Awakened Lifestyles
Embracing Vulnerability: A Path to Spiritual Connection and …
I’ve been binge-watching an old TV. Series on Netflix called Psych, which is funny, light, and entertaining. But typically, there is so much action and pursuit of something or someone and so little stopping and smelling the roses along the way. Read more
Spiritual Guidance January/February 2024
Free Your Natural State Of Being. Here’s my spiritual guidance January/February 2024, covering the month beginning with the Capricorn new moon at 11.57am on January 11th (in the UK). I draw one card from the Thoth Tarot to explore the key energy of these four... Read more
Spiritual Guidance November/December 2023: The Magic Of Inte…
Here’s my spiritual guidance November 2023/December 2024, covering the month beginning with the Sagittarius new moon at 11.32pm on December 12th (in the UK). I draw one card from the Thoth Tarot to intuitively explore the key energy of these four weeks, and then... Read more
Finding Balance in the Struggle for Control
Mind, Soul, and the Human Experience. Control. We all want it in our lives. Whether it’s to control our finances, our health, our relationships, or even our thoughts and our actions. We try to control how others see us and feel about us. We are... Read more
Spiritual Guidance November/December 2023
New Myths And Collective Visions. Here’s my spiritual guidance November/December 2023, covering the month beginning with the Scorpio new moon at 9.27am on November 13th (in the UK). I draw one card from the Thoth Tarot to explore the key energy of these four weeks,... Read more
Spiritual Guidance October/November 2023
Demolition Enables A Rebuild. Here’s my spiritual guidance October/November 2023, covering the month beginning with the Libra new moon at 6.59pm on October 14th (in the UK). I draw one card from the Thoth Tarot to explore the key energy of these four weeks, and... Read more
I Found My Light: Five Luminescent Epiphanies
7 Steps For Navigating The New Consciousness. Hello, dear souls. It’s Maria Chambers here. Today, I’d like to wrap you in a tale of light, love, and discovery through five glowing moments where revelations lit my path, guiding me toward my true self and eternal... Read more
Awakening To Your Divine Self
7 Steps For Navigating The New Consciousness. In our transformative journey, we are part of a group of individuals, numbering in the thousands, who perceive the world through a profoundly unique lens. This perspective challenges not only the conventional mindset but also those who have... Read more
The Awakening - Keeping It Real - Chapter Two
The process of awakening, of ascension and embodied enlightenment can’t be rushed. It needs to unfold in its own timing. And of course can’t that be frustrating? I often lose my cool and start yelling at my soul. “Ok, soul, you know who I am,... Read more
Astrology As A Key To Understanding Your Inner And Outer Exp…
I love astrology, because it operates as a very sharply-cut key to understanding your inner and outer experience of life. The symbols of the planets, signs, and houses in my birth chart show me the underlying archetypal patterns that run through all of my... Read more
Who’s Reality Are You In? 7 Steps To Make Sure It’s Yours
In the Driving To The Rez podcast of August 22, 2022, we talked about “Our Prime Purpose”, how we are here as high-frequency beings (we who are reading this) to express our true frequency in this world and have that frequency reflected back to... Read more
A Thrutopian Evocation; The Way Through
As an essential aspect of my grounded spiritual work, I’m passionate about living in harmony with the more than human world. I’m currently on a journey with other writers called Thrutopia, in which we’re investigating how we can write a path to a flourishing... Read more
Be The Change You Want To See In The World - Reading For 202…
My heart lifted on turning over this beautiful card for 2022 which contains so much helpful advice about how to approach this new year. Let’s have a look at the element first. She is a Princess of the earth, and so she highlights the planet,... Read more
The Dual Nature Of Human Existence
Being in this physical world we are given the choice to experience all facets of human life. This includes having hardships and all kinds of challenges throughout life. Earth is a creation where every living being has the opportunity to learn and grow from... Read more
It’s Time To Let Go Of The Suffering
As we look around we can easily see that the suffering energy is everywhere on this planet. Wars, poverty, disease, mental imbalances, depression. And it’s carried forward from generation to generation. Pain and suffering has become synonymous with being human, and with life on Earth. Read more
We Are Sovereign Creators
A coffee buddy initiated a discussion that goes like this: what would happen if all laws were suspended for one day? He contends that all hell would be anarchy, that people who were otherwise law-abiding citizens, would rob, rape and murder. And my perspective was that there... Read more
Choosing Her Own Freedom
One thing we have become aware of in our awakening is that true freedom can’t be legislated or enforced. That we can’t protect others or rescue them from their oppressors. They have to give themselves permission to set their own freedom in motion. People think that getting... Read more
No Protection Needed in The New Energy
Trying to protect ourselves is not what the new energy is about. In the old consciousness, life was all about protection. The mind and even the body have been rightfully trained to go into self-preservation mode when it felt their existence was being threatened. Read more
The End of the Coronavirus
The Coronavirus is leaving because its job is nearing an end. It was ushered in by humanity for the purpose of clearing out old, stuck energies and systems. On an inner level, within the body and an outer level within economic and social systems. This wasn’t understood... Read more
Hammocking: The Science And Art Of Daydreaming
I’ve invented a new verb; hammocking. My partner recently pulled down a crumbling shed in a corner of our garden and replaced it with a hammock. I wasn’t convinced by the idea initially, but I’ve fallen in love with the reality of it. The first... Read more
NEW Earth HUman: Divine Light Embodiment
As the Evolution of HUmanity continues to accelerate, the old continues to surface/become visible for FEELing and observing for expanding and shifting Consciousness... This process of transitioning out of the old world's ways, moving beyond the mindsets and limits previously accepted as "real"ity... takes time... Read more
When Your Pure Heart Leads
You Experience a Different Reality than When Your Head Does... When your Pure Heart, Your Universal Heart, Your Wide open heart leads.... all new realities open up. When you allow your Pure Heart to speak for you.... your Pure Presence can be felt and beautiful energies... Read more
Cosmic Rainbow Rays
- Activate the Multi-Dimensional Rainbow Light-Energy-Body - As the Cosmic Frequencies continue to grow stronger and more powerful daily, so do the Rainbow Rays, Crystalline Plasma SOULar Portals and various Light Encodements/Frequencies and Geometrics too. Every Ray activates a different tone/hue, a different frequency bandwidth... Read more
A Call for Great Change
- May's Phoenix Energies: A Brave New World - While there are many focuses of the frequencies activating daily, there are "repeating ones" that are stronger in nature, clearer in focus and pivotal for the rest to unlock and come forth.... Mid-April there were two specific Clarion... Read more
Gamma Gamma Gamma: Full on Cosmic Rays & Ultra High Freq…
We've been in full-on Gamma Frequencies oscillating with a barrage of many others daily... since the last few days of March. Today, another day of powerful Gamma Rays which super-charge and accelerate DNA rewrites/recodings, as well as many other things too. We have different... Read more
Multi-Dimensional/Quantum Consciousness
Re-Defining What Everything Means and How Everything Works... The very definition of "reality" completely changes. What everything means completely changes. Our perceptions and understandings completely change... and "reality" must be re-defined and re-designed in order to honor what we now know/understand/see and have the capability... Read more
It's Hard to See How Far Humanity Fell From Consciousness
Everyday I get up to "see" what the rest of the world is "up to". Everyday I see more and more and more of how divided, how unkind, how deep asleep, how separated, how judgmental and how the old constricting, fixed, linear ways and... Read more
Earth Star; As Above So Below
The earth star chakra sits somewhere between six and eighteen inches below your feet, and when fully activated it anchors and aligns your energetic body into the core energies of the earth, for the grounding, harmony and nourishment of your physical being. At the... Read more
April's Energies: Divine Sacred Remembrance
March was THE MOST POWERFUL month we've had thus far... leading into this vibrational/energetic now.... So much energetic upheaval and clearing that needed to occur... so much deeply buried (asleep) begging to be un-anchored, felt and processed through/out of the cellular body/entire template.... The whole month... Read more
Energetic Update: Ascension Gateways Have Opened...
