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Sweet Violet

Sweet Violet

Sweet Violet

Faithfulness and modesty. “I will always be true to you.”
Helps you connect with the ancient power of love

Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Powers: Protection, Luck, Love, Lust, Wishes, Peace, Healing

Violet Magic

When the flowers are carried they offer protection against
“wykked sperytis” and bring changes in luck and fortune

Mixed with lavender, they are a powerful love stimulant and also arouse lust

If you gather the first violet of spring your dearest wish will be granted

Violets fashioned into a wreath or garland and placed on the head cure headaches
and dizziness, and the leaves worn in a green sachet
help wounds to heal and prevent evil spirits from making the wounds worse.

A Necklace made from violets prevents drunkenness and ensures you hear only the truth.

Medicine Wheel Association: The Harvest Moon - August 23 to September 22

Botanical Name:Viola odorata
Family: N.O. Violaceae
Medicinal Parts: Flowers and leaves dried, and whole plant fresh.
Bodily Influence: Anti-inflammatory, calming, tonic


There are more than 500 species of violets worldwide, including more than 60 in North America. The sweet-scented violet appears at the end of February and has finished blooming by the end of April. The leaves are heart-shaped and slightly downy. The flower-stalks arise from the axils of the leaves and bear single flowers. The flowers are generally deep purple, but some varieties are lilac, pale rose-coloured or white. Violets have five petals and the spur, formed by the two side petals, points upward. 

Constituents: The chief chemical constituents of the flowers are the odorous principle and the blue colouring matter, which may be extracted from the petals by infusion with water. A glucoside, Viola-quercitin, is also a constituent found throughout the plant and especially in the rhizome.Salicylic acid has also been obtained from the plant.


  • The glucosidal principles contained in the leaves appear to have distinct antiseptic properties.
  • Preparations of fresh Violet leaves have been used both internally and externally in the treatment of cancer. It is stated that Violet leaves have been used with benefit to allay the pain in cancerous growths, especially in the throat, which no other treatment relieved, and several reputed cures have been recorded.
  • An infusion of the leaves in boiling water (1 in 5) has been administered in doses of 1 to 2 fluid ounces. A syrup of the petals and a liquid extract of the fresh leaves are also used, the latter taken in teaspoonful doses, or rubbed in locally.
  • The fresh leaves are also prepared as a compress for local application.


Violet Infusion: The infusion is generally drunk cold and is made as follows: Take 2 1/2 ounces of Violet leaves, freshly picked. Wash them clean in cold water and place them in a stone jar and pour over them 1 pint of boiling water. Tie the jar down and let it stand for twelve hours, till the water is green. Then strain off the liquid into a well-stoppered bottle and the tea is ready for drinking cold at intervals of every two hours during the day, taking a wineglassful at a time till the whole has been consumed each day. It is essential that the tea be made fresh every day and kept in a cool place to prevent it turning sour. If any should be left over it should be thrown away.As a cure for cancer of the tongue, it is recommended to drink half this quantity daily at intervals and apply the rest in hot applications of the warm liquid on the surface of the tongue.

Hot Compress: For external use, dip a piece of cotton cloth into the warm infusion, made the same strength as the tea. Wrap the cloth around or over the affected part and cover with an oilskin or waterproof cover. Change the cloth when dry or cold. Use flannel, not oilskin, for open wounds. If the wet compress causes undue irritation of the skin, remove at once and substitute the following compress or poultice: Chop some fresh-gathered young Violet leaves, without stems, and cover with boiling water. Stand in a warm place for a quarter of an hour and add a little crushed linseed.

Concentrated Preparation: Put as many Violet leaves in a saucepan as can boil in the water. Boil for 1/2 hour, then strain, squeezing tightly. Evaporate this decoction to one-fourth its bulk and add alcohol (spirits of wine 1 in 15); 1 1/2 ounces or 3 tablespoons of spirits of wine will keep 24 ounces for a month. This syrupy product is stated to be extremely efficacious, applied two or three times a day, or more, on cotton-wool about the throat.For lubricating the throat, dry and powder Violet leaves and let them stand in olive oil for six hours in a water bath. Make strong. It will keep any time.

