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Lyra (Future) | Natural Humility: Card of the Month - July 2018

Lyra (Future) | Natural Humility: Card of the Month - July 2018

Card #69 | Lyra (Future) | Natural Humility
In recent years, the awakened Lyran energy has been supporting humans more and more. Much of this energy is felt in the background but there is one particular thread that is standing out. This particular thread is one we can call the Lyran Awakening Teachings and it is quite appropriate for the current stage of human evolution. Why is this?

Your ancient Lyran forefathers, the progenitors of your galactic family, experienced a lonely road in their awakening process because there were not many models that could assist them, unlike the humans of today who have many galactic mentors. Because of this lonely road, their awakening process was long and arduous. The innate characteristics of these original Lyrans tended to lean toward masculine energy. Therefore, as a young species they displayed many strong traits such as arrogance, stubbornness, pushiness, and blind addiction to their own points of view. As their species began its inevitable transformation, there was an inner war felt inside them between the ways of the past and the exhaustion caused by those old ways. This exhaustion led them to seek a new way and this was the key element that helped to accelerate their awakening process.

On Earth now, there is a great exhaustion – much like what was felt by your ancient Lyran forefathers. This exhaustion is caused by egos that can’t let go of trying to control or shape reality in the way they want. The ego tries many sneaky (and not-so-sneaky) ways of trying to get its way. When it can’t, much like a child, it can sometimes throw a temper tantrum. All of this egoic energy, when combined with the intense accelerated energy as you move into fourth density, can create a profound exhaustion on a collective level. You are seeing this now. Not only are many of you battling with the demands of your ego (even when having a higher vision about it), but you are also being subjected to the collective egoic energy playing out in the world. This combination of dynamics is tremendously draining. The level of exhaustion many of you are feeling is not imagined. It is felt as most species similar to yours begin to make their transition. So what do you need to do when you are exhausted? The obvious answer is rest. But what does that really mean?

Of course this means that resting your body is necessary, but we are referring to something a little bit more subtle. The ego needs to rest! Yet rest is the last thing it wants, because it fears that to rest means to relinquish control. It feels it must always be watchful and prepared for any perceived attacks. It also has to, in a sense, constantly survey its kingdom to be sure that nothing is out of place that could possibly cause you discomfort or pain. This kind of vigilance is exhausting and yet addictive at the same time. So what is the solution?

We have said many times that as you move into 4th density, you become less focused on doing (manipulating reality), and more focused on being (allowing yourself to move with the flow of the universe). In this transitory stage right now, the doer and the one trying to rest in just being (the “be-er”) feel conflicted. Chaos ensues as you try to navigate this uncharted territory. In the chaos, the ego just feels exhausted, but still keeps trying to run its programs.

Much like a caterpillar goes into a type of hibernation before it becomes a butterfly, it is now time for the ego to rest – to move inward in order to facilitate its metamorphosis. So what does this have to do with the theme of this card, Natural Humility?

As the ego rests and goes into its metamorphosis, it’s very foundation begins to change. When it emerges from its cocoon (so to speak), it will become a 4th density version of itself. As you move further into fourth density, the ego doesn’t die – but it changes. (We do have to say that this metamorphosis may feel like a death from the ego’s point of view). This 4th density ego (which Sasha has discussed at length) has new qualities. It begins to live its truth with quiet confidence. It doesn’t need to trumpet it’s points of view and yet it has a strength, stability and humility that set it apart from the 3rd density version.

This is the natural humility that awaits you. It is a quiet strength in which you are fully aligned with your joy, truth, and integrity, but without a 3D ego that needs attention. It is an entirely new way of being that is a step on your path to what you call enlightenment.

Your ancient Lyran forefathers eventually made this leap and so will you. Meanwhile, they guide you in the background, giving you the strength to see the ego clearly as they had to do. Metaphorically, your ancient Lyran family is singing a lullaby to you – coaxing your egos into the deep sleep of metamorphosis. Upon awakening, you are born anew.

Inspired By The Galactic Heritage Cards

Every month, we "randomly" pick a card from the Galactic Heritage Cards deck, and Lyssa (with Germane's help) channels a message for that card that is appropriate at that time.

In this video series, Germane (channeled through Lyssa Royal Holt) continues the journey through galactic history by using the Galactic Heritage Cards as a road map. This video explores cards #83-85 & 90-91 (Hybrids, Dolphins and Whales)

www.lyssaroyal.net | www.solischool.org
For more information from Germane on YouTube about the card meanings, go to Lyssa's YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeuLbnOjJBUfqqm2KEqkpLA

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