It's been days of Rainbows and Rainbow Bridge Frequencies .... days of Powerful Gamma Light Upgrades... days of gravity going/dimensional shifts, days of all things beautiful through Pure Presence, lifting... expanding... and energetically observing entire collectives experiencing their own individual Ascension processes.... Read more
Moving Beyond Gender
Whenever I talk about the masculine and feminine as it relates to Embodied Enlightenment, I’m not really talking about gender. I’m talking about qualities within each human being that help balance out that human. I have written extensively about the Divine Masculine and the Divine... Read more
A NEW Dawn, A NEW Day, A NEW Life, A NEW Earth
Happy Equinox Gateway! - As Planetary Amnesia Dissolves - Aloha BE-YOU-ti-FULL Divine Soul-Star-Light Family, I've remained primarily offline since last year for many reasons. It's been beyond important to respect and honor all that needs to occur in order to dissolve heavy duty individual/collective distortions and shift... Read more
Time, The Divine Feminine, and Our Transformation
Most reading this will agree that we are no longer part of the world outside our door. Whether it’s politics, social groups, community, and in some cases even most of family and friends. At the same time, we understand that the world outside our door is... Read more
Resistance is Futile
What we are witnessing out there right now is resistance to change. Change, expansion, is a natural part of evolution. But chaos isn’t. Chaos is the by-product of resistance to evolutionary change. But resistance is futile. Change, expansion is inevitable. Source desires it. Our soul desires it. And, even though our human... Read more
Confessions Of A Wounded Healer
We all have unhealthy patterns of behaviour that we’re prone to fall into, and it’s frightening how quickly these can take hold and become routine. Even when we’ve spent years working to release them, I was reminded recently just how easily and insidiously they... Read more
Ascended New Earth Light Letter
Living as Pure Light Quantum Universal HeartMind Energy Expansion Support Aloha Star-Light Family, Floods of powerful Cosmic Tonal Rays continue to activate through bursts, blasts and "baths" of Ultra-High Frequency Photonic Light in order to ILLUMINATE all. These Cosmic Ray Codes and SOULar flare/CME activity intentionally change/alter/re-code Cellular... Read more
Intense by Design
To say these last few weeks have been intense is an understatement. Whether it was out there in the dualistic polarized world or within ourselves, there have been lots of intense emotions, perhaps physical, financial and relationship upheaval. Things are intense and getting more so.... Read more
Thrust - The 11:11 Gateway/Passageway
This has been a gateway of continual gateways opening constantly daily and building to this now, to continue to open more portals/gateways to build upon those... as this is how all works. The power of these energies are beyond. The Pure Divine Harmonizing frequencies that... Read more
Embodying NEW Earth Consciousness Fully and Living Pure Ligh…
Ascended NEW Earth Light Letter ☼ Quantum Universal HeartMind Energy Expansion Support ☼ Embodying NEW Earth Consciousness Fully and Living Pure Light ♥ Open your Heart/Mind/Energy fully to experience/feel/see/expand/Unify/shift ♥ Aloha Be-YOU-ti-FUL Soul-Star-Light BEings in form! Everyone is here to awaken to a whole new energetic world that exists way beyond the... Read more
Gaia Increases Releasing Frequency Bandwidths
Distorted Codes/Recordings/Data/Programming/Akashes... Our Earthly Physical Body forms link us up to Gaias LightBody-Grids/DNA/Templates and Nodes, our DNA Multi-Dimensional and holding all levels of Consciousnesses within... through an immense "purging/purification/reconfiguration" process, our cellular structures go through a continual re-writing process of "all new codes". Read more
While Photonic Light continues to flood our systems and planet daily... much occurs on a cellular and DNA level to awaken each's own higher states of Consciousness for transitioning our planet to an Ascended One. Ascended Earth = NEW Earth.... an Experience, not words of... Read more
I Got Kicked Out Of The Robert Crumb Appreciation Society
I got kicked out of the Robert Crumb Appreciation Society on FaceBook. I know, on my last post I wisely said to stop trying to change the world out there, because it doesn’t work, and besides there are as many truths as there are humans... Read more
The Past Is A Present For The Future
I know there’s still a very long to go, but since the Autumn Equinox I’ve felt and witnessed a strong upsurge of creative, innovative energy. So many new projects, organisations, collaborations, and community enterprises leaping into life. It’s not going to change things overnight... Read more
Multi-Dimensional NEW Earth LIGHT Letter
NEW EARTH = Beautiful, Soft, Living Visions and Dreams☼ NEW EARTH is Y/Our Experience when we live as our Pure Soul-Light ☼Anchoring more Pure Love within and RAYdiating out to Unite all as LOVE too! Aloha Be-YOU-ti-FUL Soul-Star-Light BEings in form! When I started my own... Read more
Polar Opposite-ville Land (Bizarre)
Planetary Electromagnetic Pole Flip/Reversal Process) + Part of October's Energy Update... I've spent all day observing these "bizarre" frequencies and energies and how nothing "matches up". This reminds me of 2012 when I went through this in my own reality/process/world for Physical body/Higher Self/Soul Union/Ascension... Read more
The "Mother" of all Gateways Preparing to Open Up …
- Ultra-High Frequency Photonic Light: Energies of Unpredicatability and 3 Month "Great Purge/Purification" Process Kicks-Off - While I've not yet completed/released the October Energy Focus/Overview/Report, it feels important to share for "opening up" fully in preparation to receive, upgrade, stabilize and integrate what I've been... Read more
New Gifted Quantum Plasma Crystalline LightBody Activation
Releasing Old Earth Gridding Systems from Our Entire Body Template A beyond important part of this entire process of anchoring, unlocking, accessing and holding NEW EARTH CONSCIOUSNESS/REALITIES in place is the complete releasing of all deeply anchored programs/programming held within our entire body structures and... Read more
Organic Morphogenic Field Technology
