third of the Sky

Because Jupiter has been approaching the outer planet span for several years, it has played a major part in how we entered life experience. It's why sometimes these past few years have seemed like a wild ride, an adventure, a quest, and more! With willingness, power, vision, and greater possibilities to contribute to a greater future good, we are now in the midst of a Cosmic “judgment day,” and must choose how we will express ourselves in our world, for better or worse. This has prepared us for the forceful awakening happening now, with the great mobilization happening.

In 2020 Jupiter entered the outer planet occupied span, and will be there for several years. Last year it made multiple conjunctions with Pluto, expanding and purifying that powerful energy wherever we have late Capricorn in our charts. After Jupiter’s third and final conjunction with Pluto in November, Pluto again leads the outer planet occupied span for decades to come as that occupied span opens up after Jupiter conjuncts Uranus and moves into Gemini in 2024.

That means we’ll have “competing conjunctions” in the larger global tides, since those Capricorn conjunctions will be in play for quite a while, along with the Mars conjunct Saturn coupled with the Grand Mutation Jupiter conjunct with Saturn, both at 1 Aquarius. The Aquarian conjunctions launched a new 20 year and 200 year era, so take a look at how you organized, reorganized, or restructured your life in 2020 and see how you prepared to find power flowing to you and from you as we all move into a vaster tide of evolution related to long term Aquarian wave forms.

In this New Moon, we have three intense occupied spans. The first is the Lunation plus Pluto at 24-25 Capricorn, the second is Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn all within a 4+ degree span between 4-8 Aquarius, and the third is Mars and Uranus at 3-7 Taurus. This month the inner planets are all concentrated between Venus at 6 Capricorn and Mercury at 8 Aquarius, making that 31+ degree span the primary personal focus. That makes these sectors very highly active these next 4 weeks.

The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon

A New Moon sets the seed forms for what the following month will demonstrate. This Lunation falls at 24 Capricorn, and it is said that the last third decan) of any sign deals with the individual, mental, and spiritual levels of life, and being the third decan of Capricorn it has a sub-influence of Virgo with an added dose of the Sun. While I've given you a sense of this degree up to now, this is where we go into depth.

The Sabian Symbol we’ve been given for the 24th degree of Capricorn is "A woman entering a convent.” In the original notes from the Marc Jones class on the symbols published in The Astrology of Personality, Rudhyar says this is a degree of “protective kindness of life to weary hearts,” “quiet undercurrent of real existence,” “compelled assistance,” and “timely rescue.”

In The Astrological Mandala, he states this degree involves "total commitment to a transcendent goal.” He offers that a convent symbolizes a place where we can reach a “world transcending state of consciousness,” either as an escape from worldly pressures, or somewhere we can pursue “a spiritual ideal” we aspire toward.

He continues that this is a technique of a social process, where we can “transcend ourselves” by acts of denial as well as “surrendering to a higher Law or quality of Being” in order to find “transcendent security.” He says it falls in the span of Dependence, and it's the fourth degree of the emotional-cultural level of the scene of Group Performance in the Act of Capitalization.

According to Dr. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, the degree is one of “the soul’s characteristic dependence of some deep-stirring challenge to its potentialities, and of the fact that life can have no satisfaction for (us) unless (we can) develop and maintain some enduring allegiance of … significance.” He continues “Here is a measure of that cosmic insight through which the self knows that of itself it is nothing, and that it can find itself only as it somehow can feel itself a participant in all-self.”

He offers us the keyword of CONSECRATION. He states that when operating in a positive manner, this degree is "the irresistible power of a true inner vision.”

From this symbol we see that the theme of the next month involves finding the spiritual will and inner integrity which helps us dedicate or re-dedicate our lives to a transcendent ideal perfect for us. So this month, one of three things is happening; a) we’re looking back at the distant past when we surrendered or transcended ourselves and found a greater spiritual security; b) we’re looking with new eyes at recent events requiring us to surrender to a higher law or quality of life; or c) we can see how to rededicate ourselves in the future to achieve a greater spiritual security.

Important Aspects

Remember that in reading a Lunation chart (as well as a horary, inceptional, electional, or any event chart) the forming aspects show things to come, while separating aspects show things already past. Partile separating aspects show what’s been going on in the Now. This section covers only forming and partile separating aspects.

We’re done with our run of transit to transit oppositions except for when the Moon is outside the occupied span. Those with planets in late Cancer, early Leo, mid-Virgo, and early Scorpio have already been dealing with oppositions due to the outer planets, which will continue for some time to come, especially through Leo and early Virgo due to the transits of Jupiter and Saturn this year. Coming weeks will continue the oppositions to natal planets we may have in the signs listed above.

