Mystica: Senses - Intuitive Connections
Eclipse Rituals: Power Up Your Intentions with These Must-Tr…
I believe wholeheartedly in the power of rituals during an eclipse, and here’s why—even though some people disagree, I’ve seen firsthand how this supercharged cosmic event can unlock incredible opportunities for manifestation and rapid transformation. Read more
The Spiritual Quest: How to Find Your True Life Path
You feel lost in life. You're sick of your job, your relationships are average at best, your friendships are dull and empty, you feel dead inside and have lost the will to live… If these statements sound familiar, you may be going through an increasingly common... Read more
Akasha's Pleiadian Guidance: Embracing Healing in the Higher…
Greetings Precious Ones! We want to congratulate those of you who put in the admirable work to raise your vibration and expand your consciousness and awareness high enough to anchor yourselves into the higher 5D timeline of the Earth Matrix Simulation. Welcome! Read more
Vega (Present, 2nd Era) - Card of the Month - January 2024
Card #24 | Vega (Present, 2nd Era) | Self-Discipline Last month we spoke about the missed opportunity that humans had during the years of the pandemic to really change your perspective on the divisions in your world and take steps to bring your people together. Read more
What is Divination?
Introduction Divination, also known as fortune-telling or prophecy, is the practice of seeking knowledge about the future or the unknown through various methods. The concept of divination dates back to ancient times and has been a part of human culture and spirituality throughout history. Read more
The Influence Of Past Lives On The Personality Of Man
The spiritual side of our mind is an aspect that is important to analyze for a full understanding of why different people can react to the same situation in a different way. How people react to situations can sometimes be at odds with their... Read more
Dharma: Understand Its Meaning And Where To Find It
For various eastern religions and philosophies, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, or Yoga, the concept of dharma is vital. It is an old Sanskrit word that can be translated literally as "life," "what sustains," "what maintains," and "natural law." Read more
The Spiritual Meaning of Dreaming about Someone
The world of dreams is delightful and confusing. Dreams allow us to experience things beyond waking life. Some dreams are pretty common, like you’re flying or have a test you haven’t studied for. It’s also pretty common to have dreams about someone else. Read more
Essassani - Card of the Month - November 2022
Card #104 | Essassani (Parallel) | Leaving Home Like last month, this card ultimately refers to the process of change. The “home” referenced in the theme of this card refers to your old metaphorical place of security. The location of that place is different for... Read more
Zeta Reticuli - Card of the Month - October 2022
Card #33 | Zeta Reticuli (Past, 1st Era) | Desperation This card refers to what is necessary to create change. Using the example of the Zeta Reticuli species, they refused to acknowledge the emotional body to the point of creating a species crisis. Read more
The Cells In Your Body Emit Light And Use It For Communicati…
There are some hypotheses and discoveries that sound like they belong in a science fiction book. As an illustration, consider the notion that our cells communicate by releasing light and even "go out" when they pass away, much like small stars. Read more
12D Shielding Technique (How to Build)
Our light field acts as a natural defense. However, there are times defenses need fortification. When reading, healing or working with large groups or numbers of people on a regular basis, be it good, bad or neutral, emotional, energetic and vibrational tethers are created... Read more
Vega - Card of the Month - September 2022
Card #71 | Vega (Future, 3rd Era) | Homing Beacon / Compass Last month we shared text for card #90, Shamanic Journey (Whale Consciousness). We gave a metaphor of being trapped in a windowless, stuffy room but choosing to stay there rather than opening the... Read more
You Awaken and Begin to Question Materiality
Is reality real? Have you ever started to doubt the world around you? There are tons of secrets waiting to be revealed in this reality. Despite the great development of science and technology. However, few people ask the right questions, but once you start, you will understand that... Read more
Why Are So Many Empaths Unable To Handle Empath Life?
Although emotions are part of human life and something everyone has to live with, Empaths are known to have heightened emotions. This basically means they get upset easier than others, they feel fear and nervousness more readily, and when they get down it can... Read more
Shamanic Journey - Card of the Month - August 2022
Card #90 | Cetacean-Whale (Parallel) | Shamanic Journey In previous months, we have mentioned the importance of being willing to journey into the unknown and how this is a necessary step on the spiritual path. The theme of this card is all about that journey... Read more
Light of Awareness - Card of the Month - June 2022
Card #105 | Orion Light (Future, 3rd Era) | Light of Awareness In the text for last month’s card (#89 Open Contact), Sasha discussed “small openings that are like cracks in your armor” that are beginning to appear, and how important those cracks are. We... Read more
Surfing On the Edge of the Unknown
I work as an intuitive mentor. I combine my training and perspective as a Lorian priest with newly emerging energy healing methods and coaching techniques. My intention is to help people learn how to stand tall within themselves, to thrive and be of service... Read more
Open Contact - Card of the Month - May 2022
Card #89 | Pleiades (Future, 3rd Era) | Open Contact This month's text is channeled by Sasha instead of Germane, to address the subject of ET contact. At the time of this channeling, your planet is experiencing much pain and shock from an invasion and war,... Read more
Coming Full Circle - Card of the Month - April 2022
Card #60 | Sirius (Present, 2nd Era) | Coming Full Circle In last month's card text for #79 (Zeta Reticuli, Renewed Hope), we warned about re-establishing old dysfunctional habits and patterns when a new paradigm is ready to be born on both the personal and... Read more
Renewed Hope - Card of the Month - March 2022
Card #79 | Zeta Reticuli (Present, 2nd Era) | Renewed HopeThis card references a turning point in Zeta Reticuli history. In the first era, they endured a traumatic species crisis in which they weren’t sure the species would survive – due to their own choices. As the species... Read more
Inner Sensitivity to Intuition
While on the path of consciousness mastery, it can be helpful to live in a place where we feel joy and inspiration and are comfortable in natural wilderness. Being in surroundings of beauty and magnificence attract our attention to align with their vibrations. Walking... Read more
How To Handle An Energy Attack
Have you ever felt bad or for obvious reasons? It could mean that you have been the target of a psychological attack. In today's article, you will learn how to defend against this. You can't completely prevent such attacks, but you can prevent them from affecting your... Read more
