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Essassani - Card of the Month - November 2022
Written by Lyssa Royal
Card #104 | Essassani (Parallel) | Leaving Home
Like last month, this card ultimately refers to the process of change. The “home” referenced in the theme of this card refers to your old metaphorical place of security. The location of that place is different for everyone.
For some, “home” has been third density and its polarized structure. Another example is that it could be the place inside of you to which you retreat when you are in fear. Whatever that secure home is, the ego does not want to accept that it is temporary, and clings to the safety of worn-out structures in order to feel safe.
As you move into 4th density, it may feel like those old, safe structures are being torn away from you. It may seem impossible to hide in your safe home anymore because the pressures of transformation are not only knocking on the door, but they are sometimes flooding through every crevice in the illusionary structure you’ve built to keep yourself safe. So how can you keep your stability? How can you navigate reality when it seems that the old ways don’t work anymore?
You may wonder why this theme is connected to the Essassani species. The reason for that is because of their lineage. The Essassani (or Sassani) are a hybrid species of human and Zeta Reticuli – two species who really do not embrace change well. Essassani represents an alchemical shift of that resistance as you move into 4th density. They are a species who not only embrace change but are excited by it. To them, “home” means wherever they are in the here and now. This means that in order to evolve as the Essassani have, both species had to heal the ancestral fears of change.
Therefore, this card is showing you where humanity (collectively and individually) can often be stuck. Since collective change happens from the internal change of individuals, this means that it is time to begin to really notice what you cling to as a way to feel safe, but which ultimately keeps you from moving forward. Leaving your metaphorical home means not only jumping into the unknown but being willing to embrace it. Even though so many of you are willing to do this, the ego still demands a road map! However, this kind of journey has a very sparse road map attached. You will know when you are going down the right road for you through your intuition, as long as you have learned to differentiate your true intuition from fear-disguised-as-intuition! This is an essential part of the spiritual journey from 3rd density to 4th. It is impossible to describe to you who you will be on the other side of this journey, but we can say that it will feel very, very different. On the other side, there will be no going back – and you won’t want to go back.
So practically speaking then, what to do? How to navigate this road? How can you do your best to make choices that help you release your attachment to your previous rigid-but-safe home and ease your passage into a more fluid 4th density reality?
It is here that the NOW moment is your most powerful tool. Do your best, in each moment, to be aware of what you are feeling and experiencing. We are not talking about the story of your experience, which is not really the experience at all. We are talking about the experiential FEEL of it through your senses and emotional body, with no story attached. Some of those feelings will be joyful and loving. Some of them will be painful. It is those painful experiences that are the main catalysts for your transformational experience. By allowing yourself to feel discomfort, without a story, deep insights occur, and it creates a metaphorical burning of the old structures (the old “house” of your beliefs, so to speak). With continued practice, you will eventually begin to feel differently. Once you see how hard it is to return to your old way of being, you will be well on your way!
Your Essassani family understands how difficult this period of transition is, and that is why they are communicating to you through channeling and even simply through energy connection. By connecting with their energy, you allow yourself to feel what a reality is like in which attachments to old structures are no longer present. From that space, you are ready to leave home (without a suitcase filled with old stuff) and explore the new, inconceivable, exciting, and integrative reality that is fast approaching on the horizon. This month, allow your Essassani family to be your guides.
Germane -- through Lyssa Royal Holt
Inspired By The Galactic Heritage Cards
Every month, we "randomly" pick a card from the Galactic Heritage Cards deck, and Lyssa (with Germane's help) channels a message for that card that is appropriate at that time.
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