New Earth Visionaries Living Multi-Dimensional Consciousness and bringing Holographic Quantum REALities into ACTual Form... Quantum Materialization is an Organic Light Technology Ability... Quantum REALities open everything up for all. All new possibilities, All NEW "realities" that did not exist within the 3D Concept of what "reality"... Read more
Quantum Consciousness LightBody DNA Activation
Transcending the Survival Mode Level of Awakening Originally released in December 2019, this timeless activation continues to assist entire collectives fully embracing NEW EARTH CONSCIOUSNESS, as every time one utilizes, absorbs and merges these multi-dimensional "unlocking codes" to assist with facilitating and inner-shift, a shift... Read more
September - December 2020 Quantum Energy Focus
Releasing the Old Earth Gridding Systems from Our Body Templates and Fields These next several months are beyond important and relative to all of the next phases that come after this. Since everything is progressional, certain phases must be completed with our whole Body and Fields Templates and... Read more
Mid-Year Quantum Energy Update on Multi-Dimensional Awakenin…
Ascended NEW Earth Light Codes, Optical Illusions and Living Dreams... What's Next? ♥ Global/Cosmic/Universal/Multi-Dimensional/Quantum Re-Set Powerfully Underway♥ Increased Multi-System Dismantling for NEW Earth Systems to Replace♥ Every Reality is BEing RE-Worked, From the Inside Out Read more
A Month Long Lion's Gate Passageway of Portals & Light C…
"Heart of a Lion" and "Roar of Light", NEW Builder Codes,"The Lion Sleeps No More" and NEW Visibility Codes are just a few.... Lions-Gate Portals and Passageways While I post this on the actual 8/8, this is so much more than "one day". This Gateway/Passageway is... Read more
August Energy Update & Multi-Dimensional NEW Earth Light…
☼ When We Live As Light ☼ ♥ We can shift anything to a higher vibrational frequency ♥♫ Keep Living Your Love and Living Your Light ♫♦ Honor, Support and Respect Your Physical NEW Earth Lightbody fully ♦ Aloha Be-YOU-ti-FUL Soul-Star-Light BEings in form! Anchoring NEW Earth... Read more
This Planet Is An Incredible Playground
I Like Watching Those Documentaries Where There Is A Crime, Usually Murder, And Then The Police And Detectives Try To Solve It. I Find Real-Life Events Are Far More Intriguing Than Any Fabricated Drama. Family, friends, and associates of the victim are interviewed for the... Read more
There’s a Fine Line Between Psychosis and Enlightenment
Oh Good, You’re Here. The Title Didn’t Scare You Off, Or Turn You Off. Then Read On…..I’ll Start With A Less Frightening Comparison. A Dear Friend Showed Me A List Of PTSD And Negative Symptoms In Thinking And Mood. I Was Struck With How... Read more
An Unnatural State
Almost Every Human Feels Insufficient And Suffers From Doubt. No matter how much they may have accomplished or accumulated, there’s always something missing. Most of us throughout our life have felt that we kept missing the mark. Perhaps we weren’t ambitious enough. As a female, I... Read more
Multi-Dimensional NEW Earth Light Letter: Thank You for Your…
☼ Thank You for Your Service as Light ☼ ♥ It's BEyond Important for All ♥ Aloha Be-YOU-ti-FUL Soul-Star-Light BEings in form! I was observing what is important to say to you right now... and saw to thank each one of you and everyone for Living your Highest as Light, for... Read more
Patterns in the New Energy
Patterns, familiar ways of experiencing reality, have been deeply entrenched in the human over eons of time. In a seemingly uncertain world, patterns of behavior give us a sense of safety. Predictability is essential for our physical and mental health. Patterns that the Planet... Read more
May's Reality Shifting Quantum/Consciousness Codes Thus Far:…
Down the Rabbit Hole, Justice, Reverberation, Ancestral Clearings and more Aloha LOVE family, We have a LOT of POWERFUL Codes that have enumerated our cellular bodies/fields/planet this month.... continually increasing and changing the frequency/geometrics of all. It's important to realize that there are Cosmic Frequencies running all... Read more
May's Light Letter: Heavenly NEW Earth Consciousness & F…
♦ Taking Responsibility for yourself, your energy and what you create/allow...♦ Applying Unlocked NEW EARTH CODES♦ Re-Designing your whole life vibrationally aligned with these Aloha Be-YOU-ti-FUL Soul-Star-Light BEings in form! I transmit out love to accompany you through your every moment of consciously creating more new,... Read more
Embodied Enlightenment, Women, And Feeling Safe
On my walk the other day, I encountered a man who said hello, and indicated that he was interested in a conversation with me. In short order it became clear that he wanted to engage me in more than just conversation. He quickly confided that... Read more
The Body Is Awakening
Over time, the physical body has gone into its own type of slumber. It stopped many of its natural processes of clearing out excess toxins, and of self-healing. Until our awakening. Now that we are integrating our true energy body, our light body, the physical biology... Read more
The Breath of Life
The Coronavirus is highlighting the victim consciousness that is so deeply embedded in humanity. It’s bringing up tremendous fear. Feeling vulnerable and not having any control over one’s health and over one’s own life. Then they get angry at things outside themselves, like the government,... Read more
Diving Into The Deep World
I’ve been studying the four branches of the Mabinogi and other ancient Welsh texts in recent months, delving into the mythology to mine the nuggets of wisdom that, potentially, have been passed down from our ancestors for many thousands of years. Who knows? Maybe... Read more
Consciously Generating New Earth Quantum Codes
This is the TIME to RECREATE YOURSELF and YOUR ENTIRE REALITY too... In the image of _____________ (you fill it in with whatever is highest aligned for you).As your Soul/Higher Self/Purest Aspects of you.... Create anew, birth anew, bring forth/call forth anew and let the old... Read more
No Identity in The New Consciousness
For most of us growing up on this planet, our perspectives were shaped predominantly by our early years. Whatever gender we incarnated into, our thoughts and behaviors were profoundly affected by the collective attitudes toward those genders. As challenging as it has been as a... Read more
April Starts off With a Cosmic Bang!