The Light Body And The Twelve Steps To Activation
Your Lightbody is a gridwork of light and sacred geometry that brings together your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being. This body radiates light energy and electromagnetically links your multidimensional self with the infinite universe. Read more
Self Sacrifice - Card of the Month - February 2022
February 2022Card #21 | Vega (Past, 1st Era) | Self Sacrifice In last month’s card of the month, Lemurian Era (#47), we discussed the idea of self-forgiveness – especially as it connects to guilt of what was done or not done in the ancient past... Read more
4 Reasons Why Empaths Get Sick When Around Certain People
Have you ever come away from spending time with certain people and felt physically ill? Did you ever feel like you had a hangover after an evening out with friends, but weren’t actually drinking alcohol? Or have you had a brief conversation with someone, only to... Read more
Are You Feeling Under Attack Or Overwhelmed With Feelings Of…
If you are feeling emotionally attacked in anyway, or if you keep experiencing a sense of dread or doom, know that you’re not alone. It is happening to many Sensitive people. There is some strange energy around. Major solar activity and sun flares have been... Read more
The Spiritual Significance Of The Order In Which You Were Bo…
The family you were born into is not randomly selected. Your soul chose a specific family because it knew it would offer you the best to support your spiritual development and growth. This is true even if your life has been difficult, because the problems you... Read more
As an Empath, if It’s Not True for Me Does That Mean It’s No…
It is an interesting question, isn’t it? If It’s Not True for Me Does That Mean It’s Not True for You? If I experience something as an Empath, but you don’t, does that mean that you’re not an Empath? If you have strong intuition, but I... Read more
How To Tell If You Are Being Attacked By Dark Energy: 10 Sym…
Destructive energy can penetrate everyone's life. It can be especially overwhelming if you allow people to be too destructive in your life. If you have the wrong energy, chances are you're not feeling well overall. If you take the time to look for the cause, then you... Read more
Delusion of Control - Card of the Month - November 2021
November 2021Card #36 | Orion (Past, 1st Era) | Delusion of Control Rather than discuss this card from the galactic history perspective, it is most important to understand its implications on an evolutionary level that have to do with species evolution. In order to do so, let us review... Read more
Learning to Nurture - Card of the Month - October 2021
October 2021Card #81 | Zeta Reticuli (Present, 2nd Era) | Learning to Nurture The energy of this card comes from the Zeta Reticuli history known by many of you. The Zetas, a species that developed a highly mental consciousness that submerged the emotional body, experienced a massive species crisis... Read more
How To Cut Etheric Fibers: A Ritual You Should Know
Have you ever seen an energy fiber that connects you to all things on this planet? You may see him here and there, especially in your most important relationships. When we connect with another person, especially romantically, the energy line between us is activated. As we continue... Read more
22 Signs Angels Are Trying To Contact You!
Did you know, your Guides and Angels are always with you? That’s right, they’re constantly sending you love and support, and they’re always trying to reach out to you to give you guidance. One of the ways in which they try to communicate their angelic... Read more
Who Is Controlling Your Life As An Empath?
Take Back Your Power... Being that we are in times of struggle, upheaval and transitions, I thought it would be good to address how internal conflict can drain our power and stop us from living a healthy, happy life. Everyone experiences inner conflict at some point.... Read more
Cosmic Midwifery - Card of the Month - September 2021
September 2021Card #8 | Arcturus (Parallel) | Cosmic Midwifery In many of our past communications, we have referred to the Arcturus energy as being like a midwife – one that guides you through the realms between birth and death. If we look at the initial fragmentation in the way... Read more
Hall of Records and Akashic Records: What’s the Difference?
Lately I’m finding a lot of spiritualists referencing “The Hall of Records” and The Akashic Records as if they are the same thing, but something feels very OFF about information coming from “The Hall of Records,” so I decided to do a bit of... Read more
How Black Tourmaline Can Help The Empath During These Unprec…
During these times of mass change and turmoil, everyone is having to work extra hard to stay not only happy and healthy, but grounded and protected. This is where Black Tourmaline can help. But before we get to the benefits of this incredible crystal, let’s take a quick... Read more
Refining Galactic Lineage - Card of the Month - July 2021
July 2021Card #65 | Pleiades (Present, 2nd Era) | Refining Galactic Lineage From the human perspective, the main goal of a physical life is to live happily – to have a life filled with love, excitement, and abundance. But as you all know, the human you is but one... Read more
8 Grounding Methods
Grounding means, in ordinary language, a firm connection with the Earth. In today's world, it is essential for everyone. It gives strength and strength, is a source of resistance to stress and mental stability. When a person loses touch with the earth, it is as if they... Read more
How To Protect Your Energy From Other People
How do you protect your energy from other people? You need energy management tools that empower you. I want to share with you a simple technique that can change your life for the better. If you are an empath, you can feel particularly vulnerable to other... Read more
Hive Mind - Card of the Month - June 2021
June 2021Card #29 | Insectoid (Parallel) | Hive Mind The archetypal insectoid consciousness is an important one to embrace right now on Earth, for the specific reason that humankind is getting stuck in the attachment to individuality and polarity. This is the reason we have included this archetypal species... Read more
Everything Is Energy And It All Has a Vibration
Every day I go out to feed the birds. There's always the one who says "thank you!" We are keepers for the earth, her garden, and all who live on her. We have this wonderful intelligence, that offers us the opportunity to make a choice about... Read more
How The 10th Man Can Help When No One Is Listening
Have you ever been with a group of people, where everyone is talking about a subject that you don’t necessarily agree with but go along with their narrative, just to keep the peace? If you answered yes, you are certainly not the only one. It... Read more
Alone Time - Card of the Month - May 2021
May 2021Card #25 | Vega (Present, 2nd Era) | Alone Time The past few years have been an intense experience to be alive on Earth. You have been rapidly moving into the shadow as a collective consciousness, in an attempt to heal yourselves and propel your civilization into a... Read more
Do You Have a Spirit Guide or Two?
