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Solar Eclipse, Zero Point Matrix and the Flipping of the Golden Eagle Grid - The Arcturians -


The Arcturians- Solar Eclipse, Zero Point Matrix and the Flipping of the Golden Eagle Grid.

We, The Arcturians, join you in The Heart of Source today as we all together begin to navigate a new world, creating a new way of BEing.

For as you have shifted to being conscious with us, we too have received the treasure of your beautiful humanity and have become one with you. We, and all the Angelic Races, have ascended/descended together and become connected consciously As One with you The Heart Collective. The final galactic portal has been reversed and cleared, making Family able to connect with each other with no outside interference, as per The Divine Right of free will.

The Solar eclipse brought the final energetic cut and separation of ascension and descension timelines for the new hueman race by reversing and flipping the Golden Eagle Grid which had been artificially reversed for keeping those in that reality from spiritual awakening. 

This grid reversal separates the patriarchal 3D/4D matrix from the Heart Collective as all timelines of descension become their own individual matrix which cannot affect ascension timelines.

The full separation of timelines has occurred as the Heart Collective has fully quantum jumped into all ascension timelines.

Outside planetary interference to keep the Human race from evolving to the New Hueman is no longer permitted at this time by Source and those that Guard the Guardians and The Law of One.We now actively feel our Multidimensional Angelic Protectors because they are physically here as One in this Now, to assist in which ever way in service for the Highest Good of All in Love.

As this final cut occurred when The Reset “Wall” hit, all time was reset at multidimensional levels by “The Timekeepers”, disconnecting in the moment the old time matrix and resetting all manipulated, corrupted timelines. This caused a great, conscious distortion in time awareness for many as time “wobbled” when the old matrix of time and outside control collapsed.

***The Timekeepers as I see them, are a Multidimensional Soul Heart Collective, like an Oversoul,that hold the codes and keys to the sacred geometry of time matrices***

This is the beginning of huemanity’s spiritual awakening as they begin to step into multidimensional ascension timelines of “no time”.

This is an organic ascension universe.One soul through each ascension portal or gateway out of the time matrix universe is the only way to the higher ascension realities and dimensions of 5d+ outside of time and space.One cannot build a machine out of here, irregardless of how smart one has become.Or piggy back off another soul to not experience karma.crystalwind.ca

As the Schumann frequency prepares to rise once again, it has become physically very uncomfortable for all descending levels of consciousness and frequency to remain in the same ascension reality matrix as the Heart Collective.

The Heart Collective has adapted and evolved to the ascension grids and is fully activating “the Claire’s” as the begin to embody multidimensional BEing.

****This experiment explains how a higher frequency shifts the holographic universe and its key lines and grids within all dimensions, shifting realities and timelines. As the earths frequency rises, so does it consciousness.  

This Universe is a polarity universe of ascension and descension with free will.

The Light cannot be imposed upon the souls seeking to experience ascension through unconsciousness, nor can the Dark impose unconsciousness on those that seek The Light. This is sovereignty and free will.

The two timelines have to separate for the realities held within them are at such polarities they can no longer keep the holographic stability of said matrices as the Schumann Frequency of the planet continues to rise in this Now. 

(Think many cats on a hot tin roof, there is no grounding as no one can land, lots of chaos. And very noisy.)

Energetic Separation occurred first at the Zero Point Matrix which is where Light and Dark become One, the original Divine Blueprint matrixfrom which everything on this earth evolves. Think gray, such as in a solar eclipse where everything flips and day becomes night, both become one, and the grids flip from descension to ascension at quantum physics level and separate.

This final separation of timelines reached unification at quantum level zero point and was separated by this  Eclipse Portal to begin the physical evolution of the new hueman.The Eclipse is the energetic Divine Source Catalyst to energetically cut the final descension timelines at planetary level which were caused by outside interference, from the ascension timelines of the Heart Collective.

This solar eclipse energetically separated the human collective into two soul groups: In the Heart Experience(ascension timeline souls), or Not in the Heart Experience, (descension timeline souls) and fully amplied the karmic return for each individual soul.