There are very few harmonious aspects in the Lunation chart, but there are numerous frictional ones! That shows a lot of release, turning of corners, and the promise of conflicts which will last all year and beyond, due to the Saturn square Uranus. As I mentioned in part 1, this chart features two transformational evolutionary configurations, the Grand Irrationality and the Rhombus Diamond.

The major aspects are the Lunation conjunct Pluto and biseptile Uranus; Mercury square Uranus; Venus trine Uranus and quintile Neptune; Mars conjunct Uranus with both square Jupiter and Saturn; and Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus all semisquare Neptune.

Besides these, other aspects include the Sun and Moon vigintile Venus and conjunct Saturn out of sign; Mercury is elftile Venus and novile Neptune; Venus vigintile the Sun, semisextile Jupiter, and Vigintile Pluto; and Mars is trielftile Pluto.

Outer planet aspects include all the frictional aspect listed in the major aspects. Now that Uranus is back to a semisquare with Neptune, it again anchors a potential “Rhombus Diamond” with its “cutting, grinding, and polishing” quality triggered every time there’s an Octile series aspect made to either of these spiritual powerhouses, and there are plenty going on right now!

Special Configurations in Evolutionary Astrology

As noted, this month there are two evolutionary configurations directly in play. The first involves the Rhombus Diamond, activated this month by the numerous squares and semisquare to Neptune by the outer planets. This sets up major decisions, turning points, and potential new directions for all with planets or points near 2-9 Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius as well as 17-24 Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. If you have something in these zones, please remember that as you feel the heat, you’re being polished to perfection!

The second configuration is The Grand Irrationality with the Lunation triggering it through its conjunction with Pluto and biseptile to Uranus. This accents the “anchor points” of the seven pointed Star of Destiny represented by the Uranian/Plutonian pulses of the Grand Irrationality V.2.

This configuration will bring major future oriented choices and changes to those with planets or points near 22-26 Capricorn, 14-18 Pisces, 6-10 Taurus, 27 Gemini-1 Cancer, 18-22 Leo, 10-14 Libra, and 1-5 Sagittarius. If you have something in one or more of these zones, you’ve been making crucial long term choices all year about how you want to position yourself within a greater collective work.

Explaining Harmonics

As I mentioned, this month is a mix of major friction, with only Venus bringing harmony and many minor partly formed unique gifts and circumstances. There are a few minor specializing aspects, with 3 vigintiles and 1 quintile. Spiritual aspects include only 1 novile from Mercury to Neptune , showing what’s revealed may take some time to be made manifest, but also that patterns which have been gestating for a while are now coming to the fore so we can see what’s coming down the road. Basically, the 9th harmonic indicates things which need to be put on the shelf for a while, or that which has been gestating can now move forward. If you want to know more about this important “spiritual gestation” series which mark points of potential spiritual realization and integration, there are several articles in the archives.

This month we have 1 elftile and 1 trielftile, and in the nonrational septile series, we have 3 biseptiles. The former indicate that faith is required to deal with some dualities, and the latter indicate the “follow up choices and changes” to prior forks in the road of destiny.

The novile (9th harmonic), septile (7th harmonic) and elftile (11th harmonic) series all feature spiritual aspects. All novile series aspects represent gestative energies that can lead to great spiritual realizations. Septile series aspects represent forks in the road of destiny, while the elftile series aspects represent issues and points of evolution where we confront the need to resolve some sort of duality by making a leap of faith to attain a form of mastery over that type of duality. This series tests our faith.

The quintile and biquintile (5th harmonic) and related 10th (decile and tredecile), 15th (quindecile), and 20th harmonic (vigintile) aspects are all specialization aspects. You can find more by going to Astrology Class on the Specializing Aspects Pt. 1 – The Quintile and Biquintile, and Astrology Class on the Specializing Aspects Part 2 – The Decile, Tredecile, Quindecile and the Vigintile.

You can find out more about the spiritual aspects (septile, novile, and elftile series) by referencing this brief overview of the Spiritual aspects, complete with glyphs for all of them.

Element Balance and Who’s Leading the Sun

This month we have the 10 traditional planets occupying 4 signs in a very imbalanced element distribution. We have no planets in Fire (inspiration and warmth), 6 planets in Earth (practical grounding, 1 in Water (feelings and experiencing), and 3 in Air (relatedness and communicating). This month we have Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, and Taurus represented, with no planet in the other signs.

Air and Earth are “cool” elements, while Fire and Water are “hot” elements. With this distribution, we are in the equivalent of a polar freeze! We have no “lightness and brightness” of Fire, with the only Water the vast collective fog of Neptune in Pisces. Any “lightness” comes from the Aquarian energy, and all of the heaviness comes from the phenomenal amount of Earth in this chart.