DRAGONS, It's YOUR TIME + Builder Codes + Christed/Crystalline + NEW POWER STRUCTURE Codes and MORE! April's Energies promise/continue to be POWERFUL and STRONG. With continual "mega-blasts" of every LIGHT CODE POSSIBLE, everything is included in this "mix". A few days back we had massive electro-magnetic... Read more
Building More Unity by Overcoming these 5 Unity Myths
Originally published August 30, 2015, updated March 14, 2020 with coronavirus meditation information. There has not been a more important time in Earth’s history for humanity to learn how to come together. However, as the time for Unity becomes more critical, there are many myths... Read more
Coming To Our Senses: Sensuality Will Replace Emotions
As we move into our Mastery, we will identify less and less with human emotions. We will stop responding and reacting to life, and spend more and more time just being in our senses. We will experience life sensually, with all of our human... Read more
Your NEW Earth Experience/Life... THROUGH YOUR CONSTANTLY EVOLVING Physical LightBody/DNA...and Merged Unified Field of Expanded Quantum/Super Consciousness Your LightBody is the MOST IMPORTANT part of this entire process, as it's HOW you achieve all as PURE LIGHT. Your LightBody gives you access to all on a multi-dimensional level and... Read more
Multi-Dimensional NEW Earth Newsletter
☼ MASSIVE 2222/22222 POWER UPS AND NEW EARTH CODES♥ YOUR LIGHT is what makes a Difference here... ☼ Quantum Leap Month/Year Underway nowwwww♦ YOUR LIGHT is what makes a difference here...♫ February Gateway Complete(now we Quantum Leap into March's Powerful Passageway) Aloha Soul-Star-Light Family! We've been so... Read more
Coronavirus-Fear Of Pandemic, Or Pandemic Of Fear?
There are a few different perspectives on the Coronavirus, and we can only speculate at this point. But one thing is for sure, it’s a catalyst for change. It’s definitely a wake up call for portions of humanity who have been imbalanced, and stuck... Read more
Not Doing, Not Fixing. Just Allowing
Many are wondering why certain physical issues are not healing. Various methods and modalities are used, with little to no results. Those same methods may be working for others, so there’s a lot of frustration. Or things that may have worked in the past... Read more
Anger and Enlightenment - An Even Closer Look
I have written in length about anger in the ascension, embodied enlightenment process. But it seems many people are still experiencing various degrees of the emotion, and I wanted to bring more insight to the subject. Most of us by now understand that as we... Read more
Multi-Dimensional NEW Earth REALities
Physical LightBodies and Fields Always TUNING Whole Body/BEing/Everything to a Much Higher Frequency than Before... As Cosmic Frequencies continue to powerfully increase daily, in order to raise/bring all into much higher states of Consciousness than before, the importance of each coming to honor the many... Read more
Multi-Dimensional NEW Earth Newsletter Update: ♥ Supporting Complete Heart Expansion...♦ Heart and Mind Wide-Open...♫ Multi-Dimensional/NEW Earth Experiences and Living... Your Soul-Light-Body Requires an entire Shift in Priorities, as well as how/what you support/engage/allow within your own reality/Field of Consciousness... (The Ego Aspect does not like this part, so it's up to... Read more
Quantum Zero Point As A Reference Point
For Creation/Convergence/Inception/Conception/Materialization Through Experience/Form To Occur: Timeline Collapses/Convergences And "This Now"... We have a massive Cosmic Timeline Convergence underway..... Basically, everything from the last few months, all the frequencies/codes and clearings... all led up to "this now". We have Gateways opening yesterday and today, huge ones, shifting... Read more
Unleash The (Light) Genie Within
Moving On To Embrace And Live Multi-Dimensional/Quantum New Earth Realities Fully Here.... ♫ MULTI-DIMENSIONAL NEW EARTH: A WHOLE NEW WORLD ♫ Aloha BE-LOVED Soul-Star-Light Family, By now, there is every experience occurring, on every Quantum/Multi-Dimensional (Cosmic/Earthly plane) level, as a very important integral part of a much... Read more
No More Tolerating, Settling, and Compromising
Remember when we were little our guardians would guilt us into eating our spinach or our carrots by reminding us that there are starving children in the world? And, if we were complaining about a situation, a well-meaning friend would tell us they have... Read more
An Energetic Big Deal: Everything's Going On...
Collective Cosmic Re-Birthing of HUmanity in Progress: Planetary Consciousness Aloha Divine Star-Light Family, We've reached "that time" where the pavement meets the curb, where this is what shows what everyone is currently made of.... This is "that moment" collectively and all over our ENTIRE PLANET that what... Read more
Pennies and Calories: Follow The Joy, Or Follow The Fear
Two interesting things this morning at Starbucks. Small, but at the same time significant: my friend Cristina said she wanted me to help her make a decision….should she go to Target, or to the deli section at Publix (grocery store)….I asked, “why Target?” She... Read more
The Best Of Both Worlds
Or should I say, the best of all worlds. How are we loves, lights and all in-between. For several years now there’s been an intense enough energy that’s felt like excitement and that something is about to breakthrough as one year ends and the new starts. One could... Read more
2020 Quantum Energy Overview: Cosmic Alignment, Planetary Li…
Multi-Dimensional Realities replace Linear ones & Living an Ascended/Unified Multi-Dimensional NEW Earth Experience In December I wrote up a massive Energy Review for January & 2020, yet it never felt appropriate to finish it/put it out.... and then we rolled/flowed over into this "now", and... Read more
Self-Responsibility - Reading for 2020
Despite the challenges I think we all faced in 2019, I was fizzing with quietly excited optimism as I shuffled before drawing my card for 2020. I wasn’t disappointed when I turned over the Thoth Adjustment (Justice in Rider Waite decks). This is a major... Read more
Pure Presence and Deepening our Sacred Soul Experiences
Aloha Divine Light Family, Pure Presence allows for Unified Heart-Mind - Quantum Field coherence, expanded observation and deepened experiences. The RICHNESS and the fulfillment through PURE JOY is what we "receive" as we LIVE FULFILLMENT as our most benevolent, kind, loving and caring service lives... Read more
BE the Example through your ENERGY and Every ACT.... ♫
Aloha Love Family, The installation of 12D Templates have taken this entire year and we continue to honor the sacredness and importance of integration and completion cycles, while also pulling/holding/allowing much higher dimensional/vibrational holographics to fully anchor in through each one of us, in conjunction... Read more
What Can I Do to Progress Spiritually?
