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An Astrological Overview of June 2022

An Astrological Overview of June 2022

As the editor of the Astrology Arizona newsletter, I compose an overview of each month. Today we take a look at the primary factors for the month.

The Overview for June

This year the month of June should bring a sense of new beginnings unfolding rapidly thanks to Mars conjunct Jupiter and Chiron in Aries, bringing us new activities which can help us heal into our higher Self.

These conjunctions set a new 2 year cycle into motion wherever we have early Aries in our chart, and prime the pump for the major growth portended by Jupiter’s conjunction with Chiron early next year. Bringing strong support for these new beginnings, Mercury in trine to Pluto the first half of the month is great for efficiency and getting to the heart of any matter, confirmed by what Venus brings when it makes the same aspect just before and during the Summer Solstice.

June allows us to take the research, reviews, rehearsals, and reconsiderations of the May Mercury retrograde forward with a sense of what needs to be done and when, and how to offer our wisdom to our world in ways we can enjoy. June also is the next step in the aftermath of May’s Solar and Lunar eclipses which have already begun to recycle parts of our Taurus sector while revealing the “Global Buddha Wisdom” being poured out into our world for the next year.

The theme of this Wisdom is our need to see what ideal role we want to play and clearly visualizing our heart’s desire so it can come forth on “the balcony of life and mind,” expressed with efficiency and adaptability. As the Lunar eclipse is long and strong and in play for 5 months and 10 days, with extreme intensity between mid-June and late September, see whatever leaves or arrives as an answer to strengthening your ability to live your heart’s desire.

Saturn is now in the part of Aquarius where we learn to manage our feelings and our individual spirituality in playing our part in the greater Aquarian 20 year era now developing. This month Saturn continues to crystallize what Jupiter opened in April 2021 and fixed as a platform for future development when Jupiter was at 23-25 Aquarius between September and early December 2021. That implies the promise created then will crystallize in some way this month.

This month Saturn brings us the beginning of a testing period where each of us is challenged to demonstrate our ability “to pick up and deliver spiritual power,” however that applies in our particular circumstances. There are hidden powers leading to clairvoyance and clairaudience which will sprout in the future, but only after we “do our own thing” and see the wisdom of each Being having the power to respond to any challenge in their own way. While we’ll mobilize the first half of the month, we’ll be in a time of cleaning out the cobwebs in our minds the second half. Follow any dissatisfaction into the dark corners, since that’s what’s getting cleaned out as we open our “mind windows” and let in some fresh air and sunshine.

Because Saturn is in forward motion and now in its shadow zone, we’re in the beginning phase of this year’s “triple transit lessons.” We’re still seeing the manifestations of things we’ve never seen before and currently are moving our 2021 vision of making a greater contribution into a managed form of action and social expression. April began our practicum in a form of training which will be important for the next two years, given where the Mars conjunction with Saturn happened. It’s all about being willing to learn new skills, so accept the training, since it’ll lead to greater effective power by 2023.

We’ve now left many months of Bundle Jones patterns whenever the Moon transited from Capricorn to Taurus, and are now expanding into a Bowl pattern when the Moon transits the span from mid-Sagittarius through early Leo. This month the Moon will transit that span between June 1 and 4, and between June 12 and 30, with the occupied half extending from Sagittarius all the way to Gemini. You can find out more about the Bundle and Bowl patterns at my Aquariuspapers website linked below.

Planets Slowing Down and Shifting Signs

This month is “twirling dervishes,” with Mercury going stationary direct and speeding up, and Saturn and Neptune going stationary retrograde and slowing down. Mercury begins slow and by the end of the month will almost be at maximum speed. Venus and Mars both clip along at a brisk pace even as Jupiter and Uranus begin to slow. By month’s end, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto will all be retrograde.

In June we’re back to only inner planets changing signs, with all the planets from Mars out secure in their respective signs. This month Mercury, ruler of Gemini and Virgo, will give us two sign experiences (Taurus and Gemini), and the Sun, ruler of Leo and Cancer, will give us two (Gemini and Cancer). Venus, ruler of Taurus/Libra, will also give us two (Taurus and Gemini). Adding Mars and Jupiter, it clearly indicates a lot of activity in the Aries, Taurus, and Gemini sectors of our charts.


Mars is in its home sign of Aries all month, so it’s flame on! Take the initiative, welcome the new, and don’t wait for permission to begin something! As Mars rules itself and Jupiter, there is a massive rising tide already rolling through, showing us the way to enjoying ourselves while simply BEING who we are. This is a very powerful position for Mars, and wherever we have Aries in our charts is being supercharged in huge ways. Just try to be less impulsive and a little more patient, thoughtful, and cautious before you jump into something, since the weakness of this position is a “ready, fire, aim” mode of expression.

