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How to Spot A Residual Energy Attack


Hope everything is keeping really well in your life and (depending on what part of the world you live in) you are enjoying these lovely summer months.

Continuing on from my last post about how residual energy impacts the Empath, I am here following up with information about the residual energy  picked up from people and  why it gets caught up in our energy field and how it affects us.

Residual energy from others can seep into our aura and influence our thoughts and moods for days after being picked up. Anyone and everyone can leave a dark mark of lingering energy when in a low mood, but those who affect Empaths in the most painful ways are the people who act as emotional trauma triggers (ETTs).

To those who are Sensitive, the mere mention of an ETT’s name is enough to ignite an unpleasant emotional response. But the worst reaction happens when one has spent time in their presence and their imprint has infused into one’s energetic body.

Trauma trigger people (who are often family members, friends or work colleagues, etc.) feel like poison to the Empath. Their presence can make us physically ill. And when their residual energy is undesirable it can throw our body and mind into disarray for days or weeks.

You will find the ETTs who leave the darkest residual energy on you are the ones who have big egos or are stuck in victim-mentality. They have huge issues with others but pretend otherwise and may tell the world how fantastic their life is, whilst insinuating everyone else’s is worthless. Secretly, they harbour deep grudges against people and are usually the jealous type. Selfish, passive-aggressive, narcissistic and highly opinionated behavior are some of their strongest traits, although they may try to disguise these characteristics behind smiles and pleasantries. They will never see themselves as being wrong and refuse to look at two sides of a story if it paints them in a bad light. They will turn down an opportunity to change their ways, even if it is pointed out how it hurts others.

When spending time with those who “press your buttons” it is easy to act in a defensive way or out of character. Because you feel uncomfortable when with an ETT, it will have an effect on your attitude towards them. If this lowers your mood it will also lower your vibration and opens you up to picking up more of their residual energy.

You can protect yourself to a certain extent from ETTs by staying in a positive mind-set and not retaliating towards any unfair comments they make. By keeping your intention high and speaking positive, power-filled words it is empowering and will uplift your energy. This also works in being protective. Unfortunately, possessing an upbeat demeanour does not always shield you from the residual energy attack that can ensue by spending too much time with ETTs.

You normally experience an emotional trauma trigger’s residual energy anything from a couple of hours up to a day or two after being in their presence. It feels like a psychic attack: you may find you cannot focus and get constantly distracted from everyday tasks, your mind keeps dipping into their conversations and the intentions behind them, and you find yourself getting riled by their words’ true meaning; even though you were not affected by them when they were said. You may experience anger, resentment and emotional discomfort. This is caused by a dark residual energy attack. You are still energetically connected to your ETT and when you drop your guard you feel the impact.

Why Does This Happen?


The Empath’s aura (energy field or energetic body), which both surrounds and penetrates our body, is often permeable. This means we are energetically open and susceptible to picking up other people’s “stuff”. There are many reasons for this (subject for future posts), but it puts us at a disadvantage when spending time with ETTs.

When one’s energy field is leaky or open, residual energy, from people or places, seeps in and mixes with our own. If not cleared, this energy can linger for a long time and cause disruption. Our aura is connected to our physical body. Anything negative picked up within the energy field will disturb our body and mind, controlling our moods and thoughts.

If you know you get taken down by residual energy, after spending time with a certain person, it is wise to avoid them. At least until you have learnt to keep your energy field clear and are balanced enough not to be taken down. If this is not possible, only spend time with them when there is a group of people around. Always be pleasant and stay in your positive mental space, but try not to get engaged in deep conversation. This will help keep you protected.

The sad part of this story is those who become trauma triggers to the Empath are often those who have the deepest hidden pain and insecurities, which they refuse to face. This pain is often shaped into selfish or conceited behaviour. Regrettably, until they are willing to see their insecurities for themselves no one else can help them.

There is now a greater chance of you being affected by dark residual energy on regular occasions. We are in a time of change. The world is shifting and people are in crisis! This crisis has no sight of ending anytime soon. People are having many unresolved issues, emotional pain and insecurities coming up to the surface (AKA the shadow-side), because they need to be cleared for us all to move onwards and upwards. Many are choosing to avoid facing this pain and are instead trying to drown it out with distractions such as food, alcohol and drugs. Or they are attacking and placing the blame for their pain on others. This creates a lot of unpleasant energy picked up by the Empaths.

If you are not already aware, I have another book coming out called ‘Empath Power – Grounding, Healing and Protection for life!’ This book is written with the aim of being a guide during these turbulent transition times. It is a compilation of some of the most popular posts on my blog, for grounding and protection, and some new information specifically intended to assist now. I will send another post out with further details.

Whilst writing the 7 Secrets, I realized some of the material within its pages may be too much for those who have recently awakened to being an Empath, as it is quite advanced. We are all at different levels of development and the information needed for one is not what is needed for another.  I know it is important for me to get this knowledge out now and I have been working hard every day to do just that. I will present this information in a series of short books, relating to the different levels and areas of life as an Empath. (I will also be taking advantage of Kindle’s free book promos, so look out for that).

As you are all aware, there are many layers to being an Empath. Our awakening and development is a progressive journey.  Some of the ideas that helped me fifteen years ago would not be helpful today. And some of the material that was presented, but of no use back then, I now know to be essential.

Empath life is a continuous journey of evolvement. Believe me when I say, it gets better and better, especially when we tune into our intuition and work on ourselves by balancing the mind, body and spirit.

Thanks for taking the time out of your day to read my post.

Until next time


by Diane Kathrine


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