In the process of Ascension (raising one’s vibration), there is a moment where each individual comes face-to-face with the aspects that have been hiding within their deep subconscious memories. It is not easy to confront these aspects and to look at them honestly, for they originate in... Read more
Feeling Good
Feeling good 24/7 is not encouraged in this world. How could we possibly feel good when others are suffering. The homeless, war-torn countries, poverty, and disease are rampant. People are suffering emotionally. There is loneliness, heart break, despair. We may know people in our... Read more
What Exactly Does It Mean To Radiate Our Light?
You have probably heard the expression, ‘radiate your light.’ But what does that mean, exactly? And how is it different from walking around as a ‘regular’ human? First, everyone one the planet is radiating a certain amount of light, or of who they actually and naturally are.... Read more
11•11 Passageway: Cosmic Remembrance
Aloha beautiful Soul-Star-Light Family, Our Sacred Passageway now fully underway... so very much available for integrating, processing and activating/applying by each. I spent the entire morning (again) decoding and transcribing the immense data streams and Light Intelligence/Quantum Information as it became available, yet putting all of... Read more
You/ALL have the POWER WithIN You
Everything unlocks as you open your heart fully, open your mind fully, surrender your ego programming/mentalities/beliefs fully, relax your body fully until it can integrate/clear with great ease and clear your field, restructure your reality/priorities and choose which version of Earth you desire to... Read more
Clarion Call: The Return of the "Star People"
An etheric (Quantum) Cosmic Clarion Call has gone out to the "Star People" here on our planet ... occupying a physical form, yet here to support/usher in NEW HUMANITY through the fulfillment of certain roles. For the last few weeks, Earth-Star and Soul-Star Codes within... Read more
Ascension, Cults and Facing Reality
I love studying human psychology. What I have learned comes from observing others, and especially observing myself. And as I become more conscious, I realize that there are a myriad of realities. While each of us sees reality from our own unique perspective, we as... Read more
3 Month Quantum Energy Report: Gaia's Crystalline Grids …
We've begun a very important and intricate clearing, re-mapping and re-coding process in conjunction with Gaia and Cosmically that affects every living and breathing organism on this planet... To understand how our physical bodies link-up to everything through our bodies' DNA, templates and more, means... Read more
Gateways of Possibilities & Transitions Out of the Fixed…
Gateways of Possibilities Transitions Out of Fixed/Linear Ways Vibrational Alignment Letting Your Pure Heart Lead the Way Y/our Universal/Divine Heart Connection Opens up Access to your Divine Heart Intelligence and Portals of Possibilities that you'd otherwise not see/listen to/acknowledge/dismiss... Aloha BE-YOU-ti-FUL Divine Light Family, Energetic passageways open up all new... Read more
To thine own self be true
“Follow your bliss and the Universe will open doors for you where there were only walls.” – Joseph Campbell. This is my perfect life formula, according to my latest discovery. As you’ll have gathered by now, I’m eternally excited about learning, growing and evolving; I think... Read more
Don’t Drag The Patriarchy Into Enlightenment
Jesus wants us to know….. If you have spent some time here at soulsoothinsounds you’ll notice I bring up the patriarchy a lot. And it’s primarily to remind us that it hasn’t gone anywhere. That it’s still here, and it’s trying to maintain control on... Read more
Enlightenment - A Shock To The System
If you’re far enough along in your awakening you have discovered that wanting love, acceptance and acknowledgement from others has more to do with insecurity than anything else. You realize more and more that this awakening is about self-love and self-acceptance. And it is... Read more
New Solidarity Codes Received
For Activation, Integration and Application/Incorporation by Each As the foundation for 3D Levels of Consciousness Realities continue to collapse (for restructuring), the foundation for 5D+ becomes more and more solid the higher the dimensional timeline each embraces, holds, embodies and in-acts within their every now... Read more
12D Source Code Atomic LightBody & Field
I write when I accomplish/complete a phase/cycle/embodiment and can share the codes relative to this. This entire year (in addition to everything we do), has been dedicated to completing 12D Embodiment Templates in phases and stages (which is how all works for all). Yesterday... Read more
Pure Love Floods, Gushes Through Stargates and Gridding Syst…
Aloha beLOVEd Star-Light-Soul family, We are on day 3 of PURE pure pure frequencies... Universal Cosmic love so pure.... flooding forth and RAYdiating out through our Divine Essence, presence and breath... Allow yourself the brilliance, bliss, serenity, stillness and exquisiteness of experience.... Pure heart connection Such a stimulation... Read more
Autumn Equinox: What Happened?
There are nuances to energy shifts. Not everybody feels them in the same way Every major shift (such as solstices and equinoxes) resonates with one’s own particular state in one’s own particular journey. There is a purpose in each of them, however, that flows from one to the next,... Read more
September Newsletter & (Mini) Updates: Equinox Blessings
LIVING SOUL-FULL-filling REALities, Inspiration, Focus and Heart-Connected Everything...Aloha beautiful Star-Light BEing Family! Aloha BE-YOU-ti-FUL Divine Light Family, As always, Today I send/transmit out the most exquisite and beautiful frequencies of Pure Divine Love to all..... holding each of you and our beloved planet in my own... Read more
How Can We Remain Present in Our Day-to-Day Living?