From June 1-7, Mars is in the Aries decan of Aries, ruled by itself with an additional dose of Mars. (This is an extremely Martial decan!) From June 8-20, Mars is in the Leo decan of Aries, ruled by the Sun with an extra dose of the Sun. From June 20-30, Mars is in the Sagittarius decan of Aries, ruled by Jupiter with an extra dose of Venus. So Mars’ expression will be fairly consistent all month, with Fire dominating the landscape.

Between June 1-7, Mars will prove agitating to those with planets between 6-10 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. From June 7-20, it will have the same effect on planets between 11-20 degrees of those same signs, and the last 10 days of the month it will agitate planets or points we have between 20-27 Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.

In June, Mars’ main aspects are a month-long quintile with the Sun, and a septile, then semisquare, then septile with Mercury throughout the month. It begins in a novile with Saturn and moves to a semisquare the end of the first week, a septile by mid-month, and a sextile the last 10 days of the month. The only other significant aspects are a quintile to Pluto in early June, a binovile just before the Solstice, and a powerful square at the end of the month.

As I’ve offered before, when Mars is within a degree of forming or separating while making a hard aspect with a planet, slow down and show deliberation and caution in how you use force. Hard aspects to/from Mars always require that we moderate or antidote impulsiveness and impatience.

Sign Focus

This month the sign focus is expanding outside the outer planet occupied zone. We have a very strong Aries and Taurus the first half of the month, with Gemini getting stronger by mid-month after Mercury leaves Taurus and re-enters its home sign of Gemini. This month shows Mercury, Venus, and Mars all in their home signs, indicating a personal focus at ease with how it’s functioning.

That means the first half of June has no planets changing signs, and the last half of June has the Sun, Mercury, and Venus all changing signs. While Aries is now a prominent energy, this month is mainly focused in Taurus and Gemini, with Cancer making its first appearance at the Summer Solstice.

The Aquarius-Taurus Tension This Year

We’re still on a temporary break from the intense Saturn-Uranus squares. Last year we were all put through a lot of pressure wherever we had 11-17 Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, and though Uranus is still in that sector, Saturn moved past the square in late February. However, now that it’s retrograde, it’s going to come back into square in August and remain in square through early December, again challenging us to see what matters so we can let go of nonessentials.

Last year we had three squares from Saturn to Uranus; one from 8 Aquarius to 8 Taurus, another with Saturn retrograde at 14 Aquarius square Uranus at 14 Taurus, and a third with Saturn direct at 12 Aquarius and Uranus retrograde at 12 Taurus. These waning (upper) squares between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus mark the culmination of the cycle set into motion with Saturn conjunct Uranus in 1988. Interestingly, in 1999-2000 Saturn in Taurus made its waxing (lower) square to Uranus in Aquarius, so last year activated conflicts dating back 20 years.

We’re Actors On A New Stage With A New Set

The Grand Mutation of Jupiter conjunct Saturn at 1 Aquarius began a new 20 year Aquarian Era in December 2020, as well as a new 200 year Era, moving global energies out of Earth and into Air. We’ve begun to grow beyond the materialism of the past 200 years and have entered two centuries of Air emphasis, with its qualities of relatedness, receptivity, versatility, movability, lightness, and cooperative ideas, visions, and ideals.

The 2020 Solar eclipse on the Summer Solstice is still facilitating a grand reorientation in our lives, including an acceptance of new allegiances and life directions, and the December 2020 Solar eclipse at 24 Sagittarius is still helping us remove blocks to our happiness. The June 2021 Solar eclipse at 20 Gemini is already removing irrelevant and extraneous ideas and considerations from our decision making process, and the extremely beneficial Total Solar Eclipse at 13 Sagittarius in early December 2021 gave us a promise of major gifts and unique interactive opportunities which will be perfect for whatever we need. Rewards are coming these next 4 years!

We’re still "under the beams" of the Solar Eclipses we experienced in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021, and these “cosmic recyclers” continue to remove all that we no longer need in our lives. Take note of where you have 1 Cancer, 24 and 13 Sagittarius, and 20 Gemini, since 1 Cancer aligns us with a larger reality, 24 Sagittarius helps us find happiness, 13 Sagittarius gives us a new identity and love, and 20 Gemini removes what cannot be assimilated or communicated.

