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Understanding Levels of Energy


This meditation takes us to a new level of consciousness.  The Goddess speaks while we’re still in the grounded reality about how manifest in our lives.  We first begin with our desire, then we move towards that; then we manifest or in some cases we don’t.   Just about everyone has had desires that never manifested and that could be for many reasons; one of which is the un-consciousness working through resistance.

Many of these channels have the intention of giving us information and opportunities that will stretch our consciousness, our knowledge and our awareness of what is real both on earth and in the universe.  This channel has many layers of consciousness and reality.  Through it all, you are stretching and moving into many new levels of perception. 

As we expanded within the All That Is we worked connected with our DNA as a means of bridging the human and universal selves.  So too the Goddess spoke of the signature cells and glands within the body.  There was so much detail, but in the end you don’t even need to go there.  You can clear and make changes through your intention and the becoming your reality.   

Nama sika; Venia benya, I AM the One, I AM the Whole

I greet you beloved family.  I reach out from my heart to yours.  I reach out to each one of you with the intention that you and I can create an ongoing flow of energy, or a relationship, that assists you in your everyday life. 

You are the one living upon the earth.  You are the one having this earthly experience whatever that may be for you.  I hear over and over from people that life was not what they expected it to be.  That life did not have the ease; that they were unable to manifest what they would like.  Or that life was just different than what they thought it would be.  I hear this again and again and again from people.

One of the things that I wish to speak about this evening is the changes and the transformations taking place with energy.  We speak about the dimensions all the time;  Speaking of the 5th dimension which most people are living or moving into.  We speak about the 3rd dimension that many of you grew up within and still feel yourself kind of locked within that old energy.  We speak about energy as the vibration that is your thoughts, your emotions, your physical body and how all of that relates to one another. 

These are the things taking place within you the human having an effect upon your everyday life.  It is not that anyone is doing something that is right or wrong.  It is not that an individual may be seeking something that they want in their life and will mean a change in their life and they don’t deserve it.  If there is something that you want within your life then you absolutely deserve it and it is yours. 

I hear you all so clearly as say that saying to me I have waited 5 years and I don’t have the relationship.  I’ve waited 2 years and I still don’t have the house.  We could go on and on about all the things that people don’t have in their lives. 

This is the opportunity for you to honor yourself and respect yourself for the person that you are, because you are the human individual and all the energies of what you are and what your life is.  You are also that God source energy.  You are also more than just this human being. 

Therefore as you seek to manifest within your life you are doing so from that space that forgets that there is a much greater flow of energy working around you and you are working with limitations.  It may not feel that way, but this is what I see. 

So too people may be saying out to the world, “I want a relationship?”  “I really want to be in love with someone and creating a life together.” They feel it in their emotions and think it in their thoughts, but in the background they are saying “but it hasn’t happened yet.  Maybe the type of person I really want is not someone who would ever like me or be attracted to me.   Maybe if I am in a relationship I cannot be as independent as I have become”.  We could go on and on and on.  So it is that part of you that is unconscious to your everyday reality that most likely creates the lack of manifesting within your life. 

There are other times when we God, Goddess, the Angels, your own higher self is seeking for something even better to have.  There are other occasions in which opportunities may be around you, but you were looking in this direction.  Yes I hear you again when you say “hit me over the head with a sledge hammer so I don’t miss it”. 

We try to many times do that and that is when people say “I don’t feel very good.  I’m not going to go to that function.  I am confused about what I really want and therefore I am going to retreat inside”.  There are many things that can be happening in your everyday life.  Most often put forth by your personality or your ego that is there to keep you in that space of less than, or holding you back. 

So it is that love and acceptance for who you are as this individual in this lifetime that is the foundation for everything that you do in this life.  It does not mean you love and accept yourself when everything is going well.  You love and accept yourself when you are in meditation.  It means that even if you are mad, angry, frustrated and acting out you still love and accept who you are, because you are the person that has wonderful glorious thoughts and those that are not so much. 

You have actions that fully support you and some not so much.  You need not analyze everything and go on and on and on and on about it.  You need only be in this space of who you are.  You need only accept that you are human, that are divine, that you are aligned with universal consciousness and that you have the ability to flow from one space of energy to another, and that you have the ability to create life on many, many different levels.  ~whew~

My intention for speaking like this at the very beginning here is that the more people or society can begin to accept who they are the good, the bad, the ugly so to speak.  Not my words but the words I hear upon the earth, but words that represent who you are.  The greater peace and ease you will have within your life. 