To be present in your day-to-day life is as simple as being present with whatever is before you, moment to moment. It does not matter what you are present with. Just notice when you are day dreaming or drifting off into thought and then... Read more
It’s Time To ‘Woman Up’ And Trust The Feminine
We have all heard ad nauseum the expressions for being strong, like man-up. Take it like a man. Don’t be a girl. (I’m sparing you the really offensive words here.) They have been used by all genders. And most people laugh and shrug it off. But... Read more
Social Change, Enlightenment And Body Image Trends
Author’s note: I ran across this older post that I never published. So I updated it a bit, and here it is. Here in the United States, in the 50s And 60s, before women’s liberation, the female gender was encouraged to look like Jane Mansfield... Read more
Cosmic Harmonics: Ultra-High Frequency Photonic Symphonics
(WE/Gateways are Wide Open)... Full On Physical LightBody/Reality Upgrades Commences Up Up and Away...Higher and higher and higher we go....Off the charts Ultra High Frequency Cosmic Harmonics, Photonics and Symphonics....Gateways are Wide open and continuing to open wide.... Read more
Mid-August Newsletter & (Mini) Updates:
Increasing Plasma/Photonic Light + Additional Sharings Clarion Call for Embodiers Aloha BE-YOU-ti-FUL Light Family, We've passed through an immense Gateway (and entered a whole new one). Some may still may be feeling the affects of the massiveness of these increasing influxes of Plasma Energy and high Photonic... Read more
Multi-Dimensional Energy Focus
Self Care is Sacred as we move further into Quantum Acceleration, Increasing LightBody Upgrades and "Fast Tracking" Phases... It takes immense energy, focus, dedication, presence, honoring, and vibrational tuning to anchor and stabilize all of these frequencies, codes and entire templates for NEW EARTH/Heaven on... Read more
Understanding Consciousness And DNA In A Whole New Way
As Well As The Template(s) For Each's Multi-dimensional Experience When you start to truly see and understand DNA through Consciousness, you understand the IMPORTANCE of this.... Your DNA is completely relative to your consciousness, yet not in the "way" most would "think". Our DNA dictates the... Read more
Multi-Dimensional Energy Update
: Humanity's Humanity, Collective Shifts, Accelerating Photonic Light Influxes... I've remained offline much of the last couple of months (mostly FB), as I focus on the completion of these immense template integrations that we are "doing" every month this year as a priority for all... Read more
Artificial Intelligence, Nanotechnology and Enlightenment
There has been a lot of research in artificial intelligence. And, the operative word is artificial. Not real. Most people don’t know it but the human mind is also not real. And therefore intelligence is already artificial! There is intelligence, and there is knowledge. And there... Read more
Spontaneous Consciousness Expansion Evolves into Full Consci…
Embodiment AS All Live Their Highest States of Original Pure Source Consciousness Here COSMIC BALANCE IS BEING RESTORED This starts with spontaneous expansion or intentional expansion and evolves into full expansion... The reason all can't at first maintain and sustain is due to many things.... Read more
12D Update: 144 Divine Sacred Quantum Multi-Dimensional Temp…
For now, I'm posting a "simple" update ... just for those who work/fulfill roles as conscious gatekeepers/gridkeepers here. The other updates are wayyyyyyy more in-depth, and frankly, just wayyyyyyy too much energy to sit and type up the depth and intricacies of all. Because... Read more
The Mind Defends Itself And Wins - A Hollow Victory
A good lawyer is one who defends their client, regardless of their innocence or guilt. Here in the United States, it is their client’s right to have a fair and speedy trial before 12 of their peers. The human mind is such a lawyer. The... Read more
Art and Soul - The Piece de Resistance
A really great example of how the heart, mind and soul work together in harmony and balance is with creativity. Whether it’s art, music, writing, photography, cinematography, or any of a myriad of art forms. It gives our soul the greatest pleasure to express itself... Read more
Who Has The Last Word In Your Life?
Have you ever had a relationship with someone who always gets in the last word? They always want to have that control of the conversation. But it’s not uplifting from your perspective. You say something like, “I look forward to going to the ocean..” And they... Read more
Powerful Solstice Gateways Underway
(Mid-Month Update) NEW Energetic Foundations, Systems and StructuresCollective Ascension Accelerates\Everyday is Infinite Gateways of Possibilities & POTENTials! Multi-Dimensional Collective Ascension TimelineAcceleration and Transformation Collective Unity Consciousness Re-Birth & Living A-NEW Aloha Heart Expanding NEW Earth Anchor Points & Grid Lights! The whole month of June, the Aladdin Song "A... Read more
Working With Your Inner Father Archetype
The inner father archetype affects how you express the masculine aspect of your nature in your life, whether you’re male or female, and it’s heavily shaped both by your relationship with your human father (or lack of it) and how you’ve learned to relate... Read more
NEW Earth Was WITHIN YOU All Along
NEW Earth Was WithIN You ALL along.... Deep beneath all that was not... Deep beneath all of the fixed, rigid and limiting conditioning/beliefs... Deep beneath all of the stories of less and lack.... Created out of a place of SEPARATION and disconnect deeeeeeeeep within.... Deep deep deep into the... Read more
This Planet Is Blessed By Our Presence
If guaranteed success was our only criteria for trying things in life we would never do anything. The whole win-lose, success-failure thing really puts a lot of unnecessary pressure on humans. There are too many folks who won’t give themselves permission to create stuff…..whether it’s... Read more
Quantum Photonic Light Energy Lives, Breathes, Communicates
Current Cosmic Energy Update High high high photonic activity ♫ ... we are preparing for more gateways to open up.... while activating/anchoring immense "new" coding... these are "happy magical" frequencies thus far. ♥InJOY!!! ♥Massive crystalline influx as well........ ♦ Read more
With Your LightBody, You have to Choose where to "put…
It's nothing like "before".... You all know me, I change words to a multi-dimensional (vibrational) understanding, instead of a linear one. This article I break down a bit more of "how" your LightBody (SoulBody/Photonic Light integrated into your form) works..... There's so many "pieces and... Read more
Various Levels of Akash Dictate Your Experience Here
Did You Know that Your Every Thought, Breath and Act are Vibrationally "Recorded"? The human perception of akash and Source Consciousness awareness of Akash are very different perceptions... as there is an entire ego-matrix program that was created around this (and all). Are you aware that... Read more
Pure Heart Connection
Pure Heart connection is felt and very obvious when present (or not). The disconnect is with the ego thinking mind (heart closed/protection mode). Moving back to higher states means opening completely up to Feel fully, then learning how to discern/tell what is pure/highest aligned... Read more
Our Freedom Requires Us To Close The Old Book
Those of us who are deep in the throes of our Embodied enlightenment, who have given permission to integrate our human and our divine self…..we haven’t entered a new chapter in our lives. We have begun an entirely new book. Sometimes I lose sight of... Read more
Working With Your Inner Guide Archetype
This is the inner archetype I’m probably asked about most often by clients, primarily because many are uncertain of how to access it or trust it. We’re so conditioned to look outside ourselves for answers that we’ve forgotten about the ultimate guidance system that’s... Read more
