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Anchoring 5D Frequency Into The Earth: How To Navigate The 3D To 5D Transition?

Anchoring 5D Frequency Into The Earth: How To Navigate The 3D To 5D Transition?

I was standing on a bridge, looking out at a sea of stars, planets, and galaxies. Catching my point of attention was this beautiful planet of the bluest blues, lush greens, and clear, fluffy white clouds. For a moment, I did not realize that I was looking at our planet Earth. This was Earth like never before photographed or depicted in movies.

This was Earth, surrounded by an incandescent white glow, which emanated to a far-off distance into space. It was Earth in its most majestic and magnificent form. It was Earth in 5D form. The New Earth.

This vision was shown to me by the Galactic Federation and the Arcturian Council of Elders – a sneak preview of what’s to come for us and our planet, as I was standing on the bridge of the Galactic Federation Ship. I admit I was too stunned to speak, and my mind was reeling about how this beautiful, dream-like version of Earth could come into reality?

Well, it wasn’t long until Galactic Light Beings affirmed to me that this version of the Earth is definitely coming. An inevitable transformation is afoot, and we are at the precipice.

What is the New Earth and 5D?

The “New Earth” is our planet existing on higher frequencies of love, peace, unity, gratitude, and selflessness – the frequencies of the fifth dimensional realm. The New Earth is where the heavy, dense energies of greed, division, selfishness, pride, and ego (all earmarks of the 3D realm, the one we’re living in now) do not exist. It’s Earth without the borderlines, politics, religion, social standing, and other factors that heavily divide us as one, beautiful race.

How Can We Move from 3D Earth to 5D Earth?

While our planet’s consciousness is definitely going to ascend and expand into 5D (and in fact, we’re already transitioning now), the process has a lot to do with how we are collectively and individually “awakening” and how fast this is going.

Being awakened means taking all your sovereign power back, and not allowing the control grids of the 3D Earth to dictate your life. Put simply, it’s being able to think independently for yourself, and see the Earth as it really is right now – a planet being controlled by a select few who are determined to keep all of us docile, enslaved, miserable and/or poor.

For as long as we keep playing into these gridworks instead of beginning to question the systems that are oppressing us, then our transition from 3D to 5D will be a long, and arduous process.

This is why it’s important to actively evolve, and develop our spiritual relationship with ourselves, healing our traumas, letting go of harmful ancestral patterns and just generally doing the shadow work.

How To Anchor 5D Frequencies and Contribute to the New Earth

For us to be in line with our higher, 5D self, our lower self that’s anchored into third dimensional consciousness needs to be dismantled. In order for the shift to take place, there needs to be what I call a “chrysalis of change.”

A chrysalis is a moth or butterfly at the early stage of its development – enclosed in a hard case. This is the Earth now – enclosed in a case, controlled, and far from free.

For the beautiful butterfly to emerge, we must work together to change the way we think and shed the systems that work no more. If all of us individually work on putting our energetic house in order, it will translate into our family, community, and the general population, which in turn, elevates the planet’s collective consciousness and frequency and therefore, help us move from the old 3D ways to the 5D. By working on our trauma and pride and ego, we are anchoring in the frequencies of the 5D New Earth.

There are modalities and tools we can use, to speed up the process. To start with, however, it’s important to go inward and identify what aspects of ourselves and our lives that are keeping us from being in alignment with our true resonance, our real essence.

For example, a lot of times, we already have an idea of how we’re supposed to contribute to our planet’s consciousness expansion from the things that bring us joy. Like, if you’ve had a singing talent since childhood, then most probably, you’re meant to contribute to the New Earth by providing inspiration and encouraging others to foster their creative spark. Anything that fills your heart with joy, keeps you in flow and ease, and that makes your soul soar, is what you’re supposed to do to elevate the planet’s consciousness.

Things that bring us joy and open our eyes to love and beauty are the dominant frequencies of the 5D world, which is why it’s important to keep doing them because the more we do it, the more we “harness” the energies of the New Earth.

Again, this is just how you can start expanding your consciousness and contributing to this transition. If you want to know more about consciousness expansion, 5D transition, and all other aspects of spirituality, I invite you to a free live channeled transmission with the Galactic Federation entitled “Embodying 5D Frequency” on 12 December!  https://aeronlazar.com/anchoring-5d-frequency/

Aeron Lazar

Aeron Lazar, a spiritual guide with full-fledged psychic abilities is an energy worker and an Akashic Records Expert. Aeron Lazar assists his clients' Akashic Records in removing past-life karma, release trauma, and letting go of barriers, limits, curses, bindings, seals, and other spiritual influences.

Aeron assists individuals from all areas of life in realizing their divine potential, gaining access to higher planes of awareness, discovering their global mission, and easily attracting their soul's truest desires.

Find out more about Aeron's work here

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