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Goddess Guidance and Wisdom


Astrology and Mythology

Goddess Guidance and Wisdom

In researching the Goddess mythology of ancient times it is clear that all cultures, independent of each other, had a Great Mother Goddess, who was Creatrix of the Universe. As the patriarchal system (the masculine) began to take hold, around 1500 BCE, the Goddess was diminished from all powerful Universal Mother, over time, to the vestal virgins, to mortal woman having no power at all. But at the core of every female born (and every male for that matter) is the cellular memory of the all powerful Feminine Creatrix. This is the fundamental issue in relationship between men and women, women and men, mothers and sons, fathers and daughters. As we trace the Goddess of the patriarchal (masculine) back to her matriarchal (feminine) origins, as women, we understand that power is ours if we find the strength and courage to be it in the centre of our true ancient ancestral selves.

The Goddesses I have chosen for each Astrological sign are based on my knowledge of Astrology, Goddess mythology, and my intuitive sense of the right fit. They do not necessarily correspond to other peoples views. You may find you do not relate to the Goddess of your Sun sign but another Goddess speaks to you. It may be your Moon sign or Mercury, Venus or Mars sign, or the house in your personal mandala that is ruled by the Goddess. An Astrologer can give you that information if you know your birth time. Even without birth time we can tell you where all the planets were on your day of birth. Or, you can trust your own knowing and step onto the path of the Goddess you feel the greatest affinity for.

Aries- Athene- Greek Warrior Goddess- Wisdom Keeper

aries_by_puimunAthene, as she is known in Greece is a most important Goddess. Her origins are traced back to Medusa (an aspect of the Goddess Neith) the serpent Goddess who was Queen of the Libyan Amazons (female wisdom). At one point in the story of Athene she cuts off Medusa’s head. But let me backtrack a little. It is said that Metis, who was pregnant, was swallowed by Zeus to prevent the birth of Athene. But he developed a severe headache and out from his forehead (the third eye) sprang Athene, fully grown and fully armed, the first Goddess of the patriarchal lineage. She won a contest, against Poseidon, to become the ruler of Athens as both men and women voted and there was one more female vote then male. The men became outraged and would only agree to Athene’s rule if she agreed to take away women’s right to citizenship, voting and the right to give their surnames to their children. This she did and it took women thousands of years to remember their original birthright of Amazon power. What is interesting is Athene had a breastplate made with the image of Medusa’s head with hair of snakes engraved in the centre. Even though she became the patriarchal Goddess she still carried in her power centre the memory of her origins.

Athene represents strategy, planning, and foresight, all masculine attributes. Her wisdom aspects are inspiration, intuitive perception and psychic knowledge, all feminine expressions. Wherever Aries is in your natal chart you are being asked to be the Spiritual Warrior without sacrificing your female power.

Taurus- Bast- Egyptian

taurus_by_puimunBastet, as she was originally known, was a lion headed Goddess, a symbol of the power of the Sun God, Re. In that aspect her origins are linked to the fierce and vengeful Sekhmet, the Lion Headed Goddess we will meet later in Leo. Bastet was transformed into a tamer form that of the cat headed Goddess Bast, most often represented as a black cat with golden eyes and golden jewellery. She was the ruler of pleasure, joy, music and dancing, all things Taurus loves. Bast is a symbol for beauty, adornment, ceremony and fertility, again Taurus associations. She is also the principle of the strong and powerful mother as well as the sensuous woman.

The cat was so revered in Egypt that it became a crime punishable by death to harm one. Wherever Taurus is in your natal chart you are being asked to embrace your beauty, sensuousness, power and loyalty.

Gemini- Aphrodite- Greek

gemini_by_puimunCreated by the seed of the sky god Ouranos and the womb of the ocean, beautiful Aphrodite was born. Her origin as a Meditarian Mother Goddess was transitioned into a “vamp” of sorts. She was married (the only Goddess besides Hera who was officially married) to the lame smith god, Hephaestus. Finding her husband less than attractive, Aphrodite sought pleasure with numerous other gods and mortal men. Her focus was her beauty, pretty things and fun. The Romans transformed her into Venus, the Goddess of Love who also was focused on beauty but in a more acceptable way than Aphrodite. In fact the only feminine planet known at the time was named after Venus. In the Ageless Wisdom teachings, Venus as a planet is said to be in her soul centered placement when she is in Gemini. She embodies the principle as harmonizer of the Universe.

I am not saying here that Gemini is promiscuous, but it is a sign that can be superficial. On the other hand it is also looking for soul mate connections. Remember it is the sign of the twins, the one who was placed in the heavens and the other who was left to wander the Earth looking for its other self. If you have Gemini on your house of marriage you may experience multiple intimate relationships in your life journey just like Aphrodite.