Because the New Moon falls in late Capricorn, Venus at 6 Capricorn is the planet currently leading the Sun. That means “the Gateway to the Light” involves Venus, the planet of relatedness and value as the way to approach the Greater Light. Venus is very proper but not very happy in Capricorn, but due to Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn in its home sign of Aquarius, it brings a favorable “lightness” to Venus, which finds harmony in Air as it rules the Air sign of Libra. Given Venus’ degree, it helps us finish the old while showing us the “limitlessness” of our potential experience.

The current sequence at present of Deciding, Feeling, and Thinking

We’ve been through several different sequences over the past few months. There are six patterns, and each has their strengths and weaknesses. We are now in a time of shifting patterns, and this Lunation continues the pattern of the last Full Moon. As a process of moving through events, over the next 4 weeks the most effective “firing sequence” for approaching life and experience involves leading with our feelings, then make decisions, and then think last of all.

This pattern leads with it feelings and hunches to find its way into decisions and actions. After we decide and/or act, it will be important to get new information to come to a new vision or understanding. Once we get the right view or understanding, then a new feeling-experience will naturally arise that points the way to the next action.

This pattern leads with feeling the way to decisions based on those impressions, but instead of reverting to feelings it must instead move toward new ideas, new information, new interpretations, and new views. This naturally leads to “feeling our way” into new experiences, then deciding and acting on the basis of those feelings. The need is to update our perceptions as a result of those decisions and actions. If we choose to find newer, more up to date information, facts, vision, and understanding it will naturally lead us back to feeling our way with confidence..

With thinking at the end of the pattern, learn and teach through anecdotes, seeing how others handled things practically, or how you handed things practically in the past. Let your thinking and communicating and envisioning follow your actions, and let your feelings follow a new understanding, a new perception, or a new view.

Summing Up

This New Moon in Capricorn continues the dawning of a new day! This illuminates the way to cultivate “the Plutonic seeds of transcendent security” we planted in 2019 even as it simultaneously opens a broader Aquarian view of the infinite possibilities in front of us. This is ultimately a healing New Moon, even if there is conflict from increasing the pressure. This Lunation blends the Capricorn energies of the past with the Aquarian energies of the future. Those who can understand the bigger trends will be lifted up as if on wings.

Having entered a “ritual of divine service” in a “world of transcendent activity” last Autumn, it’s time to use our heart strengths, as well as a sharply focused intention, to follow through and make manifest whatever emerged from its cocoon in our lives last May, since the magnetism and courage we generate now will yield huge opportunities by May. This is about living our truths on our own terms within the greater collective consciousness we live in, knowing who our Spiritual Brothers and Sisters are.

Last year we all “graduated into a new realm of being,” and now the doors are beginning to open. There will be a huge acceleration and expansion beginning in April 2021, so move into the quickening with understanding and breadth of vision. Get a new idea, a new understanding, a new way of viewing the possibilities.

Because the recent Sagittarius Solar Eclipse will be powerful for a long time to come, taking some things away, remember that what’s left will be a balanced way of being happy. If you feel called to mediate, or do prayers and meditations to interrupt or mitigate karma (to whatever degree is permitted), even if you don’t know how to do what to do then imitate a way to do it anyway!

Do not clutch, and learn to dance with the swirl of inspired energies freeing you for greater things. We’ve now entered a period of living our highest inspired teachings, and are no longer bound to the old Earth interpretations and explanations. While we are still feeling the effects of the Capricorn energies set loose in 2020, we also have crossed the threshold of an era unknown to humanity since the 13th and 14th centuries. Even then, we were still in the depth of the Age of Pisces, so the awakening of new ideas then were relative to the old era, whereas what’s coming involves wave after wave of Aquarian energies, pushing us to the coming Great Age emerging in the second half of this century.

These long wave Aquarian pulses were initially set into motion by the Mars conjunct Saturn at 1 Aquarius on March 31, 2020. This marked the initiation of certain archetypal Aquarian preliminary structures offered by Saturn. The promise and potential of the new Aquarian pulse then began to expand into a greater social and cultural vision beginning at the Jupiter conjunction with Saturn, the Grand Mutation of the Solstice also at 1 Aquarius. So we have 20 years of Aquarian energies set into motion by that conjunction!

Of note is that Mars will transit Aquarius in March and April 2022, giving a new impetus to the Aquarian structures which begin to grow in 2021. The next time Mars transits Aquarius is February and March 2024. It will conjunct Pluto at 1 Aquarius in February about 3 weeks after Pluto’s first ingress into Aquarius. That begins the Pluto in Aquarius “generation” of the 21st century which lasts until 2043. As there will be a Jupiter conjunction with Pluto at 15 Aquarius in 2033, we’ll see the “expansion of the Angels of the Age of Aquarius” at that time.

