"The experience of the soul into the physical form, into life, is a profound experience for the soul. This depth of profoundness is not found in the shallow intellect of the mind, but in the wisdom of the heart and soul. Thus every experience in life must be profound whether it be the love that one has for a mate or the love that one friend has for the other. The sight of a flower or the scent of its fragrance, the tree that is moved by the breeze, the rain that quenches the thirst of the earth, these too are profound experiences of life and soul. The profoundness of nature is as profound and necessary, as is the soul’s, for it provides the sustenance for life and demonstrates the beauty of sharing and harmony that brings growth to the soul." - William Allen LePar
Few men with spiritual gifts for mankind have stood strong against the sweep of history. William Allen LePar will be among them.
William LePar and The Council
The Council: Belief that Something Will not Harm Me
We hesitate to present this piece of information from William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council. However, we believe that all who read this will understand exactly where The Council is coming from with this series of quotes. We can learn quite a bit from... Read more
The Council: Significance of the Twelve Precious Stones Ment…
Here William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, give us information about the stones in the wall of New Jerusalem. We are presenting versions of the passages from two Bibles. The Council always recommended at least two different Bible readings when references were made to... Read more
The Council: How Do We Get Jesus Christ?
This particular question and the answer given by William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council is quite involved and may require more than one reading. We felt that it was an important topic which allows everyone to make their own decision as to its value. Read more
The Council: The Man-Made Heavenly Realms And The God-Made H…
William LePar’s, spiritual source, The Council, explains that there are two heavens that we can go to after death. There is a heavenly state where we never have to return to our earthly existence and a heavenly realm where more learning and experience in... Read more
The Council: Judas Iscariot
In this remarkable series of questions and answers, William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, explains the part Judas played in the crucifixion of Christ. Questioner: As this is the Lenten season. Was Judas punished for the role that he played in Jesus's death? Read more
The Council: Can Children Grow Out Of Hyperkinesis?
Here we have a further, and more in-depth discussion of hyperkinesis, its causes and possible treatment. William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, stresses the avoidance of instability in the home and importantly proper diet. They also point out the effects of these issues on... Read more
The Council: Healing - Hyperkinetic Children
The information given here by William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, will be of value to all of us. Questioner: Regarding hyperkinetic children, would you give us any information as to general causes for this? Anything that would be of help on a general basis... Read more
The Council: Healing - It Begins In The Physical - Part 2
This is a continuation of the previous posting by William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council. The Council: If healing has been achieved at the soul level and is to be achieved in the physical itself, then those steps, those occurrences, will transpire according to the... Read more
The Council: Healing - It Begins In The Physical - Part 1
William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, gives us a very interesting explanation of how healings occur. Questioner: Is the healing by the healer in the spirit world the restoring of harmony in the energy fields of the individual's body or is the healing in the... Read more
The Council: Guardian Angels
Many people have questions about guardian angels. William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council provides us some detailed information about these protectors and guides. Questioner: We … had some questions about guardian angels. Can guardian angels be souls who have crossed over or are they actual... Read more
Humankinds Entry into the Earth Plain - Part 3
In the last part of this three-part presentation William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council finishes this discussion by given us more information about humankind’s early involvement in the earth plane in the lost continent of Mu and in other areas of the planet. Read more
Humankinds Entry into the Earth Plain - Part 2
The questioner from our previous posting followed up that question by asking William LePar’s spiritual source for more information about souls that chose to locate in areas that were more isolated than most who entered our earth plane. Questioner: So, there were other things that... Read more
Humankinds Entry into the Earth Plain - Part 1
The next three presentations will discuss humankinds first experiences in the earth plane in a place know as Mu. William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, will give us some details about those early days. Questioner: Our first question is, Did man enter into the physical... Read more
The Council: Magic and Alchemy
This discussion is a carryover from the previous one. Here William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, talks about the art of alchemy, turning lead into gold! Questioner: In your explanation of the magicians being able to turn a staff or a piece of wood into... Read more
The Council: Moses, the Priests and Magic
This interaction between a researcher and The Council gives us a glimpse into the humor that The Council demonstrated on rare occasions. They stated that their existence contains as much humor and even more than ours. It is a natural part of growing spiritually... Read more
The Council: Cloning in Prehistory
In this quote from William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, they give us insight in the cloning ability of early civilizations. These civilizations in most cases predate recorded civilization. They are Mu, Lemuria and Atlantis with Mu being the earliest. Each suffered natural catastrophes... Read more
The Council: Humankind and the Animal Kingdom
William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, discusses man’s relationship to the animal kingdom. Questioner: Did man actually descend as Darwinism claims up through the lower animals through ape into man? The Council: Not as such, no. Questioner: Then there is no missing link that they talk about? Read more
The Council: Groups Of Souls Work Together Over Many Lifetim…
We are including this question and answer from William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, because it tells something about the group that worked with The Council through the years that Mr. LePar channeled them. It also shows how groups that work together throughout many... Read more
The Council: Those Who are Truly Spiritual
This is a very strong statement from William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, concerning those who are truly spiritual. The Council: You must believe that God loves you so intently that regardless of the situation He will deliver you, He will bring you up, so... Read more
The Council: Angels - Part 4
In this particular quote from William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, they give us some insight into the angels that God created and their purpose. Thus, when you were made, He commanded His angels that they should serve you just as they serve Him. Now... Read more
The Council: Angels - Part 3
This is what seems to be a very basic question from William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, but the answer presents much of interest. They explain why God created us. Questioner: Why were entities created? The Council: The magnificence of God is beyond human understanding and... Read more
