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Full Moon Meditation Series - Aquarius

Full Moon Meditation Series - Aquarius

Aquarius - Full Moon Meditation

« Water of Life am I, poured out forth for thirsty men »


This full moon meditation series is based on an astrological interpretation of the twelve labors of Hercules from the Greek myth.

The twelve tasks of Hercules are symbolic lessons for every human from the way of selfishness back to the Heart of God. As mortals we do not exactly know the way to the higher worlds but the path itself knows and leads us through sometimes dramatic experiences to our goal. So we travel "on the path until we become that path", from Aries to Aquarius and Pisces.

In Aquarius unselfishness sets the standard tone. Unselfishness is based on serving others freely as one is no more self centered. The fundament of unselfishness lies in right direction of the inner forces of life.


Hercules is called to his eleventh task:

Turn back to those for whom the light is but a transient point, and help them make it grow. Direct your steps to Augeas whose kingdom must be cleansed of ancient evil.

When Hercules approaches the realms of King Augeas a horrible stench makes him faint and weak. For years, he learns, King Augeas has never cleared away the dung of the cattle within the royal stables. Then, too, the pastures are so amply dunged that no crops can grow. In consequence, a blighting pestilence is sweeping through the land. Hercules informs the King that he is willing to clean the stables but Augeas reacts with distrust and disbelief. "I have no faith in men who seek to serve the world without a recompense but you may try. If you, within a single day, shall clean the stables, one-tenth of my great flock of cattle shall be yours; but if you fail, your life and fortune will be in my hands."

On leaving the king Hercules wanders through the countryside. When he observes two rivers, the Alpheus and the Peneus flowing quietly nearby, the answer to the problem flashes upon his mind. Hercules starts to labor and with great exertions succeeds in diverting the two rivers from the courses they had followed for decades. Their new course let them pour their waters straight through the dung-filled stables of King Augeas. The rushing torrents sweep away the long-accumulated filth with all its fetid murk.

Within a single day Hercules performs the impossible task. Quite satisfied he returns to the king but Augeas welcomes him harshly and cries out: "You have succeeded by a trick, the rivers did the work, not you. It's all a plot against my throne, a ruse to take away the cattle. You shall not have any reward. Go, before I cut down your stature by a head!"


The sign of Aquarius is often pictured as a human being carrying a pitcher of water and pouring it out in two streams over humanity. The two streams - Alpheus and Peneus - symbolize the energies "of life and love"; they change our ways and help to purify the "Augeas stables" of environmental pollution, waste, misery and illness. The sign of Aquarius encourages us to serve humanity through our family, group or nation in an unselfish way like in the following aphorism:

He who faces the light and stands within its radiance is blinded to the issues of the world of men; he passes on the lighted way to the great Center of Absorption. But he who feels the urge to pass that way, yet loves his fellows on the darkened path, revolves upon the pedestal of light and turns the other way.

He faces towards the dark and then the seven points of light within himself transmit the outward streaming light, and lo! the face of those upon the darkened way receives that light. For them, the way is not so dark. Behind the warriors - between the light and dark - blazes the light of the enlightened souls.

Meditation on the seed thought of the month

  1. Remain in silence for some minutes.
  2. Sing three times: OM.
  3. Ponder upon the seed thought for 3 to 5 minutes:
    «Water of Life am I, poured out for thirsty men.»
  4. Recite the following mantra:
    I am a point of light within a greater light.
    I am a strand of loving energy within the stream of love divine.
    I am a point of sacrificial fire, focused within the fiery will of God.
    And thus I stand
  5. Sing again three times: OM.
  6. Recite three times: May all living beings in all the worlds be happy.
  7. Remain in silence for three minutes, than end with:
    Peace, Peace, Peace.

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Sun in Aquarius
21 degrees
Moon in Leo
22 degrees
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14 days old
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