Ahh take a deep breath in feel it in the now moment.  There is such love from me to you. 

Take a moment and once more breathe down through your body.  Allow yourself to connect with the earth and as you connect with the earth let your energies spread out.  It then comes back up to you the person.  It goes out through the top of your head and you allow yourself to shift your focus into that more expanded space for who you are in your higher self.  Let yourself adjust to that energy. 

You may look around or sense the feel what this is for you.  You then allow yourself to shift even further and follow that cord of light that takes you all the way out to your divinity. 

As you find yourself moving within this space let yourself feel the fullness, the richness of who you are as your divinity.  It may be that you may need to peel away a layer if there is anything between you and your perception.  Clear out whatever that may be and then as if you open up your heart even further allow yourself to merge even further with your divinity, your I AM presence. 

Feel the flow of unconditional love.  Feel the flow and the awareness from you as your divinity, as your source energy, so that the more that you align the even greater your consciousness is able to expand.

I the Goddess move in and amongst each one of you.  I reach out from my heart to yours.  I reach out to embrace you as the consciousness of this lifetime; you as the consciousness of all of who you are.  As our energies merge we shift in to the space of the All That Is. 

Look around within this space.  Look around at the energy that is here for you.  Look around at your own creations that you may have started or worked on that makes it here waiting for you.  As I am looking I can see that there are some things that people started with, they tweaked a little bit and then they forgot about.  Perhaps these are some of the things in your unconsciousness that are still pulling at you and dragging you down. 

So go within your consciousness and if there is anything at all in this space of the All That Is, anything at all that no longer serves you, take this moment and if you are conscious or unconscious of it clear it out.  ~whew~ 

While we are here within the All That Is the perception is of time space reality, the perception is that those guides and groups of energies that you work with the most are here with you as they are.  Sometimes the All That Is gives one the sense of looking through a window out at the universe and the constellations that make up your galaxy.  These are all the things that come through your perception and they are here as a reality, but there is even more. 

Your human aspects meaning your ego, your personality, your mental body; like to have a creation or a perception that fits within its acknowledged awareness. It may be within a box.  It may be in a big huge beautiful space.  Anything that comes from source or comes into you in a new perspective is coming in through the right brain -- coming in through your imagination or the abstract -- so that even here in the All That Is I invite you to open up, push the limit. Simply allow yourself to be in the flow of the unconditional love, of the unconditional light and energy that moves through here.  Allow yourself to expand into a new perception.

We speak of the expansion within your DNA. The DNA is a part of your physical biology, but it is also a part of these energies and it creates that bridge that links (your physical to your non-physical).

As you begin to look around at yourself I invite you to begin by pushing out any preconceived notion, pushing out any limits and receive the infusion from all the light beings that are here working with you.  As this infusion of energy, potentials, opportunities, fill in these spaces it moves through your consciousness and through the space around you. 

As you allow yourself to integrate with those energies let yourself relax even further.  Almost as if you have a sense of disconnecting your consciousness take a moment and look at yourself as the human you are in your life; with the things that are happening in your life, perhaps some of those desires that you hope to manifest.  Take this moment to look at what this is from this perception of which you are. 

For some I can feel already like a narrowing that takes place, because you are moving into the thoughts and beliefs of your humanity or your human essence.  So infuse it with love.  Infuse it with your divinity and make a conscious choice to push out any boundaries and bring in even more love and awareness.

We have spoken about your DNA on many different occasions.  We have spoken about your cellular consciousness.  We have spoken of your signature cell within your body.  We have spoken many different times of the various perceptions of how to work with the biology that you have within this lifetime so that it may fully work for you. 

Take this moment and as you merge once more with that perception I invite you to go inside your consciousness so that you may allow your focus and your awareness to go once more to that cell which regulates your body. 

Now there is a gland, the pineal gland, within your brain that works with the functions of the body, your Pituitary gland.  All these are put in your brain have that effect upon you and some may consider those to be the signature cell. 

In truth the signature cell comes from that core essence of when you were created in this biology.   So for many people it is around your root center and there is a bit of a shifting that takes place. 