Cancer- Isis- Egyptian

cancer_by_puimunIsis “Queen of Heaven” was known as the Goddess of a thousand names. She was an initiator into the “mysteries” and linked to the Moon, a symbol for feminine wisdom. She was also a Goddess of fertility, death and re-birth. She was also linked to the bright fixed star Sirius, which rose when the Nile flooded, bringing fertility back to the land. In later Greco-Roman times she was linked to the Pole Star, the center of the Universe. As was common in the mythology of gods and goddesses, brothers and sisters married. Isis was sister and consort to Osiris, a god king. Their brother Seth was jealous of Osiris’s power and murdered and dismembered him twice but each time Isis found the scattered parts and restored Osiris to wholeness. The first time, some of the stories say, she became pregnant with their son, Horus, and so assured the continuation of the lineage of power. The second time Osiris could not be fully healed and became the god of the underworld.

Cancer is the sign associated with the Great Mother Goddess of all life. Wherever this sign is in your natal Mandala, it is your doorway to the Power of this Great Goddess of Mysteries, Fertility, Death and Re-birth. It is your link to the Creatrix of the Universe and your ancient ancestral origins. But you must be careful of your need to fix what is broken beyond repair.

Leo- Sekhmet- Egyptian

leo_by_puimunDaughter of Ra, the sun god, her name means “powerful”. She was his battle Goddess. Lion headed Sekhmet is seen sitting on a throne, fierce and regal. She is a symbol for the scorching heat of the mid-day sun and its potentially destructive power. The Tarot card Strength, which is the card for Leo, shows a woman taming a lion, king of the beasts. Sekhmet is also linked to the Sphinx, lion and Goddess, holder of the Mysteries. Her gentler, kinder side is Hathor, Goddess of love. Together they represent the balance between love and will, gentleness and power and spiritual transformation.

Anyone who knows Leo well will have come up against their strong will. A Sekhmet Leo mother will protect her offspring at all costs, willing to do battle with anyone who dares. The other side of Leo is the open, generous and loving heart of the Goddess Hathor. The lesson is to find the balance, power expressed through love. Wherever Leo is in your chart is where you experience this challenge.

Virgo- Hestia- Greek- Vesta- Roman

virgo_by_puimunHestia was a temple priestess and keeper of the Sacred Flame devoted to the hearth fire “the centre of the world” within the home. She was a Virgin Goddess, meaning she was at-one-within the self. She never married and was one of the oldest Goddesses of the matriarchal. She was a symbol for personal discipline, daily routine, health and nutrition. On an esoteric level she is associated with meditation, yoga, prayer, devotion, personal integration and the principle of focus and spiritual commitment. When she was transitioned to Vesta in Roman times she was a goddess of great beauty with a lighted torch as her symbol. Mortal women, called the vestal virgins, were her attendants and as time passed these women lost their status as expressions of the Virgin Goddess and temple priestesses of sacred sexuality. They were selected as guardians of the sacred flame of chastity and from age six for a minimum of thirty years they were expected to honour those vows of abstinence. In return they were granted many privileges, but, if they broke their vows were buried alive. Today’s nun is a vestal virgin.

Virgo is the sign that still today marks the unmarried. Not that Virgo’s stays chaste. They just have difficulty expressing their deeper sexual selves for fear of death. Wherever Virgo is in your chart is where you need to free your inner most self without judgment. Do that through the path of Hestia and her devotions.

Libra- Hera and Zeus- Greek- Juno and Jupiter- Roman

libra_by_puimunBesides Aphrodite/Venus, the Goddess Hera/ Juno was the only other Goddess to be legally married. She became the symbol of committed relationship, marriage, loyalty and fidelity. But that was the biggest joke in the kingdom of the gods. Both Goddesses had stormy relationships with their respective spouses, affairs of both parties on the side, and the need to maintain appearances and vows at all costs. Originally Goddesses of childbirth and motherhood, they gave up their primary meaning to become consorts to their husbands, losing their original power, but never giving up without a fight. Hera/Juno symbolizes power, manipulation, sacrifice, verses co-operation, compromise, understanding and harmony.

Libra, the sign of marriage, was not always a Zodiac sign. It was part of the constellation of Scorpio until Greek times, so until then there was no separation between Virgo and Scorpio. Wherever Libra is in your chart may indicate where you have given up your true self for partnership, or, found your true self through partnership.

