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The Teachings of Abraham

Sometimes no amount of words will do a subject justice.

Abraham is a name. A symbol. A feeling. Evocative-yet simple-like we want our names to be.

But who, or what, is/are, Abraham . . . really?

Workshop attendee: ". . . you're a very attractive woman, too."
Abraham: "We're usually a nebulous mist, so that is quite a compliment." (Laughter)
Louise Hay calls them "some of the best teachers on the planet today."
To Dr. Wayne Dyer they are "the great Masters of the Universe!"

A veritable who's-who of authors, speakers and teachers continue to publicly acknowledge and praise the immense value of the wisdom that is pouring forth through Esther.

Abraham has described themselves as "a group consciousness from the non-physical dimension" (which helps a lot!). They have also said, "We are that which you are. You are the leading edge of that which we are. We are that which is at the heart of all religions."

Abraham has told us through Esther that whenever we feel moments of great love, exhilaration, pure joy, stoned-out bliss, even the energy of sexual orgasm when we feel that Energy Flow rushing through our bodies, that is the energy of Source, and that is who Abraham "is".

"Jerry and Esther never used the word channeling," Abraham reflects. "It is used when applied to them, but they have never used it, because it means many things of which they are not, you see."

"You could leave the channeling out of it. Call it inspiration; that's all it is. You don't call the basketball player a channeler, but he is; he's an extension of Source Energy. You don't call the surgeon a channeler, but he is. You don't call the musician, the magnificent master musician, you don't call him a channeler, but he is. He's channeling the broader essence of who he is into the specifics of what he is about."

Esther herself calls Abraham "infinite intelligence," and to Jerry they are "the purest form of love I've ever experienced."

We say check out Abraham for yourself. It's the only way to go and the only way to know. If watching or listening or reading the words of Abraham feels good to you, then you're in the right place. If they sound "off" to you, or maybe even a little bit annoying—adventure on!

And finally—from Jerry—"Mr. Practical":

"I don't know what they are and I don't care what they are. I'm just using them for the good it will do for myself and others."

And sometimes—all is said with just one word.

Abraham. They just are what they are.

Esther Hicks is an American inspirational speaker and author. She has co-written nine books with her husband Jerry Hicks, presented numerous workshops on the law of attraction with Abraham Hicks Publications and appeared in the original version of the 2006 film The Secret. The Hicks' books, including the series The Law of Attraction, are — according to Esther Hicks — "translated from a group of non-physical entities called Abraham." Hicks describes what she is doing as tapping into "infinite intelligence"

Here Is A Playlist Of Abraham-Hicks YouTube Videos. Enjoy!

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Teachings of Abraham

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