Violet Ointment: This is an old-fashioned Herbal remedy: Place 2 ounces of the best lard in a jar in the oven till it becomes quite clear. Then add about thirty-six fresh Violet leaves. Stew them in the lard for an hour till the leaves are the consistency of cooked cabbage. Strain and when cold put into a covered pot for use. It is good as an application for superficial nodules or swelling in the glands of the neck, along with drinking Violet Leaves Tea.


  • The crystallized flowers were used as an expectorant for the treatment of tuberculosis.
  • An infusion of the flowers is employed, as a substitute for litmus, as a test of acids and alkalis.
  • They are an old popular remedy for bruises.
  • It has been used for ague, headaches, sore throats, epilepsy, inflammation of the eyes, sleeplessness, pleurisy, jaundice and inflamed tonsils.
  • Fresh violet flowers possess slightly laxative properties and they are added into salads.

The best form of administration is the Syrup of Violets. Syrup of Violets: The Syrup can be made as follows: To 1 lb. of Sweet Violet flowers freshly picked, add 2 1/2 pints of boiling water, infuse these for twenty-four hours in a glazed china vessel, then pour off the liquid and strain it gently through muslin; afterward add double its weight of the finest loaf sugar and make it into a syrup, but without letting it boil.

  • It may be given as a laxative to infants in doses of 1/2 to 1 teaspoonful, or more, with an equal volume of almond oil.
  • Syrup of Violets is also employed as a laxative, and as a colouring agent and flavouring in other neutral or acid medicines.

Whole Fresh Plant:

A modern homoeopathic medicinal tincture is made from the whole fresh plant, with proof spirit, and is considered useful for a spasmodic cough with hard breathing, and also for rheumatism of the wrists.

Propagation: A remarkable botanical curiosity in the structure of the Violet is that it produces flowers both in the spring and in autumn, but the flowers are different. In spring they are fully formed and sweet-scented, but they are mostly barren and produce no seed. In autumn, the flowers they are very small and insignificant, with no petals and no scent, and produce an abundance of seed.The Violet also propagates itself by throwing out runners from the main plant each summer after flowering, and these in turn send out roots and become new plants.

More on Violets:

  • Some butterflies feed entirely on Violet, and the stem of the plant is often swelled and spongy in appearance, due to insects, whose eggs were deposited on the stalk during the preceding summer.
  • Violets have been associated with love, attracting helpful and loving spiritual beings and pulling in powerful healing vibrations.
  • Sensitivity is the theme of the violet family. People who choose violets are seeking psychic healing and protection. They often need help in standing up and asserting themselves.
  • Dreaming of violets is a sign that you are about to progress in an important area in your life. This means your circumstances will improve. It is an indication that planning and hard work are starting to pay off. Violets are also a sign of affection.
  • Violets generate the energy of steadfastness. If you want your spiritual practices to bear fruit, you must be consistent, so surround yourself with violets to remind you to be true to yourself and follow through on all of your commitment.

The Flower’s Message:

Sensibility: A high sensitivity lives in me. It is time to trust the warmth of others so my beautiful Soul nature can be shared with the world.


The Violet in Mythology and History:

  • An ancient Greek myth tells of the death of Attis, who was killed while out hunting. Violets grew where his blood fell.
  • The Greeks associated the violet with Io, who was one of many human women loved by Zeus.
  • The ancient Romans wore violets, believing they prevented drunkenness.
  • A wine made from the flowers of the Sweet Violet was much used by the Romans.
  • They were used by the Athenians "to moderate anger," to procure sleep and "to comfort and strengthen the heart."
  • In a Celtic poem, violets are recommended to be used steeped in goats' milk to increase female beauty.
  • In Christianity, the violet has come to symbolize modesty and humility.
  • Napoleon loved violets, and he used them to give hope to his followers. When he was exiled to Elba, he told his supporters that like the violets return each spring, he too would return. His followers used the violet as their symbol, and Napoleon was affectionately known as “Caporal Violette” and the Violet was adopted as the emblem of the Imperial Napoleonic party.
  • Violets, like Primroses, have been associated with death, especially with the death of the young.

Bach Flower Remedy:

Water violet (Hottonia palustris)

Keywords: Proud and aloof

Helps those who possess wisdom, yet through pride and superior feelings are distanced from others. This remedy is for people who are reliable, reserved, and cautious but find it hard to express their emotions. This remedy helps them become more involved in their lives.

Caution: Can lead to withdrawal.

Violet Plant

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