As people evolve as your vibration rises your signature cell may be also associated within a different part of your body.  For now I invite you to allow your focus to simply go into that space knowing that intrinsically your consciousness knows where to go. 

As you link within that cellular structure ask ‘how many levels of my DNA have been activated’.  The next question is ‘if the levels of my DNA are activated does that mean that I need to consciously work with each of those levels’?  The answer is no. 

As you move beyond those 2 basic strands of which humanity is consciousness you begin to move into the expanded consciousness and the higher dimensional DNA that becomes your bridge to move through time space reality. 

You may do so with just your consciousness.  You may do so with your emotional awareness.  You may do so with your physical body. 

If you activate these higher levels of DNA within you they are aligned with the higher dimensions and then you go about your business.  They may not all stay fully expanded and working all the time as it would put you into sensory overload, but it is there and available to you when you go into meditation or you go into communication with source.  So for now I invite you to open up your consciousness to the clarity within your DNA. 

As if you were looking down a pathway become aware of what it may look like to you. As if you send a ball of your consciousness streaming down.  As it comes to something that is not vibrating at the same level you can send a burst of light through that space or you can just have that intention from where your consciousness lives and that burst of energy so that it helps to clear out. 

We are working with this at a higher level and it does have an effect upon you.  There are times when people may choose to go in and work very specifically with their various strands of DNA, either weaving them together, clearing out something that has been going on within your lifetime. 

Okay I heard you asking so this is one way in which you may work with this.  Take a deep breath in breathing down within yourself and allow your consciousness to move to whatever place it is within your DNA, if it is even in your DNA, that may be causing you to have a particular experience in this lifetime that you would like to release.  Is there something in your biology that no longer serves you? 

What I am sensing from people as I look at you and as I look at what you are looking at is that there are times when there are things that are not aligned with your DNA one way or another, but it is more so about your mental body and your beliefs and your thoughts; so indeed that is linked to your DNA, but the problem may not be sourced in your DNA.  Therefore as you looked at the structure seeking to have an answer it may or may not be there. 

So ask is there something in my emotions, in my thoughts or beliefs, in my physical biology.  Is it from a past life, because that is a movement within the consciousness of your DNA?  That is a link. There we go. Okay, so now I have this perception that you have a greater clarity. 

So if it helps that is wonderful; but you do not have to know the specifics.  Instead consider whatever it is that has been a part of your life that you are ready to release; let it go to wherever it may need to go.  Find out what that source was and why has it been serving you in the way it has because it is serving you. Then you reach down, take in whatever that meaning may be.  You reach down and you gently pull up by the roots whatever might be the cause of this.   Acknowledge within your heart, your consciousness; whatever lesson you may need whatever information you may need.  And then breathe out ~whew~ and let it go. 

Wow I saw that massive ball of energy just roll through the All That Is letting go on so many levels for so many people.  Go back within yourself within your consciousness.  Go back looking at that space; whatever you have pulled up by the roots, whatever you may have looked at to know what it is. And then fill it in with the universal light consciousness. 

That is the highest, light body energy for who you are that is associated with this lifetime and let that move in.  Let that clear out.  Let that expand all that is here.  As you infuse this light body energy within this makeup or within these layers and levels you are giving yourself the framework and the support that will help you in your life. 

Then as you seek to manifest you will be tuned into hear: let me go over here, let me talk to this person, let me read this book; whatever it is that is going to give me the answers to whatever you are seeking. 

Look around this is where you create in a very conscious way within your life.  Look at that perception you have as you are looking at your DNA, your thoughts, beliefs, emotions.  Look at the whole of who you are in this lifetime because you are more than just your physicality.  You are more than just your thoughts or beliefs or emotions.  You are more than you DNA biology. 

You are this immense universal light that is working with you and through you in this lifetime.  Let it, meaning let that universal light of your divinity, be the energy that flows through you and then release that sense of having to figure it out.  Release that perception that you have to do it all yourself.  Release that analytical part of you that says ‘you’re not good enough, you don’t deserve this’.  Any of those thoughts and beliefs that go through people again and again just release it all ~whew~ let it go.  Let it go.  ~whew~

As you live your life upon the earth live day to day.  Have your desires and your dreams.  Be open to the flow and the movement that will help and if perhaps some of things that you have desired for a long time are ready to go; let them go. Let them go! 

