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March 2024: Lyra's Revealing Card of the Month!

March 2024: Lyra's Revealing Card of the Month!

Card #12 | Lyra (Past, 1st Era) | Masculine Principle

We have spoken many times about the 26,000-year cycle and its two main eras that are 13,000 years each.

The last 13,000-year era has ended, and you are now beginning a new one. This is not just an abstract or metaphorical idea. The dualistic nature of the physical universe is expressed through what we call seasons of consciousness. Each season has specific energetic qualities that affect those who are incarnated, based on how energy flows in a torus field (such as a galaxy). 

The era out of which you are now passing is one whose qualities are masculine in nature. That includes what you may call positive and negative traits. The positive traits include a passion for discovery and invention, the will to undertake hard work to achieve a result, and a deep need to protect loved ones. The negative traits include those you are probably all too familiar with – rigidity, prioritization of the mind over emotion, resistance to change, and aggression, to name a few.  The era into which you are now transiting is more feminine in nature and includes more fluidity, a balance of emotions and mind, less resistance, and more acceptance and compassion, and so much more.

Please do not misunderstand us when we talk about these dualistic cycles. We are not implying that you must bounce back and forth with no resolution. Evolution is more like a spiral, and with each cycle you integrate the dualistic energies more and more until both are balanced within you. This evolutionary path means that it is essential to embrace both sides of your dualistic nature. Masculine and feminine energies only become toxic when they are denied or resisted within you.

This card is showing up in this part of your evolutionary cycle to remind you of this truth. As you move into a more archetypal feminine cycle for the next 13,000 years, it is essential that you do not judge or deny healthy masculine energy because of the pain of the past. We see some of this judgment happening in your world. Yes, it is true that the unbalanced masculine energy has caused a lot of pain on your world, but that experience didn’t come from masculine energy itself; it came from a misuse and/or misunderstanding of the healthy and balanced masculine energy that is a part of creation itself. That misuse and misunderstanding primarily comes from fear.

Therefore, the energy of this card at this time is asking you to look within you for all the areas in which you judge your own masculine energy. Perhaps you have had a traumatic or unpleasant experience with the masculine in the past, and then have projected that pain onto your own inner male/female landscape. When this happens, one tends to resist and demonize one’s own inner masculine, thus creating an energetic imbalance. Seeing this inner dynamic and learning to give love and compassion to one’s inner wounded male, is a huge step in healing. (The same is true regarding your relationship with your inner wounded female). As your planet transitions into a more feminine energy, it becomes essential to start healing this dynamic with the wounded masculine first on the personal level. Once the healing begins there, it is much easier for the collective masculine energy to heal as well.

Your galactic family traveled this road of masculine and feminine integration as well. Each civilization had to learn to love and honor the masculine and feminine within. Some civilizations found it easier (such as the Pleiadians), while others had a big challenge (such as the Orions and Zetas). In the end, each civilization integrates these energies because integration is the natural state of consciousness. If you feel you need energetic assistance, always know that your ancestors from the stars are willing to assist, though they cannot do the work for you. This is a sacred time on Earth, even if it doesn’t feel like it. These sacred times are filled with immense power for change. Sometimes, what triggers this change is the seemingly simple work you each do within yourselves. Have no fear of your inner archetypal landscape. In the end, when you release resistance, all that exists within you is an irresistible current that returns you to your true nature – pure love.

Germane -- through Lyssa Royal Holt

Inspired By The Galactic Heritage Cards

Every month, we "randomly" pick a card from the Galactic Heritage Cards deck, and Lyssa (with Germane's help) channels a message for that card that is appropriate at that time.


www.lyssaroyal.net | www.solischool.org
For more information about the card meanings, go to Lyssa's YouTube channel here
Lyssa Royal Holt has been a seminar leader, channel, and author since 1985. She is the co-director, with her husband Ronald Holt, of Seed of Life Institute LLC and the SOLi School, an organization whose primary purpose is to assist individuals to understand the nature of consciousness and to put this understanding into practice in daily life – providing a road map to the process of realizing the true Awareness beyond the human identity. 

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