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The Council: Stretching Time
Written by William LePar

This answer from William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, should give you a new understanding of the progression of time in physical creation.
Questioner: Can you give us an explanation of "stretching time" in relationship to prolonging the time of Armageddon?
The Council: Stretching time in the sense that we mean it again referring to the existence you are aware of, the physical, material. To you time consists of sixty seconds, a minute, and sixty minutes an hour, so on and so forth, but time is not that inflexible. What is the actual length of a second or what is the actual length of a minute? In fact, what is the length of a day? Man puts a graduation on time, but time is not that inflexible, in fact time is quite flexible. Time can be stretched for you as an individual and for all of Creation if it is necessary.
Time can be made to slow up while you continue at your normal speed at your own awareness. Probably the best statement we could make in that regard is that not everything is going on as you perceive it because each person must exist in his time. But for the cooperation of each and every one of you, you have an agreed upon understanding of time. So that, shall we say, Armageddon were to manifest tomorrow not all that can be saved will have time to be saved, so it is very easy to stretch time. Slow your existence down so that those that are lost can speed up their existence and then meet all at the appointed place and at the agreed upon time.
This is not really the doing of each individual, but this is the doing of the Divine Hand of God and the Divine Love of God. It is because He knows that even though He has created each and every one of you equal, because of your own decisions you have made yourselves unequal, and because His Love is equal for each of you, then He adjusts the time so that each have at the very least an equal opportunity to return to Him.
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