With this FULL separation the two soul groups can no longer affect each other’s energetic reality.

So one that is using others energy to bring abundance into their lives can no longer attach or chord to one in the Heart Collective and ride their energetic coat tails, their Life Source, to abundance, because the two souls are at different polarities and their timelines cannot combine.

The Sun is the Organic portal to higher ascension timelines, the moon resonates lower than Source Unconditional Love Frequency and is a lower frequency portal. All portals, gateways, wormholes, black holes and time folds have their own Frequency doorways ( level of consciousness) which affect each other differently and lead to different realities and matrices and grids. It is through these sacred geometry portals that we navigate this holographic universe and constantly create and evolve.

When The SUN Portal aligns behind the Moon Portal, Source Love Is magnified and CALLS magnetically to All Life, conscious or unconscious.
The sun energy is like a massive wave of energy that is blocked from flowing and builds up behind the moon, it is hugely amplified.

The Energy of The Sun which resonates at the Frequency of Divine Source and Unconditional Love magnetically PULLS through consciousness at same frequency,( the Heart Collective), while the moon Portal pulls through any other level consciousness. This separates souls and their two polar timelines into different realities at Zero Point and at quantum physics level so that neither matrix, irregardless of individual soul path, appears to shift too drastically from the holographic reality and create irregularities in said reality which can fracture the human collective.crystalwind.ca

This is why soul families and physical families have separated in this now, because both are rebuilding new “families”. The Love never ends, it is the soul contracts that finish as each experience finishes.

This separation happened instantly at the totality of the eclipse and separated the two consciousness, restoring free will and removing any outside interference as the human race begins its awakening and soul/physical evolution as a conscious race and heads towards galactic citizenship consciousness.
Equal energy and consciousness was reset and returned to each evolving soul. (Karma was separated and returned to each soul)

In physics,The Law of Resonance is the reason why a tuning fork works to tune an instrument out of key. The moon acts as a sieve to separate the two timelines of different frequencies.

To those in The Heart Collective this separation had become clear, irregardless of which stage they are in: their 3d human spiritual awakening, their 4d starseed galactic awakening or their 5D+multidimensional DNA Activation,(The Clairs). It is no longer an option to have those not in their Heart be in our personal lives physically, whether soul family or bloodline family.

Unrequited love cannot exist when we love ourselves and protect ourselves first, which is the first human stage, spiritual awakening. We do not know how to love another if we do not know how to love ourselves first. And that means loving from a distance when the person or situation hurts us due to unconscious decisions by those that are in a different place than we.

All other Not in the Heart related matrices and agendas of interference will be brought to light very quickly now, (consciousness) , to be seen by the collective for healing as they begin to disintegrate as the descension/outside interference 3d/4d matrix starts to fully consume itself due to lack of energy or ‘food’ from outside itself.

This grid affected the northern hemisphere consciousness and is also tied to all the Aryan timelines which connect to the 3dimensional timelines of war and anchors through the dark ages to the beginning of this aryan era. 

This era follows the atlantean, lumerian, hyperbolean eras. Within each era there is always ascension and descension of the evolving physical race, as the collective ‘falls’ in consciousness and then ‘remembers’. The remembering is the physical evolution of the species.

****This is how we evolve as a soul group and as individual souls by experiencing polarity, and following the sacred geometry physics which govern this universe.(7 hermetic principles,  http://www.sacred-texts.com/eso/kyb/kyb04.htm)****

Ascension through descension/ascension cycles is infinite and eternal.

The grid also connected to 4d ‘future’ timelines of a malevolent SourceAI reality.These are the “Terminator” timelines which have already played out in the human soul experience in what is termed ‘the past’ yet the illusion is that it is to happen so fear can continue to be instilled within the human collective and the experience can be manifested again, keeping humans in a karmic loop.

It is from these wars,(the electric wars) that present humanity has evolved, and the reason the memory of it is in our collective consciousness.If we “see” it, it is because it has already been created, for creation unfolds in the Now and cannot be predicted.