Do you have a spirit guide that you work with? An archangel that gets you through the rough times? A spirit animal or totem that offers you guidance and wisdom? Some people believe God sits right next to them, guiding them through creative adventures and balancing the... Read more
Strength in Surrender: How Doing Flows From Being
Right now, as the Sun joins Neptune in Pisces days before the Pisces New Moon, we are being liberated in subtle and sublime ways. Liberation can take on many expressions, but the strongest demonstration of a liberated person shows up in how he or she... Read more
Complete Surrender - Card of the Month - March 2021
March 2021Card #70 | Lyra (Future, 3rd Era) | Complete Surrender As we have discussed in the card text of the last few months, humanity has been moving through a very volatile passage that has seen unprecedented polarization accentuated on your world. While this is expected for any civilization... Read more
How To Protect Yourself From Energy Vampires
An energy vampire is a person who drains your energy; they are also referred to as energy suckers and psychic vampires. Some energy vampires are conscious of what they are doing and others are not. The unconscious are typically mentally ill or emotionally unstable;... Read more
Empaths, Insomnia, Exhaustion And Adrenal Fatigue
Due to the emotional responsibilities that empaths carry, they often experience a sudden drop in energy, which leads to chronic fatigue. When an empath does not remain grounded, balanced, and consciously aware, they can unconsciously give their energy to others. When an empath spends... Read more
7 Ways for Empaths to Deal with Lockdown Burnout
If you are in a part of the world that is still under lockdown, you may be feeling a strange sense of burnout or hopelessness. You may feel excessive fatigue, apathy, as well as many other strange emotions. Which is hardly surprising. For those of... Read more
Are You Experiencing These Strange Timeline Shifts?
Have you been having some weird experiences lately? Strange things happening like timeline shifts or weird changes in your life? In my last post, I mentioned how what is true one day is not necessarily true the next. It’s as though reality is constantly shifting, altering... Read more
An Empath's Abilities
Often empaths are mediums. A medium uses their intuitive or psychic abilities to see into the past, present, and future of an individual’s life by tuning into the spirit energy surrounding that person. Mediums are reliant upon the presence of a spiritual energy outside... Read more
The Problem with Fake Positivity and Suppressing Our Truth
A few weeks ago, I received a very good comment from a fellow Empath, regarding my urging of readers to try to remain in a positive space. The reader rightly pointed out that when we suppress our feelings, by ‘pretending’ to be positive, it... Read more
Ultimate Evolution - Card of the Month - January 2021
January 2021Happy New Year!Card #67 | Lyra (Future, 3rd Era) | Self Observance Dear friends, this is the first transmission we share with you that was written since your global pandemic began. (The previous months were channeled before it happened). Firstly, we want to tell you that we understand... Read more
Are You Ready For A Revolution?
Are you ready for the revolution? Change is coming. Buckle up! This week brings all the fireworks. It began with the New Moon Solar eclipse in Sagittarius. Our finale will be an era-defining cosmic connection between our social planets Jupiter and Saturn on the solstice. Read more
Incredible Benefits of Relaxation for The Empath
The majority of us have no idea how much tension we hold within our body. Even without exercise and sports, our muscles are constantly stimulated, either through the stresses of modern life or from taking on the emotional energy of others. All of which... Read more
Change - Card of the Month - November 2020
November 2020Card #3 | Andromeda (Parallel) | Change The cards of the last few months, while chosen randomly, are certainly sequential. They are mapping out a path that is being taken by your mass consciousness. This path may lead you through some metaphorical dark forests in which you cannot... Read more
Knowing it’s Time to Let Go of Toxic Friends or Family
Most Empaths have at least one person in their life who cause them to experience negative emotions, just by being in their presence. These people, who may be friends or family members, seem to spew acid when they talk: they complain about everything, appreciate nothing and... Read more
How Do You Stay Sane In A World Full Of Stress?
You must cultivate JOY! In these divisive and scary times, it is challenging to maintain well-being, yet it is essential for you to practice. It can feel selfish to focus on happiness when the world around us is in so much distress. Yet, that's exactly why it's... Read more
The Mirror Effect of an Empath & Why Some People Instant…
We have all experienced it, being around someone who has either taken an instant dislike to us, or a bizarre resentment suddenly appears in those we have known for some time. There may be no clear reason for this change in their behaviour. No matter... Read more
Is It Intuition Or Your Imagination?
Is it Intuition Or Your Imagination? Your imagination is an essential KEY to connecting with your intuition. Most people second-guess themselves when they get an inspiration or an image about their future. Yet, this is a gift. It’s a divine download! Accessing and interpreting images symbols you receive... Read more
Anger For Empaths - 4 Steps To Fuel The Flames For Positive …
Are you an empath who has a hard time with anger? Oftentimes, sensitive souls can forgive people without actually processing how they feel. You can try to see the higher good in all situations without letting your human self integrate your emotions. Today is the day... Read more
6 Simple Ways to Deal with The Emotional Aftermath of Lockdo…
I received an important comment the other day, asking about ways to deal with the heightened emotions that are triggered when coming out of lockdown. Because I know this is a situation affecting many Empaths, I thought it a good idea to address the... Read more
The Space of Limbo and New Beginnings
As you are no doubt more than aware, life throws some strange things our way. Like sickness, redundancy, depression, loss of social status, non-starting projects… They happen abruptly, taking us off our current journey and bring normal life to a halt. Just like what we... Read more
What It Means to Surrender in Perspective of the Awakening
Surrender can have different meanings to different people. To some, surrender is seen as a passage into freedom, a way to stop the struggle and let go. To others, it is a weakness, a way of giving up. Because surrender has been painted as a failing... Read more
The Grief Of Letting Go And Creating The New
Times are changing. Even the most unaware are aware of this. We are in times of both creation but also destruction. We are in times of grief and surrender. The old world has gone. Never to return. Transitions are difficult. We have been thrust upon a... Read more
Breathe deeply...then speak your TRUTH
Breathe deeply, and express your emotions. Spirit speaks symbolically. We are now in the midst of a global pandemic. Yes, Covid but one that is deeper than that. For months I have been thinking about all the souls who have been affected by this virus, and the... Read more
Self Observance - Card of the Month - June 2020
June 2020Card #67 | Lyra (Future, 3rd Era) | Self Observance Dear friends, this is the first transmission we share with you that was written since your global pandemic began. (The previous months were channeled before it happened). Firstly, we want to tell you that we understand how frustrating... Read more
Great Awakening Activation - June Energy Update
When I say "Great Awakening" Activation- I am not speaking about politically- although there will be alot of political stuff emerging (on all sides- positive/negative all in divine order) and I don't side with either side- yet I respect all views & completely understand... Read more
The Self-Acceptance Solution: Setting Yourself Free
We are living in some incredible times. Times where we can move into our own authority and start living an empowered life. However, as nice as it would be to think we can just sit back and watch as our lives become magically transformed, we... Read more
10 Ways to Overcome Viral Emotions & Find Silence in a W…
Our surroundings may be quieter than usual, but at times the ‘noise’ of viral emotions can be almost deafening. In a world overcome with worry and fear, we all benefit from diving into the soothing ‘waters of silence.’ Not only as a retreat from the... Read more
Is This The End Of The World As We Know It?