Current Energies with Powerful Gateways
More Cosmic & Universal ONENESS Codes, Template re-writes underway.... as we shift over to new timelines Today's 1/2 a portal visible, last night's breathtaking sunset, a beautiful Venusian flower gifted from a local event and beautiful exchanges too. HUGE template rewrites and grid reworking powerfully... Read more
The shadow twin of courage
What I’m learning more and more along the spiritual path is that nothing exists, or indeed can exist, in isolation; everything has its complement. So when you open to something intentionally, you need to be aware that you’re also inviting in something else that... Read more
Euphoric now
Oh as I look over weeks of notes… For now, this is what I’ll share. There is something… many things about adrenalin, adrenal fatigue… and the spiritual journey. And how this can/may unfold/change over years/decades (in 3D/5D/during ascending-embodiment). There’s also something to barometric/atmospheric pressure and our... Read more
Energy Updates: Staying Present, Staying Connected, Focused
& Letting ALL GO to Just BEEVERYTHING will come forth from hereSimplicity is a state of higher consciousness Aloha New Earth Light Family, NEW Earth is birthed anew from within each one of us... in the silence, in the peace and through Pure Presence. It's all... Read more
New Earth Re-Incarnation: Rebirthing Through Your Current Ph…
(and all the Density/Linearity it still holds) NEW Earth is birthed anew from within each one of us... in the silence, in the peace and through Pure Presence. It's all of those creative and inspirational ideas.... combined with our skills and natural abilities, which are... Read more
The Fall of Unconsciousness and the Rising/Returning to Full…
(Within Each and As a Collective) Along this journey, we use a lot of different words to describe various phases of this massive EVOLUTION OF HUMANITY process we are powerfully in. The words we use are to describe and explain a much bigger picture of... Read more
3D/4D: Massive Purification
Cleanse / Sifting / Shifting Processes - 5D+: Roles Shifting: New "Callings/Assignments" Stargates/Gateways have been opening/going wide open (today) for the last 2 days... we started with a mega-blast of Christed Light Codes/Purity Codes/Diamond Light Codes/2222 Higher Consciousness hUmaNITY Codes for the period of a... Read more
More About April's Energy: Part 2 (Love is in the Air)
+ Photonic LightBody DNA Upgrades/Integration/Clearing Processes Aloha Love Family, LOVE IS IN THE AIR ♥ I'm really excited to share this with you, because of the ENERGY COLLECTIVELY as more awaken and move into their own next phase of Ascension/Higher Consciousness for their own REMEMBERING processes here. Read more
April's Energy Report/Overview: A Focus on Y/Our Electro-Mag…
Are you ready? April's going to be a POWERFUL MONTH! (Yes, I'm doing linear here). There's a whole lot of EXCITEMENT in the/our electro-magnetic atmosphere! What have you CREATED and Consciously "sent out" into the world/dimensions/ethers... to create a VIBRATIONAL RETURN to MATERIALIZE here for... Read more
Awakening: Shaking (and Dismantling) the Foundations for You…
in Order for NEW ONES to Take Their Place (Ascension/Soul Embodiment/Highest Dimensional NEW Earth) - Going Up! We are deep in the middle of MASS/COLLECTIVE/GREAT AWAKENINGS, which has been long awaited .... This is an IMPORTANT PART of the Overall Process, of shifting HUMANITY to... Read more
We Have Yet To Realize Our True Potential
Yup!! And really that is all I have to remind on that topic. As often… we are moving along to a variety of other energies/topics. Yet please do seek within/meditate and then again since even after years of the journey, we have little to no clue A never... Read more
March's Quantum Energy Report Update/Overview
+ Increasing Acceleration + Powerful Equinox Passageway We are In Increased Acceleration of each'sCosmic (Love) Consciousness Photonic DNA Codes held within Aloha Love Family, There are sooooooooooooooooo many ways to come into awaken out of the old illusions in order to come into consciousness and more consciousness and... Read more
The Divine Feminine is Shaking Things Up
There is a worldwide penchant for authoritarianism during this historical time on the planet. As the Divine Feminine is more present than ever before, there is a sweeping response from the patriarchy. They sense something is changing, and they are afraid. They are... Read more
Cosmic Weather Update: Complete Turmoil And Chaos Coming
for 3D/4D (Levels of Consciousness) Realities.... A Cosmic Storm a-brews/is underway ..... deep emotions, deep fears, deep everything surfacing to observe, embrace, no-longer believe/fear..... to fully clear from the physical body vessel, so that more Light (Love) can "fill that space".............. A massive upheaval of anything... Read more
The/Your Purest Form Of Love
There is THIS LOVE sooooooo soooooooooooo soooooooooooooooooooooo deep deeeeeeeeeep deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep INSIDE of you.... it is the PURITY OF YOUR OWN SOUL. This LOVE holds no boundaries and transcends all things "human" here. This LOVE IS YOU, from the DEPTHS OF THE CORE OF YOUR... Read more
Breaking Away
(and out of old programs/timelines/realities)..... LIVING YOUR NEW FULLY.... ATOMIC SPIN RATES.... These "new" frequency bandwidths and the 12D template... it's interesting to "observe" it as it "works".... soooooooo VAST and yet, soooooooooooooooooooooo SIMPLE.... PURE DNA HARMONY..... a MASSIVE AMPLIFICATION OF THE 5D template, yet... Read more
The Self-Help Mentality and the New Consciousness
Enlightenment. It’s hard. It tears your life apart. Most of the Ascended Masters of the past left this planet pretty soon after their enlightenment. Sticking around wasn’t a real option because they hadn’t prepared themselves or their bodies to make it practical. Those of... Read more
Living Your Divinity - Living Your Magic
Clearing out and breaking through your own Programming Honoring Your LightBody DNA EvolutionRemembering WHY WE Are HERE FREE WILL IS WHAT YOU CHOOSE TO BELIEVE & LIVE AS YOUR REALITYFREE WILL is available (REALity) through Full ConsciousnessAre you EXERCISING YOURS FULLY TOO? Read more
Healing With Inner Archetypes
I recently watched an interesting film called Split about a man with dissociative identity disorder, brilliantly played by James McAvoy. It showed how emotional and physical trauma can cause aspects of the psyche to split off into independent identities, all of them displaying unique... Read more
As Entire Collectives Shift
...from their human heart to their Higher Heart, Clearing their own human akash and moving into Oneness as each's "New Way" and "Place" to Live from.... (LightBody DNA) The human heart vs. each's Higher Heart (Thymus Region).... the amount of physical density around and within... Read more
Multi-Dimensional Existences: Do You Actually Fully Comprehe…
Something I've been observing/noticing as we continue this journey of awakening every aspect of ourselves/lives/realities..... and anchoring/holding/creating/building/BEing/Living our Heaven on Earth/NEW Earth everything here... is comprehension of what each speaks, comprehension of what each is doing, comprehension of what each is actually allowing, participating... Read more
What Exciting Energies WE've Moved Into
12D Template Info, A Little Bit of 2019, New Unity Template, NEW Everything! Energy Update: Pure Divine Harmonics Create, create create... inspire inspire inspire, play play play, explore and inJOY the beauty of each exchange, the opportUNITY to share light, to be light .... to... Read more
Functioning From The Depth Of The Core Of Your Divine Sacred…
This place, this space, the depth of the CORE OF OUR EVERY EVERYTHING.... without the old human programming, mindsets, mentalities, beliefs.... This place, this space, this pure Divine Essence Light.... emanates from our every cell and through our conscious breath ... the PURE LOVE that... Read more
Surreal... Pure Peace... Pure Inner-Freedom....
