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Vega (Present, 2nd Era) - Card of the Month - January 2024

Vega (Present, 2nd Era) - Card of the Month - January 2024

Card #24 | Vega (Present, 2nd Era) | Self-Discipline

Last month we spoke about the missed opportunity that humans had during the years of the pandemic to really change your perspective on the divisions in your world and take steps to bring your people together.

This card continues with that same theme to embrace the ACTIONS that you can take that can change the polarity and fragmentation on your world. In reality though, we are referring more to NONaction rather than action, as you will see below. Let us explain what we mean.

When there is resistance to the changes needed to move into a fourth density reality as you are seeing in your world now, there is an easily seen pattern one can witness in the collective consciousness. The pattern has to do with reactivity. The third-density version of the human ego has a simple purpose—to protect you from change, keep you feeling safe, and build perspectives that keep your inner stories intact. (Those inner stories reinforce the fragmented and polarized reality so that evolution does not unfold). As the frequency rises and you begin entering a fourth-density reality, an immense amount of psychological pressure can be felt. The ego resists, but this pressure must be released somehow. The easiest way to temporarily release it is for the ego to habitually react to perceived threats. Without the person understanding this evolutionary mechanism and interrupting the circuit so to speak, they get caught in a cycle of constant reactivity. You see this online in your social media. The result is a constant cycle in which people become so sensitive to perceived threats that they become hyper-reactive, no matter how distorted their perception is of the actual event. How does this cycle end? What can you do to interrupt this destructive cycle?

This card with the theme of self-discipline refers to the necessary next step in evolution for all beings moving from a third to a fourth density reality. The self-discipline we refer to is not some obscure austere practice as one might see in a temple or monastery. It has to do with learning to see one’s ego with neutral eyes and choosing not to empower it. This includes learning how it reacts when it feels threatened, and learning what its wounds are (many from childhood). These lessons help you begin to navigate through life not from pure reaction (unconscious), but from conscious action that supports integration rather than separation.

We are not saying that this is easy. The ego’s terrain can be likened to a house of distorted mirrors filled with spoiled children. It is very difficult to see oneself clearly when one is reacting from unhealed energies within. Humans may even convince themselves that they are acting from their higher nature, when in fact the ego is disguising itself in the costume of higher vibrations that are shallow at best. The mind is a great ally of the ego, in that it will construct elaborate stories to support and protect its wounds. We don’t mean to depress you! 

When we speak of reactivity, we aren’t just talking about reacting to another person’s actions. We are also talking about perceptions of reality that have been built as a result of the ego’s wounds. An example of this is when one constantly views reality through the lens of victimization. So, what can you do when you are trying to heal these old egoic patterns of reactivity? The advice we have may sound simplistic. (The ego prefers complex solutions that keep you in the mind, and that never really heals anything.) First step: Slow down. Take a breath. Feel the impulse to react as you normally would, but do not follow through. Keep breathing. Let yourself feel a response that may seem counterintuitive to your normal reaction. If nothing comes, be still, and stay conscious of any old patterns that try to stealthily reemerge. As you refuse to empower the reactivity, it is like slowly killing the roots of an invasive weed. New pathways within you are created, and these new pathways become more integrative rather than polarized.

To your ancient Vegan ancestors, this was the key to the development of their self-discipline. It is what built a new pathway out of the mind and helped to integrate the mind and heart, which then opened their emotional bodies in unexpected and joyful ways. They began to see their egos as being like a child having a tantrum, and they learned to cease to enforce those pathways, resulting in the building of a more constructive relationship with the ego. This led to the first big steps in ego transformation as a species. And of course, when the ego transforms, so does the heart – which is freed to express its true nature through an infinite abundance of love and self-acceptance.

Germane -- through Lyssa Royal Holt

Inspired By The Galactic Heritage Cards

Every month, we "randomly" pick a card from the Galactic Heritage Cards deck, and Lyssa (with Germane's help) channels a message for that card that is appropriate at that time.


www.lyssaroyal.net | www.solischool.org
For more information about the card meanings, go to Lyssa's YouTube channel here
Lyssa Royal Holt has been a seminar leader, channel, and author since 1985. She is the co-director, with her husband Ronald Holt, of Seed of Life Institute LLC and the SOLi School, an organization whose primary purpose is to assist individuals to understand the nature of consciousness and to put this understanding into practice in daily life – providing a road map to the process of realizing the true Awareness beyond the human identity. 

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