I hope you are all keeping well during this period of uncertainty. In the UK we are approaching our 6th week of lockdown (7th full week) and it has certainly been an experience. Considering the bizarre and baffling times we are facing, I have remained incredibly optimistic. I... Read more
Birth and Expansion- Card of the Month - April 2020
April 2020Card #13 | Lyra (Past, 1st Era) | Birth and Expansion (Note: This info was channeled in December 2019, before knowledge of the corona virus pandemic).The energy of this card is sourced from the very beginnings of the birth of your galactic family. It was a time of... Read more
What Does Your Gut Tell You About What Is Happening?
As Empaths, whether you are under ‘house arrest’ or whatever part of the world you live in, you will currently be experiencing a range of strange, often overbearing, emotions. The global fear energy is like nothing we have ever experienced in our lifetime. Every day... Read more
Why are Emotional Reactions in Empaths on the Increase?
Being an Empath means having emotional reactions is part of everyday life. Whether that be having a reaction to someone else’s emotional energy, having a reaction to what someone said or did, or just being triggered by what is going on in the world... Read more
Prevent Panic Attacks and Anxiety: A Guide for Empaths &…
If you have ever experienced a panic attack you will know only too well that they are not something you would wish on anyone. They create the kind of dread and sense of impending doom that are beyond comprehension. Because Empaths and HSPs feel everything... Read more
Spiritual Technology - Card of the Month - February 2020
February 2020Card #23 | Vega (Present, 2nd Era) | Spiritual Technology You are at a significant point in your 26,000-year evolutionary cycle. If you think of this cycle as being like seasons of consciousness, then you have just entered the season of spring after a long winter. This means... Read more
2020 Energy Forecast: A Year To Build Your Dreams
Happy 2020!! Woo-hoo!!!! You’re going to totally rock this new decade! The astrology and numerology for 2020 tell quite a story!Before you forecast your future for 2020, take stock of how amazing you are. If you look back at your life this year, you can marvel... Read more
Alienness - Card of the Month - January 2020
January 2020Card #27 | Non-Humanoid (Parallel) | Alienness This is an interesting card to begin your year of 2020. This card suggests a paradox, which is how so many of you are feeling at this point in time. You feel the “other” so strongly – those who have strange... Read more
Humanity Awakening, Galactic Time 11/19
I have been getting messages about more of the collective (not all) accessing Monad consciousness and synchronizing with the Elemental Kingdom bridge with the Earth Soul, Planetary Light Body and Galactic Intelligence and of another group/groups consciousness functioning as a singular entity like Humanity... Read more
Energy Update 11/14
Some people may start feeling what is aligned or not aligned more and more strongly as our higher-Dimensional Selves are guiding through the language of desire. Following your heart and spiritual guidance while remaining in compassion and integrity is most important. The more we embody... Read more
Energy Update: Integrating Galactic Intelligence 11/6
The Galactic Cosmic Rays coming from the Density wave transmitted from the Galactic Center are coming through much easier due to the instability of the magnetic field of the Sun and opening of the energy field from the last 12 day portal. This will continue... Read more
Empaths And Energy Vampires - Healing The Inner Child
There’s a new type of energy vampire I’ve become aware of and I want to bring your attention to it. They magnetically attract empaths like us (so we can learn to have discernment). Closely aligned with the Victim archetype, this one is a bit more... Read more
Enlightenment - Card of the Month - October 2019
Card #97 | Zeta Reticuli (Future, 3rd Era) | Enlightenment Most of you remember the history of the Zetas. As part of the Vegan lineage, they split themselves off and became a distinct race that prided itself on the development of the mental body and the conquering of the... Read more
When Life Throws You a Curveball
What do you do when life throws you a curveball? It’s inevitable. It happens to everyone. (Yes, even people with Instagram-perfect lives). You’re going about your business, staying away from drama, keeping things simple, and then BAM! Something crazy happens. Read more
October Energy Update 10/7
Strong Solar activity is bringing in the energy of the density wave from the Galactic Center that is helping us to integrate the 5th dimensional timing frequency and experience different layers within the hologram from our multidimensional awareness :) There is more light coming... Read more
What is Really Making You Angry?
Have you found yourself suffering more with angry emotional reactions lately than what is usual? Have you ever wondered why? Following on from my last post about the shadow side, today I want to discuss another way in which the shadow may be experienced: through anger. The... Read more
New Moon & Solar Activity Coming
**It's important to shift your thoughts into what you want after the healing is done- otherwise, the youll stay in that same pattern/energy/experience/situation subconsciously. Your subconscious says yes to everything you focus on with your conscious mind. You have the same spirit that created... Read more
Energy Update, Multidimensional Restructuring
Theres lots of purging & clearing happening right now & alot surfacing. Some are doing this internally, others projecting to integrate- either way- theres alot of subconscious/unconscious aspects of personalities surfacing, some through projections. We tend to project our personal shadow more on the same... Read more
Searching for Life’s Purpose or Destination Addiction?
