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Full Moon Meditation Series - Cancer

Full Moon Meditation Series - Cancer

Cancer - Full Moon Meditation

«I build a lighted house and live within.»
(June 21 to July 21)


This full moon meditation series is based on an astrological interpretation of the twelve labors of Hercules from the Greek myth.

The twelve tasks of Hercules are symbolic lessons for every human from the way of selfishness back to the Heart of God. As mortals we do not exactly know the way to the higher worlds but the path itself knows and leads us through sometimes dramatic experiences to our goal. So we travel "on the path until we become that path", from Aries to Gemini and Cancer - and further through all the astrological signs to Pisces.

In Cancer the power to choose sets the standard tone. First comes the premonition, later the certain knowledge; eventually we recognize through discrimination - after mental control in Aries, overcome desire in Taurus and active work in Gemini - the light of God everywhere.


In the fourth sign of the astrological year, Cancer, the Crab, Hercules is called again from his own inner light to go further and accept the next task:

Go rescue the doe and bear it to the safety of the shrine, and leave it there. Being a son of man, yet a son of God, you can thus seek and hold the doe. Go forth.

Hercules, standing upon a hill between the pillars of the Gate, listened to the warning words of Artemis: "The doe is mine, so touch it not". Then into view sprang Diana, the huntress of the heavens who claimed likewise possession of the doe. Hercules wondered about the quarrel for possession of the doe and heard a voice telling him "The doe belongs to neither maid, but to the God whose shrine you see on the distant mount". For the length of a full year Hercules chased the doe arduously from place to place, until he finds it sleeping close to a quiet pool. He shoots an arrow towards the doe and wounds it on the foot. He clasps it within his arms, close to the heart and carries it to the holy shrine of Mykenae singing "The search is over, the doe is mine".


The doe or hind symbolizes the intuition which is fleeting like a glimpse shine of light in a dark house. Artemis, living in the house of the moon, symbolizes the outer form, indicating that all creative achievements belong to her. But Diana, the huntress of the heavens claims the same. The "wounded foot" of the doe means to me that we need to go further on the path even by pain.

Cancer is the last sign of the first triad of the zodiac and the sign of birth into physical life; the three preceding signs of Aries (thought control), Taurus (overcome desire) and Gemini (active work) served as a preparation for Cancer to cope with the densest physical matter - material birth can take place now. In Cancer belonging to a group and the need to choose are especially experienced. The process remains the same whether the group form is a nation, a family or a business unit. The equipment of Hercules is now ready that he may enter the path of return to the heart of God. In Cancer a mortal comes - for the first time - in contact with universal reason, the highest form of mass consciousness.

The keynote "I build a lighted house and live within" means that we should enlighten the "Body" with our own inner light and live within it like in a temple. Is the house we are building already lit? Resembles the house more an enlightened one or is it still a dark prison? When the house is lit, streams of light pour out and the warmth has a magnetic pull. If our house is still entangled in darkness, we find ourselves in a kind of isolation, separation and loneliness and often during such times we do not know where to find reality and truth. Others however wander free in the world to uplift and help their brothers and sisters. In case we are not yet capable of this, we have to learn to "wander free", to choose and to stick with our decisions.

Meditation on the seed thought of the month

  1. Remain in silence for some minutes.
  2. Sing three times: OM.
  3. Ponder upon the seed thought for 3 to 5 minutes:
    «I build a lighted house and live within.»
  4. Recite the following mantra:
    I am a point of light within a greater light.
    I am a strand of loving energy within the stream of love divine.
    I am a point of sacrificial fire, focused within the fiery will of God.
    And thus I stand
  5. Sing again three times: OM.
  6. Recite three times: May all living beings in all the worlds be happy.
  7. Remain in silence for three minutes, than end with:
    Peace, Peace, Peace.

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