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January 2025 Card: Orion - Healing Crisis and Purging

January 2025 Card: Orion - Healing Crisis and Purging

Card #56 | Orion (Present, 2nd Era) | Healing Crisis and Purging

We are sure that you have all noticed the chaos that is seemingly growing on your world. It takes the form of natural disasters, political intrigue, and most obvious of all – overwhelm, anger, and projection on an individual level. People no longer feel safe to express themselves, even with kindness. What is going on?

What you are seeing happening around you is actually a phase through which transitional species pass from 3rd to 4th density if they have not been willing to look within and heal themselves of their inner wounds. As the energy of the transformation increases, all that has been left unhealed within starts boiling over, much like a pot of water on a stove. On a collective level, this is the main energy that is fueling super storms, protests, and other chaotic events that are not within your individual control. This energy is like a toxic release, or a purging of disintegrated energy that must find an outlet of expression. It is simple energy dynamics. These events are like a wake-up call that is meant to compel you to change collective direction. (This wake-up call isn’t given by someone out there – it is a natural result of unbalanced energy). Unfortunately, those of you reading this are not necessarily the ones who need to hear this message the most and understand what is at stake for your civilization and its evolution.

You are at a point now where continued mindsets and actions that focus on blame, deception, polarity, division, wound projection, and paranoia act like the warm waters that build the strength of a hurricane. All they do is create more toxic energy that will eventually have to be released and then the cycle continues. Other civilizations who have had to pass through this transformational gate have also weathered this challenge. At some point, most of them eventually realized the connection between their lack of kindness and compassion and the intensity of the chaos. When that truth sinks in, change begins.

So, what can you do as individuals? We know that all of you get triggered by what you see around you and it becomes easy to get sucked into the force of the disintegration hurricane, so to speak. Therefore, we offer this guide to you as a way to navigate this challenging experience. Please remember that ultimately toxic release leads to healing if you allow it. We do see that you are on the path to healing, though you are certainly choosing a dramatic road to take for this journey!

  1. Do Not Make a Story. Stay in your Center. During this time, we see that you are all bombarded with “news” – this person says one thing, but the facts show otherwise, for example. (And there is even disagreement about facts). You process this “news” in your mind, let it shape a story that validates your beliefs, and then you react to it. This is a wonderful analogy that shows you exactly what happens during incarnation as physical beings! There is not really an objective reality in the way you’ve come to understand it. (As in, “This is true, that is false.”) This is because as you move out of a deeply polarized reality, your consciousness begins to expand beyond the true/false paradigm. If you stay attached to that paradigm, you suffer. That is where we see so many of you are stuck now – in the suffering of trying to make sense of reality by using an old, outdated paradigm of polarity. You can gain more inner peace by releasing the mind’s story and just let it go, with the understanding that two people may see the same event in opposite ways, depending upon their programming. Do not take the polarity bait. This is part of your evolution – to find a way to forge a new path away from polarized thinking.
  2. Find Your Compassion. Those around you who seem to be creating the chaos (whether they are public figures or people in your own life), do so from their unhealed wounds. You cannot change them, but you have the choice of how to react. If you take the bait and resist or fight them, there will be no shift. However, if you can somehow find in your heart a way to connect with the wound within the antagonist that is driving their actions, it totally shifts the energy. The compulsion to fight or resist softens. It is a form of emotional alchemy that is a gamechanger.
  3. Tend Your Own Garden. Finally, let yourself use the momentum of this release of unhealed energy around you to give you the strength and courage to go within and work on what is unhealed within yourself. As you do, your healing affects the collective consciousness. With enough people doing this kind of inner work, the collective consciousness of your world will feel it and create pathways to healing that were not open before.

Your Orion ancestors experienced a similar perilous shift like you are passing through now. However, theirs was even more polarized and painful. The lessons they learned, as well as the healing path of alchemy that they experienced, are available to you to access in your own collective purging process. See this phase as a healing crisis. On the other side will be a reality that unfolds along a loving and integrated path if you do this crucial work. Put one foot in front of the other, and know that your galactic family, having walked a similar path, are always by your side.

Germane -- through Lyssa Royal Holt

Inspired By The Galactic Heritage Cards

Every month, we "randomly" pick a card from the Galactic Heritage Cards deck, and Lyssa (with Germane's help) channels a message for that card that is appropriate at that time.


Galactic Heritage CardsClick Image Above To Puirchase Card Deck!

www.lyssaroyal.net | www.solischool.org
For more information about the card meanings, go to Lyssa's YouTube channel here

Lyssa Royal Holt has been a seminar leader, channel, and author since 1985. She is the co-director, with her husband Ronald Holt, of Seed of Life Institute LLC and the SOLi School, an organization whose primary purpose is to assist individuals to understand the nature of consciousness and to put this understanding into practice in daily life – providing a road map to the process of realizing the true Awareness beyond the human identity. 

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