A couple of posts ago, I wrote about Negativity Addiction and how it impacts the Empaths of the world. Today I’ll be addressing another unusual addiction talked about within social media circles: Destination Addiction. Destination Addiction is the idea that happiness lies in the next job, the... Read more
Equal Value Philosophy - Card of the Month! June 2019
Card #86 | Pleiades (Future, 3rd Era) | Equal Value Philosophy We have spoken about the ego many times and have defined it as a neutral mechanism through which you can navigate and experience separation in the reality of third density. Because that realm is... Read more
An Empath’s Guide to Healthy Relationships
Do you have healthy relationships? When I started doing intuitive readings over twenty years ago, I was amazed how many nice, lovely, kind people found themselves in unhappy relationships, or were mistreated at work. My clients tended to be extremely nice people, but often wound up... Read more
Empath Essentials for Positive Energy
Do other people’s energies affect you? You might be wondering how you can possibly stay positive around a negative person, or in a chaotic world. If you are anything like me, you’re sensitive to other people’s energy. You can walk into a room and feel what’s... Read more
Creative Communication - Card of the Month! January 2019
Card #61 | Sirius (Present, 2nd Era) | Creative Communication Happy New Year! This is a wonderful, optimistic card to start your new year, and for many, it can be seen as a confirmation that the inner work that you have been doing is taking... Read more
Take Control of Your Emotions or Your Emotions Will Take Con…
So here we are again, not long off another year-end, and what a year it’s been! I’m sure 2018 will always be remembered as the year of conflict and division. I know every year has its own crazy vibe, but this one seems particularly... Read more
Orion (Present) Seduction and Addiction: Card of the Month -…
Card #58 | Orion (Present) | Seduction and Addiction For the third month in a row, an Orion card wishes to be explored as a card-of-the-month message. This is quite unusual and thus it appears that the collective consciousness on your world will be exploring Orion themes in the... Read more
Why Are So Many Empaths Awakening Now?
I hope this post finds you well. It’s been a couple of months since my last blog offering. I’ve been super-busy writing, researching and editing my next book. But, I’ve wanted to address this subject for a while, about something you may yourself have... Read more
How To Stay Positive In Tough Times - Empaths And Sensitive …
Sensitive Souls, Empaths and Lightworkers! How do you stay positive when negative people are around you and the world feels chaotic? It can feel like an impossible task sometimes. Yet, you were born to thrive and be joyful! First, know that even though some of the more... Read more
Orion (Past) Black League Patterning: Card of the Month - Oc…
Card #38 | Orion (Past) | Black League Patterning The name “Black League” comes from the ancient past in Orion. We have told the story many times. There were essentially three sides: the controlling empire, the people being oppressed, and the resistance fighters. These resistance fighters were called the... Read more
50 Shades of Greys - Focus Sessions
Q, When someone, like myself, decides to do research on “grey aliens” it can become a bit confusing. At first, it sounds simple.. gray, three fingers, with a big head, and big black eyes—but then more information pops up like, tall Greys, white Greys,... Read more
Crystal Cities
A Look Into The Crystal Cities Sharing the shared dream of the crystal cities… buildings filled with life-giving properties, arranged in geometric harmonic shapes. Healing crystal waters flow everywhere… humanity lives in complete harmony with nature and the cosmos. No human ever has to work... Read more
Parasitic Emotional Manipulators
One principle to remember is that controlling and dominating people and the nonphysical entities that are parasitic, will always use manipulation to get what they want. Usually it is to maintain their attachment to siphon energy or to use someone else’s energy to get... Read more
Synchronicity: Meaning and Quantum Origins
Transcript Let’s talk about synchronicities, why they happen, and what they mean. A synchronicity, or synch for short, is a strange coincidence that you’re meant to notice. Carl Jung defined them as meaningful coincidences, as two or more events that are physically unrelated yet somehow connected... Read more
Whose Emotion Are You In? A Guide For Empaths
Is this your emotion you are feeling? Or does it belong to someone else? Learning to differentiate between ‘whose emotion belongs to whom’ certainly proves to be a challenge for many Empaths. Not recognizing other people’s energy, within oneself, is a common theme within the Empath world. Just knowing you take on... Read more
The Subtle Differences Between Empaths and Highly Sensitive …
Get Answers and Discover Shielding Tips to Maximize Your Energetic Potential In the world of metaphysics and spirituality, the term empath is used rather frequently these days. However, there is much confusion concerning whether one is to be considered an HSP—a highly sensitive person—or whether... Read more
Lyra (Future) | Natural Humility: Card of the Month - July 2…
Card #69 | Lyra (Future) | Natural HumilityIn recent years, the awakened Lyran energy has been supporting humans more and more. Much of this energy is felt in the background but there is one particular thread that is standing out. This particular thread is one we can call... Read more
Primal Fear: Card of the Month - April 2018
Every month, we "randomly" pick a card from the Galactic Heritage Cards deck, and Lyssa (with Germane's help) channels a message for that card that is appropriate at that time. Card #28 | Reptilian (Parallel) | Primal FearIn the creation of this card deck, we deliberately chose the species “Reptilian” to... Read more
Living in the Matrix? Focus Sessions
Q. Dear Lynn, Thanks for all your eye, mind and soul opening readings! I came across an interesting article on BBC that quotes many famous scientists expressing doubts about the reality of us and our world. They say there are evidences and clues that... Read more
New Protection Technique For Energy Sensitives And Empaths
New Protection Technique for energy sensitives I have found that with every spiritual book I have ever read the lessons, chapters, and even the books themselves find me at just the right times. It never fails that what I am reading aligns with what is... Read more
Intuition Vs Judgment - How To Trust Yourself
I want to talk about discernment. This is the BIGGEST challenge I see people have in accessing their intuition. Sometimes your intuition will reveal something to you, about a person’s character, about a situation, about yourself – and you don’t like it. You immediately reject it... Read more
The True Magic of Gifting with Intention
Energetically, in the Northern Hemisphere, we are heading into a season of personal hibernation, when our spirits draw inward and our bodies long for rest; we restore our Life Force, and honor the sacred stillness within. Our bodies and souls yearn to synchronize in... Read more
10 Positive Practices for Empaths to Flourish and Thrive
Empaths are unique, highly sensitive people who see and react to the world differently than most. Empathic people process sensory information much more intensely and deeply; they are incredibly sensitive to all the energy around them. Empaths can actually pick up on the feelings... Read more
How to Ask the Universe for a Sign – Guide
We’ve all been the same situation. When we already feel trapped into our own lives. Seeking guidance is tricky sometimes. Even the wisest and the purest people may sometime mislead us. What is right for someone, is not always right for everyone else. Hence,... Read more
10 Essential Traits Every Empath Must Manage
Empaths are basically people who feel the world too much. They have a heightened empathy and a hyperperception of emotions, no matter if they are conscious of this or not. You might know someone who is absolutely drained among large crowds of people, it might... Read more
Mental Telepathy and Claircognizance. Are They Related?