Recreational Drugs Part 1 - The Council
We start the new year with a discussion of recreational drugs. William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, has some definite thoughts on the subject. Questioner: You said previously that we should practice moderation in all things. I was wondering if that meant ALL things, for... Read more
Star of Bethlehem - The Council
Here, The Council, William LePar’s spiritual source gives an intriguing answer to a popular question. Questioner: Do you wish to share with us what the Star of Bethlehem was? The Council: There have been many explanations by man as to what exactly was the Star of... Read more
When Does A Soul Enter The Body
This question brought about a very strong reply. This is not the first time that this particular question has been asked. William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council’s answers over the years have been consistent with the answer given here. Questioner: I would like to know... Read more
Ancient Civilizations - The Council
This question for William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, elicited more than what the questioner expected. Questioner: I wondered if The Council could speak on what happened to the ancient Mayan city-civilizations, and if anything applies from then till now? The Council: Ancient civilizations. We wonder... Read more
The Council Explains a Little about Themselves - Part 2
William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, follows the previous quote with a little more detail about what it is like to exist in the higher levels of the spiritual realms. The Council: Once you achieve the Angelic Level of the God-Made Heavenly Realms, you are... Read more
The Council Explains a Little about Themselves - Part 1
William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, tells us more about themselves and their purpose. Questioner: Has any portion of The Council experienced human being-ness as an Australian aboriginal in the outback nation? The Council: To answer this question calls for a further explanation of ourselves. We... Read more
Conquering Fear - The Council
Fear has many forms and there are many reasons why it is a factor in life. William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, addresses this problem. Questioner: When fear blocks the life plan or seems to be preventing one from completing it, what purpose does that... Read more
The World We Created
This information from William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, gives us an interesting perspective on who is truly responsible for the condition of the world today. Those who are younger and believe that it is only their parents, grandparents and great grandparents who are... Read more
The Council’s Opening Message - Lily Dale - Part 2
This is the second part of the message from William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council. It was given at his Lily Dale, New York Trance. The Council: Your earth, your universe, your physical bodies, your whole means of spiritual growth in the natural or physical... Read more
The Council’s Opening Message - Lily Dale - Part 1
This message comes from William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, and was given at his Lily Dale, New York Trance. The Council: May the Peace and the Joy of the Infinite Father be upon you all, and may His Light shine down upon you and... Read more
Evolution - Part 4 - Our Involvement with Dinosaurs in the B…
In this part of our series we learn from William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, about our involvement in the development of the dinosaurs. Questioner: When these humans started experimenting with animals for their own selfish benefits, they did start with something? They started with... Read more
Evolution - Part 3 - Dinosaurs? Still No.
Why did the dinosaurs develop as they did? William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, explains. Questioner: We have this fantastic scheme how these dinosaurs developed from the Jurassic to the Cretaceous and the great dinosaurs were in the middle and late periods. Did the process... Read more
Evolution - Part 2 - Dinosaurs No.
In the second part of our Evolution series William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, talks about the destruction of the dinosaurs. Questioner: Were dinosaurs part of an evolutionary process of the animal kingdom or were they... The Council: They basically are the monstrosities created by, originally,... Read more
Evolution - Part 1 - Animals yes. Humans no.
The theory of evolution comes into question with William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, and a researcher. Questioner: With the specific exception of man and his influences on nature, can the basic idea of the theory of evolution that species have continued to develop through... Read more
We Are Actually Learning Nothing New
This interaction between a questioner and William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, provides some thought-provoking insight into us as spiritual beings. Beings who are far greater than the physical realm that we currently exist in. Questioner: In our next lifetime, would we be at this... Read more
How to Grow Spiritually
William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, has always stressed prayer and meditation. The insights gained from our prayer and meditation, they stress, must be put into action. The Council: One must always search deep within to find the purest part of themselves, the higher self. ... Read more
Not Being Able to Resolve a Lifelong Problem
In this discussion with William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, they deal with personal issues that a person has been struggling with his entire life but cannot seem to resolve. Questioner: If we struggle with, say, a specific problem all of our life on a... Read more
The First Commandment
William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, has talked often about the value of the Ten Commandments as a source of positive guidance in our lives. The following gives their thoughts on the first commandment. The Council: All of Creation is based on those Ten Commandments... Read more
Communicating with the Higher Self - Part 3
In the final part of this three-part series, William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, explains what guidance from above is and what is not. Questioner: I have a question about meditation. How do you know when you are getting, when your thought is not yours,... Read more
Communicating with the Higher Self - Part 2
In this follow-up to the previous posting, William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, tells us what is necessary when receiving guidance from the all-knowing. The Council: Here is the thing: All knowledge must be applied or at least, at the very least, an effort must... Read more
Communicating with the Higher Self - Part 1
In this exchange between a questioner and William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, the questioner wants to know how to “tune in” to the all-knowing. Questioner: … you have to be able to communicate with your soul in the all-knowing. Are there any steps, either... Read more
Mental Illness - Physical Illness, an Opportunity to Serve?
In this quote from William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, we are given advice on viewing illness. Questioner: Can The Council address the source of mental illness? Is it a spiritual crisis? The Council: All sicknesses, whether they be of the physical nature or the mental... Read more
A Child’s Learning Begins Early
Here we learn from William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, how we can bring the greatest opportunity for spiritual growth to our children. Questioner: I want to know how it would be best to teach children to respect themselves. It is a materialistic world, and... Read more
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