From that perspective that is hooked into all the disappointment and all the frustration let it go.  Create your dream from this space of clarity and awareness.  Let that be what you manifest in your life.  Let that be the support behind who you are, what you are doing, all that is happening. 

We could go on and on.  We could go in many different directions.  What I would like to do is just take a step back from that perspective that we were looking at for your DNA.  Take a step back from that perspective of looking at your thoughts and your beliefs and instead look once more at yourself as a whole person. 

See yourself as the physical.  See yourself as the nonphysical energies that make up who you are. And then as you look around at the universe, as you look out at this universal light perspective it may be that you see other opportunities.  You may have greater clarity about what is taking place upon the earth. 

As more and more people wake up as you call it, as more and more people become aware of all of this you will begin to hear about things differently.  You will think differently.  Your perspective of the earth comes from a more expansive place.  It’s still here for you. 

Dream the dreams that fill you with joy.  Dream the dreams that are out here where you dance amongst the stars.  Dream the potentials and the opportunities that are beyond your comprehension at this point.  Dream anyway!  Let the dreams come in.  Let the dreams flow through you at every level of consciousness and let the dreams be that part of you that makes you giggle and be happy in your life. 

Let the dreams and let the giggling flow through clearing out anything that is outside of that so that your life can be happy; so that you can live within this consciousness. 

Breathe in.  Be your authentic self.  Be all that is love, all that is light knowing that even if you flow into a place that is outside of that; it is what it is. It is a part of the human experience so you still infuse it with love, with light and compassion and you come back to the middle or come back to that state of balance.

Beloved family I invite you all to come back together as a group.  Come down into this now moment and as you do so have that perception of the hologram as it moves up within this group.  Infuse that expansion that was your own personal experience tonight into the hologram.  Infuse that state when you can feel the love, the light, the experience.  Let it all be who you are.  Send it into the hologram. 

So too all the crystalline light energies, lightbody energies, are also flowing through this hologram.  This is what happens every time we get together. 

You then let go that hologram and then it flows down it stretches out to the crystalline grid so that it links with the universal light.  Meaning that all that each one of you have infused into the grid plus all of those light body energies are creating a support that goes out to the universe. 

It also goes down into the earth moving within the center of the earth.  It connects with the Crystals; it connects with the magna it connects with that core essence of Gaia. 

The energies flow coming up through the earth surface; your own energies are coming up within you anchoring all that you did to transform this evening.  As it comes up within you let it clear out any residual from within your human and instead feel the integration of this new beginning this greater clarity for who you are. 

Take a deep breath in and accept that within you.  So too these energies are going up throughout the consciousness of the earth.  It is infusing that expanded awareness throughout the consciousness clearing out old energies. Clearing out old debris and instead infusing it with the light, the love, the support, the awareness from the crystalline universal light energy and that moves through everything.

Take a moment to reconnect with your consciousness as if you reach out to that space in the All That Is and you gently invite your consciousness to come back within you as if it streams back down through that column of light you have access to an even greater amount of your I AM presence. 

It clears out expanding the space of your higher self.  It streams down within you here within the space of wherever it is that you are.  Let your physical body receive these energies.  Let it move through all the energy bodies that make you who you are.  Let it align with your cellular structure.  Let it align with the glands within your brain that are creating that function within your body so that your body vibrates at the most balanced level for who you are, for where you are in life. 

Make that conscious decision that you flow the energy of your unconsciousness to be open so that you will have that greater awareness.  ~whew~ there is so much more universal light energy anchoring within the earth and it is here available for you so that you are also so much a part of that source that is helping this to take that place.  Be aware that you are having an effect upon the earth.

So Beloved family, as you are moving through these days, weeks, years upon the earth make that conscious choice to be in a space of balance.  Have that conscious awareness that you are open to receive.  Allow yourself to recognize that there is so much more than what you see around you and that you are hardwired in to receive it. 

You are each divine.  You are each filled with the universal light energy and it will work and manifest through you in many exciting ways.



Shelly Dressel channeling the Goddess of Creation. All rights are reserved. You are welcome to share this channel, but we ask you not take any portion of it out of the body of the channel and to retain this copyright message. For further information please check out our website: www.goddesslight.net

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