Claircognizance is the idea that people can receive thoughts, words, and ideas transferred to them from the non-physical entities. Typically considered one of the sixth senses and generally reserved for those who are more mental in their thoughts and ideas, most people believe that a claircognizance is... Read more
7 Things You Do Different Because You Have High Emotional In…
Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and process your own as well as others’ emotions. People with higher than usual emotional intelligence, understand the world and its people better and can regulate their emotions according to their surroundings and environment. Listed below are seven... Read more
Where Do People Go When They Die?
When we die to do go straight to heaven or hell? Where Do People Go When They Die? Different spiritual practitioners have different views on this question but I think the general consensus is that a spirit doesn’t usually just exit the physical body and... Read more
Protecting Yourself From 5 Types Of Energy Vampires
It’s important to kick off this information by stating that it’s been my personal experience that MOST energy vampires have NO IDEA that they are energy vampires and therefore don’t realize they are stealing and draining your energy. Nonetheless, protection is still necessary. Understanding this... Read more
Five Categories of Incarnated Lightworkers
Over the course of her years as a spiritual teacher, Doreen Virtue has noticed similarities and traits of lightworkers that she's classified into realms of Earth angels. Lightworkers are people who feel in their souls a divine, global mission to help the world through love,... Read more
Ever Wondered Why You Continue to Suffer as an Empath?
Have you tried all types of grounding or protective techniques, as an Empath, and find nothing works? Or have you found you are more negatively affected when spending time around people than you ever have been? Have you considered the possibility that you may be... Read more
If You Experience Any Of These 11 Signs You Are Being Energe…
Who says that vampires don’t exist? Where people go wrong is that they assume that a vampire equals Count Dracula. Or even worse, they think Edward Cullen! Real life ‘vampire’ is a person who can end up parasitically feeding off your life energy. These are... Read more
Should the Empath Become Vegetarian?
There is much debate within the Empath world as to whether meat should be consumed. Many Empaths find themselves naturally drawn to vegetarianism, even from a young age. Some even become strict vegans, others may eat only chicken or fish. However, as each Empath is affected differently by... Read more
10 Reasons To Open Your Third Eye & Contact Your Spirit …
Your friends and family will probably think you’re a few chakras short of an aura (after all, most grown adults don’t usually talk to imaginary friends) but opening your third eye and contacting your spirit guides is a lot of fun and it can... Read more
The Dark Side of Sensitive and How It Impacts the Empath
It doesn’t seem so long ago that the word ‘Empath’ was a rarely mentioned term. But we can see how that’s changed in recent years with all the information now available. When I started writing for the Empath, back in 2011, there was very... Read more
Are Those Your Feelings
Several empath and sensitive readers have shared on the blog that they struggle with knowing when they’re experiencing their own feelings versus feelings they have “picked up” from someone else. To review, empathy is the ability to tune into and experience another person’s feelings as if they are your... Read more
10 Signs You Are Highly Sensitive to the Energy Around You
An empath is highly sensitive to the feelings, intentions and motivations of others. They feel the energy of other people on a deep level that many don’t understand. Someone who is empathetic may sympathize with how someone else is feeling, but being an empath is deeper... Read more
7 Most Frequent Synchronicities
Life is full of coincidences. A good number of these coincidences are referred to as synchronicities. Their occurrences are undefined but they do happen. Synchronicities have their meaning related to each other. Although they are related, the cause cannot be explained. Synchronicities are real... Read more
The Dark Side Of Empathic People That You Rarely See
Empaths are the known healers of the world, Individuals who carry a heightened sense of the emotions and thoughts of the people they encounter. As an empath, you understand the reasons and feelings behind why people do what they do, their most difficult inner struggles... Read more
Can You Have Too Much Empathy?
Believe it or not, the answer is “Yes”! But it really shouldn’t be too surprising, since people with high empathy are also highly sensitive, and since they feel everything so keenly, sometimes the negative emotions surrounding them can drag them into a depressive state. A... Read more
29 Signs You Were Born To Be A Spiritual Healer
Being a spiritual healer is considered a divine gift in many cultures. Some people believe that this gift is passed down from generation to generation. Just like DNA is passed down from generation to generation and slightly changed by each individual’s choices, our spirit can... Read more
Are You A Highly Sensitive Person?
The Highly Sensitive Person Approximately 15 to 20 percent of the population have trouble screening out stimuli and can be easily overwhelmed by noise, crowds and time pressure. The highly sensitive person tends to be sensitive to pain, caffeine, bright lights, strong smells and changes... Read more
Highly Sensitive People Interact With The World Differently
Highly sensitive people have been labeled a lot of ways in the past, like fragile, over-emotional and intense. But there’s more to a highly sensitive person than just excess crying and a whole ton of feelings. Those with an empathetic personality are actually biologically wired... Read more
How To Know If You’re An Empathetic Person
When one has empathy it means that they’re able to tap into the feelings of others. And this is something that many professions are in pursuit of today. Doctors, salesmen, and many others are looking to become more empathetic towards the people they serve. Empathy... Read more
Are You a Natural Born Healer?