Soft.... Kind... Loving.... Your Presence.... Deeply Connected.... Uniting/unity/love Consciousness There are no words to describe the REALity of this/our 12D Template (Experience) that harmonizes and aligns our physical body grids/templates/DNA at a much higher frequency than ever before. What this offers to each is relative to... Read more
Your DNA is Evolving/Changing, Your Genetics, Your Entire Ph…
in order to Evolve Your Whole Physical REALity... In observing, it's been interesting to observe mindsets, about everything... most of all how most still do not understand higher consciousness, or the LightBody and how DNA is evolving, and how all correlates still..... So many still living... Read more
NEW Avatar Consciousness Quantum LightBody DNA Activations
Updates & Upcoming Events Aloha Divine Light Family, Wowwwww at how high and LIGHT these frequencies are. Sooooo supportive of all NEW.... SOOOOOOO SUPPORTIVE to assist each with shifting out of any old and into more heart-based, heart-conscious, heart-connected realities here. These frequencies.... so pure, so beautiful,... Read more
NEW Avatar Consciousness Quantum LightBody DNA Clearing Acti…
3D Prison Incarceration - Avatar Consciousness LightBody DNA - Cosmic Akash Karmic Clearing Activation EXITING 3D PRISON EARTH - Cosmic Remembrance (Disclosure) A 12D Activation Story to Awaken Fully Now3D Incarnation = Incarceration = QuarantineClearing Cosmic Karmic Debt/Akash (various levels of this occur over each... Read more
12D Template Update (Part 2)
A Flood of Higher Consciousness Codes Access to REMEMBRANCE Like Never BEforeVibrational Existences "Unleashed"/Released Aloha Divine Light Family, These SOULar/Star/Stellar Light Codes are to accelerate the AWAKENING and EVOLUTION of our HUmaNITY.... This flood is through your bodies..... breathe all through you and out.... keep breathing all through... Read more
Good Vibes, The Law Of Attraction, And Ascension
It’s no big surprise that we attract things to us according to our frequency, or some call it vibration. Even neuroscientists have researched and concluded that like attracts like when it comes to our vibrational frequencies. So, it stands to reason, the higher our frequencies,... Read more
Light Keepers, Gridkeepers, Gatekeepers, Frequency Holders
Bridgers, Stabilizers And Anchor Points (and More).... You/We have been "working" in-service (forever) to anchor these immense light codes here, to hold them and to distribute them, how is most appropriate and aligned on a Galactic Soul Level for us all....... For many, you feel challenged,... Read more
12D Harmonic Re-Alignment Processes Accelerate
Pay Attention (Observe) Take care in the story lines you are playing out.... these show you your mentality and the programs you are carrying out, subscribing too and still holding programming for within you. Clear your body's density of the separation... by observing when you... Read more
Collective Magical Portal Wide Open for All
Gateways have been opening last few hours... getting stronger.... ☼ Massive Cosmic Rays increasing (radiation on a cellular level).... produced by way of photonic activity, plasma energies, atomic codes and all kinds of "re" everything going on...... ☼ Read more
Magic is just ONE Natural Part of Our Multi-Dimensional Expe…
Magic. Such a simple and overused word..... yet, magic is exactly that.... a feeling and experience of our Multi-Dimensional Experience/Existence here..... Magic emanates from within. Magic is a KNOWING that we hold, it's a sparkly, tingly, excitement... an ENERGY that we reconnect with from deep... Read more
December's Energy Update/Report/Overview
12D Divine Template -Re-Calibration, Re-Coding, Re-Alignment Processes Increase Divine TimingDivine FlowDivine Presence and ExistenceDivine Sacred Union with/as the entire Universe/Cosmos Each's DEEP Sacred Connection, through purity, through simplicity, through pure peace... Read more
Higher Consciousness is NEW Real-izations
Applying this NEW KNOWLEDGE to how you live your life here..... What are YOU vibrationally aligning YOURSELF to? Do you really really really, really really really, really really really SEE and fully UNDERSTAND from deep WITHIN YOU as to what you are constantly vibrationally aligning... Read more
Telepathy Replaces Spoken Word Communication
Reading & Responding to a Transmitting Vibrational Energetic Quantum Field of Consciousness (or Unconsciousness) It's been interesting all of these years, observing the evolution of our experiences, as we BEcome the Unified Field of Super Consciousness here. How we communicate and exist is very different.... Read more
Checking Our Spiritual Pulse
This journey for me has become about sharing… yet for some time there’s also the balance. At times we live our truth through connecting, serving and being with others and then other times, we need to only be with self. So one may feel this great call home/inward. ... Read more
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Pisces Mythology
The Mythology of Pisces By most accounts, the mythology of Pisces follows a... Read more
The Ash Tree - February 18 - March 17
Celtic Symbol : The Trident Or Sea - Horse Zodiac Degrees : 28º00` Aquarius... Read more
Spirit of Gray Wolf
Spirit of Gray Wolf Role: The Teacher Lesson: Adaptation to Change Elemen... Read more
How to Use a Pendulum
Pendulums are one of the easiest and quickest ways to perform divination. Pe... Read more
Ostara: Spring Equinox Secrets Revealed!
Celebrated on the Spring Equinox, around March 20-21 each year. Ostara is a... Read more
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Sun in Pisces
Sun in Pisces February 22 through March 20 An Overview of Sun Sign Characte... Read more
Wolf Medicine
Wolf is the pathfinder, the forerunner of new ideas who returns to the clan ... Read more