The mid-June Solar Eclipse at 20 Gemini continues to shut down parts of our lives in that sector for 4 years to come. All the eclipses in Gemini and Sagittarius are removing old ideas, old perspectives, old truths, and old futures. Last month’s eclipses with Sun in Taurus will shut down old value systems in that sector, as well as the Scorpio sector now that the May Full Moon Wesak Festival eclipse has begun to bring us a global wisdom related to those signs. All in all, these are some very favorable eclipses wherever they fall in our charts!

As we study how successive Eclipses have affected various areas of our charts and lives, we can get a sense of the utility of these “Cosmic Recyclers” in removing what we no longer needed in those areas, creating a void which attracted new life experiences. They invite us to look back, and then forward, to see the continuity of “letting go, taking in, letting go, taking in” across the years.

The Grand Irrationality

In June, the 7-pointed “Star of Destiny" I’ve termed The Grand Irrationality is in play during the first half of the month when Venus biseptiles Pluto, conjuncts Uranus, and septiles Neptune. The last week of the month it’s triggered again when the Sun triseptiles Pluto, followed by a septile to Uranus and a biseptile to Neptune. It’s clearly another time of more choices and changes as the world navigates a very irrational period!

All of the septile-series 7th harmonic aspects from the inner planets to the outer spiritual planets represent turning points at the hard edge of revolutionary change we’ve been going through for a while. Obviously, this is activated every time the Moon moves through one of the seven “hot zones” of this evolutionary configuration. All septile-series aspects are irrational points representing “forks in the road of destiny” in any larger cycle. If you have a planet or point near any of the seven zones, your life is sure to be affected. In June these zones are around 1-5 Aquarius, 23-27 Pisces, 14-18 Taurus, 5-9 Cancer, 26-30 Leo, 18-22 Libra, and 10-14 Sagittarius.

During the periods these 7th harmonic aspects are in play, if things get weird or crazy, be clear about the choices you’re making. While a lot won’t “make sense,” it doesn’t have to; just be clear about what you’re doing and why. Even though there may be interactions with unreasonable or irrational people, we still have the power to respond in productive ways.

As with “hard” aspects to and from Mars, if that planet (or really any planet) is involved in any non-rational aspect, whether one to our natal Mars or transiting Mars making a non-rational aspect to one of our natal, progressed, or solar return planets, it’s a time to be cautious during the period when the aspect is within a degree of forming or separating. Things have a way of getting strange during 7th harmonic aspects, so those are times to be especially deliberate and thoughtful in choosing our responses.

Primary Action Beats for the First Half of the Month

June begins under the influence of the late May New Moon at 10 Gemini, putting the spotlight on that house in our charts. As this New Moon is on a degree of mastering inertia and gravity, helping us redirect energies quickly, and biseptile Saturn, it implies we can utilize spiritual power to change the course of events, indicating that many will “pull out of a nosedive.”

The first week also brings the Sun into a serendipitous tredecile with Saturn, powering up interactive gifts and blessings we’ll know more about in the week after the Solstice, when Mercury makes the same aspect. That week also features the Sun sextile Chiron and quintile Jupiter, making for productive and unique opportunities to heal, to mentor or be mentored, and to teach and be taught. During that time, with Mercury sitting exactly trine Pluto as it goes stationary direct just before Saturn goes retrograde, it’s great for practical planning and figuring out how to do things the most efficient way.

The second week of June brings Venus conjunct Uranus, Mercury’s re-entry into Gemini, and the Moon’s transit through Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius, making it the “handle for success” for focusing the energy of all the other planets when it’s in Virgo and creating a grand Earth trine with Mercury and Pluto. The Moon in Libra on June 8-10 will challenge our stability when it opposes Mars, Jupiter, and Chiron, but resolves well through the trines to the Sun and Saturn. Moon in Scorpio June 10-12 also challenges us to be clear about what we like and don’t like, not get into situations which are too intense and/or stuck, and work it through on June 12 as the “four note chord of productive understanding” is re-enacted by the Moon, Pluto, Neptune, and Mercury from the same signs as those occupied in the recent Lunar Eclipse.

The second week of June culminates with the Full Moon at 24 Gemini-Sagittarius, also known as the Christfest, or World Teacher Festival, where the Buddha Wisdom of the Full Moon of Taurus-Scorpio is distributed to the world as a new idea and a new potential spiritual future. As this coming Full Moon is on the same degree as the 2020 Solar Eclipse at 24 Sagittarius, we can expect that some form of happiness will come to fill the void created by that eclipse. This Full Moon indicates that we will find a genuine happiness if we are able to use the Light of skill at achieving movement despite binding conditions.