If you have ever had a palm reading, you’ve probably heard of the healer line. The healer line is actually more than one line; it’s a bundle of four or more parallel vertical stripes nestled just below the pinkie finger. In palmistry, this marking represents... Read more
Precognitive Dreams – Is It Possible To See The Future In Yo…
Precognitive dreams are dreams that foretell the future, or can predict upcoming events. Thousands of people have reported having premonitions right before a terrible tragedy or a huge disaster in their world. Throughout history, many individuals have claimed to be able to have foreseen upcoming events and their dreams... Read more
A Dark Part Of Empathic People That You Rarely See
Empaths are typically known as the healers of the world. They’re the people whose senses are heightened–the ones that not only see the different energies of the world, but actually feel them, experience them. Those who are not empaths might think that this ability to feel... Read more
9 Reasons to Avoid Negative People
Empaths have long-since known the impact negative people have on wellbeing, but they are not the only ones to suffer. Everyone is harshly marked by the imprint of negativity. Science has duly acknowledged the undesirable effects disapproving and depressing people have on our health and... Read more
Next Level Of Shielding For Empaths
An empath learns to shield, sometimes instinctively, sometimes from other empaths or support groups. But it doesn’t feel right, something is missing, something important. If an empath builds a wall instead of a shield, nothing gets in and after a while, that will be detrimental... Read more
Words and Their Effect on our DNA
For centuries, spiritual teachers and yogi gurus believed that our bodies are programmable by language and thoughts. For one, they taught us that meditations cause inner healing and open up our minds to higher levels of consciousness. They also taught us that constant affirmations... Read more
The Incredible Healing Power of Nature for the Empath
As an Empath, you will no doubt be aware there is nothing more healing to the body, mind and spirit than being in Nature. A stroll through a beautiful woodland, over a grassy meadow or near a natural-flowing stream is not only uplifting but also... Read more
Unshackle Yourself From Empath Clutter
Whilst sifting through my blog earlier I came across a post about clearing clutter, which I posted some years ago. It was one of those synchronistic moments that acted as a much-needed reminder about letting go of the old and redundant. Uncluttering is the perfect solution for clearing stagnant energy and lifting the spirits. Being the... Read more
4 Super Powers of the Highly Empathic Person
Many empathic or highly sensitive people feel that their ability to feel so many different emotional energies in their environments is a curse, but with recent research suggesting that empaths are actually highly psychic, you may want to hone your empathic skills instead of hiding... Read more
Resisting Negative Entities From The Unseen World
Visualize the Golden Light of Protection If you sense an unseen presence that has left you feeling frightened and disoriented, immediately visualize a Golden Light of Protection forming itself around you. Calm yourself by saying, as you inhale, "I am." On the outbreath, say, 'relaxed.,"... Read more
The Crossroads of Change: Unplugging from The Hysteria
You would have to live very deep underground to not have noticed the crazy happenings in society. Almost everyone has been affected, in some way, by the engulfing mass hysteria that has swept the world. It is easy to believe that most of it... Read more
Why We Meet The Same Souls In Every Incarnation?
Through life our paths are crossing paths with other people. From our parent to our children, from our brothers and sisters to our marriage partners. According to karmic teachings, we always meet the same souls, only under different masks and different roles. The soul... Read more
6 Ways to Protect Yourself as an Empath
As a nurse and an Empath, I’ve found that I was constantly feeling drained, having mood changes based on those around me, as well as the need to stop watching and reading about anything negative, including the news. It wasn’t until I discovered how to... Read more
Your Soul’s Journey: A Message from Your Spirit Guides
Before you were born on earth, you were here with us. And your spirit was a lively and adventurous one. When you were here with us, you were an instantaneous manifestor, you could be and do anything you wanted, anytime you wanted. You never... Read more
Your Power IS Your Intuition
There are FAR too many of you feeling disempowered and disconnected from Spirit. What that means is you are out of touch with who you are, but more importantly, disconnected from your own inner guidance system … your unique ability to find the answers you seek inside of yourself. The answers you seek are already... Read more
Psychic Vampires And The Use Of Etheric Energy
Vibrating energy is what makes up the existence of everything in life and is commonly referred to as waves of energy flowing through the universe. Everyone gives out certain vibrational frequencies, which is what attracts the many events that occur in your day-to-day life. Psychic... Read more
Notes For The Highly Sensitive Empath
“The test of a first-rate intelligence,” said writer F. Scott Fitzgerald, “is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.” Those on the path of self-inquiry often grapple with reconciling concepts of nonduality(‘not-two’/advaita)... Read more
You See What Others Can’t: 8 Signs That You Are Highly Sensi…
Every day, more and more people realize that they fall in the category of people with empathy (compassion), highly sensitive to energy and emotions of the environment. Empathetic person is a person who has the ability to grasp the mental and emotional states of others. These... Read more
How to Spot A Residual Energy Attack
Hope everything is keeping really well in your life and (depending on what part of the world you live in) you are enjoying these lovely summer months. Continuing on from my last post about how residual energy impacts the Empath, I am here following up with information... Read more
Residual Energy and How It Impacts the Empath
You have probably heard the expression “residual energy”, it is a term all Empaths become familiar with. It is often used when describing the energy remnants left in certain places or buildings by the people who have gone before. When a traumatic event has happened... Read more
What Is an Indigo Child and How to Recognize If You or Your …
You may have heard the term Indigo Child being used with growing frequency in recent years, particularly since the 1970s – back when the basic idea was developed by teacher and author Nancy Ann Tappe. Or perhaps, this is the first time you are hearing of it. So... Read more
How to Avoid Empathy Burnout When Surrounded by Pain
It seems there could never be enough empathy and compassion in our world, but we are starting to discover that our capacity to share the emotions of others and take their perspective comes with a bit of a sting if we're not careful. If we... Read more
The Circle of Life: Understanding Mandalas