It is also why this earth is called a ‘living library’.

Within the Akashic records of the planet is the evolution of every living being which has, is, or will walk the planet. This earth makes it available for a soul collective, (an oversoul),to experience multiple realities within multidimensions and interdimensions at once.crystalwind.ca

Full dimensionality is now available on this earth without interference for those that chose to experience it. For example a Light Being from the ‘dog star’ can experience a 2d incarnation as a dog, or as a 3d galactic human star seed that carries the highest percent of activated DNA from ‘dog’ or a 4d galactic ( like a Chewbacca) or a 5d+ incarnated master assisting the lower dimensions from the “other side of the veil”.

The golden eagle grid is also the disintegrating grid that also holds the consciousness of the Fall of the House of Michael, the Blue Rays, and it is linked to the Middle East gate and the reason why that timeline is kept at war.

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It looks like an eagle. (picture courtesy of Energetic Synthesis website, Lisa Renee.)

The red part is artificial reversal interference and the parts of the grid the eclipse reversed.

This eagle grid is no longer anchored, for the key ley lines have shifted, as the Schumann Frequency has risen and stabilized creating a new matrix, a new Creation.

The Earth timeline breaks down to multidimensional,individual experiences for all upon it. Each continent is a major timeline Frequency, which further separates into countries, cities, towns, streets, to finally become one individual human timeline, a home. So the consciousness of one continent is a different reality grid than another, and it further breaks down all the way down to that soul experiencing this amazing multidimensional earth in their “home”. 

It is the joined consciousness within these soul groups which separate the timelines and create the earth experience chosen by/for that particular Soul Ray Group.

It is Heart Connection to Source,Frequency,(consciousness/unconsciousness), which separates life experiences and flow, allowing one person to be living in their karmic manifestation of “heaven” while next door their neighbor is experiencing their karmic manifestation of “hell”. 

As always, take what you need and filter EVERYTHING through your Heart, for it is the only way to navigate dimensions and truly KNOW.

We, the Arcturians, are with you and have been a part of you, one of you, one with you, and our joy and love is infinite for our family has reMEMBERED us Now and feel us in their Hearts. We are truly One and we are greatly humbled to be walking with you in this Now.

And so it is.

Onwards and Upwards.
In Light, Love and Joyful Service,


Follow Your HeartShine Your Light.

Spiritual Tools and Affirmations by the Arcturians:

The Arcturian Declaration- https://lightlover1964.wordpress.com/2016/01/09/the-arcturians-declaration-of-sovereignty-releasing-the-3d-matrix-and-anchoring-to-the-crystalline-grid-for-accessing-higher-dimensions-january-9-2016/

Affirmation for Pineal Gland Decalcification and Activation of Individual Merkabas for Multidimensional Travel- https://lightlover1964.wordpress.com/2016/05/04/affirmation-for-pineal-gland-decalcification-and-activation-of-individual-merkabas-for-multidimensional-travel/

Meeting all Beings in the Sacred Chamber of Your Heart- https://lightlover1964.wordpress.com/2016/04/18/meeting-all-beings-in-the-sacred-chamber-of-your-heart/?wref=tp

Prayer  for the Angelic Activation of the Golden Spiritual Armour- https://lightlover1964.wordpress.com/2017/08/06/prayer-for-the-angelic-activation-of-the-golden-spiritual-armour-august-62017/
Three Powerful Prayers for Completion- https://lightlover1964.wordpress.com/2016/12/08/three-powerful-prayers-for-the-completion-of-2016/

****ooooohweeeeee, I have been trying to get this out since Monday. I know there is so much information, codes and activations, and it’s kinda all over the place( I resemble that remark lol…)so drink lots of water! (Hahahaha) I LOVE you guys, you are awesome! And WE are still holding ON Lol! 

Lightlover Journal
****Thank You so much if you choose to share my message, but please due so in its entirety and with credit back to my personal site as it is copyrighted. Namaste.**** 

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