As a result of the Mars conjunctions with Saturn and Neptune in April and May, we are promised new long term cycles wherever we have 23 Aquarius and 25 Pisces, so take note, since besides these 2 year pulses, we now have 4 Aries activated as a result of the conjunction of Mars and Jupiter at the end of May. All of these will reveal their potential each time the Moon transits late Aquarius, late Pisces, and early Aries.

During the times throughout the year when the Grand Irrationality is triggered by transits, expect major shifts in the collective field both in terms of the old powers asserting themselves AND the new emergent progressive vision getting a new push. This month is the penultimate Taurus experience of both the Grand Irrationality AND the Venus conjunction with Uranus followed by its square to Saturn, preparing us for the “final exam” when Mars in mid-to-late Taurus makes the same aspects in late July and early August.

Primary Action Beats for the Second Half of the Month

The last half of the month is under the influence of the Full Moon at 24 Gemini/Sagittarius, with two special evolutionary configurations in play. The Lunation is sextile and trine Saturn, throwing a favorable void into late Leo, and building harmony and stability in any planet or point we have in the last decan of the Fire and Air signs. This powerful building energy is released through the T-square made to Neptune, showing that integrative potential is to be found in late Virgo, specifically by getting over preconceptions and consciously participating in a “mystery ritual” which may be beyond our understanding but which will lead us out “into the world of transcendent activity.”

The third week of June also shows Mars conjuncting Chiron, activating that healing and mentoring power wherever we have mid-Aries. This begins a new training or healing which will open doors in our lives in early 2023 when Jupiter transits this point. As this marks the entry of the Moon into the Bowl energy defining the occupied hemisphere, we get to explore what we possess, what we can give others, and what we need to begin a new project, or move in a new direction or harvest the fruits of our labor.

As noted, the third week brings the Sun trine Saturn and square Neptune, so be clear about who you are and what you’re doing while staying balanced as you “reconstruct” something or understand how you are now done “paying dues” in some way. Once the squares from Capricorn to Aries are done on June 15, it opens a very productive period on June 16, 17, and 18. Still, the air will be a bit thick and heavy on June 17-19, as Venus is square Saturn and the Sun is quincunx Pluto. This is a turning point in our Aquarian relationships, with a need for nobility, creativity, and demonstrating the power of compassion to override harsh judgments. Venus sextile Neptune should make for a smooth cruise despite the heaviness of the square.

The last 10 days of the month begin with some very favorable aspects! We have Mercury sextile Jupiter and Venus trine Pluto supported by a string of great Lunar aspects on June 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, and 27, which also brings Mars sextile Saturn. This is a very favorable “Old Moon” phase, offering visions of the future as we complete the themes of the previous New Moon.

June 28 brings Neptune stationary retrograde, Sun square Jupiter, the New Moon at 8 Cancer, and Venus sextile Jupiter. This is a VERY important shift in collective consciousness, with the Venus productivity released through the Solar square. This will be a rebeginning for some and an acceptance of an enjoyable role for others. That New Moon will put the next month’s focus on the house where we have 8 Cancer, which is good news for the planets or points we have around 7-11 Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces.

Evolutionary Development

This is the fifth month of the North Node in Taurus era! We’re now done with our time of evolving in the sign of learning and communicating, and are now in a time of our greatest development coming through the sign of appreciation, value, and enjoying the best life has to offer.

With Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries setting the pace for the new openings of the next 2 years, embrace the adventure in new actions and new freedom to be as authentic as you need to be. As usual, our wise friend Saturn is helping us to a greater understanding where we have Aquarius in our charts, with this month beginning our testing in utilizing spiritual power to further our part of the larger Aquarian work.

We’re now about 2/3 of the way through two years of non-stop friction between Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus. We’ve hit a bit of relief these next few weeks, so use the time wisely, since that square will be back in full fury beginning in August. Keep eliminating all which is of no use in the future, keep building heart and focused spiritual expression, and remember your inner Spiritual Warrior can never be overcome.

This tension will be greatly relieved by January 2023. Given the tension between Aquarius and Taurus triggered these next 12 weeks by the Venus and Mars transiting Taurus and squaring Saturn, stay focused on your larger ideals, and keep showing heart, taking heart, trusting the heart, strengthening the heart, and radiating the Love you ARE to your world, expressed through a conscious focus, concentration, and intention.

With so much activity going on in the sign of Aries, we’re activating a future which is coming at warp speed! Our Taurus experience is helping us keep it simple, pleasant, and steady, with the Gemini energies now allowing us new discoveries.

