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Unshackle Yourself From Empath Clutter
Whilst sifting through my blog earlier I came across a post about clearing clutter, which I posted some years ago. It was one of those synchronistic moments that acted as a much-needed reminder about letting go of the old and redundant.
Uncluttering is the perfect solution for clearing stagnant energy and lifting the spirits. Being the start of spring, it is the ideal time to get rid of that which no longer serves.
I decided to re-post the original (after some editing and updates) in the hopes it will serve you as it has me.
It is incredible how quickly clutter builds within the home and the mind. How many of us hold onto things long after they’ve outlived their use?
Have you kept old clothes for when you lose weight or hope they may come back in fashion one day?
Or have you been given a gift you didn’t really like, but kept to avoid hurting another’s feelings?
I think it’s safe to say most could answer yes to the above questions. But hoarding, even just a bit, soon sees your home overloaded with junk. Bad news for Empaths or those of a Sensitive nature.
An overly cluttered house leads to an overly cluttered energy field.
Clutter equates to stagnated energy and is extremely draining to the body and mind. Even clutter the eye cannot see has a debilitating effect on the psyche and creates an overcrowded feeling.
If you have a crowded house (and I don’t mean with people) you may not realize how much it depletes your energy. Clutter causes sluggishness, apathy and an uninspired Empath mind.
Empaths tend to have an inbuilt loathing of clutter, whether they are aware of their gift or not, and this is because they feel ‘clutter energy’ dragging them down. They may opt for an uncomplicated decor, without too much fuss, for the simple reason all objects hold energy. But over the years clutter unintentionally builds.
Many years ago, I read a book by Karen Kingston called: ‘Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui, it really resonated with me and inspired me to have a full-on house detox.
I hatched a plan to rid the home of all unwanted, unused and unhelpful items we had hoarded. My husband and I ploughed through the house, room by room, and cleared tonnes of stuff (slight exaggeration, but you will be surprised how much is crammed into the smallest draw). I have a minimalistic decor style and have never liked visual clutter. So everything removed came out of cupboards, draws and wardrobes.
It was amazing how clean, fresh and liberated we both felt afterwards. Removing the clutter also cleared energetic debris held within the unused items.
Where to Start
The first thing you need to summon when de-cluttering is bravery. Yes, it may sound silly to suggest being brave when it comes to house-clearing, but it’s often exactly what you need. Letting anything go causes discomfort. Fear always rear its ugly head when making any changes in life. When de-cluttering, fear likes to perch on your shoulder and whisper in your ear, telling you how much you need those unneeded items.
Hoarding is born from the fear of lack. By clearing your clutter you face this fear. When your home is full there is no room for anything new to come into your life. In making space, you send out a message to the universe that you are open to receive (but hopefully not to more clutter).
To find out whether you really need something in your life simply ask this question: How will this item improve my life? If you can’t come up with an answer (other than it won’t) it’s probably time to ditch or give it to charity.
Mental Clutter
Clearing the clutter doesn’t just have to be of your home, you can have an internal-clutter-clearing session.
Disposing of old beliefs, traits or thought patterns is both liberating and rejuvenating. Granted, they’re not as easy to be rid of as belongings, but probably ten times more beneficial.
A trait that will serve you no-end in eliminating is overly judgemental behaviour.
Judgemental behaviour carries a dark, cluttering energy
Although Empaths may dislike judging others it doesn’t mean they won’t harshly judge themselves. Being judgemental is imprisoning and causes untold harm. And it doesn’t have to be vindictive to be damaging: Believing you are not good enough, or another is more worthy is destructive. Self-judgements shrinks your self-worth and clutters your mind with insecurities.
Being judgemental catches all Empaths unaware. But when you work to clear it you become more conscious and automatically disengage from judgemental musings before they have chance to do damage.
Clutter Clearing Check List for the Internal and External
If you are in doubt of what you should or shouldn’t keep in your life, see the following questions:
- Does this serve me today?
- Will this serve me in the foreseeable future?
- Can this serve anyone else?
- Why am I holding onto this?
- Will keeping/holding onto this make me happy?
A word of warning: Within days of having a clear-out your mind will play tricks on you. You will suddenly find use for everything you de-cluttered. You may not have used an item for 5 years but your mind will find a job for it once you’ve binned it. Just know that this is part of the de-cluttering process and it will pass.
If you are particularly affected by clutter you may also want to read this post.
Hope this post helps you on your Empath journey.
Until next time.
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