Architects of Destiny
Spiritual Guide & Multidimensional Psychic
Aeron Lazar is a Multi-dimensional Psychic, an Akashic Record Expert, a Channel to Galactic Light Beings, an Energy Worker or to sum it all up: a Modern-Day Wizard!
Aeron works with consciousness and invisible energy to help his clients unlock the full flow of abundance, vitality, love and creativity that translates into immediate, profound shifts in their physical reality. He also teaches his students how to do what he does.
Aeron Lazar’s mission is to unlock your divine potential by liberating the flow of your energy and guiding you back to your full sovereignty. In practice, it means that underneath his wizard cape he wears a Sherlock Holmes deerstalker hat and plays the role of an energetic detective. In his legendary indvidual Akashic Clearance and Energetic Rewire sessions, Aeron looks at challenges, obstacles and problems displaying in your reality and traces them back to their very root by uncovering energetic, childhood, ancestral as well as past-life karmic patterns.
Once he has identified those energetic programmes that no longer serve you, he banishes them once and for all. Aeron does so by partnering up with your Akashic Records, your personal energy field, karmic field and ancestral field.
Aeron Lazar’s work is complex, thorough and utterly transformative, but his methodology is simple and 100% channelled in from the Quantum Field, his Higher Self and his Galactic Guides.
Aeron Lazar knows the Akashic Realm like the back of his hand as he spends most days working with clients’ Akashic Records. Helping his students discover the Akashic Realm and learn to work with the Records is one of Aeron’s greatest passions and the very reason he has created the Akashic Records Course.
Aeron Lazar also uses his psychic abilities to channel energy and information from Galactic Beings of Light from higher dimensions such as the Arcturians, the Sirians, the Pleiadians, the Orions, the Lyrans, the Andromedans and the Galactic Federation. You can find Aeron’s latest channelled messages here. And if you are interested in learning how to channel yourself, check out Aeron’s flagship Course, Quantum Deep Dive, which teaches you step by step how to connect with Light Beings to receive guidance and information as well as work with their energy.
Aeron Lazar - Spiritual Guide
Akashic Records: Everything You Need to Know
The Akashic Records refer to a library or a record of everything that your soul has been through since it was created. This includes everything from good to bad and everything in between, which means that all the experiences of your soul, including your past... Read more
Anchoring 5D Frequency Into The Earth: How To Navigate The 3…
I was standing on a bridge, looking out at a sea of stars, planets, and galaxies. Catching my point of attention was this beautiful planet of the bluest blues, lush greens, and clear, fluffy white clouds. For a moment, I did not realize that... Read more
Starseed Energy Update - October 2022
Starseed Energy Update – October 2022 Exciting Galactic New Alert! In this session, aside from sharing the special updates from the Galactic Federation, we are also channeling both messages and energetic upgrades from various Galactic Light Beings: The Sirians, Lyran Avians, Lyran Felines, and... Read more
The Sirians: Your Planet Is Blooming Like A Flower
We can, through our technologies, sense frequency changes within your planet. We sense much tension, we sense much stress, and we sense the amplification of lower density vibrational signatures on your planet perpetuated by the control grids. Read more
Spirit Animal Totem Of The Day!
Crystal Of The Day!
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Aeron Lazar - Spiritual Guide
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