Scorpio- Devi- Hindu

scorpio_by_puimunAh, so many Goddesses to assign to Scorpio. In Hindu Devi means “The Goddess”, all Goddesses are one, the Great Mother, the “Shakti” female power and active energy. The male gods are passive until their consorts activate them. The female Diva/Shakti is the spiritual power and energy of the Divine Feminine. Her focus is Creation and Sacred Sexuality. Her gift is the transmutation of physical sexual energy into Tantric Consciousness, freeing us from the limitation of the physical so we can connect with the Source of all Beingness. Some of the Goddesses connected to Scorpio are Maya, Lakshmi, Parvati, Kali, Ishtar, Inanna, Kore, Persephone and Lillith. They all traveled into the underworld of self to discover their true power.

Wherever Scorpio is in your birth chart your true power will be tested. You will be asked to go into the dark to discover your light and your Goddess self.

Sagittarius- Artemis- Greek- Diana- Roman

sagittarius_by_puimunThese two Goddesses are the most untouched by the patriarchal system. They are free spirits, Moon Goddesses, running through the forests with a bow and quiver filled with arrows, protecting the forest creatures and young maidens. They are both called the “lady of the wild beasts”. They symbolize protection, survival, and truth. They are free, independent, and strong in their focus and beliefs, and have the grace of the feminine. But like Athene, who we met in Aries, they are warriors to the core. They do not really care about your justice; they only care about The True Justice. Be harmless and they will respect you. Be harmful and you will feel their arrows.

Where Sagittarius falls in your chart shows what you need to express as your truth. Artemis and Diana will, if you call on them, help you find the courage to speak it.

Capricorn- Rhea- Greek

capricorn_by_puimunRhea was the Cretan name of the Aegean Universal Mother or Great Goddess Ruler of the Universe, Goddess of Time, before the patriarchal invasion. The Greek Rhea was the daughter of Gaia (Mother Earth) and Ouranos (Father Sky). She was consort to Kronos (son of Gaia and Ouranos) also known as Saturn in Rome, and she birthed the Olympian gods and goddesses. Kronos had been warned that as he did to his father, Ouranos, one of his children would usurp him. So he swallowed them whole, with the exception of Zeus. Rhea, being the protective mother, hid Zeus and then disguised a stone wrapped in blankets as the child. Kronos swallowed the stone and when Zeus was full grown he defeated his father and took power. So interesting that Zeus did the same to his own offspring and Pallas Athene was born. Rhea symbolizes time cycles; fate, suffering, death, re-birth, and purpose.

Where you find Capricorn in your birth mandala is where you need to free yourself from what is tradition and society’s values. It is where you need to protect what is of value to you and release the rest so you can be ready for the new.

Aquarius- Urania- Greek

aquarius_by_puimunUrania was called “The Celestial One”. She is the Goddess of cosmic knowledge, celestial truth, and divine inspiration. She rules astronomy, astrology, math, science,

numerology and harmonics. She was one of the nine Muses and symbolizes inspired knowledge gained through meditation, insight and wisdom into one’s spiritual creative purpose. What is interesting is she is a form of Aphrodite who we met in Gemini. Mercury, the planet of the mind, rules Gemini. Uranus, the planet of breaking through to higher thought rules Aquarius.

Wherever Aquarius is in your chart you have the opportunity to break through the mentally and superficially focused mind to the universal mind of cosmic knowledge and spiritual purpose.

Pisces- Kwan Yin- China

pisces_by_puimunKwan Yin translates as “she who hears the weeping world”. She is the Goddess of Mercy and Compassion. Kwan Yin, like the Buddha, achieved enlightenment through many trials and tests. Like Buddha, she chose to stay in human form until every living creature attained enlightenment. That means they are both walking with us now, for the human race still has far to go. It is said Kwan Yin “can appear in any form she pleases and will chose a form most likely to appeal to the heart of the human she is addressing.” Most images of her show her holding a small vase. It is filled with tears of compassion and divine blessings for all things. She shows the way to understanding, acceptance and compassionate, unconditional love.

Wherever Pisces is in your personal Mandala is where you are tested to express compassion and unconditional love. If that is difficult for you call on Kwan Yin and she will support and guide you.


I hope you can see how all the Goddesses are interconnected. The Devi “The Goddess”. I have used many books in my library for this article but the one that seems to have the most comprehensive information is “The New Book of Goddesses and Heroines” by Patricia Monaghan.

Many Blessings,


Dale Osadchuk is an Artist, Astrologer and Transformational Counsellor. She is available for consultations and can be reached at 905-883-3192 in Richmond Hill, Ontario. To receive her brochure of Astrological Sessions, New Moon Meditation Workshops schedule, or to be added to her free New Moon e-mail list contact

Copywrite by Dale Osadchuk 2007/2010

You are free to share this information with others. Please include Dale’s contact information. Thank you.


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