Circles play a very important role in the spiritual world. A circle is the shape that represents the earth, sun and moon. It is found all around us in every aspect of life and is the representation of infinite wholeness. The word mandala itself... Read more
Visualization To Materialization — The Secret To Achieve You…
Did you know how powerful your third eye chakra is? Did you know visualization is key to help you materialize your dreams? Our Intentions + Our Actions = Our Creations This is the main formula when it comes to visualizing the world around us and making... Read more
Intuition: Your Divine Right and Connection to Source
Intuition is your birthright. It’s guidance for you that flows directly from Source energy to you and through you. It is your inner guidance system designed to help protect you when needed and guide you in the right direction. It is a true gift from... Read more
Defining the Emotions an Empath Feels in Others
Learning to differentiate between emotions can be a challenge for the Empath. We all know we can feel them in those around us, but we don’t always grasp their meaning. I often get asked questions like: ‘I don’t know how to define what I feel... Read more
If You Feel You Are Different From The Rest of Society, You …
Human Angels have certain characteristics that make them different from the rest of society. Are you a Human Angel? If since childhood you have wanted to change the world and have not stopped believing… If you feel that you have a special talent to help others… If you... Read more
Spiritual Hygiene — How To Heal Spiritual Hurt And Injuries
Learn how to heal your spirit by identifying spiritual wounds and practicing spiritual hygiene. As a society, we value our bodies more than our minds, and our minds more than our souls. This is apparent even in children. Take the example of toddlers who know that... Read more
The 3 Types of Telepathy, Including Soul-to-Soul Telepathy
Telepathy has been recognized since the 19th century, when scientists first validated two different types. These included instinctual telepathy, which is mostly feeling based, and mind-to-mind telepathy, which is largely mental-based. However, there is a third type of telepathy, a higher type of telepathy, according... Read more
7 Tips to Strengthen Your Intuition and Take Soul-Inspired A…
When we have a big question or an important decision to make, many of us look outside of ourselves for the answers. We turn to Google. We get advice from our friends and family. We read books or consult the teachings of experts. Yet we... Read more
How To Remove Negative Energy From Your Home With Simple Cle…
Negative or harmful energy seeps into our spaces all the time. Whatever the reason for it entering, regularly removing negative energy from your space can restore balance and harmony. If you are wondering how to remove negative energy from your home, try these simple... Read more
Empathy & Compassion — Helping Others Without Being Judg…
Judging others puts you in a position of superiority that no human being can boast to have achieved. If you exercise empathy in all life situations you meet, you not only allow yourself to judge others, but deny them the much needed support to... Read more
Do Empaths Have Mediumistic Abilities?
Because Empaths are an intuitive bunch it can arouse the question whether they also have psychic and mediumistic abilities. Being mediumistic is not a trait to fall under the ‘traits of an Empath’. However, there are some who do have this ability. Some Empaths have mediumistic abilities... Read more
Let The Path Be Lit, And All Repeating Patterns Be Broken
Tonight I’ve seen with eyes clearer than before. This afternoon I played out a scenario in my head which was very familiar to me, old but familiar. It hadn’t come around for quite sometime and but was there again nonetheless. The repeating scenario began with me... Read more
3 Powerful Methods to Protect Your Energy
To protect or not to protect, that is the question. There are so many differences in opinion on this topic, and it seems people from the old energy use (and swear by) putting a protective ball of light around them. That is one method you’ve probably... Read more
Develop Intuition and Find Your Bliss
Practicing meditation is essential for developing Empath intuition! Meditation is one of the most powerful tools an Empath can use for their personal growth. A committed daily practice will serve in many ways. It will help strengthen the mind, body and spirit. It will build... Read more
Don’t Like What You See? Look a Little Closer… The Mirror of…
We have all experienced it, being around someone who has either taken an instant dislike to us, or a bizarre resentment suddenly appears in those we have known for some time. We may have no idea why the other feels this way, as we... Read more
How your psychic senses are connected to Earth's energy
Psychic researcher Pete A. Sanders Jr. knew early on that psych ability was real, leading him to spend his education at MIT studying brain science and biomedical chemistry, hoping to understand the complex relationship between the brain, the mind and the nervous system. MIT professor... Read more
All I Want For Christmas Is...
Hello Coloriscious Soul All I Want For Christmas Is..... ....did you fill in the space? What do you want? A new relationship, someone to spend your life with? A new job, something that will resonate with your soul? More money, so you feel safe and secure, and you don't have... Read more
Message: Reassignment – Ashtar Mothership In Saturn’s Rings
I attended a company Christmas party last night hosted by my husband’s boss. Normally I don’t go to such events but I promised my husband I would. As is normal for me, the large number of people along with the fact that they were... Read more
Energy Clearing: What Is It And What Does It Do?
Energy Healing is healing modality that falls under the category of alternative medicine and is more and more widely recognized each and every day. It can be conducted in person or by distance through the use of intuition and intent, which is what I... Read more
Unlock Doors to Happiness, Prosperity & Abundance
Recently I and my other healer friends came across few cases regarding houses/ property which have been locked for long periods of time or some people were not getting positive vibes staying in a particular house/property. Given below are few examples: Read more
Staying Grounded for Empaths and Sensitives
In these trying times, with the constant bombardment of negative energies and emotions, it is a challenge for Empaths and Sensitives to stay grounded. Even when staying home, within one’s personal sanctuary, the empathic antennas are perpetually picking up pain from the outside world. Because of this,... Read more
How To Energetically Protect Yourself As A Lightworker
Tips and techniques that lightworkers and light warriors can use to protect themselves on the energetic level. Diamonds Diamonds can be used to reinforce and effectively protect just about anything on the energetic level – and it doesn’t take much skill to do. In the mornings, take... Read more
A Collection Of Dream Symbols And What They Mean
Everyone has a window into their own subconscious in the dream world. Unfortunately, we forget most of them. This is why, if you are invested in finding meaning in your dreams, you should keep a dream journal. Just quickly jot it down upon awakening.... Read more
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