The Sun in Gemini is a time to see the Light of a greater ability to discover the ideas which will help us express the emergent Aquarian ideal through productive mental activity related to the new momentum generated in Aries. With Mercury trine Pluto, it continues to be a time to feel your connection with all of Life, and bless the passages which have helped you to the wisdom you now have. With the continuance of so much Aries Fire, it’s a great time to see how your individual unique spark of Light is part of the greater infinite Light field.

As we’re now in the second year of a new 20 year and 200 year cycle, remember a new era has dawned. Have courage and take the initiative to leave the Earth and fly free into the Air of what’s opening as the Grand Mutation expands its promise into the Divine transfigured ideal of a more just truth and future.

With recent Capricorn and Aquarius transits, we began a new chapter of crafting our role utilizing forms of personal power in Capricorn to serve the emerging Aquarian ideal. We’ve now moved through the closures and openings of the past few weeks, and can move forward unimpeded by old mindsets and considerations. With Aries and Taurus continuing to be prominent, keep moving into the new openings already happening.

Open to new discoveries, new ways of overcoming inertia, new ways of manipulating the trajectory of events, and get ready for new ideas and perspectives related to the emerging global wisdom of this Spring. We’ve harvested much these past three months; the past is now over and we all face a new world of new potential, new adventures, and new ways to enjoy being ourselves, doing our work of Destiny. Open to the abundance of the process of growth, since we are all on a rocket ship to the stars!


Since I also include this in the newsletter, I’ll offer it to you here:


SUN – 11 Gemini to 9 Cancer
MERCURY – 27 Taurus to 21 Gemini
VENUS – 5 Taurus to 9 Gemini
MARS – 6 to 27 Aries
JUPITER – 4 to 8 Aries
SATURN – 26 to 25 Aquarius
URANUS – 17 to 18 Taurus
NEPTUNE – 26 Pisces (all month)
PLUTO –29 to 28 Capricorn
TRUE NORTH NODE –23 to 22 Taurus



NEW MOON; May 30; Sun and Moon at 10 Gemini
VENUS CONJUNCT URANUS; June 11 at 18 Taurus
FULL MOON/WORLD TEACHER FESTIVAL; June 14; Sun 24 Gemini, Moon 24 Sagittarius
MARS CONJUNCT CHIRON; June 15 at 16 Aries
NEW MOON; June 28; Sun and Moon at 8 Cancer

I want to welcome all to drop by our Astrology Arizona Facebook page and join the social media initiative going on there. Please feel free to contribute a topic, ask about a topic, or anything else related to our new group! See you over there!

I also highly recommend coming to our zoom presentations, since we have some of the best astrologers anywhere giving talks about all kinds of great astrological topics. We’ve had “Evolutionary Configurations,” “America at the Crossroads,” “Using Planetary Hours in Charts,” “Escaping the Twelfth House,” “Outer Planet Cycles and How The Past Affects the Present,” “The Three Part Self,” “Egotism, Narcissism, Identity and Self,” “How Our Chart Expresses Our Spiritual Potential,” the 2021 Solar and Lunar eclipses, and more.

Our January 2022 meeting featured predictions from two dozen astrologers about the coming year. We had a great talk about planetary cycles and the Arc Transform charts on February 26, and March 26 will be an entertaining talk about how astrology and the news are perfectly aligned these day! We have more great talks scheduled throughout the year so please consider joining us. I’ll be speaking about my new book The Magic of Venus: Friendships, Soul Mates, and Twin Flames in our May talk, so that will be a great talk for everyone, regardless of your skill level. You can find out more at the FB page, our website, or by writing me.

Reprinted on crystalwind.ca with written permission from Robert Wilkinson. Copying this article to other blogs is strictly prohibited. It is copyright protected. 

© Copyright 2022 Robert Wilkinson


© Copyright 2022 Robert Wilkinson - https://www.aquariuspapers.com

About the author:

Robert wilkinson An internationally-known astrologer, author, public speaker, metaphysician, and futurist, with over 25 years experience as a counselor and educator. He has presented hundreds of public talks on all aspects of Astrology, the Eastern Wisdom tradition, the Western Wisdom tradition and promoted many mass gatherings and cultural events. Some of his specific areas of interest and expertise include personality profiles, degree patterns, integrative astrology, various aspect harmonics, among others.
Source Here

I want to welcome all to drop by our Facebook page at Astrology Arizona and join the social media initiative going on there. Please feel free to contribute a topic, ask about a topic, or anything else related to our new group. See you over there!

Reprinted on crystalwind.cawith written persmission from Robert Wilkinson.

© 2022 crystalwind.ca. All rights reserved.

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