We are all actively in a long term “metamorphosis” which will open a new adventure for all of us by the Summer of 2021. And because the last two degrees of Aquarius show us what the end of the coming Age of Aquarius is about, last year helped us remember we are Beings of Light, a Superstar shining the Light of our Eternal Love into our world.

Last year’s Solar Eclipses have helped us all turn a Cosmic Corner and move in a new direction. We’ve “lowered one flag and raised a new one” and will continue to do so for many months and years. The “Cosmic Recycler” quality of the Cancer eclipse is helping remove old habits and sentimentalities, and many things which used to be familiar patterns in our lives have ended, are ending, or will end.

Both Eclipses are removing all we do not need in our Cancer and Sagittarius response in the houses they fell in. The Sag Eclipse is removing all which blocks our happiness, and I’m certainly looking forward to the restoration of more humor, more freedom, more largeness of vision, and greater truths and futures promised as old obsolete Sag forms are taken away.

Keep it simple as you further the bonds of fellowship with others who are in your spiritual community. We have entered a long term period of focusing on the fellowship between people, ridding ourselves of preconceptions and opening to a greater sense of grounded connection with our Spiritual Brothers and Sisters.

We’ve awakened to and been practicing some “special quality” in our personality to find new ways of expressing our Higher Self. We have been in training for long term group work, where we can find nourishment among those with whom we are linked on a Soul level. New groups of Spiritual communities formed last year and will continue to form this year, and those which are Aquarian in nature will be “lifted on the wings of angels” in 2021. We are learning not to play to the generic confusion, irrationality, and misleading notions. Revolution is in the air! And when you find things and people of eternal worth, value them with all your heart.

Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend

Saturn has now completed its long stay in its home sign of Capricorn and entered its long term stay in its home sign of Aquarius. We still have the individual, mental, and spiritual level of the group work set into motion last year, but now have entered a new quality of Saturn’s nature. In Aquarius, Saturn continues to be the final dispositor of all planets transiting Capricorn and Aquarius from now through 2023. It was a major influence in the 2018, 2019, and 2020 Eclipses, continuing its years-long power behind events.

Because Saturn plays such a large part in ruling the stage of Life for many months and even years to come, if you haven’t gotten your copy already, please give yourself the timeless gift of my book, Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend. We all need to make friends with our inner Saturn if we would claim our power to fulfill our higher purpose for being alive as Spirits in the material world.

Saturn helps us give form and structure to our quest for Self-realization. We now can use the “organized personal structure” we built in in Capricorn and move into our greater Aquarian group work to concretize a spiritual ideal for the future, with an eye to the greatest good for the greatest number. We now continue our structuring and restructuring to fix our spiritual energy making our spiritual life come alive.

This book shows you the way to take command of your power to steer your life in a conscious way, using Saturn’s strengths and skills to be led to mastering life on our own terms. As Saturn is such a dominant energy at this time, by owning our ability to manifest the best of Saturn's virtues in our world, we take command of our destiny and become the living purpose we were born to make manifest!

It was written for both astrologers and non-astrologers, and will assist your understanding of how your life experiences assisted your Soul growth and power to turn away from unhelpful karmic cause and effect patterns. Each time you re-read any part of it you’re sure to find undiscovered gems of insight helping you throw off attitudes which frustrate your ability to live your higher Purpose on your own terms.

Here’s part 1 on this initiating Capricorn New Moon, with the overview, dispositors, the Grand Irrationality, Nodes, and specifically what’s up with Jupiter and Saturn!

The Total Solar Eclipse of December 2020 at 24 Sagittarius Pt. 1 - Who Does It Affect and for How Long?

© Copyright 2021 Robert Wilkinson - https://www.aquariuspapers.com

Reprinted on crystalwind.ca with persmission from Robert Wilkinson.


© Copyright 2021 Robert Wilkinson - https://www.aquariuspapers.com

About the author:

Robert WilkinsonRobert wilkinson An internationally-known astrologer, author, public speaker, metaphysician, and futurist, with over 25 years experience as a counselor and educator. He has presented hundreds of public talks on all aspects of Astrology, the Eastern Wisdom tradition, the Western Wisdom tradition and promoted many mass gatherings and cultural events. Some of his specific areas of interest and expertise include personality profiles, degree patterns, integrative astrology, various aspect harmonics, among others.
Source Here

Reprinted on crystalwind.cawith persmission from Robert Wilkinson.

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