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February 2025 Card: Lyra - Courageousness
Written by Lyssa Royal

Card #15 | Lyra (Present, 2nd Era) | Courageousness
When a civilization is expressing 3rd density consciousness, it is young and often focused on survival. Therefore, following the crowd, not standing out, and suppressing the true self for the sake of a community was something that could actually be necessary for survival and growth. As you moved toward the 4th density shift (as you’ve seen in the last 50 or so years), that way of being could no longer be sustained. Fourth-density consciousness compels you to move in the direction of your True Self. If you don’t, reality can become very painful.
When we say, “True Self,” what do we mean? This idea has a dual meaning. At first, from a third-density perspective, it means learning about who you are as a soul naturally, and how that uniqueness can be expressed through your individuality in a human body—even if your natural self goes against who society tells you that you should be. That is only one layer, but it is a necessary one for your evolution. However, once you have come to peace with expressing this superficial layer of “True Self,” the evolving human will then come upon another conundrum. They find that being their true self on the human level isn’t enough, because at times it can be simply an ego expression. When this discontent arises, it is a sign that you are ready to move to the next layer and discover a more authentic understanding of what “True Self” means.
Who you are as a human, even authentically expressed, is NOT who you really are. A human life is but the ocean expressing itself as a single drop, convincing itself that it is separate. That drop will always return to the ocean. Therefore, at this deeper layer, your authenticity begins to be expressed through the recognition of yourself as that drop and thus, the ocean itself. You begin to resonate and identify more with the ocean rather than the shape of the drop (i.e., the unique human character). As this recognition begins happening en masse, a civilization changes and its trajectory into fourth density is assured. Your civilization is heading in this direction, but you are not there yet.
So, what does this philosophical lecture have to do with the theme of this card, Courageousness? It points to what quality is necessary for all humans to embrace as they encounter these two layers of “True Self.” Firstly, you will all eventually (this life or next) have to embrace who you naturally are as a human ego, with no judgment, comparison, or resistance. This is the first step, and so many of you have been actively working on this for the last decades. If you came into this life with qualities that you feel stop you from fitting into society’s mainstream, then what do you need in order to finally accept and love who you are? Courage. You must find the courage within you to navigate judgment from others as well as yourself. At some point you realize that embracing your True Self is more important than pleasing others or fitting in. But then, once you have accepted and loved this first layer of the True Self, it becomes time to let it go. There is no sense in reinforcing the drop of the ocean when your true potential is as the ocean itself.
The next layer of courage is even more challenging. Once you have begun to embrace your oceanic nature (rather than just your identity as a singular, unique drop), your vision clears. It is a natural process, but you begin to lose interest in the aspects of physical reality that reinforce the character, or the singular drop. This may take the form of no longer wanting to participate in society’s rituals whose true meanings have been lost, or spending more time alone. Whatever it is, we suspect that many of you have already gotten to this stage. (We are not talking about rejection of the world, for that is egoic in nature and not an authentic expression of True Self. We are speaking of a much more natural process that is nonpolarized). It takes courage to, in a sense, back away from the world while still engaging in it when it is needed. It is a delicate dance to have a foot in both worlds – the world of the ocean and the world of the individual drop – yet it is an inevitable phase of the evolution from 3rd to 4th density.
Your ancestors, the Lyrans, in their 3rd density phase, were very attached to reinforcing the need for everyone to adhere to whatever was seen as society’s norms. As their awakening began, it was at first difficult for them to let go of worrying about what others thought. This created much inner conflict. When the pressure became too much, they surrendered to the ocean. The memory of their awakening is also within you. In those times of challenge when you wonder if you have the courage to move forward into the ocean, tune into your ancient Lyran family. Their love and support echoes through time, directly into your heart.
Germane -- through Lyssa Royal Holt
Inspired By The Galactic Heritage Cards
Every month, we "randomly" pick a card from the Galactic Heritage Cards deck, and Lyssa (with Germane's help) channels a message for that card that is appropriate at that time.
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